Temple of Veeshan

Quick Facts





Level Range:
46 - 65

Send a correction
This giant temple is home to some of the mightiest dragons of Velious.

The south (entrance) and west wings are aligned with the Claws of Veeshan and thus safe assuming you are an ally. In the east wing are the testing halls with aggressive dragonkin, while in the north are the Guardians of Veeshan who are not particularly fond of visitors.

Level 46 is required to enter the zone.
Welcome to the Temple of VeeshanThe Main CorridorBaby DrakesThe HubDeep in the Forbidden WingVulak's TowerGreeting Visitors to the Northern WingZemm and Company Guard the Halls of TestingThe Formidable Lord VyemmTesting HallsJorlleag and Lady NevederiaNorthern-Most Exit
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- Temple of Veeshan will now spawn a pickzone if it reaches
# Nov 09 2022 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
583 posts
As of 11/8/22 Test Patch - Temple of Veeshan will now spawn a pickzone if it reaches 25 players.
lvl 46 required
# Oct 24 2020 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
The level range indicated here seems to be pretty rigid on the bottom end. I have not been able to get a character under lvl 46 into ToV to early twink. You try to click in and it ports you to the zone succor and says something along the lines of "This zone is not ready for visitors yet. Please try again in a while." I put in tickets and the GM's said there was no level requirement but that's how it works. Multiple characters, multiple accounts, weeks apart. Brought over a 45 and 46 and the 46 finally could get in and the 45 got ported to the succor again.

In a game where ToV is never going to be raid content again and it's purpose is nostalgia and twinking out alts, when the game is now geared to help level people to 100 asap, it seems silly. Especially as I can bring a lvl 1 into sleepers tomb, though they can't use the primal weapons until lvl 55. I now use Luclin Tawro and his opposite to weapon equip lvl 1 characters, cloak of flames, and then just defiant gear until 46 when it's ToV for those harder to get items: necks, belts, ears, rings, masks. Once 55 hits, primals until lvl 70 defiant weapons then I can swap in and out for avatar from there, FoS/HoT armour upgrades from there.

Edited, Oct 24th 2020 4:13pm by NakorsReprieve
lvl 46 required
# Nov 02 2020 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
You can get any level character into the zone using a fellowship campfire.
PoM zone in?
# Apr 04 2019 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
is there a way to get to here though PoM?
Fyreman of Test and Member of Root Down 114 Dark Elf Magician
PoM zone in?
# Oct 05 2021 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
380 posts
PoK => GD
GD => PoM
PoM => CS
CS => SG
SG => WW
WW => ToV
Cookie, Antonius Bayles rangeress http://eqtoonx.free.fr/
PoM zone in?
# Oct 30 2019 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
No. Only through Western Wastes.
~~Fenthen Jus'taceio
60th Cleric, Xegony
Level 1 Twinking
# Jun 28 2013 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Most players frown on this but in todays EQ some have to fill that void of boredom.
It is possible to twink a Level 1 character here.
Faction is needed first. you can do this by getting some Derakor the Vindicator hits.
Save all the Giant warrior Hemets you can get your hands on. I saved about 150 of them. Turned them in too Lieutenant Milven is Skyshrine.
Make sure you get a couple of Vindi factions hits first before turning these in otherwise you will be KoS with Milven.
Also Make sure the level 1 is grouped with another character while turning these in or you will find that the experience hits will level you.
Once you have Ally faction have your alts or friends set up a campfire in ToV this way your Level 1 can just gate inside.
The rest is killing the appropriate Named for your quests and have the lvl 1 loot.
Expect to spend weeks in ToV collecting everything you need.

Good Luck.
Level 1 Twinking
# Feb 28 2021 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
Of note: Faction does not matter in North Temple of Veeshan.

Leerah of Povar
Fight smarter not harder.
Level 1 Twinking
# Apr 01 2019 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
157 posts
that sounds so fun, have a level one and take months getting full tov geared when it takes you like 3 hours to go from 1-80. Great use of time and resources, then you can have a level one with 3000 hit points and impress yourself cause no one else will be.
Level 1 Twinking
# Sep 29 2023 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I have seven level 80 characters....lol I stopped at level 80 because the game beyond 80 is not interesting to me.

Not everyone finds fun the same way....
Level 1 Twinking
# Nov 10 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
First, No. Just no.
Second, Why is everything NO DROP?
Third, Wouldn't Plane of Growth be a better place for a twink, esp my twink BRD? I mean, I don't think anything is even KOS
Fourth, Getting a Lv.1 here just seems insurmountably impossible
Fifth, I thought (Ancient) Cloak of Flames dropped here?

Level 1 Twinking
# Feb 17 2018 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Um... yes!

Who are you to tell people how to have fun? I for one love twinking out lower levels and this is no different.... albeit a bit more extreme lol.

Getting a toon to WL, KD and SS with a level 1 is super easy if you have help and/or another account or two. CoH, ports, evac, invis, sow, I could go on and on.

Once on Povar, I created a ranger mid-raid because a 41% haste dagger was going to rot on the Cursed cycle. And I got him there in 10 minutes, CoH'd to site, looted it with my level 1 ranger....whom I later levelled to 66.

Don't assume just because you don't want to do somwthing, other people dont want to do it either.
Level 1 Twinking
# Feb 28 2021 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
I campfired a level 1 ranger in to loot Dagarn's bow that someone had let rot!

Lee of Povar
Fight smarter not harder.
ToV camps/ Tracking limits.
# Apr 30 2013 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
On my server mobs like Dagarn stay perma-camped. Lol..wannabe rangers hehe.
***With max aa's in tracking you can pretty much track about 80-90% of the zone from most areas if you are a ranger. I'd guess maybe 70% tops for other tracking classes***
***Lev doesn't work here in any form, and many mob DO see invisibilty, contrary to older posts.
If you are not familiar with this zone, Mapfiend and other EQ map sites have good maps for ToV.
***There is at least 1 way to get from the north wing to the south w/o zoning out--but I'll leave it to you to figure out how to :P lol. Good luck! It can be done!
*** Many named mobs here are on standard Velious raid timers of 72-84 hrs from last kill.
***There is no way out of the chasm if you fall in..other than death/ gate/ TL/ port..or egress at least.*** Happy Hunting..there are some really good twink items if you have a lowbie in a fellowship***

Edited, Jun 27th 2013 11:23pm by ThefirstFeid
ToV camps/ Tracking limits.
# Aug 04 2013 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
159 posts
ThefirstFeid wrote:
On my server mobs like Dagarn stay perma-camped. Lol..wannabe rangers hehe.
***With max aa's in tracking you can pretty much track about 80-90% of the zone from most areas if you are a ranger. I'd guess maybe 70% tops for other tracking classes***
***Lev doesn't work here in any form, and many mob DO see invisibilty, contrary to older posts.
If you are not familiar with this zone, Mapfiend and other EQ map sites have good maps for ToV.
***There is at least 1 way to get from the north wing to the south w/o zoning out--but I'll leave it to you to figure out how to :P lol. Good luck! It can be done!
*** Many named mobs here are on standard Velious raid timers of 72-84 hrs from last kill.
***There is no way out of the chasm if you fall in..other than death/ gate/ TL/ port..or egress at least.*** Happy Hunting..there are some really good twink items if you have a lowbie in a fellowship***

Edited, Jun 27th 2013 11:23pm by ThefirstFeid

How do you get from the North wing to the South wing without zoning ?
From North to South.
# Aug 06 2014 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
I know it's been quite some time on a reply, but here's how to make the jump from north to south w/o zoning out. At the cauldron by the top of the stairs on either side directly in front of the drop off point between north and south ends of the zone, there's a spot in the corner near the cauldron where you can run and jump to the edge of the drop-off..from there it's a casual stroll back to anywhere in the south end u wanna go..good luck :)..btw it might (or might not) take a few practice jumps..the spot I'm talking about is directly in front of Aary's spawn point, in case you hadn't figured that out hehe.
ToV camps/ Tracking limits.
# Nov 15 2013 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I use these: Rocketeer Boots, but perhaps there is another way.
No Level Requirement
# Jan 14 2013 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
Popped in the zone last night to see which, if any, named were up. Somebody had a level 1 parked at the zone in with no campfire present anywhere, so I'd safely assume they have removed the minimum level of 46 for ToV (don't understand why people still insist on calling this zone NToV..there is nothing new about this zone anymore (shy of some new mobs that have popped up recently). That's like calling your car new after you've had it for 6 years lol.
No Level Requirement
# Jun 21 2013 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
ThefirstFeid wrote:
Popped in the zone last night to see which, if any, named were up. Somebody had a level 1 parked at the zone in with no campfire present anywhere, so I'd safely assume they have removed the minimum level of 46 for ToV (don't understand why people still insist on calling this zone NToV..there is nothing new about this zone anymore (shy of some new mobs that have popped up recently). That's like calling your car new after you've had it for 6 years lol.

I tried to get a lvl 2 in there a couple of days ago by zoning in and it kept giving me an error. It kept throwing me outside of Sirens Grotto with the message "This zone is not ready for visitors try again later." The thing is my mage zoned in just fine and there were 3 people in the zone when I went in. I tried 3 tiems with the level 2 and each time it gave me the same error.
No Level Requirement
# Jan 15 2013 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
ThefirstFeid wrote:
Popped in the zone last night to see which, if any, named were up. Somebody had a level 1 parked at the zone in with no campfire present anywhere, so I'd safely assume they have removed the minimum level of 46 for ToV (don't understand why people still insist on calling this zone NToV..there is nothing new about this zone anymore (shy of some new mobs that have popped up recently). That's like calling your car new after you've had it for 6 years lol.

because NToV means North Temple of Veeshan lol ......
Spawn times
# Jun 03 2012 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
What are the spawn times of the lords and ladies?
Some named locs (but NtoV) to add in your maps
# Jan 10 2012 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
380 posts
Some named locs (but NtoV) to add in your maps in "templeveeshan_2.txt" file:

P 1699.4998, 648.9809, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Midayor 
P 1900.9446, 1040.4080, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Ymmeln 
P 1679.7378, 1039.3169, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Krigara 
P 1290.8765, 1079.9553, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Dozekar_the_Cursed 
P 498.2814, 971.7659, 0.0020,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Arreken_Skyward 
P 697.6981, 1080.1814, 0.0020,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Zemm 
P 210.7276, 691.4766, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Gozzrem 
P -1139.1191, 1068.6829, -139.9354,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Lendiniara_the_Keeper 
P 1079.7788, 1339.6464, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Essedera 
P 1599.6055, 1340.0963, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Grozzmel 
P 1419.9045, 1122.0931, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Lepethida 
P 1420.9181, 1039.3435, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Tavekalem 
P 1439.3938, 1320.0818, -19.9980,  0, 0, 127,  1,  Casalen

Cookie, Antonius Bayles rangeress http://eqtoonx.free.fr/
Lvl requirement
# Jun 13 2009 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
It has already been stated but the level requirement is 46 now, so even though gear has no level requirement to wear, you will need to be 46 to get it.

What a disappointment.
Lvl requirement
# Jun 28 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Try a campfire, if you have the toons for it. I have seen a 9 enchanter with an Ancient Wurm Hide Robe equipped, so it can be done.
Lvl requirement
# Jun 17 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
any player who wants
more out his
fee will undoubtedly
institute some
remedy for
entering the zone under level 46.

That is all.
# Mar 11 2009 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Does anyone know if the power of the mobs in this zone were revamped at one point or another? As with any other velious zone, I would expect this zone to be easy to breeze through on a 79 monk, but found it to be quite difficult... Hell, I wound up dying towards the end of the northern hall. The mobs got a pretty crazy amount of HPs and hit regularly in the 500s (except names, who hit generally in the 1k range).

On another note, does anyone know what level it is to access the zone for a char? I know there used to be no level flag on it and people used to farm the crap out of it for level 1 alts, but it won't allow me to enter on a level 1 character now. Any tips would be much appreciated!
# Mar 11 2009 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
According to some posts way down on this thread it is level 46 to enter this zone.
Fun if careful.
# Aug 10 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
I may not have stated clearly what I meant,or you may have misunderstood it-sorry if there was confusion.
What I meant to say was instead of turning right after walking down the hall from the spawn point of Vulak,(inside his little circle where he spawns)I go left towards Lady Mirenilla,(not right towards Lord Kreizenn's lair).I clear to her,and then I start the fight with her. At the moment I am doing this however Vulak Aerr is not yet up,as he only spawns when all the Lords and Lady dragons are dead.
She summons the dragons to your lap,not Vulak. I was hoping someone else had experianced this,however if the amount of company I get there is anything like on my server, I may not get an answer for a while. Smiley: frown
Shifting sight
# May 30 2008 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, so as the subject says, the spell is very fun and useful here. Mobs are so close together, i park my wiz just after the KoS wing, use eye to select a mob over the stairs, and then just hop around looking for all the names. Can check all but two with shifting sight. No need to track, and wizzies can port and evac themselves across. Vulak is not immune to shifting sight, so if you are bringing in someone to kill him, you can easily watch him, but you can NOT SS the little guy that pops on the bridge in front of him. SS has no distance limit, and does not need to be seen. I have stood at the succor point and watched the Vulak flight.

Edited, May 30th 2008 5:27am by ForlapThorninfoot
Stupid People bother me....
Fun if careful.
# Mar 13 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Ive been doing NToV for sometime. Ive killed Vulak and parked in his spawn area. Some days later, I come back,NToV is back up. I clear the area and roamers by Thylex(remember I camped at Vulaks spawn point). I move down to the pit with her. At some point during the fight she not only summons Aaryonar,2 additional bodyguards, and Lord Koi`Doken as well,right on your lap! I can confirm this as I've tried this 4 times. After that many gates and a couple wipes, this is not a random thing as I first thought. It is worth mentioning that she does not summon Lord Vyemm... they must not get along...so you've been warned
So,my question is this supposed to happen? Has anyone else experianced this? I did not try it to the right(Lord Kreizenn's side) Four times was enough for that experiment for me. I will stick to clearing it from zone in! Smiley: bah

Edited, Mar 13th 2008 8:12pm by MeritheContrary
Fun if careful.
# Mar 24 2008 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Vulak's script requires that you kill every named in NTOV prior to engaging, or else he will summon them into the fight. This has been a known part of the script for years upon years.

The reason you're not seeing Lord Vyemm being summoned, is because you're not killing the other dragons. He'll keep summoning more of them as you kill the ones that he summons initially until they're all dead.
Zoneing in
# Aug 16 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
i just tryed to zone my lvl 40 monk in to ToV for so i could log em out get a group and twink him but it told the the zone is not ready to accept people yet and booted me back to zone in. is there a key? level req? do u have to kill the gate keeper? or was the zone just crashed?
Zoneing in
# Nov 08 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
319 posts
To the best of my knowledge, TOV requires level 46 to zone in through the zone line in Western Wastes. I tried to get my necro in when she was level 10 or so, and couldn't. She was booted with an obscure text similar to what you received. The boot text did not specify an insufficent level for the necro. She was also teleported or zoned to the succor spot in WW as I recall. There were other people in TOV at the time (like my ranger) and the zone did not crash/was not crashing at the time. I am told all of the planes require level 46, and TOV is treated like a plane for this purpose.
Zoneing in
# Oct 13 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
The level requirement to zone in is 46.
Zoneing in
# Oct 07 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
that message usually means the zone is down, or is in the process of crashing. sorry for the late post.
Is there a key needed to enter Temple Veeshan?
# Jun 16 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
I can't get in for some reason and can't find any messages about keys to enter. I'm entering via the entrance from WW where the large dragon and all the statues sit.
RE: Is there a key needed to enter Temple Veeshan?
# Jun 16 2006 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
No key needed.
If it wont let you in by walking into the electricity, try clicking it.
Usually, I walk to the middle, turn, and click the pillars.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
# Nov 01 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
According to the loot lists for the zone, there are zerker equippable items.
... Zerkers are just OOL?
# Jul 22 2004 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
So I was reading about MQing a few chain items for a zerker friend who is nearing ally for turn in... as I can see there is ZERO info on zerker SS armor turn in? Any one tried this?

RE: ... Zerkers are just OOL?
# Jul 22 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
It wouldn't surprise me that there is no info, considering most of the Beserker info came in from higher-end people rushing thier toon through the game, ignoring places such as ToV.

If you want, check the turn in mobs all over Skyshrine, and see if any are for beserker. If so, hey, get your name on a link and put it up for the rest of the EQ community to see!
RE: ... Zerkers are just OOL?
# Jul 22 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
I'll see what I can do and be INFAMOUS like the rest of ya ALL :)

UPDATE- Just sent in pics of the SS boots - bracer and helm.

Edited, Thu Sep 2 17:51:07 2004
# May 03 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
can anyone tell me what wulak's max hit is ??
thx in advance
pathing changes?
# Dec 11 2003 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
19 posts
I've taken the exact same route to get to safe spot for COTH for months. Well, all of a sudden tonight I've died FOUR freakin times to ancient wyverns just beyond the first north door. Invis, uninvis, doesnt matter. Can anyone confirm whether or not there has been pathing changes here? Or that something is different?

Cuz this sucks and the raid will take about an hour longer now as a result.
RE: pathing changes?
# Feb 18 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
Get your CoV faction up.

Nuf' said.
RE: pathing changes?
# May 10 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
CoV wont do you any good in NToV, EVERYONE is KoS to the wyverns in there. And ya this is changed on innoruuk server as well but you can *sometimes* single file hugging right wall get throw that door and into that hallway. At least worked for me :)
# Nov 30 2003 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
Just a tip. If you plan to pull to the entrance, cast Grow on them or have them bring potions. Makes it easy to get back up the steps.
# Nov 02 2003 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Im a 55 rog with pretty poor resists cuz this is my first char and im a little broke. but i was wondering about waht lvl of resist do u need for the halls of testing?
RE: resist?
# Nov 21 2003 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Try to get them as close to 100 (without buffs) as you can. The higher your resists, the less damage you will take during battle.
RE: resist?
# Mar 20 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
try 150 unbuffed minimum.
Drop Guide
# Aug 26 2003 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
I had a link to a extensive study done showing what mobs in HOT dropped what blank armor items. These guys did hundreds of kills and documented what mobs drop what pieces what percent of the time. Anyone have that link?
Respawn Time?
# Aug 25 2003 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone tell me what the respawn rate is here? Is it like some planes where once its cleared it stays cleared for hours?

We as a guild will be attemptingthis for pretty much our first, itw ill be my first, so i am trying to find as much info. as possible.

Thank You.
RE: Respawn Time?
# Aug 25 2003 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
The Named dragons take a while to respawn, but in my experience in the Halls of Testing, you can't really "clear" the unnamed mobs in time because the spawn rate is faster than the kill rate. Of course, with an uber guild going full on, you could probably clear the place, but it wouldn't stay clear for long.
Pulling the HoT Area
# Aug 16 2003 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like any information the people have to give on pulling in HoT. As much probs i've seen in the area seems like there would be more info on it. I have been to ToV and done HoT 6 times, most time was spent on Cr's.. Starting with how to break in to the best way to move threw it... Thanks :)
RE: Pulling the HoT Area
# Aug 23 2003 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
There is one main problem area, that being the pit, and how you handle it depends greatly on the makeup of your raid party. I'll give generic advice that you can tailor to your situation.

The pit has two static wurms and two roamers that pass through it as part of their pathing routes. Though they can be monk split through careful use of proximity aggro (it seems easiest to aggro them both, feign, let them return, then split with prox), the easiest way is to just pacify one of them and then pull the other one up top, killing it near the firepot in the corner. Once that's done, pull the other and repeat. At this point, we usually hang out for a bit and wait for the roamers to path through the pit, and pull them as they do so, thus not having to deal with them at some later point. If you get unlucky, and have a roamer pass through right as you aggro one of the pit wurms, just offtank it.

Once the pit is clear, people used to traditionally pull the nearby mobs to Dozekar's room, but recent changes to warping have made this a pain. Another method is to pull mobs up top near the entrance to HoT, which is quite doable, but requires a bit of practice to get the jump to work perfectly every time, and also results in VERY long pulls. The best method is probably crawling the dungeon, as the pulls are extremely short, and if you do it correctly, you can minimize or eliminate adds.

If you want to crawl, once the initial four mobs have been killed, send everyone into the pit and pull the mob that is right behind the south door. Once he's dead, have everyone move to the corner, and start carefully pulling the mobs in the south hallways, having the part move deeper as it gets cleared. If you can't handle adds, and the puller needs some room to work to split them, there are a few mobs behind the first two doors in the hallway to the south that are bunched up a bit closely, so have everyone stay in the pit while you pull these, and only move to the corner if you get a single that is too big to fit through the door.

Your first time or two crawling will be a bit scary, but after you've done it a bit, you'll know exactly where to expect adds and how to avoid them.

It helps greatly if you know where the mobs are before you get to them, so I use a version of this map that has been enhanced with a ton of notes from previous trips there. While it doesn't show where every mob spawns, it does show the vast majority of them, and you can make changes as you learn the zone.

One final thing, if you are with a raid that is able to kill one mob, but has no chance against two, you might want to try the north route instead. There are fewer mobs, and no named mobs on that route, but it is a bit easier to crawl through. We usually just go south first, and work our way all the way around and back to the pit, at which point it should have likely respawned, so you can repeat if you wish.
SoS and NToV
# Aug 10 2003 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
does anyone know if anything in NToV sees through shroud of stealth?
RE: SoS and NToV
# Mar 14 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
From what I understand the only thing that might see through SoS would be named mobs but even then most probably don't.
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