Solo'd this guy at 32, Had KEI though, snared, root,crud, immolate, combust, etc. Had no mana left when he was down to about 8% hp, so had to do the melee thing, was red to me
The level requirement for KEI was not in effect then. Any level could, and did, get KEI. The level requirement is a change as of several months ago (8 months?).
It seems that now the Broodmother is fixed so it can be taken to the giant fort for the leggings. I was watching it being done just last night and the players who were doing it said that it was working. Hope that helps.
I just solo'd the Blood Wolf today right after i dinged 37. Was white to me. I used snare and panic animal but i still had to lead the guy to around 6 different wolfmaters and tracking wolves. He took them all out pretty easily. I ended up getting him at the end but was left with 30% hp and 30% mana. Definitly a major undercon. Now if that damn broodmother would stop being bugged i'd go get my leggings.
Heilos Stormchaser 37th Ranger of the Glade Divine Aura on Brell Serilis
Guild was killin some stuff in kael, this dropped and no one needed so i got... Dropped off either Wolfmaster somethingorother's pet, or an add that came with him... a wolfy, didnt really notice it, but i be getting my legs soon hopefully, time to replace rotten old gator legs
Used in at least one quest I know of, a druid one. Yields some very nice leggings.
Interestingly, I was handed one of these once in the North FP bank. I though nothing of it until two months later when I saw one of these selling in EC for 250pp, and did the same myself. Hehe.
Sure Shaman can get 200 WIS, though it takes nice equipment. I'm lvl 45 shaman, and my WIS is currently 192. I'm wearing WIS 4 boots, which I could add 5 to if I wanted to buy Efreeti boots, so that alone would get me to 199. I've got a WIS 3 belt--so getting a Reed belt would add 2 more points, getting me over 200 right there. And my BP sucks right now-- there are plenty out there with better than 4 WIS on them. But, almost all the best WIS items are from either Velious or from The Planes, and they are all quite tough to get, and either no-drop or very expensive to buy. So start saving those plat pieces now...
This item is a component for the Kromriff Military Leggings quest (very nice for priest classes). You turn the harness and a Gem of Persuasion in to the Broodmother to initiate the final part of the quest. You can look up the rest of it here, it's definatly for level 45 or higher, depending on how much help you have to kill the final enemy.