Great Divide

Quick Facts





Level Range:
30 - 50

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The Great Divide is a mountain range home to many types of creatures - kodiaks, a nest of crystalline wurms, and the Tizmak Clan to name a few. Also here are a large Kromrif outpost, the city of Thurgadin, the tunnel entrance to Velketor's Labyrinth, and a tiny portal to Bristlebane's Plane of Mischief.
Passage to the Eastern WastesThe PortalWizard SpiresThurgadin Guard TowersBlizzent Strolls Along the Icy TundraKromrif FortressIn the Shardwurm CavesThe Mountainous Northern BoundaryIn the Kromrif OutpostTizmak CavesVelium MiningPortal to the Plane of Mischief
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Kodiak caves great for PL
# Feb 13 2021 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
3,032 posts
To PL a toon roughly 25-40, these caves are great. The kodiaks don't see invis, but they will aggro on a visible 115. Plus they respawn crazy fast. I didn't actually time it but must be less than 5 minutes. There are 16 of them total. Pop LotD on PLee, camp him out until a full spawn, round them up, build up aggro on the PLer with aoe snare and aoe debuff (they hate both, much more hate than the Plee can generate), log the PLee back in, pop an aoe spell or wield an aoe-procing weapon and Bob's Your Uncle! Camping out after each clear and you get about 12-15 full clears on one LotD. That's ~200+ red, yellow or white mobs giving about 20% of a level per mob. Actually don't even need LotD because at that pace they will green/grey out in a half hour. Plus at 40 or so better to move on the next hot zone and hope to find a camp equally fertile for XP.

Edited, Feb 13th 2021 9:46am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
COOR TO neg2350 132 neg30
# Nov 04 2019 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Behind the mountain wall, near the waterfall, and under the world there is a message:

neg2350 132 neg30

Does anyone know what this is for?
COOR TO neg2350 132 neg30
# May 11 2020 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
in the Great Divide at the end of the little stream that runs into the mountain,what was the name of this zone that after you click on the tiny castle behind the waterfall oppisite of the city?
COOR TO neg2350 132 neg30
# May 16 2020 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
skullbrainzz wrote:
in the Great Divide at the end of the little stream that runs into the mountain,what was the name of this zone that after you click on the tiny castle behind the waterfall oppisite of the city?

Plane of Mischief
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Current HZ
# Mar 15 2012 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
As of 3/15/2012 (Right before F2P)

The best way to start in the zone is with the Tizmak, these are Goatmen in the Tip-Top Northwest Caves of the map/Zone.

The Tizmak are the lowest level mobs (a variety conning between db, white, and yellow when I first came there at 29), and have zero effect on any relationships with the other factions of Vellious (Dragons, Giants, Dwarves). These guys gave great exp, combined with my lesson of the devoted and I was skyrocketing through levels, this is a great place to farm all the way to 35, but if you want to face even cons still, then read on.

Please note the tizmak are social creatures and will aggro if they see you attacking their brethren!

I would then recommend you move onto the Wurms (these have a lot more health than the tizmak, BE WARNED ADVENTURER) (in the center of the map, DON'T GO INTO THE CAVES THEMSELVES, these mobs will be RED, go the the the area south of the Caves, there should be a good amount of DB Wurms (young'ins) avoid the elders, they'll con red to you. After a couple levels you should be good to head up the the Stone Hive. (Vellious to PoK to Blightfire to Stone Hive)

This is saying that you don't want to ruin faction with the dwarves/giants/dragons.

Otherwise, the Coldain can be killed, as they should con DB to you, but I always try to preserve important factions (even old school) to the best of my ability.

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
Another alternative to the Great Divide.
# Apr 28 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
I took my mage here and this zone blew mega chunks. Kobolds went green in the last hot zone, and there are *few* mobs worth doing in that dungeon, and there was always like 3 people there...including some level 80ish...PLr's . That's why I went to Karnor's Castle. Old world mobs + clerbot + mage in full defiant? Please. My 46 mage (at the time) could tank those all day.

I'd go grab 4 - 6 mobs, bring 'em back, take the beating, and sic the pet on them, one by one. To get exp, you only need to do 1 point of damage to the mob. So, sic the earth pet, get all the mobs mad at pet (I luv oo damage shield), then sic pet on mob, give him like 2 seconds to root it and cast the elemental dot. I'd switch to each mob, and hit them all with that itty bitty dot once they were rooted. Now, you've damaged them all. ANd they're rooted, so they're not coming after you. Med back up (you're in combat, yeah, but you still get some mana with the +5 potions and basic intrinsic recharge rate.) When you hit FM, which is just about when they all are about dead...either polish them off with a small nuke, or go grab two more mobs or something. I don't know if this is possible with a regular cleric... but look...I did 2 drovalg captains, 3 sentrys and 2 guardians..all at the same time. Yeah, it was hairy at the end. I had to step in and tank for a sec since the cleric was OOM, but hey.. that's FUN to me.

Uber easy.

I tried POI at 46, 48, and 49. Mobs hit too hard for earth pet. If you get two mobs, you are screwed. Now, I'm thinking of doing Seb. Gotta get my new spells, for the 50's though. Heh.

Great thing abut Karnor's is no trains. No one was there, 'cept one or two people while I grabbed a few levels. The exp DOES suck, compared to a hot zone, but it's easy, and you get a lot of defiant drops and "random" good for tribute drops. Oh well...just a suggestion. :D

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 8:59pm by Bonesmasher

Edited, Apr 28th 2009 9:02pm by Bonesmasher
not that great
# Apr 28 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
for me its not really a great place to lv at 40 most are blue and under. It sucks as a hot zone.
Hot Zone
# Jan 07 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
This is now the 40-45 level hot zone as of January 2009.
Combat skill mob
# Jul 19 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I have heard of a mob that is supposedly ideal for raising combat skills; it has a ton of hit points, but very low damage output, however, it starts off combat with a massive damage dealer. So basically, if you can survive it's first "spell" or whatever, you can fight the thing low-risk forever.

I had heard it was a bear in the Great Divide, but the two named ones (Icetooth and the other one) don't sound like the correct mobs. Anyone have any idea who this mob is and where it can be located?

Edited, Mon Jul 19 14:27:33 2004
RE: Combat skill mob
# Aug 05 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds like a quest mob. they now have INSANE regen. their hit points are double to regular i belive. but they hit like normal.

bard solo
# Feb 23 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
this zone is great for a lvl 40+ bard. i went behind the gaints and used a drum got sow(i know, im a tratior) my dots were doing 140 damage a tick, just ran in cirlcles killing anything that argoed me, sometimes their would be druids near by, so i could get a chloroplast so even if i stoped to loot it was still ok cuz id get back to full hp while killing. i could get like 1% of a lvl a min. sometimes id charm a gaint and make him smack another one so they would both be at lower hp and kite would be faster, but they hit me more often than they hit them selfs. (weird, im less than half their size)
well, hope it helps to all you bard out their
Giant soloing
# Dec 29 2003 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
I have been soloing the Giant fort for the past week, as a level 51 Shammy with ok gear. At the SE corner of the fort there is an outcropping of rock up against the zone wall. Great place to pull to. No ads and good view of giants. Scout's con light blue, Berzerker's blue and Elite blue. Got my *** kicked by an Elite last nite. He broke my rooting spell just as the slowing spell wore off. He beat me into the ground before I could get off a spell. Hit very fast and very hard. Anyway, this is a great solo spot and the giants give good loot and Velius weapons and armor. XP is so so but average 50PP per hour there.
great divide Questions
# Oct 27 2003 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
would like to know what lvl you need to be to get in gd and what upgrade do you need i have pop but it will not allow me in at lvl 30 am i missing something or what. Please help me out
RE: great divide Questions
# Oct 28 2003 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Level 1 to enter.

Need Velious expansion.
working for melees
# Jun 15 2003 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
I might have skipped over it, but most of the posts have involved someone in the area with the ability to heal.. I'm a 33 monk and granted, I get mend once every 6 minutes, but nothing ultimatley reliable. I was curious if this would be a decent area to try soloing or if anybody on Saryrn reads this and knows if this is popular grouping area for mid 30's. I've spent the last couple days grouping in HHK and, while the exp is decent, it's time for new scenery. Gobbies are making me twitch, heh heh. Any help would be swell.

Also..there's a stone for GD in PoK...didn't see the sister stone on the EQAtlas map. Was curious where that would pop out at. I'll head out there tomorrow and get a /loc and post so I won't be the only one wearing cheap sunglasses.

Ok, went to GD and, after a heartwarming conversation with a dire wolf (dk blue con), decided atleast having a partner is the way to #23,941 for feign death. Once I got a partner..31 was much better. The dire wolf spawn is sometimes scarce and other times completely replaced by frost giant scouts (yellow con). Both the chanter and i agreed that modesty is indeed a virtue and strayed from the giants. The wolves dropped LQ furs quite often and were good for nearly a blue each. Coldain faction was raised with each kill, too. For all the monks out there..this is a great place to train safe fall as you're pulling. Heh heh, and, in worst case scenario..great for FD.
As promised, the /loc for the PoK book is -41, -1811, 393...Chieu's official summary, not the greatest exp for 2 low-30's focusing on dire wolves, but the scenery is neat and plenty of opportunities for skill-ups and working out kinks in group tactics. I'd go back.

Edited, Mon Jun 16 15:55:35 2003
RE: working for melees
# Jun 17 2003 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
The Overthere is pretty decent xp for 30's, we always need more melees, especially pulling melees who can avoid bringing 8 mobs at once.
anyone know this?
# Jun 09 2003 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
in THE GREAT DIVIDE when u come out from Thurgadin b4 u go out waterfall turn right hand
have a Thurgadin guard stand there if u can cast eyes. try to see thou wall you'll see
some message like this
neg2350 132 neg30 anyone have any idea what;s it?
anyone know this?
# Nov 04 2019 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have been trying to figure that out for ages, but I have never found anything.
29+ Druids and the Kodiaks
# Dec 18 2002 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to let you all know that if you have a 170+ wis, and 75+ cha, at 29th level you can EASILY solo kodiaks. Pull one out of the cave with ENsnare (the 10 minute one) and charm it. Tell it to guard the entrance right away as the pathing is all messed up. Pull another kodiak with ensnare, and sic your pet and Immolate on it. Once either one of the kodiaks gets to 20% life, break charm (easy for wood elves or halflings by hiding, a little more difficult for others, so have camo memmed.) and re-stick Immolate and Creeping Crud on the lowest one. Both will start to chase you, so you can either run around waiting for one to die, or fear (Terrorize Animal) the higher life one, and melee the lower one to death. Once fear wears off, or you kill the first one, just Immolate and Creeping Crud the second one, and run around waiting for it to die.

I started this right away when I hit 29th level, and I was only 29th for a little over an hour. I spent 2 hours and 11 minutes at 30th level, and am now 31st. With all the different types of kodiaks and level ranges, I'm sure this will take me all the way to 39th very quickly.
Making Rangers Very Happy
# Nov 29 2002 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
This is a very nice place for Rangers to solo. You head into the wild with Panic Animal, Harmony, and Snare and you have it made. You can fear kite kodiaks that are yellow, even red if you are L30(sow) and have at least half mana. Harmony anything that might interfere because alot of people avoid the area's south of Thurg, where the kodiaks spawn. Thus there are alot of wurms and YOU WANT TO AVOID THOSE, unless you are twinked beyond comparison. And extra 150dmg without a healer is nothing to laugh at when you've got to watch for it every other hit.

You can also make alot of money here if you are patient. Alot of people will hunt the Coldains for their heads but leave the other loot. If ya see one of these people doing this, just wait around to loot the velium weapons and scrolls. You can easily make 25pp a hour off of someone elses left overs.

If ya feel brave enough or are good at kiting without fear, go to the tizmaks. THey rarely drop anything but when they do its usually velium weapons which sell for 5pp if ya got good faction. They can hit hard without your damage sheilds, so you might want to weaken them with your bow if you got the spare arrows.

If you need faction just wander around and hit a giant with a bow once everytime you see someone else fighting one. You will not taunt it off them, nor take their kill, but you will get some faction. You can also do the shawl quests but I find the time spent getting heads and toes is a waste. As another note this is a nice place to help PL others, so long as they are low enough to just barely group with you. Your snare and flame lick will keep the taunt on you and if you fear kodiaks they will get XP from things that are usually red or yellow to them.

Good luck!
Kromrif Bones (No Drop)
# Aug 06 2002 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
Today I got a Drop of Kromrif Bones that are Magic No Drop and Lore from a standard FG Scout. Does anyone know what they are for? I have never had them drop before...

RE: Kromrif Bones (No Drop)
# Nov 26 2002 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
200 posts
Used for a bard quest in Skyshrine.
I am on it and will post the result when I get it. Still missing the bones:)
RE: Kromrif Bones (No Drop)
# Sep 25 2002 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
Trying to find out myself, when/if I do will post here
Quad Kiting in GD
# Feb 07 2002 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
I had great luck in GD quad kiting Dire Wolves from lvl 35 to 39. They were amazing experience, just be sure to keep an eye out for giants. The great thing about the dire wolves is that if you get aggroed by a giant, you can pull him to the coldain guards.

At lvl 39 (with 200+ Wisdom) I left the wolves and headed over to the Cave Kodiaks. This was awesome xp from 39 (about 2 blue per quad kite) up to 44. It is also a very easy pull from the kodiak caves. The close proximity to Velk's also gives a zone to run to if you get in trouble.

At 44 I would head to East Wastes for Ulthorks and Rhinos or stay in GD and kill shardwurms.

Just my 2cp. = )
RE: Quad Kiting in GD
# Aug 29 2002 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
I have to emphazise how good the wolfs and kodiaks are- went soloin from 35-44 in 3 days... wolfs are grt xp at 35 (about 4/5b a peice), drop fast, and are plantiful. the kodiaks (being a mage), well i just camp squat in their cave and kill all i see... problem with kodiaks is occasional Icetooth who could kick my as* at 39 =D
Solo Giants
# Jan 30 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
What lvl could a mage with 191 int (once i get my GEB's 200) solo giants?
Tizmak soling
# Jan 10 2002 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
Been up here before with my necro at lvl 26, tizmaks where doable but i died to much to make it worth the trouble.

Now i'm back at 29 and i solo strays around the south west side of the dragon ring, they do seem to resist my lvl 29 spells a bit much, dooming darkness has been resisted 3 times and fear 3 times to on the same blue mob, had to feign since pet was killed, still i have made almost half of 29 in a rather short time and made some money to, velium weapons sell for a bit and at 29 i don't have tons of cash in the bank :(

/Regards Berth (Thotamon 8th circle DE necro AB server)
Near Manafree Giant Killing
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
Hello, there. That necromancer aiming for an efficient kill is on the right track, but Asystole is quite unnecessary at 44.

Augment the pet, and transform into a Skeleton.
Drain Spirit
Dooming Darkness
Invoke Fear

Those're the only combat-oriented spells that need to be memorized. Sit next to the tree near the EW zone, and pull a giant with darkness. Sick the augmented Level 44 Summons on it, and promptly Invoke Fear.

Sit, and meditate until Fear wears off. If the giant has around 20% health remaining, and fear wears off, don't bother re-fearing. The pet will murder it.

Drain Spirit the thing if you're down by a bubble.

I expend less than a bubble of mana per giant, and am ussually constrained only by the Pet health, rebuffing with Augment Death, or recasting Shielding.

Spirit of Wolf is a plus, but quite unnecessary. Simply tell the pet to guard you if you don't have it. Sick the pet first, Darkness until it sticks, and fear. Easy as that.

Ranger Hunting
# Nov 12 2001 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Okay guys been soloing Tizzies since level 32 all the way up to 36. Once I reached 36 I have started fear kiting the wolves. The statue be the river is a good safe place for you to solo at as a Ranger. Wurm groups are okay but I dislike them because it is slow and takes a really good group to do it. If you do not mind the sucky loot take on the kodiaks and fear kite them too. Can't wait till I am secure with 39 then I am headed to hunt some Ry Gorr Orcs..
coldin and giants war.
# Oct 14 2001 at 5:03 AM Rating: Default
I just saw the war between coldin and the giants this afternoon. Just wondering if this is part of some quest? or any information related to it would be appreciated.
RE: coldin and giants war.
# Nov 14 2001 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Okay when does this usually happen would love to see this big event. Anyone have any clue to as how it gets activated????
RE: coldin and giants war.
# Oct 17 2001 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
It was the quest that has the tenth ring. Tyknee was finishing his quest and the battle was furious! Though I was unsuccessfully trying to acquire my 44th level Celestrial Healing from the Wurms I was lucky enough to become involved in the fight! If you ever get involved with something like that make sure you drop clip to lolwest possible levels and anything else you can do to limit unnecessary data tranafers. I unfortunately spent more time trying to get back in the fight then being in the fight. One thing that thrilled me beyond belief and made it all worthwhile was that I managed to cast a complete heal on Tyknee once when he was very low HP. Couldn't cast during the last couple of minutes as lag was incredible, but if you ever get a chance to help in something like that do it, you'll have the greatest of adventures!
RE: coldin and giants war.
# Aug 29 2002 at 12:26 AM Rating: Default
Heres a sad story- heard the war was gonna comence while killin kodiaks so i quit my work and went to watch. the zone caved in we were all LDed, we got back and watched the event to take place, only to see it all bugged up (wrong giants spawning, coldains doin gay things) all over te place... waited for a GM for 4 hours to fix the problem, when we got one, he said the zone had to be reset so we were all rolled back and didnt even get to do the war (felt bad for niffe) =(
Tizmak hunting
# Oct 09 2001 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
I also agree with the posts about tizmak hunting. I took my level 30 ranger here for the first time. I usually pick warriors or champions (conning blue). Soloing them is easy. Just harmonize a group, snare one, DoT it, kite with bow, repeat. When the tizmak finally closes in, it's easily bashable. I usually pulled down near the guard towers to Thurg. Great exp and not too much loot to weigh one down :)

Padro Caballero
30th Level Ranger
Karana Server
# Oct 03 2001 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
Just wanted to say I took my level 30 druid there today and easily kitable with SoW, Harmony for second tizmak at entrance, ensnare, And then combust em till dead easy and Awesome XP
RE: Tizmaks
# Dec 03 2001 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
The Great Divide is really a great zone for anyone from high 20's to mid 30's if you know what to fight. The only place I found better for experience is The Overthere in Kunark. However, unlike The Overthere, this place is so convient and easy to get to. Thurgadin is only a skip-hop-and a jump away for banking and shopping. You can port into the GD via druid ring (key is easy to get) or zone in from The Eastern Waste (easy on sow). Unlike, The Overthere, I never have to worry about "GOONS!!!" nor the inconvience of crossing Frontiere Mountain, getting lost and running into mobs like a Bonecharmer (instant death). The Overthere is still, in my opinion, the best 30's zone if you don't mind the hassle of getting there, but if you want a nice alternative the Tizmaks is a wonderful experience.
RE: Tizmaks
# Nov 12 2001 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
I can say this for 30 to 35 for Rangers hunt the Tizmaks. They are very easy to kite with bow and by the time the do catch you, you can hit it a couple of times and they drop. Also the Tizmak armor is nice to sell to newbies.
On the subject of Agro Casters....
# Sep 18 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
was teamed in Rathe mountains (Paladin, Shaman, Druid, Ranger and for the first time added a Wizard.)

BW (before Wizard) my taunting and rooting was enough to keep the Rathe Mountain Giant busy, and the Shaman was able to dot, slow, heal, DD, whatever, and I rarely had to chase after it.

Well, after adding the Wizard, it was like fear kiting, as the Wizard ran around, and I whacked and taunted, trying to get the agro back on me. (Maxed taunt for level 37 now). It was really tough to get the Giant's attention. So I came up with this plan after I saw the trouble we were having.

Pull Giant
Root Giant (which I always do anyway)
THEN Flash of Light.
Wizzie Nukes to heart's delight, with no agro as the Giant, being blinded, whacks on me.

This should work with the Velious Giants too. (blind them to keep them from chasing your caster)
My Shaman experimented with blind kiting in everfrost, but mommas are so sought after, it was hard to keep people from KSing them, so I abandoned that tactic. But, in a larger spot, Blind, Dot, Blind, Nuke should be an effective alternative to fear since Shaman cannot kite like a druid, and ROOT/ROT is soooo boring.
RE: On the subject of Agro Casters....
# Jul 19 2002 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
I use stun as it adversly affects the Mob.. while helping your healers. It also builds up a lot of agrro for you, even if it is resisted. Remember when you got stunned all the time, didn't that suck.. payback time.

Adyeana Pureheart
Pally 36 LFG
Fenin Ro
# Sep 18 2001 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
Can anyone give me some information about camping the wurms? Could a 40 druid and a 39 necro solo one or two???? Or at least some of the lower ones. Any information would be great.
RE: Wurms
# Feb 06 2003 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
This is in response to an old post, but still applies. I've been hunting wurms in the tunnels lately, I'm level 47 cleric. Been duoing with a 51 necro or even trio with him and 52 mage.

We camp the "crystaline wurm" room....the largest room on EQAtlas's map. The crystalines are dark blue to us all, but must be low end of DB for the 51 and 52 guys. Trick we use is to take them out one at a time in a counterclockwise fashion. We don't pull them, just kill at their spawn point. The neighboring wurms don't aggro, and the wanderers in the hallway don't come into the room (they just poke their head in and leave).

I would expect that a group in the 40-44 range would do ok here too. Just work your way around the room one at a time. Didnt time the spawns with a watch, but probably around 15 min spawn time.

Hope this helps...
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