Acrylia Caverns

Quick Facts





Level Range:
40 - 60

Send a correction
Long ago, Khati Sha was a famed Vah Shir who enjoyed exploring. This love of exploration, however, was his downfall, as he was captured by the Shissar on one of his trips. Under the orders of Emperor Ssraeshza, he was brought in to the Shissar's temple to be interrogated, tortured, and experimented upon.

One of these experiments went very wrong, and in the accident both Khati Sha and his tormentors perished. All surviving records of the incident were sealed by Imperial order, and it is written that any further investigation into the incident would be considered treasonous.

The spirit of Khati Sha now resides in the Acrylia Caverns, located on the edge of the Grimling Forest just south of the Tenebrous Mountains. The Grimlings which control the area fear the retribution that would be unleashed if Khati Sha were to be made aware of the horrors committed upon him in the Shissars' temple. Therefore, much of Grimling legend consists of untruths -- lies to cover up a treacherous history of a once-great, famed Vah Shir.
Water SourceSacrificial CauldronShik`Nar CaveThey Are WatchingStatue of Khati ShaCorpsemasterEnslaved SpiritistInner Acrylia

Map File Locations:
P -401.4649, 213.4200, 33.0020, 0, 0, 0, 2, Click_rug_to_get_to_Grimling_Forest

P -146.7785, 691.3228, -1.3562, 0, 0, 0, 2, Click_statue_to_get_to_inner_acrylia

Strategy Notes:
Fellowship Campfires and Call of the Hero do not work in this zone.
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Post Comment
no campfires or COH
# Feb 06 2022 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Call of the Hero does not function in Acrylia Caverns. Campfires can be placed but not used in Acrylia Caverns, thus a campfire may be placed outside of the zone in Grimling Forest.
Getting to into and out of inner Acrylia
# Nov 04 2017 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
P -401.4649, 213.4200, 33.0020, 0, 0, 0, 2, Click_rug_to_get_to_Grimling_Forest
P -146.7785, 691.3228, -1.3562, 0, 0, 0, 2, Click_statue_to_get_to_inner_acrylia
2016 Guide for levelling in Acrylia Caverns
# Apr 01 2016 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
This is a quick guide to help anyone returning to EQ level from 45 to 60 or so. You want to Invis through the caves in Grimling Forest and zone into AC. There are some see invis mobs closer to the bottom but if you keep moving they path weird and should not catch you.

Stay up front at first and pull to the zoneline. There is a big room to the left with single pulls and caves to the right with multiples. Your merc can tank a couple of these at a time as long as you do not draw agro.

Around 48-49 I like to move through the gate in the caves that leads to the castle area. This part of the zone is nothing like some of the older posts in this thread, and the rules have changed a lot since the release of Luclin. Go through the gate and hug the left wall. You will come to a corner where you can see 6 undead Vah Shir atop some steps. There is one grimling roamer as well. Clear these guys, go up the stairs and to the left into a room with 4 grimlings. After clearing these guys there is a large room with a lava pit. The mob front and center is a ph/named and drops good loot. This area will take you to 50+.

Around 51-52 move through the door on the right, up the steps into a little room and after clearing it you can click on the stanchion that will take you to the other half of the castle. This area is awesome. There are 5 named down here and once you start moving around and get to know it, it is a lot of fun. The only mob I stay away from is the High Priest. He is a roamer in the main level big room and he will complete heal over and over. As you near 60 he will be much easier to kill. I clear upstairs, downstairs in the jails, the back room with the pit with a Vah Shir in it and the levels come fast.

One really cool thing about this zone is the "get out of jail free cards" they give you. There are several items in this deep dungeon area that you can click on and zone out to the zoneline in grimling forest at a safe spot. Then zone back in, invis up and head back down there. One is in the upstairs area and it is a tapestry on the wall. Another is what looks like a little seat with spikes sticking up out of it located in the back room with the Vah Shir down in the pit and the 2 guards standing over him. I think there is one back in the big lava room area next to the stanchion you click. There may be more, but those are the ones I used when in trouble. You can click on the items from across the room and if you get a message that you are not close enough to reach it then you know its a clickie zone out.

The 2 Vah Shir in the jail cells are part of a raid event or something... not sure, never messed with those guys and they do not agro. They will talk if you hail them.

It slows down at 58, but not so bad that you cant just stay there. I took the rogue to 62 here and collected 500 AA in the meantime. More recent characters of mine typically leave here at 60 and head to Plane of Fire. I will post a guide to how I work through PoF as well under the zone thread.

Hope this helps... its a dungeon crawl... but its solo with a merc (molo)... and rarely populated so you get the place to yourself. Enjoy!

Edited, Sep 16th 2019 2:22pm by Stageguy
additional locations
# Nov 22 2015 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
133 posts
P -171.0273, 279.0442, 2.5029, 240, 240, 240, 2, drawbridge
P -401.7797, 207.3111, 33.1582, 0, 240, 0, 3, Grimling_Forest
P -153.7068, 688.3695, -1.2011, 240, 240, 240, 3, to_Castle
Al'Kabor Information Only
# Aug 28 2011 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
263 posts
I am proud to say that the Summoner's Ring on Al'Kabor (Mac server) was defeated for the very first time on Sunday, August 28th (we have the original pre-revamp AC). Lots was learned about that ring event and the boss that spawns from it (there may be more than one boss, but yet to find out if there is a rare pop).

I need a placeholder quest made on the quests page for "Summoner's Ring", then mark it removed.

I also need a placeholder/page made up for "Witchdoctor Gnorgtarg". Please, name it acryliacaverns 1.0 - Witchdoctor Gnorgtarg then move that mob to the mob graveyard. Also, please add that mob to the Summoner's Ring and I'll add a bunch of information about drops, AoE, the encounter and so on within the next few days. Sadly or gladly however you wish to look at it, we found another drop that wasn't on Lucy.

another PL zone
# Mar 11 2009 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Okay, so a some of you probably noticed that I am posting a lot of these PL spots, but that is mainly because I like sharing my knowledge of old school eq content lol. Anyhoo, if you have a character that is 35+ and a high end druid, ranger, or cleric that you can use to PL yourself with a dmg shield, this is the spot to do it. I started PLing in this place today, and in two pulls I went from 38-44 on the lower level mobs (when you first zone in). The whole process of getting those 6 levels took a matter of ten minutes and like three heals the entire time, other than healing the char I was PLing to establish a firm agro on the train. When the character reaches about 50 or 51, you can move to the higher level mobs and do train pulls there. It might be a bit bigger of a pain because there is higher healers down there, but it is well worth it. You can get a crapload of aas and what not on the higher mobs, starting at 51, then go to 55 and aa more, then move to 60. You can go from 35-55 with max aas in a single day, or even in a few hours if you are doing train pulls and follow this process.
another PL zone
# May 17 2011 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
i am in the bamboo cage with the Spritist Kama Resan what do i say to here /how do i progress to the next leve if there is one
Selling items
# Jul 29 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I went on an ore run there and kept the loot, to make a list of what the items sell for. So here it is:

Impetus 2 5 7 1
Crippling 3 3 3 3
Wer 5 7 1 4
Drurn 2 0 0 0
Rathe 1 5 2 4
Dytl 0 9 5 2
Moull 3 6 1 9
Astral 2 5 7 1
Lomn 2 6 6 7
Buh 4 7 6 2
Gomn 1 4 2 9
Ap'Sagor 3 8 1 0
Lomn 2 6 6 7
Moull 3 6 1 9

Crude Filth Battle Staff 142 8 5 7
Crude Filth Covered Machete 142 8 5 7
Crude Filth Covered Stone Spear 142 8 5 7

Frimoir pages all were 1 1 4 3
There are several different ones that drop, but not a common drop.

Small brick of acrylia ore (stack 20) 3 4 7 6
Large brick of acrylia ore (stack 10) 10 4 7 6
Block of acrylia ore (stack 5) 31 4 2 9
Small piece of acrylia 0 5 6 1
Brick of black acrylia 0 9 5 2

Crippling Force 2 3 8 1
Odus 2 3 8 1
Bondage 1 5 2 4
Xegony 1 5 2 4
Requisition 2 3 8 1
Grappling 2 3 8 1
Acquistion (Beza) 2 3 8 1

Part of Zeannor's thesis 3 5 2 4
Two pages of this dropped but accidently destroyed one.

Sun Shard Pebble 0 0 1 0
Wing of Xegony 1 5 2 4
Grimling Toes 0 8 5 7
Peridot 9 5 2 4
Breath of Ro 1 5 2 4
Emerald 12 3 8 1
Dew Clover 3 6 1 9
Pearl 4 2 8 6
fast exit from bloodpriest room
# May 07 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
463 posts
I was exploring this zone with a trio of 57-58s; I'd never hunted much beyond the first few rooms before. We made our way to the bloodpriest's room and cleared it (no named up). Then we got to wondering how one is supposed to get out of the blood pool if you fall in. (Maybe you used to be able to jump out at the edges, but that's gotten a lot harder since swimming was changed a couple months ago, so we weren't sure it would work.) We sent in an Eye of Zomm to look around and saw a big red gem floating in the middle of the pool. So I invised, dove in (discovering that the blood is boiling, doing modest fire damage), and clicked on it. Turns out it's an instant exit to Grimling Forest at the AC zone line.

Are there other such portals in other parts of AC?
Sukrasisx (105 monk) / Terrwini (67 druid) / Teviron (59 shadowknight) / Wizbeau (36 wizard)
-- Mystic Coercion, EMarr
exiting lava
# Mar 19 2013 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
It's possible to climb up and out on the spikes at the Northen end as well, (if you dont want to run all the way back).
fast exit from bloodpriest room
# May 28 2007 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Yep... there's two in Inner Acrylia... one in the room with one of the named, and one in the room with the Sacrificial Cauldron.
Advanced item search
# May 02 2007 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
Would it be possible to reorganize the advanced item search to group all the items that drop off defunct quest into 1 group and show the current dropping items at top of page?
Hot Zone Aug
# Apr 24 2007 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Had a "HotZone" aug drop Heart of the Sky....Similar to this aug that drops in Dranik's Scar(Gold Shardstone):

Heart of the Sky:

AC +10
HP +40
Regen +1
Req Lvl 55
statue regarding entry to castle
# Dec 17 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
go towards grimling blood priest there will be a door on left and right go in door on right upstairs and you will see a statue... click on statue to get in castle.
statue regarding entry to castle
# May 10 2010 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
yes...yes it how do I get *out*? :)
*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
statue regarding entry to castle
# Sep 02 2015 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
In the upper level room with the cauldron, there's a draping/curtain on the north wall in a little cubby. Click that.

I hope you're not still stuck there. Better late than never, right?
Level to solo?
# Jul 01 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to farm here, but what level would I need to be to solo this? I'm a level 58 mage now. Thanks in advance.
Khati Sha the Twisted
# Feb 10 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to know if anyone has a stragety for her event. Step by Step. I haven't been able to find anyone that done this as of yet. Please any help would be greatly appriciated.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 16:48:56 2005
# Jan 02 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
I hate this place. It was going well but then out of no where I got mezzed and the mob made me go way deep in then I got rushed by like 10 mobs. I don't like this place anymore . I am sure I will go back but I still hate it.
Map Labels
# Sep 17 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
think this covers most of the named. I didn't list bloodmage's location, cause killing her is a waste of time ;)

P 40.9318, 655.1677, -18.2199, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_bloodpriest
P -614.0308, 273.0805, -2.9890, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_warlord
P 417.8857, 263.1386, -0.8933, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_ritualist
P -376.0474, 274.3236, -10.9980, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_arch_sage
P -390.7410, 238.1995, 33.0020, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_spiritist
P 484.3109, -187.5048, -4.9323, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_primalist
P -239.9041, 7.8153, -6.0492, 0, 0, 240, 3, a_grimling_arcanist
Blood Pool
# Aug 06 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
not having an active map try following my directions. Zone in take first right kill some grimlings, take second left and follow corridor killing more grimling open gate go down stairs, kill grimlings, skeletons and bugs. Keep left and go up the 3-way stair case into the area that looks like a PvP arena(wierd stones made into a pattern) ahead is a large room and grimlings drooling into a pool of blood. First time there so being Rogue blooded I investigate(Ok I'm a mage so I nuke first and check things out later). Grimlings dead spawn rate is a about 10 to 15 minutes, yet standing by the pool up spawns grimlings(are they swimming in blood? what is in Blood? Not having levitation or Call of the Hero makes exploring hard) So was wondering if some evac capable group has ever checked out the Blood Pool if so what are the results? Evac works but CoH doesn't(well not anymore at least). Cool zone, good loot, nice Exp even at 65 if you go inner area. Enchanters will be in heaven given all the pages that drop.

Oh as for getting into the Inner Zone go into the mentioned above room head right go to door(2 grimling guards) open door(looks like a gem)up stairs 3 or 4 grimlings inside kill these and med if not at full mana and hit points. Then as a group each person click on the Statue(pray that you never have to face this statue it looks nasty) you appear in a room(2 ways) ahead without stair wanders 2 grimlings that wander thru zone in area the corridor goes 3 ways right a door and a grimling, left a corridor and straight looks like stairs. Behind me in zone in is stairs BEWARE up stairs and into room 2 gaurds DB at 65 are posted and hidden from casual view. Small aggro radius at 65 when I walked into room and saw them and backpedddled REALLY fast. Non-targetable for a solo mage(no LOS)sure Scars of Sigil will go thru walls but you still get 2 pulls.(word of advice have 2 pet Heals loaded if soloing & Calliav might be nice too as well as gate). If you have Mastered AoE Maelstrom of Thunder is great(Evoc Specialist with Fabled Robes and Fury)3 chances to crit with a 900 base for cheap getting 2 targets. AoE, DoT Each(retarget pet on each before DoTing) and AoE again dead. Oh yeah and those 2 pet heals Planar and the 60th one(64th, 60th, 64th) no pet aug yet. Hope this helps.

Edited, Fri Aug 6 11:46:24 2004
update for shards
# Aug 28 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
Three of us went into Inner Acrylia last night (all 65 shaman, warrior, and druid). We got immediate aggro from the wanderers but had no real problems.

We were able to either single pull or root split the pulled mobs from the big room which is down the hall and to the left as you pop in. We camped right where you pop in after clicking on the statue.

Only got one big pull from the room when wanderers spawned at same time. The mobs appear to be on 15 minute timers. There is a named in the room that we left alone.

It took about 2 and a half hours for all of us to get our VT shards from drops off the sanctum guards.

Edited, Sat Aug 28 21:34:35 2004
maybe I am missing something here..
# Jul 12 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Can someone tell me exactly what to do to get into the inner part of the zone? Go into as much detail as possible if you can because after repeated searching through this site I can't find ANY detailed information at all, just things like "this is one of 4 or 5 quests for the key to the inner part of Acrylia Caverns" Of course that quest is supposedly not active anymore or something, and there is no key listed as a result of the quest..

I have no clue what to do at this point and as I get higher in level (should make 60 tonight) I want to start going in deeper to be able to hit dark blues instead of the light blues I am expecting the front area mobs will turn into. Any help is appreciated!
# May 17 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
346 posts
Fuond AC a great place for Acrylia ore, easily soloble by 58 pally on first few rooms as the mobs can still be pacified, if buffed with virtue and kei/voq the ritualist and primalist are not too hard and the drops are the best by far I soloed at my level, got both the acrylia Chestplate and Grimling skin mask from the pimalist.
The ore dropped from everything and a wise idea even as pally to bring a few weight reduction bags with you.
What I know so far
# Sep 01 2003 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
Have yet to figure out how to open the door.

The 2 jail cells below and the cauldron up above are all part a mob event. Takes groups in both area's to complete it. Only it attempted it once and it was a disaster hehe.

As far as getting out of inner acrylia if you go forward from the zone in point down the stairs to the very last room gate on your left and drop down the pit. Numerous mobs along the way.
RE: What I know so far
# Oct 15 2003 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
The trap door can't be accessed without doing Life/Death Ward event, leads to Khati Sha the Twisted (final mob for legend of Lies/Fused mneumonic of Khati sha quest)

[]Baracca'z Kat Toyz[/link]

Edited, Wed Oct 15 06:06:02 2003
RE: What I know so far
# Oct 15 2003 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
so how do ya get the trap door in the warlord room to open. My main is 64 bst and have hunted there forever(seems like) and that is one thing that still remains a mystery to me. have tried everything i can think of. If someone could let me know that would be greatly appreciated.
Lunasmoon Lifetempest
64th Beastlord
Legendary Chaos of the Nameless
RE: What I know so far
# Sep 03 2003 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
I dont know about "Dropping down". I did however go here and get my VT key shard last week. Once in Inner AC if ya go straight down hall ya zoned in at, it will go down a short hill and ya come to a dead end room. If ya look to your left you will see a Jail cell. if ya go in that cell on the right hand side, there is a Pin Cushion looking thing. Click it and youll exit back to GF right at AC zone in. Hope that helps, no need to jump in any holes :P
RE: What I know so far
# Oct 15 2003 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
The spiked Box/Pincushion thing is one of a few zoneouts, clicking some of the tapestries also zones out into GF, one by the sacrificial cauldron does

[]Baracca'z Kat Toyz[/link]
# Aug 25 2003 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
How do you open the floor in the Warlord room?

What is the deal with the 2 cells in the jail room?

What is the deal with the Sacrifical Caldouron?

Goofydoofy Goatspanker
125 Druid, 125 Enchanter, 125 Paladin, 17 Shaman, 29 Rogue
Celestial Naviagtors
Drinal - Maelin Starpyre Server
RE: Umm?
# Jun 07 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Since a few patches ago the vah shir that were in the cages now sit on the floor of the big hall beneath the balcony with the sacreficial cauldron. Anyone know if this is intentional or how it affects the script of the fight?

BTW Goof, any time you want to try the event and need some help let me know.

Sharrien Dreamstalker
Elder Feral Lord
Fantasy Awakened - Vazaelle
RE: Umm?
# Oct 15 2003 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
The 2 vah shir in cages are for the Life/Death Warder event in Inner AC,
once event is started you need to kill Spell Jammers to allow the vah shir to complete a chant/spell and get the Life Death wards to spawn,Life ward spawns here, Death Ward spawns bu the Sacrificial Cauldron, sacrifices head towards the cauldron once he pops, each one that makes it to cauldron heals the warders,
the life death wards must be killed to gain acess through floor as i understand it.
Floor is for access to Khati Sha the Twisted (final mob in Legend of Lies/fused mneumonic of Khati Sha quest)

[]Baracca'z Kat Toyz[/link]
great zone
# Aug 08 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
i am a 63 beastlord and have been hunting here since about 59...solo... the acrylia drops are frequent, the runes flow like wine and sell well.. and the crude filth covered weapons that drop sell for 142pp a piece, not bad for vendor fodder... most of the mobs in the front became light blue when i hit 62, and all are light blue at 63, but they are easily killed, so xp isnt bad, even at my lvl... as far as named mobs go.. there are several, and they all drop good stuff..

after zone in, hang a right, then in the first room on left, in the far left corner(to the right of the wooden cage lookin thing) a "grimling ritualist" will sometimes spawn.. he drops acrylic chainmail, and metallic grimling bones.. the bones blow, but the chainmail is nice..

if you go to the first room on the right the named mob is the grimling primalist, he spawns near the center of the room just to the right of the fire on a rock.. drops a bomb mask "grimling skin mask" and a decent acrylic brestplate...

the "blood room" which is further in, past the town, has a named mob "grimling bloodpriest" who will spawn in the center of all them(they are lined up along the edge of the pit) he dropped the blackened acrylia blade for me, though he also drops the greatsword im told...

very deep in(you have to click a statue in the room to he right of the blood room to get there) there are some named as well.. ive not spent much time in that area(its a lil iffy to solo, the mobs are 2x as tough as the ones you normally fight and their aggro is horrendous) i believe the named are the grimling arch mage, and a grimling arcanist.. not sure on their drops, but i think the grimling earbone drops off of one of them...

all in all this zone is great.. i could get better xp elsewhere at my lvl.. but considering i can make about 2k in a couple hours, and possibly get soem of the very nice loot there, i keep coming back to ac.. (not to mention the acrylia i need for my tailoring) if you are almost 60 or above, this zone is a must see...

P.S. for pulling i always start in the hall to the left of zone in, no roamers in it.. once youve cleared the area and started into one of the rooms, you can move camp to there.. just keep up on the spawns or they'll overrun you(quick spawn times :)
RE: great zone
# Aug 12 2003 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Nice post, maybe a bit more indepth would be helpful. Did you find a way out of the area that you get to via clicking the statue? I had to gate myself. Also do you know if the Archmage & Arcanist pop in the same area or where the Arcanist pops?
Ring of Fire?
# Jul 29 2003 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
I've been hearing things about a great place to hunt for good drops in here. This is what I've heard so far:

Some ring that triggers multiple series mobs "gauntlet style" (meaning each series of mobs is more numerous and possibly higher level). Each time you wipe out a series you can get 1 piece of good loot (don't know if person meant definite or just a chance). You do have time in between to heal/med/loot/etc, but if you stay you WILL eventually trigger the next series automatically.

Is this the Ring of Fire? If so, is my info correct? If you have been there and done this, please toss me either a quick lowdown or tell tell where to read the info online. One of the previous posts mentioned the Ring of Fire was only worthwhile place to hunt in zone for good loot/kill ratio, but I can't find specific info.

I play on a PvP server, and as all you others that also do so already know, crowding isn't an issue except for whatever zones are the newest to come out. A Luclin-era zone like this one is hardly ever camped in great numbers for exp, or even loot. I'm just curious for future guild functions, and some variety in my hunting. Thanks in advance.

61 Druid (i'm not even going to attempt the spelling of my current class name)
RE: Ring of Fire?
# Aug 01 2003 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
The Ring of Fire no longer works, as part of the revamp that included no longer needing a key to enter the zone. Haven't been there yet, so atm I can offer no more info.
just wondering
# Jul 24 2003 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
we are a group that works very well together.
We are all in the 40's, we have an enc, ranger, pally, wizzy with a possible druid, necro highest lvl is 48 lowest atm is 43. could this group do the zoneline here. alternate group is a cleric instead of the enc but that dosent seem to be a good trade.
Please let me know.
RE: just wondering
# Nov 18 2003 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Don't go there in your 40's cause it will get real ugly real fast. Best to wait until you're all low 50's. At least that way you'll have a fighting chance.

Good Luck,

58 Luminary
RE: just wondering
# Jul 28 2003 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I would say probably not... at that level, the mob at the zone in would end up eating you for lunch... One of the recent changes put a high level IA mob at the zone in on a 26 minute timer. it's only a single mob, but he hits in the 150 range and has an @$$load of HP's. Takes me ( 56 BL ) and my girlfriend ( 57 Druid ) a fair amount of effort to bring it down.... especially since there is a roamer that paths right next to it and 2 spawns that will pop as soon as the ZI mob starts to run ( Damn you Murphy, and your stupid law too ) Your Ench may have trouble mezzing here, as the mobs are fairly high level ( I still get a lot of resist messages ) and it is not possible to single pull here till 57.

Honestly, you'd be better off killing in the Taskmaster room in Echo Caverns till around 50, at that point, with the full group you described, it would probably give a good challenge with a MUCH lower chance for a wipe.
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