An Epic Request (Druid)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
Success Lockout Timer: 20:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Mar 17 11:54:00 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This task begins with Lady Carolline of Thex in Northern Felwithe. She is located at 0, -170 (on the balcony overlooking the entrance: you can use the Find Feature, CTRL+F, to get to her).

Initiating the Task

You say, 'Hail, Lady Carolline of Thex'

Lady Carolline of Thex smiles, trying to hide an obvious air of sadness, 'Greetings adventurer, such a lovely day isn't it?' The pained look on her face clearly gives away that something is [wrong].

You say, 'What's wrong?'

Lady Carolline of Thex says 'Wrong? Oh, nothing really. My beloved is off again on some [excursion] and has yet to return. I'm quite sure he will be fine though. How I miss our adventures together, the time we would spend exploring the hidden beauty of Norrath. We were especially fond of [Antonica].'

You say, 'Why were you fond of Antonica?'

Lady Carolline of Thex says 'A lovely land, despite the efforts of humans to ruin it...' The Koada`Dal's smile becomes more sincere. 'Lake Rathetear, oh the [stories] I could share of moonlit nights sitting on the docks. The noble aviaks keeping ardent guard over the sacred flame, the sunken towers and legend of the Megalodon...' She sighs and looks up to the sky.'

You say, 'What stories could you share?'

Lady Carolline of Thex blinks and looks back to you, her demeanor changing. 'Tell you what stranger, you come up with an [interesting tale] to distract me from my boredom, and I'll see if I can find something to [reward] you for your effort.'

You say, 'What reward would that be?'

Lady Carolline of Thex says 'Hmm, already pondering your riches before the effort of imagination? I suppose not many adventurers care to put any effort into their journeys these days.' The young high elf sighs. 'Anyway, what you will be rewarded with is something befitting a _____ such as yourself.'

You say, 'I have an interesting tale to tell'

Lady Carolline of Thex says, 'Something grand, truly epic and interesting! Just let me know when you've thought of a suitable story.'

You have been assigned the task 'An Epic Request'.

Be sure to carry your epic artifact with you!

Explore Locations

NOTE: There are 16 "explore" locations. Each location represents one class and, for that one class, will trigger an event. The other 15 classes only need to explore the location.

  • Explore the Stage of Baladric's Symphony 0/1 (Dreadlands)

    Task Window Says: Baldric Slezaf's tale is the pursuance of impossible beauty -- a symphony to rival the works of Ayonae Ro.

    /loc 780, 9690, 1070 (valley with the portals -- in a pyramid near Baldric Slezaf). For non-Bards, this is a simple location update. For Bards, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Valley of McArik's Reflection 0/1 (Lake of Ill Omen)

    Task Window Says: Keras McArik stands stoic in a valley east of what was once Veksar.

    /loc -225, -3535, 235 (near Keras McArik, due east of the center of the lake, near the zone boundary). For non-Berserkers, this is a simple location update. For Berserkers, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Depths Behind the Scaled Mystics 0/1 (East Cabilis)

    Task Window Says: Beneath the Scaled Mystics' Temple lies a rather complex series of tunnels.

    /loc 940, -450, -22 (in the halls under the Shadow Knight, Beastlord, and Shaman guild). For non-Enchanters, this is a simple location update. For Enchanters, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Outer Remnants of Torsis' Dark Mantle 0/1 (Emerald Jungle)

    Task Window Says: Standing just outside the ruins of Torsis you can feel the intense spiritual void that caused the city's downfall.

    /loc 295, -2000, -322 (at the entrance to City of Mist). For non-Shamans, this is a simple location update. For Shamans, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Oasis in a Deserted Sea 0/1 (Timorous Deep)

    Task Window Says: In a sea of desolate islands stands one secluded, sacred paradise.

    /loc -11550, -1710, 13 (in the walled isle where the Cleric 2.0 final battle is held and the triggered Faydedar is located). For non-Clerics, this is a simple location update. For Clerics, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Bloody, Forgotten Trail of Hate's First Knight 0/1 (North Ro)

    Task Window Says: When Lhranc returned to Freeport to exact vengeance upon his brother, Glohnor, he took a particular trail into the city.

    /loc 9625, 520, 25 (entrance to the Freeport Sewers in the very far northwest corner of the zone). For non-Shadow Knights, this is a simple location update. For Shadow Knights, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Orbital Children of Ro 0/1 (West Freeport)

    Task Window Says: There are not many locations on Norrath where you can see Drinal, Luclin, Anbeal, Trorsmang, Cordon, and Ro all at once.

    /loc -185, -940, 20 (a study hall in arcane tower, near entrance to Arcstone). For non-Wizards, this is a simple location update. For Wizards, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Plains of the Legendary Pegasus 0/1 (South Karana)

    Task Window Says: Many people are amazed at the constructive feats of the Aviaks. How such noble but simple creatures were able to create such a majestic tower is still a mystery.

    /loc -6745, 1065, 6 (Aviak's treehouse, just north of zone-in from Lake Rathetear). For non-Magicians, this is a simple location update. For Magicians, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Cusp of the Unkempt Border 0/1 (Jaggedpine Forest)

    Task Window Says: The Hatchling River is perhaps the most recognizable boundary between the relative safety of the Jaggedpine and the forbidden jungle.

    /loc 1000, -2120, -6 (near the broken zone line, east zone wall). For non-Druids, this is a simple location update. For Druids, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Crossroads of Taelosia and Antonica 0/1 (Nedaria's Landing)

    Task Window Says: A small family of bears has taken residence in the caves where Nideno Eliagy hides.

    /loc 1400, -450 (mouth of the bear caves in the northeast). For non-Rangers, this is a simple location update. For Rangers, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Forgotten Road of the Legendary Lich 0/1 (Everfrost Peaks)

    Task Window Says: Many have searched to expose secrets of Miragul's Highway only to discover more questions than answers...

    /loc 4730, -4150, -94 (underwater tunnels in the north-central part of the zone -- center room at the hidden portal, north wall). For non-Necromancers, this is a simple location update. For Necromancers, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore Fizzlethrope's Gallery 0/1 (Plane of Mischief)

    Task Window Says: 'Seek the walls adorned with Fizzlethorpe's visage within a single chest sits atop a pedestal.'

    /loc 20, -390, 125 (first room in the castle). For non-Rogues, this is a simple location update. For Rogues, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Sanctum of the Tortured God 0/1 (Acrylia Caverns)

    Task Window Says: Legend has it that Khati Sha, first Vah Shir Beastlord, became the subject of a failed Ssraeshzaen experiment to bestow godhood among a mortal being.

    This updates at the zone-in. For non-Beastlords, this is a simple location update. For Beastlords, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Site of the Ancient Games 0/1 (Butcherblock Mountains)

    Task Window Says: Not far from Greater Faydark, tucked away in the hills, is an ancient stone board. Its origins remain a mystery...

    /loc 700, -2350, 11 (at the chessboard north of the Greater Faydark zone). For non-Warriors, this is a simple location update. For Warriors, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Master's Worldly Keep 0/1 (Castle Mistmoore)

    Task Window Says: Faydwer is not home to many beings called 'The Master'. So it should be no surprise that a trip to the castle of Mayong Mistmoore is in order.

    This updates at the zone-in. For non-Paladins, this is a simple location update. For Paladins, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Explore the Ascended Home of Wun and Po 0/1 (Plane of Sky)

    Task Window Says: Having ascended past their worldly existence, Wu and Po serve in the training grounds under the watchful eye of the Wyrm Queen.

    This updates at the zone-in. For non-Monks, this is a simple location update. For Monks, this initiates an event (for class event details, see the next section in this writeup).

  • Recount your tale to Lady Carolline 0/1 (Northern Felwithe)

    Hail her for the final update.

    The Event: Summary & Task Steps

    Note: The event will usually require usage of your epic weapon, so have it on you at all times.


    The Event: In Detail

    Once you arrive in Jaggedpine head to the river right across from the fake zoneline. You cannot be grouped or have an mercenaries out. If this is the first run at the task, take the seed with you into the river. You will be knocked unconscious and given the task "The Nature Walker". You are zoned into the instanced Jaggedpine Forest automatically and are unconscious. Once this dialogue runs:

    The sound of small waves lapping against the shore fills your ears...

    A familiar elven voice appears to be speaking to you, 'Hey... You alive?'

    The voice utters a few arcane words then a feeling of warmth enters your chest. She continues speaking, 'Still breathing... Not much of a talker yet though, eh? Imagine my surprise when I saw you face down in the river...'

    With a bit of effort you manage to open your eyes. The blurry outline of Sara Treewind fills your vision. She smiles, 'There we are. Welcome back to the world of the breathing, be a bit more careful when you go swimming in the lake.' She turns and begins walking back to her post, she speaks away from you, 'When you manage to pick yourself back up off the ground come speak with me.'

    You are no longer stunned.

    .../stand and go talk to Sara Treewind.

    You say, 'Hail, Sara Treewind'

    Sara Treewind smiles, 'The mighty _____ awakes! I had figured from all of the legends surrounding your name that you would have been a better swimmer.' She giggles, 'I suppose I shouldn't tease you as such, it was simple ignorance that got you caught here... You see, the Hatchling serves as sort of a natural border between Jaggedpine and the dangers of the Unkempt Woods. The potameid guardians are rather unforgiving of anyone trespassing into their waters... Tell me, mighty _____, what inspired you to jump headfirst into the river like that?'

    You recount your tale of tracking down Jale Phlintoes and recovering the strange seed that you were compelled to deliver into the waters of the Hatchling.

    Sara Treewind shakes her head in disbelief, 'So you say that the voice of the [Rainkeeper] himself told you to step foot into the Hatchling?'

    You say, 'The rainkeeper...'

    Sara Treewind sighs, 'The corruption runs deep...' She pauses a few moments and looks toward the gate to the Unkempt, 'The agents of corruption are again vying for power. It should come as no surprise that the voice you heard was not that of Karana. I fear what is worse is that the seed you delivered was the catalyst for the dark ones to strengthen their [foothold] in our land.'

    You say, 'What foothold?'

    Sara Treewind says 'I have no idea how Jale ended up with the corrupted seed, but I understand now what [role] you will serve here. You see, the spirit of the Rainkeeper has not blessed these woods in many years and until recently we have survived without suffering. That changed when the Unkempt 'imposters' began exerting their influence again. Their radical methods have been enough to drive the many guilds of Qeynos to suggest that the keepers of nature be exiled, if not persecuted.'

    You say, 'What role?'

    Sara Treewind says 'I feel that you have been chosen to drive out the agents of corruption and find out what it is that inspired the Unkempt imposters to renew their attacks. A task of this magnitude will still require assistance. Please speak to Waldo Pinemyer and tell him that you 'wish to commune with the spirit of the Rainkeeper'. I bid you good luck, _____, we are counting on you.'

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    Walk over to Waldo Pinemyer. He's sitting next to a large tree with several large stones surrounding it.

    You say, 'Hail, Waldo Pinemyer'

    Waldo Pinemyer appears to be in deep meditation. He furrows his brow and grits his teeth but does not respond.

    You say, 'I wish to commune with the spirit of the Rainkeeper'

    Waldo Pinemyer opens his eyes and blinks a few times, a look of frustration on his face, 'Well, let us hope you have more luck in that endeavor than I have. I have sat here at Karana's alter for what feels like months but have yet to feel the presence of our lord. Please sit and tell me your tale...'

    You speak of the booming voice that drew you to plant the corrupted seed in the Hatchling and your conversation with Sara...

    Waldo Pinemyer nods intently, 'Your cause seems pure, though the blessings of the Rainkeeper have been sparse as of late, I will allow you to meditate at our holy shrine on the condition that you learn its [history] and work to share it someday in your future.'

    You say, 'What history?'

    Waldo Pinemyer says 'You may have noticed this tree is unlike any other in these woods. It's believed that centuries ago before either the tribes of elves or man stepped foot in this forest a small boulder fell from the sky and crashed into the hillside just west of here. Remarkably, that rock carried within it a single seed, foreign to this planet yet quite special. The inhabitants of the woods at that time, the noble Gihjna and Lujien came upon this rock and choose to ignore it. The seed would have surely died if not for the work of our [gods].'

    You say, 'Our gods?'

    Waldo Pinemyer says 'It was the will of the Rainkeeper and the Mother of All that the seed take hold in these woods. As the noble tribes turned their backs on this foreign thing the caretakers of nature brought a heavy rain to the land. The ground below opened to accept the seed, allowing it life in these woods... When my people came to these woods they found this mighty tree and the rich life that sprung up around it and worked to move the shards of stone that carried it here from the heavens. It was a toilsome task but with the fervor and dedication of their faith behind them they moved each rock from the hills to this point, constructing the holy shrine of our lord Karana that you see today. With this story I entrust in you the right to meditate here, do you [accept] this holy rite?'

    You say, 'I accept'

    Waldo Pinemyer stands and bows, 'Free your mind and listen to only the words of nature. The agents of corruption aim to drive their claws into your mind. Do not allow them to deter you!' With these words the steward makes his way into the woods.
    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    Meditation will prove difficult if you do not sit.


    It begins to rain.

    You feel the earth around you tremble lightly.

    The rocks surrounding the shrine begin shaking!

    A distant voice laughs, 'This place will be your grave!'

    A gust of wind rushes over the plains, it seems to whisper to you, '...cleanse the corruption...'

    With a violent crash the stones surrounding the shrine are thrown into the air! Vile looking tentacles are revealed where the rocks one stood. The shrine has been corrupted!

    "an agent of corruption" spawns and attacks (hits for a max 282). Kill this.

    an agent of corruption shouts 'Don't expect to escape so easily this time!'

    You have slain an agent of corruption!
    an agent of corruption clutches his chest and roars, 'This isn't over!'

    As the agent of Innoruuk falls dead, a bright flash emanates from where he once stood. A strange rune now marks the spot.

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    At this point, a rune spawns and you need to push the rune with spells towards the vinelash-looking model named arms of corruption that are under each floating stone. The roar line of spells is known to work for this push. Once you get the rune over the arms of corruption, you will either need to nuke it with fire to make it stronger or ice to make it weaker to destroy it.

    You begin casting Roar of Kolos Rk. III.

    The rune is pushed backwards with the power of your spell.

    A spectacular pillar of flame erupts from the arms of corruption as the flammable rune burns it to nothingness.

    The flammable rune's flame is still too weak to destroy the arms of corruption.

    You begin casting Summer Suncrest Rk. III

    The flames surrounding the rune grow more intense.

    The flammable rune's flame is too unwieldy to destroy the arms of corruption.

    You begin casting Gelid Crystals Rk. III.

    The flames surrounding the rune become more subdued.

    The flammable rune vanishes as it burns away the last of the corruption infecting the shrine. For a moment you expect some great revelation, but find the forest eerily silent...

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    The silence of the forest is broken by the furious roar of the wind!

    The cleansed shrine of Karana now radiates with the unfettered power of its god. The torrential gale that encircles the shrine howls deafeningly, masking the din and chirp of the forest. Through the chaos you feel a warm presence fill your mind.

    From the eye of the storm emerges a shadowy figure. While its appearance is strange its aura is familiar, like a distant memory of someone you once knew...

    You begin casting Form of the Hunter.
    You are now a wolf.

    You say, 'Hail, Great Wolf'

    Great Wolf snarls its teeth in what you assume to be a grin. Its thoughts become your thoughts as it speaks to you in silence, 'Nature Walker, your arrival is on the heels of a dark entity. Tell me, does your memory hold in high regard the tale of our first council?'

    You recall the three volumes entitled 'Fresh Awakenings'.

    Great Wolf's thoughts become one with your own, 'Somewhere in your life, whether it is your past or your future, you have come in contact with one of our [council]. It is for this reason the gods of nature and fate have brought you here.'

    You say, 'Council?'

    Great Wolf stares at you intently, 'It is the presence of the lost great hunter that your life was once intertwined with. Though taken from us by the interloping gods his memory lives on in all followers of the sun. Ages have since past and with every generation of councilmembers there are fewer and fewer who know the ways of our founders. This is [why you have been summoned] here.'

    You say, 'Why you have been summoned?'

    Great Wolf grits its teeth, 'I fear the elements that aim to infect our forest are working to infiltrate tonight's council. For this reason I must task you with disposing the corruptors before they are able to do irreparable damage to our woods.'

    The beast rears back and howls loudly causing the twisting gale to disperse and a number of creatures to materialize.

    The Great Wolf fades from sight, its final words rest heavily in your mind, 'Travel with this pack to the council. They shall be less forgiving of outsiders than most other creatures so do not abandon your wolfen form!'

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    With a silent understanding of the path ahead of them the wolves look to you then begin running, expecting you to follow closely.

    The pack lets out a bone-chilling howl as they approach an encampment of poachers! It appears they have unfinished business before they attend the council.

    a greater pinewolf barks viciously and attacks.

    Several waves of poachers need to be killed here. Let the wolves offtank while you nuke them down. After killing the last poacher you see:

    You have slain a poacher!

    The pack unleashes a triumphant howl now that the poachers lay dead beneath them.

    The pack looks amongst themselves and silently agrees to continue on their path.

    The pack stops in the clearing. They sniff the air and look to each other and begin to whimper. Some strange disturbance up ahead has them concerned.

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    Up ahead, you see Jale Phlintoes conversing with a rather feral looking figure. Get close enough to hear what they are saying but stay invisible so they don't spot you.

    a mysterious ward nods, 'There is it, the remaining scriptures of the writ. The truth of the wild is now yours to share with your disciples.'

    Jale Phlintoes salutes the figure, 'With these teachings we shall usher in a new age of druidic understanding and cleanse all signs of corruption from the face of our planet.'

    You see a small grin shine out from below the figure's hooded face, 'Indeed, now for your final task. The elder council meets tonight in these southern woods to discuss what is to be done about the meddling nature of the Antonicans. See to it that they come to the 'correct' conclusion.'

    Jale Phlintoes nods his head slowly, 'The forces of corruption run deep in these woods. The challenge before me shall be no more difficult than getting that meddling Wolf to deliver your sprout of rejuvenation. Misguided as they were, they at least accomplished some good.'

    a mysterious ward shouts, in Elder Elvish, 'The fruits of your labor shall soon be apparent, Jale. Come along now, we have a meeting to prepare for.'

    a mysterious ward shouts, in Elder Elvish, 'As for you, _____. Enjoy the company of these acolytes, your time in our woods has met its end!'

    a mysterious ward says, in Dark Elvish, 'Miserable fool.'

    At this point, two mobs attack (weak, hit for a max 334).

    You have slain an unkempt acolyte!

    The booming voice that you once believed belonged to the Rainkeeper enters your mind, 'You will not stop us. The council will soon fall under our control, just as these simple beasts have!'

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    A cold chill runs down your spine as you feel a dark hostility emanating throughout the woods.

    Head to the SW corner of the zone after killing both the unkempt acolytes. There will be a circle of animals (you may need to stay in wolf form for this). As you approach:

    The hushed murmur of conversation goes silent as a single voice calls out through the woods, 'You there, druid... Approach the council.'

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    You say, 'Hail, Beyar Liikedeh'

    Beyar Liikedeh says 'Welcome, _____, successor of Great Bear. Your arrival in our woods at this hour is both troubling and comforting. We know already that you seek to cleanse the ills in our woods, but the tidings that there is an infiltrator among our council come as a surprise from one who delivered a [seed of corruption] into our home.'

    You say, 'Seed of corruption?'

    Beyar Liikedeh says 'The forces that beckoned you here are the same that perpetrate the boundless ignorance that those that call themselves the [unkempt druids] exemplify in their misinterpretation of the law of the true Unkempt Wards.'

    You say, 'Unkempt druids?'

    Beyar Liikedeh says 'The imposters that live beyond the borders of the sacred woods have sullied the name of the sacred ones, not out of malice mind you, simply ignorance. Misguided in their efforts by the foolhardy and easily manipulated, fundamentalist in their own regard, but that is not at the heart of the matter. You come before the council now, Successor of Great Bear, to [accuse] one of us of inflicting sickness upon our home?'

    You say, 'I wish accuse one of you'

    Beyar Liikedeh says 'The council will hear your claim. You may begin your accusations in order to flush out the corruptor that you believe to be among us. Speak to the councilmember that you accuse of being the infiltrator. Though beware, a false accusation of this nature must be atoned for, either with your life or theirs. Do not be quick to judgment without full conviction as we will not hesitate to strip the title of the Successor of Great Bear from your corpse.'

    It's unclear how to tell which mob is Jale, so you can just target randomly. Note that for each failed accusation, the mobs power up.

    You say, 'I accuse you'

    a bear says 'Let us find where your brash tongue and misguided ambitions land you!'

    You have slain a bear!
    The remaining councilmembers absorb the power of their fallen ally.

    You have slain a pinewolf!

    Jale Phlintoes begins to cast a spell.

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    With the imposter revealed the council of the woods vanishes from sight.

    Jale Phlintoes curses, clutching the writ in his hand tightly, 'This isn't over! I'll leave you to deal with a true Unkempt Warder!' With those words the rogue druid channels a portal of evacuation and vanishes from sight.

    A violent flash of light emanates from where the council once stood. The mysterious ward has returned to the forest.

    After Jale Phlintoes spawns from the corpse of the properly accused, kill him and an unkempt imposter will spawn. After a while, "Eral, of the Moon" and "Airek, of the Sun" both spawn and attack an unkempt imposter:

    Eral, of the Moon goes on a RAMPAGE!
    Airek, of the Sun goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
    Eral, of the Moon executes a FLURRY of attacks on an unkempt imposter!

    Your task 'An Epic Request' has been updated.

    With the imposter slain the malaise of the forest seems to recede. Though the threat of their return is always imminent, you have managed to drive back Innoruuk's forces from the Unkempt Woods.

    Your task 'The Nature Walker' has been updated.

    A faint glow shines out from the distance. The stones near the edge of the hatchling are growing stronger.


    You are zoned out immediately after an unkempt imposter dies.


    Rewards are 1 AA, plus:

    Option #1: Epic 1.0 Ornament
    Option #2: Epic 1.5 Ornament
    Option #3: Epic 2.0 Ornament

    This task is repeatable with a 20-hour lockout.
  • Submitted by: Liljit Shotquick of Machin Shin
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    Shrine of Karana loc
    # Aug 19 2024 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
    84 posts
    For those who followed Waldo first time and had trouble, Shrine of Karana loc is : 1289.82, -1552.52, -22.86
    How exactly?
    # Nov 21 2023 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Update: I keep getting sent to the instanced zone for the side quest. It's the side quest that requires the level 93 spell, which I do not have access to.
    How exactly?
    # Nov 21 2023 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
    I've been trying to do this quest of Thornblade and what I want to know is why do they give the quest out when the expac required for one of the spell needed isn't out yet. Right now the server is on SoD. The required spell doesn't come out till VoA. So it looks like this quest is temporaroly broken.
    # Jan 03 2022 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    44 posts
    Use your Epic 1.0:

    * When you're killing certain creatures, the Wrath of Nature click does tremendous damage to certain things you need to kill, trivializing those encounters
    * When looking for Jale in the council, remember that he's just a human in disguise... not an animal. If only there was some way to differentiate between humans and animals...
    Wrong quest...
    # Jan 03 2022 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
    44 posts
    This write-up is missing the entire first half of the quest, upon approaching the spot... I was given the task "Path of the Unkempt" with 6 steps...

    1) Speak with Sara Treewind (Jaggedpine Forest)

    Just follow her dialogue

    2) Speak with Nolan Greenwood (Jaggedpine Forest)

    He's the druid GM near the zone in from Surefall. His dialogue diverges a few times, but the wrong paths quickly dead-end and you can progress the quest with the final phrase "Solar and Lunar Tribes"

    3) Speak with Gerael Woodone (Surefall Glade)

    GM immediately next to you at port in, simple dialogue path.

    4) Find a clue on the whereabouts of Jale Phlintoes (West Karana)

    Hint said something about talking to unkempt druids, but maybe they wouldn't be willing to part with the information you need. In the north, there are two "unkempt preserver"s and one "unkempt messenger". Killing the messenger drops a note with the text:

    Ursa Tynor,
    I shall be visiting you soon. Be sure to tie those two hounds up. They have been in a frenzy lately. Before I visit be sure to rid the territory of that infernal logger Bullin Mane. I will not tolerate the murder of any other pines.
    Jale Phlintoes

    Looting the note updates the quest.

    5) Find and converse with Jale Phlintoes (South Karana)

    In South Karana, there's a hermit hut in the SE of the zone, "a hermit" stands outside the hut with two dogs. Ask him "Are you Ursa Tynor" to start the conversation. After a short chat, he'll respawn as "a hermit (Ursa Tynor)" and walk outside his yard. Jale Phlintoes spawns nearby and walks up. Talk to him and offer to "join". He then quizzes you, asking if you were sent by [Gerael Woodone] or [sent by the unkempt wards]. The earlier conversation with Nolan indicated that there was something called wards related to the unkempt druids, so I picked that answer... no idea what happens if you pick the other one. You're given an item called "Strange Dark Seed" and the quest progresses.

    6) Return to the edge of The Hatchling River (Jaggedpine)

    After walking into the river, I was then given the timed task "The Nature Walker" which the write-up describes.
    Another way to tell the imposter
    # Dec 18 2020 at 1:19 AM Rating: Excellent
    30 posts
    another way to tell the imposter is to cast a charm animal spell on all the council members, for the animal members it will say 'you cannot cast [spell] on [mob name]' but when you try to cast on the imposter it will say 'this spell only works on animals' tested on 12/18/2020 on mangler tlp DoN era
    Unkempt acolytes
    # Aug 24 2019 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
    96 posts
    Not sure where the comment that the unkempt acolytes hit for low 300s comes from. Today on Selos as a 70 druid GoD geared, they con dark blue and melee for 700s. Kiting is nearly out of the question, as when you get far enough away, they start shooting at you, translating to 1700s double bow shots. With 12k hp and two of them, I ended up just having to zerg them down as none of the deaths in the instance take exp. Clicking 1.0 epic had little effect on them, unlike the poachers and the boss of the instance (ironic that these acolytes were much more difficult).

    Edited, Aug 24th 2019 6:23pm by stef0knee
    Unkempt acolytes
    # Aug 29 2019 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
    One of the keys to beating them, is to root/snare them. Root & snare one. Pull the other OOR of the fist, root/snare the other.
    Back out of range, heal, med, whatever.

    Then you simply run in, load up DoT's, and back OOR again.

    Circle around and refresh root on the first, when needed. Just be sure to keep them apart.

    As stated elsewhere in the thread:
    Use Fire to grown the Rune. Use Cold to shrink it. Use Magic (non-aoe) to push it.

    The Epic 1.0 and 1.5/2.0 click will kill the poachers (~32k damage, I believe it was).

    The Epic 1.0 and 1.5/2.0 clicks do massive damage to Jale and the imposter. (5% per click on imposter, and 10% or so on Jale)

    To find the imposter and accuse properly, be in wolf form, put your body nearly half way over each animal, and cast "Sense Animals." If you turn, the on you stood in front of is the imposter.

    And finally....

    You need to aggro NO ANIMALS in the whole instance (Poachers don't count, nor to any of the script events, etc..) AND you need to make the proper choice when accusing (Or else you're killing an animal). Doing this gives you the "interesting twist" for completing the "Epic Retelling" on your 3rd completion.

    You can get the "Interesting twist" during any of the 3 runs and you will get credit.

    Unkempt acolytes
    # Jan 28 2022 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
    29 posts
    WyreWintermute the Silent wrote:

    And finally....

    You need to aggro NO ANIMALS in the whole instance (Poachers don't count, nor to any of the script events, etc..) AND you need to make the proper choice when accusing (Or else you're killing an animal). Doing this gives you the "interesting twist" for completing the "Epic Retelling" on your 3rd completion.

    This is nearly true; if you DO happen to aggro an animal, you can still get the "more interesting telling" by evacing instead of killing it.

    Edited, Jan 28th 2022 5:31pm by CaducusSK
    Sense animals locates impostor.
    # Jun 02 2019 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    19 posts
    The lvl 1 'Sense Animals' spell. Stand right in front of each animal, then face away and cast Sense Animals. If you are turned to face an animal you stand next to, that is a true animal. If instead you are faced towards an animal to either side, the one next to you is an impostor.
    #Fariona, Posted: Jan 15 2019 at 6:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To do the 3.0, you need to not kill any animals and accuse the infiltrator correctly the first time
    MUST do Path of the Unkempt first!!
    # Aug 17 2018 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    I banged my head against the for a while trying to figure this out. after some trial and error, further research, and a youtube video, I was finally able to piece together the proper steps to do the Druid Epic Request.

    The very first time you get to Jagged Pine while running the Epic Request, it tells you to go talk to Sara Treewind.
    Follow her text, very straight forward.

    It then prompts you to go talk to Nolan Greenwood. Follow his text as well. This time, however you will seem to run into a dead end when you /say Resources. you get a wall of text with no further prompts. Thanks to EQ with FcsevenXIII on youtube, I learned that you must then /say Feral Wildlings. this will continue Nolans text and allow you to continue along the Path of the Unkempt quest.

    After that is is just simply following the rest of the quest.
    Speak with Gerael Woodone (follow dialogue) SFG
    Find a clue on the whereabouts of Jale Phlintoes (track and kill "unkempt messenger", loot letter) West Karana
    Find and converse with Jale Phlintoes (track "a hermit", hail him, /say Are you Ursa Tynar?") South Karana
    (Jale Spawns, runs to the hut. Follow dialogue. Choosing the option of the wards when given a decision puts a seed on cursor)
    Drop Group and Merc
    Return to the edge of The Hatchling River.

    I am a 95 Druid and had no problems with any of the mobs i had to slay in the "instanced" part of the quest.

    I would also like to add that I am on the Vox Server and this is my 15th epic request i have done. I have the 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 for all classes except Monk at the moment, as well as all the Special Ornaments that require running An Epic Request and An Epic Retelling. So if any one has questions about how to obtain those pretty specials just holler in Gen Chat for a Sureblade.

    Hope This Helps

    MUST do Path of the Unkempt first!!
    # Aug 24 2018 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    aarchangel wrote:
    I banged my head against the for a while trying to figure this out. after some trial and error, further research, and a youtube video, I was finally able to piece together the proper steps to do the Druid Epic Request.

    The very first time you get to Jagged Pine while running the Epic Request, it tells you to go talk to Sara Treewind.
    Follow her text, very straight forward.

    It then prompts you to go talk to Nolan Greenwood. Follow his text as well. This time, however you will seem to run into a dead end when you /say Resources. you get a wall of text with no further prompts. Thanks to EQ with FcsevenXIII on youtube, I learned that you must then /say Feral Wildlings. this will continue Nolans text and allow you to continue along the Path of the Unkempt quest.

    After that is is just simply following the rest of the quest.
    Speak with Gerael Woodone (follow dialogue) SFG
    Find a clue on the whereabouts of Jale Phlintoes (track and kill "unkempt messenger", loot letter) West Karana
    Find and converse with Jale Phlintoes (track "a hermit", hail him, /say Are you Ursa Tynar?") South Karana
    (Jale Spawns, runs to the hut. Follow dialogue. Choosing the option of the wards when given a decision puts a seed on cursor)
    Drop Group and Merc
    Return to the edge of The Hatchling River.

    I am a 95 Druid and had no problems with any of the mobs i had to slay in the "instanced" part of the quest.

    I would also like to add that I am on the Vox Server and this is my 15th epic request i have done. I have the 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 for all classes except Monk at the moment, as well as all the Special Ornaments that require running An Epic Request and An Epic Retelling. So if any one has questions about how to obtain those pretty specials just holler in Gen Chat for a Sureblade.

    Hope This Helps

    I'm showing in the detail guide that Waldo Pinemyer is the next person you talk to after Sara Treewind. Did this change?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    an epic request
    # Dec 05 2017 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
    159 posts
    Sit where Waldo Pinemyer is, don't follow him. To move rune stand behind it, use stormwatch. to shrink rune, use cold like glitterfrost, to enlarge it use fire like solstice strike. Basically, move rune onto plant, then get rune to be similar size as the plant.

    follow the wolf pack to the poachers. use the epic dot to kill poachers. let the wolves tank.. I picked the poacher to nuke first was the one with the least # of wolves on it. One epic dot kills it.

    when u are on the unkempt acolytes, try to survive the initial encounter by rooting one. snaring other and running away. You can evac and come back you're healthy.. You can come back and then root the one, and dot it and then sit out of his range.

    At the animal council, stand on top of an animal and use sense animal. If it senses the one beside u, then the one you're standing on is the fake. Remember to use the epic dot as it lands for like 20k so don't wait for dot to tick.. just keep casting the dot same for when u are on the unkempt imposter.

    summary: use 1.0 epic dot and 1.5.. they hit for a lot. snare and root. and u can evac.. Good luck!
    Few bits of help for Jale in Jaggedpine.
    # Sep 21 2017 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    Intersting to note is that when you go to kill Jale, click your 1.5 or 2.0 on him, he dies so quick once you do that. In addition, if you stand on each of the council members and do 'sense animal' each of them should ping as an animal and auto target the one you are standing on. If it does not, that is Jale.
    An Epic Retelling
    # Aug 26 2016 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    As of the July patch, they have added another augment in the quest labeled An Epic Retelling - I completed the Druid part of this quest, and the premise behind it is there is supposed to be a "twist" in how you do the quest so when you return to her the story will be a bit different. Most of the retelling class quests do require you to do something a bit different than just the Epic Augement class part. The Druid retelling requires nothing different, sadly. You can obtain this quest after completing An Epic Augment two times. Just do the Epic Augment quest again after requesting the Retelling and you will be give The Unkempt ornament to use on your weapons.
    Path of the Unkempt
    # Aug 17 2016 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
    Path of the Unkempt

    Note: Sara Treewind wouldn't give the opening dialog until ALL of the other tasks in An Epic Request had been completed.

    Speak with Sara Treewind (The Jaggedpine Forest)

    Right across from unopened zone
    (Didn't record text)

    Speak with Nolan Greenwood (The Jaggedpine Forest)

    In building near Surefall Glade portal
    (Didn't record text)

    Speak with Gareal Woodone (Surefall Glade )

    Use FIND
    (Didn't record text)

    Find a clue on the whereabouts of Jale Phlintoes (West Karana)

    Kill unkempt messenger in the Northeast of the zone (216,-12461,348)

    Loot Sealed Letter

    Ursa Tynar,
    I shall be visiting you soon. Be sure to tie those two
    hounds up. They have been in a frenzy lately. Before
    I visit be sure to rid the territory of that infernal logger
    Bullin Mane. I will not tolerate the murder of any
    other pines.

    Signed Jale Phlintoes

    Find and converse with Jale Phlintoes

    Find a hermit in South Karana (-5485,-2614,-0.65)

    /say Ursa Tynar

    (Didn't record text)

    /say Unkempt

    (Didn't record beginning of text)

    for the hunted prey and the vanishing forests. We are the true druids and rangers who fight
    for the preservation of nature. If humanoid lives must be sacrificed to meet this goal, then so be it!
    So be it! You come at an interesting time, _____, Our illustrious leader, [ Jale Phlintoes ], is
    due to make an appearance here soon.

    /say Jale Phlintoes

    a hermit says 'It is Jale that carried the law of the Unkempt from the shadows of the woods
    into the light of day! If you are not here to [ join ] us then I suggest you leave before he spots
    the fine animal hides you've draped yourself in.

    /say Join

    a hermit says 'Then please wait outside for Master Jale Phlintoes. He will be arriving soon.'

    Follow the hermit outside the compound, Jale Phlintoes will come running up from the east.

    /hail Jale Phlintoes

    Jale Phlintoes looks at the hermit and back to you with a look of confusion on his face,
    Why does this one want to join our ranks, Tynar?
    a hermit says 'I'm not quite sure boss... They seem strong enough though.'
    Jale Phlintoes says "I doubt it, from the looks of it this weakling ain't even stepped foot in
    [ Jaggedpine ], much less crossed the barrier into our home

    /say jaggedpine

    Jale Phlintoes chuckles, 'So you've pranced around the safe outskirts of our people?
    I'm sure you are proud of yourself kid. Tell me, who sent you here?

    A simple question: do you tell him that [ Gerael Woodone ] sent you or that you were [ sent by the unkempt wards ]?

    /say sent by the unkempt wards

    A look of genuine fear crosses Jale's face. He coughs before regaining his composure and speaking,
    'The... The Wards... Of course... Take this to the woods and offer it to them.

    Note At this point you receive the seed

    Return to the edge of The Hatchling River (The Jaggedpine Forest)

    Edited, Aug 17th 2016 11:36am by Gethyndel

    Edited, Aug 18th 2016 12:57pm by Gethyndel

    Edited, Aug 18th 2016 12:57pm by Gethyndel
    Stuck on Jale who won't pop
    # Dec 17 2015 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
    22 posts
    So I have started this quest and I have the 2nd quest that comes with it. The problem is I go to Hermit and try the words "Ursa Tynar" and I have tried "Are you Ursa Tynar" neither one got a reply or Jale to pop. Really need some help here. This has been 5 hrs wasted and a headache. Also the 2nd quest I talked to Nolan Greenwood and didn't get the update from talking to him. Any thoughts please
    Stuck on Jale who won't pop
    # Dec 22 2015 at 6:15 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Kay1626 wrote:
    So I have started this quest and I have the 2nd quest that comes with it. The problem is I go to Hermit and try the words "Ursa Tynar" and I have tried "Are you Ursa Tynar" neither one got a reply or Jale to pop. Really need some help here. This has been 5 hrs wasted and a headache. Also the 2nd quest I talked to Nolan Greenwood and didn't get the update from talking to him. Any thoughts please

    Have a peek at this thread
    Just use sense animals at the circle of animals
    # Apr 07 2015 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    Stand in front of each and cast sense animals. One of the animals is fake and wont point toward the false one. Attack the false and turns into Jale
    Just use sense animals at the circle of animals
    # Aug 16 2016 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
    Yes, just stand with your wolf tail touching a council member and your nose facing away from the creature. Cast Sense Animal, if you flip around to face the creature, it is an animal. If you flip around to face the next closest council member, then it is not an animal (i.e. the imposter).
    Incorrect walkthrough
    # Sep 17 2014 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
    61 posts
    The walk-through of the druid event is incorrect as written above. The "seed" mentioned in the text must be collected first. And the way to initiate that part of the quest is to talk to Sara Treewind in the Jaggedpine Forest (1500, -1700). Talking with her kicks off that sub-quest. Here is a link to a web site that correctly presents how this portion of the quest can be completed.

    Edited, Sep 18th 2014 2:00am by Sylvanwulf

    Edited, Sep 18th 2014 9:30pm by Sylvanwulf
    Middling Druid
    Co-Founder and Elder
    Clan of the Wulf
    Utilize your epic
    # Apr 02 2014 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
    7 posts
    Use your 1.0 clicky as a massive DD to the enemies in the instance. Poachers etc. I just rooted them and kept clicking the epic. I believe it averaged 45k dmg or so per click.
    a few highlights
    # Feb 01 2014 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
    59 posts
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    druid subquest
    # Dec 27 2013 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
    3,032 posts
    Probably my own fault but while doing the main Epic ornament quest it isn't all that obvious that you need to do the small subquest Path of the Unkempt. This is why I got "stuck" for quite awhile until I figured it out. But like I said probably more my own inattentiveness but just commenting for the benefit of other inattentive players. :)

    When you do the druid instance be sure to have read the walkthrough and become entirely familiar with it. I blew it the first time by neglecting to keep up following the pack after killing the poachers. Once the pack ran off and got out of sight, they poofed and the instance just failed to advance. I had to abandon it and start over. Not the end of the world but just a word for the wise.

    Also when the instance ends successfully, you just get booted out. No hint that you still need to go see Lady Caroline in Felwithe for the final update.

    You get ONE reward for completing the quest. Fortunately, it's repeatable if you want the ornamentations for all 3 epics.

    Final point: Any charm whose power is dependent on how much class-specific armor you're wearing apparently IS enhanced if you equip a class-specific WEAPON. So the question arose in my mind does this work if you ormament a more general weapon, rendering its use limited to only one class. Such as attaching one of the druid epic ornaments to a much more powerful weapon, such as my hierophant's crook.

    Correction: it DOES work! I forgot you have to close the inspection window on the charm and reopen to see the effect. Wearing a full set of gelid/apoc armor, I gain 5 AC, 136 HP, 137 mana and 1 point of wisdom by ornamenting my crook and making it "DRU-specific." I'm sure this works for other classes so unless you already equip a class-specific weapon, this is a solid reason to obtain an epic ornament. In addition to the fun of running around and the challenge of working thru the quest tasks.

    Edited, Dec 28th 2013 7:58am by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Path of the Unkempt
    # Dec 05 2013 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
    309 posts
    Path of the Unkempt

    This is a solo task you get when you go to Jaggedpine as a druid with the "An Epic Request" task.

    1: Speak with Sara Treewind (follow dialogue), JPF
    2: Speak with Nolan Greenwood (follow dialogue) JPF
    3: Speak with Gerael Woodone (follow dialogue) SFG
    4: Find a clue on the whereabouts of Jale Phlintoes (track and kill "unkempt messenger", loot letter) West Karana
    5: Find and converse with Jale Phlintoes (track "a hermit", hail him, /say Are you Ursa Tynar?") South Karana
    (Jale Spawns, runs to the hut. Follow dialogue. Choosing the option of the wards when given a decision puts a seed on cursor)
    6: Return to the edge of The Hatchling River

    Will paste log file later after I clean it up. Maybe.
    Path of the Unkempt
    # Apr 08 2016 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
    I am at the jaggedpine portion of An Epic Request. I went to the location stated above and I get the yellow words in on my screen saying something like "there's something amiss in the forest" but I don't get offered the solo task "Path of the Unkempt" I thought maybe it was a bug that I didn't get it so I zoned out and back in but the same thing happened, no solo task. When I talk to Sara Treewind she just says "A fine day to you friend." Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
    # Oct 04 2013 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
    Has anyone done this recently? I keep getting the unkempt druids task and when I go talk to Nolan Greenwood I get no update. Bugged perhaps? I've not got a merc or in a group, have epic on me, faction is good, etc. Can't figure out the problem!!
    # Jan 12 2014 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
    184 posts
    I have the same issue. I can speak with him, but when I follow the dialog I get to "resources" and then it stops, no update. Please help.
    # May 05 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
    25 posts
    SAME FREAKING problem did you ever figure it out? does anyone know?
    # May 05 2014 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
    25 posts
    got it to work by asking around, the update phrase i got to work on was " Solar and Lunar tribes"
    # Oct 24 2014 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
    I have the same problem, but "Solar and Lunar tribes" does not update the quest for me. I do get a response, just not from the quest.
    # Jun 05 2017 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    Keltest wrote:
    I have the same problem, but "Solar and Lunar tribes" does not update the quest for me. I do get a response, just not from the quest.

    This has been my issue as well. I cannot get Nolan Greenwood to update, but he does give a wall of text in response to the Solar and Lunar tribes question. Anyone able to help?
    Nightblade Xaxony Silentshadow the Dark Phantom
    Blade Dancer Skyai Blue'Seas the Dreamer
    Windcaller Myrahi Shadowstorm the Earthwarden
    Arcanist Fyrebloom Shadowflame the Trickster
    Priestess Idaari Shadowshifter the Adventurous
    Knight Vylea Shadowlight of the Truthbringer
    <Council of Dragons> of Fennin Ro (Cazic Thule}
    # Jul 10 2013 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
    3,032 posts
    Cabilis is a little tricky. You need to go into the Temple of Terror (SK, shaman, beastlord guild) and enter the underground tunnels from the east tower. Do a FIND for Squire Rygie and the ladders heading this way are near him.

    LOIO, zone in from FV and just hug the left zone wall. If you can track, find Keras McArik. If not, hug the east zone wall and you will get the update about at the horizontal level where the word Veksar appears on the map from

    BTW, be sure not to have a merc up when you trigger your "event." I made this mistake and it "bugged" the task me, forcing me to start it all over again.

    Edited, Jul 11th 2013 6:29am by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Path of the Unkempt Prequest
    # Jun 29 2013 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
    When you speak to Jale and he asks you who sent you, say; "sent by the unkempt wards" and he will give you the seed. Even if you are dubious with him.
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