been a long time ******** with these guys, so had to look up and lo and behold there was a location, however after a while, decided to look up again and found out that the location listed is way off. The location to go to is minus 984, Plus 1520.
Started soloing these with my Sk starting about 34. Not easy by any streach of the immagination for a non twink, but once you get the spawn broken, its not that hard. Fear usually would be resisted at least once, but rarely had a problem getting Darkness to stick. I kept both darknesses up, so if one was rested, I could try the lower level one. Need to snare if fear kiting, because they run fast. Once I got to the level to have Heart Flutter, I could solo these without ever laying a sword on them. Snare, dot, fear dot med and repeat. Could do 2 at once with a pet up, but I would be OOm before the second was dead, and be forced to tank the second for about the last 1/5. Erudite SK in Sentient rules for soloing. :-)
I am soloing these with my 25 druid wihtout any prob. The warriors con yellow to me i simply harmony then snare pull then dot then nuke till it dies while i run away. Very easy to kill and great exp at 25. I have no idea about the loot none of them I have killed have dropped anything
hehe....I hit the enter button to fast. But anyway I was hunting these guys last night with my lvl33 wizzy. I found out the hard way that root is highly resisted. be for I could get a spell off he was on me. I ran for the city but I was just not fast enuff. I also had SoW (buff), & was still to slow.
I am 29 Druid on Saryrn, and have been soloing blue Tizmak Warriors for about 1/2 of this level. I tried Immolate (fire based DoT) and Ensnaring Roots to start with, but it seems these guys have a VERY high resist to these, I can almost never get them to stick. BUT, my Creeping Crud and Ensnare work almost every time. So I just snare and Dot, then run them around blasting with Combust every once in a while. With wolf form I can quickly run out of range and med between blasts too. Usually takes about 3/4 of a bubble of mana and about 2-3 minutes, more or less depending an how many Combust blasts I put in. I am working an reducing the amount of mana each kill takes, maybe a few more ticks medding between blasts...
Can a 33 Magician solo these critters or are they hard? I dont like resisters because then my pet cant cast root and i die =( Also how hard do Tizmaks hit?
Im a level 31 mage and I seem to be soloing the Tizmaks. They are blue to me. I am sure if I had a couple more levels it would be easier. I seem to use about 50-60% ofmy mana and my earthpet from either nuking, DS the pet, or casting Renew Summoning.
The warriors seem to hit a max of 56 against my pet. Averaging about 35-40 I would say. Champions seem to hit at most 59. All using 29 earth pet.