Protectors of Pine

Ranger's Guild.

Treant Heart reduces this faction by 500 points.

The following quests require Protectors of Pine faction

Quest Name Minimum Faction Required Maximum Faction Allowed
Blackburrow Brewers Amiable
Gnasher's Head Amiable
Merona's Brother Amiable
Pine Scout Cap Apprehensive
Pine Scout Gloves Apprehensive
Poacher's Head Dubious
Talym Shoontar's Head Indifferent

Zones in which you can raise the faction

Zones in which you can lower the faction

NPCs you can kill to raise the faction

Quests you can do to raise the faction

NPCs you kill to lower the faction

Quests you do to lower the faction

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faction points
# Jul 29 2011 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,076 posts
I started out Scowls to Protectors of Pine ( after getting max ally to QRG protected animals and then max ally to unkempt druids). I killed the Darkpaw gnolls in Jaggedpine forest for hours. Checking back on faction every 10 kills as I went. I then made it to glares threateningly. At that point, using collaboration and human illusion, I was bumped up from apprehensive to indifferet to these Rangers. Knowing I could at most be off by 10 kills, I then killed 99 more gnolls and I moved from indiff to amiable. With the fact that the span is 200 points, it means 2 points per kill. as a double check, I killed 248 more to get out of threateningly. thats 500 point span. Handing in Gnoll Canines to Sergeant Caelin nets you 4 points for each towards Protectors of Pine.
HARD faction to raise.
# Jan 20 2003 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
i started dubious to jaggedpine residents when i first arrived. at that time, i was also dubious to druids and scowling to protectors.

since then, i have become ally to jaggedpine, kindly to druids, and im am STILL SCOWLING to protectors of pine. SCOWLING. i went 6 faction steps with jaggedpine, 4 with druids, and 0 (thats right ZERO) with protectors.

granted, i have been known to tag the freaks back in EC and WC (and of course holly windstalker), but i never saw "couldnt get any worse" with rangers.

and even if that was the case, ive still taken a MASSIVE positive faction hit with rangers, and they still scream "those who dont abide by the rules must die" or whatever they say when you aggro them.

i was running thru to JP and my invis wore off and i took 5 200-300 point hits from the resident guildmasters. and they haul ***. i almost didnt make it to the stone and i was SoE'd!

i would at least be happy if they went to threatening. then at least i could run by and possibly not gain aggro.

i hate rangers. im gonna go terrorize the ones in WC and EC later.

Edited, Mon Jan 20 15:24:03 2003
Darkpaw, in jaggedpine, Npc you kill to RAISE the faction
# Aug 20 2002 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

The darkpaw gnolls in the Jagged Pine zone are the single mob in EQ that raises protectors of pine via a kill.

They also raise the Jaggedpine Treefolk (surefall, NK, etc druids) and Jaggedpine residents (the people in jaggedpine zone, with a couple added to surefall glade also)

So if you can go and kill the gnolls, or even just tag them when someone triggers the darkpaw war on the jaggedpine people, you can raise protectors without questing.
RE: Darkpaw, in jaggedpine, Npc you kill to RAISE the factio
# Jun 29 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,050 posts
The only problem is the only way into JP is through SFG and if you're KOS to SFG residents, then you likely can't even get in to JP because you'll be dead before you take 3 steps inside SFG. They need to add a portal stone to JP from PoK so darkies can get in without risking life and limb. I mean, where the hell is my ogre baker/blacksmith supposed to get his frying pan mold from, if not JP???
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
RE: Darkpaw, in jaggedpine, Npc you kill to RAISE the factio
# Jan 16 2003 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
any gnoll in this zone will give you +Protectors faction. there are many types, but the main thing is they all give the hit.

if you hit them hard enough, you knock their teeth out and you give 'em to the guard outside the bank named Sergeant Caelin.

ok first thing
# Jan 17 2002 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
first thing is if one is high enough but not evil, IE. Necro, Troll, Oger. The Ivy Etched quests also raise faction with this guild. I have killed so many treants in my day that the rangers seam not to like me anylonger. The only bad thing about this is the fact that I myself am a Ranger :p

Druids are easy , slay the entire zone of Black Burrow. as for rangers have to quest (

Now I have to raise my faction back up to do my epic, one might think , ohh I am a ranger I need that ranger faction. The Ranger epic only involves one NPC of the Protectors of the Pine faction.
Max Faction
# Dec 06 2001 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
If you've reached your max faction (No more faction hits when you kill gnolls), just die to them - you should be able to get faction from them once again.

raise faction
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
There's no way to raise it by killing things, but you can do druid quests until your faction is apprehensively or something, then kill poachers in the bear cave and turn the heads in. If you ever see Talym Shoontar, his head gives a HUGE ranger faction boost, but most guards will kill you if they find you killing him. ALso, you can do the gnasher quest or the brewer guest
Raising for a KOS dark elf cleric of inny
# Mar 30 2002 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

Or other evils.

The best way to do it seems to be getting tons and tons of poacher heads up the wazoo. Then, if you've never TAKEN A PROTECTORS HIT as I have not, have a druid wolf form you. That gets protectors from the default threaten to dubious.

THEN you hand in four heads, have a druid camo you, THEN complete the trade (the camo makes him indiff.)

This is what I'm doing to just try to get it to dubious. Once dubious, I can then do the nestiffs potion quest with the druids without worrying about invising or anything. I just want to be non kos with the rangers as well for porting (am already non kos with jagged pine treefolk, the druid part of surefall)

The halfling one use quest mask also raises me by as much as wolf right now, but of course being one use is inconvenient. Really I need to slave a druid to wolf me while questing here a bit.

Thanks on the Talym shoontar head info, I'll get that also before I go back to get wolfed/camoed and see what rais that gets. you can get his head in 2 places. One is the Freeport east dock at that inn where various npcs pop in and out various times. The other is in Qeynos hills where various npcs spawn out of WK and walk along the path to qeynos.
Possible NPC Faction?
# Jul 12 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
If you kill the millars do you get good faction
with them?
Nope, millers outside surefall only lower good factions.
# Mar 30 2002 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

Oddly enough though the people in surefall diss the millers, killing them only lowers various good factions and does not raise jagged pine or protectors.
# May 11 2001 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
You have to turn in poachers heads KILL poachers in toxx forrest or go to surefall glade in wolf form an kill them but not invisible get 4 backpaks of poachers heads then turn them in sugessted level 20
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 20 2000 at 8:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kill the gnolls in Blackbarrow. This will also raise faction with the JaggedPine Treefolk and the merchants and guards of Qeynos. I have a Wiz who needed high enough faction to get the Nitrites from Surefall.
RE: Raising Faction
# Sep 01 2000 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Killing BB Gnolls absolutely does NOT raise Protectors of the Pine faction. It raises only the ones you mentioned. I did it all last night and I am now amiable to everyone else but stil KOS in Surefall. It appears that there is no way to raise this faction.
raise faction
# Aug 10 2000 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
What critters can i kill to raise faction with the protectors?
RE: raise faction
# Aug 28 2000 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
You can raise Protectors of Pine faction by doing quests in Surefall Glade. If your faction is too low to get the quests, try killing lots of gnolls to raise your JaggedPine Treefolk faction until you can do the quests in the druid guild. I know the two delivery quests for the druids ('flask' and 'favor') both raise the Protectors of Pine faction; haven't done any of the others yet.
RE: raise faction
# Sep 06 2000 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
Sorry but it is impossible to do any quests in SFG. I am MAXED on my faction from killing BB Gnolls (I get no faction message any more when I kill one). I am still dubious to the Druids and they won't let me do any quests. Furthermore that stupid Ranger ****** who runs around the whole area ran into the Druid Guild and started yelling "Natural Selection" At which time Te'Anara, Gereal and the others in the Tree who are Dubious to me suddenly attacked and killed me. Oh yeah and what dim bulb at Verant made a merchant hit for 348 with her bare hands. Has anyone tried killing the Unkempt Druids in Rathe Mts to raise faction? According to this bestiary they are directly opposed to all the residents of Surefall but again that may only be the Jaggedpine faction and not the Protectors of the Pine faction.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 20 2000 at 8:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kill the gnolls in blackbarrow. This also raises your faction with the JaggedPine Treefolk and the Merchants and Guards of Qeynos. I have a wiz who needed faction to get the Nitrite from Surefall.
RE: raise faction
# Aug 28 2000 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Killing gnolls doesl NOT raise your Protectors of Pine faction. The reason it let you do the Nitrate quest is because that is a _druid_ guild quest: the Surefall Glade druids are on the JaggedPine Treefolk faction, which does go up when you kill gnolls.

From killing gnolls, my ranger has better faction with the Surefall Glade druids than he does with the ranger guild: he's 'kindly' to the druids, but only 'amiably' to the rangers.

You can raise the ranger guild (Protectors of Pine) faction by doing quests in Surefall Glade: all the quests I've done so far have raised both the ranger guild and druid guild faction there.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 26 2001 at 2:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Uhm sorry but doesn't it go indifferent, kindly, warmly, amiable, ally?
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 10 2000 at 3:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I thought you just said (if this is REALLY Dinkum which I doubt) that killing gnolls is done for the purpose of getting druid faction so that you may do druid quests that ALSO reaise Pine faction. Get your stories straight, Fake Dinkum.
RE: raise faction
# Feb 11 2001 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
54 posts

If you read the posts, you will discover that there are two _different_ 'Pine' factions in Surefall Glade...

'Jagged Pine Treefolk' is the Surefall Glade druid guild faction: that faction can be raised by killing gnolls in BlackBurrow, Everfrost, and Qeynos Hills.

'Protectors of Pine' is the Surefall Glade ranger guild faction: killing gnolls does not raise it, but doing some of the SF Glade druid quests will raise it, as will the SF Glade ranger quests.

So, as I said: killing gnolls will raise your druid (Treefolk) faction; if you can get that high enough, you can do druid quests to raise your ranger (Protectors) faction up.
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