Ivy Etched Bracer  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Kithicor Residents (Min: Indifferent)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Nov 28 23:24:16 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Gandari is located at +1465,+2415 in a cabin, east from the Rivervale entrance.

You say, 'Hail, Gandari'

Gandari says 'Most call me Gandari the Terse. You here for [ivy armor]?'

You say, 'What ivy armor?'

Gandari says 'I reward brave rangers with ivy etched armor - [helm]s, [tunic]s, [sleeves] and [bracers]. [Interested]?'

You say, 'I am interested in a bracer.'

Gandari says 'I do not haggle; I do not bargain. The bottom of the Rune of Ivy from the plains of Everfrost, a watery ring from the Cauldron of Tears and a fire emerald to warm my heart. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.'

The bottom Rune of Ivy comes from a named orc, Redwind, in Everfrost Peaks. The Water Ring is from an aqua goblin tidal lord in Dagnor's Cauldron. Upon handing in all three items:

Gandari says 'Wait, ______, are you not forgetting something?'
Gandari says 'Wait, ______, are you not forgetting something?'
Gandari says 'Well done. May Karana bless your soul.'
Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids has been adjusted by -1.
You gain experience!!
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Faction Hits
# May 03 2023 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
243 posts
Kithicor Residents +10
Protectors of Pine +1
Jaggedpine Treefolk +1
Unkempt Druids -1
# Aug 05 2012 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
770 posts
You say, 'Hail, Gandari'
Gandari says 'Most call me Gandari the Terse. You here for [ivy armor]?'
You say, 'what ivy armor?'
Gandari says 'I reward brave rangers with ivy etched armor - [helm]s, [tunic]s, [sleeves] and [bracers]. [Interested]?'
You say, 'I am interested in a bracer.'
Gandari says 'I do not haggle; I do not bargain. The bottom of the Rune of Ivy from the plains of Everfrost, a watery ring from the Cauldron of Tears and a fire emerald to warm my heart. Bring these to me and you shall earn your reward.'

Upon giving Gandari the Fire Emerald, the Rune of Ivy [bottom], and the Water Ring:

Gandari says 'Wait, Tobynn, are you not forgetting something?'
Gandari says 'Wait, Tobynn, are you not forgetting something?'
Gandari says 'Well done. May Karana bless your soul.'
Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents got better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids got worse.
You gain experience!!

Receive Ivy Etched Bracer.
# Jul 17 2011 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Solo'd Redwind today with 34 rng on vulak progression server. Wearing all newbie starting quest armor and used Nathsar Greatsword. Easy win, solo pull used harmony.

Then martar attacked me while roaming buy while i was 35 health 33 mana. I snare kited him and won myself a new cloak. Good bonus.

# Nov 26 2003 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,050 posts
I cast harmony on Redwind and it caught all but one of the icy orcs. I then snared him and dealt with the icy orc that my harmony didn't reach, backing away occasionally so Redwind wouldn't catch up and join in. Dropped the icy orc, dropped Redwinds pet then started in on Redwind himself. It was kinda shaky, between icy orc, pet and Redwind I had 11% health when it was over, but I did drop him and I was level 31 so if I can do it, so can anyone else.
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
4 hours?
# Mar 15 2003 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
how can this quest take four hours? took me 1 hour to do it twice tonight.
easy enough quest
# Feb 10 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
just completed this quest yesterday at lvl 41. The npc that goves the quest is named gandari. She is a female ranger in back of the hut on the left Morin shadowbane. Is the npc that gives the short sword and orc impaler quests is in the center cabin. The watery ring identifies as a water ring when you right click on it so to clear up any confusion yes it is the same thing. If you aren't of enough level to take the tidal lords in DC try the dwarf vendor on the isle in the center of the cauldron. The ring can be bought for 2 copper from what i remember, from the bazaar very cheap. To me the whole point of doing the quest is getting exp and satisfaction of completing it from start to finish. The fire emerald can be bought from any jewlery merchant. I got mine for 89pp with a charisma of 115 (thats using an opal encrusted stein and a frostone stein). This is y personal recommendation. Anytime you are doing a quest always check the dialogue to ensure that the npc with give you the quest to begin with. I had done the short sword of morin quest 5 times prior to this quest so i don't know if that had anymore to do with faction. Most npcs should recognize diety alignment when it comes to quests anyway. Seems as though morin, gandari and the others are beta neutral for starters so any ranger doing these quests should have no problem.
FACTIION do you get any faction bonus for the ivy etched ser
# Apr 28 2002 at 7:49 PM Rating: Default
The mighty Redwind
# Apr 22 2002 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Apr 22 09:57:11 2002
# Mar 16 2002 at 6:43 AM Rating: Default
is water ring same as watery ring?
RE: fv
# Mar 27 2002 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
I believe that it is the same thing. I've killed many Tidal Lord goblins and have only seen the Water Ring, no Watery rings at all.

I've also done a bit of research and it appears that Tidal Lords only drop Water Rings, so they must be the same item.

Klawon Draco
Ranger of the 25th Season
Chaotic Unity
Ayonae Ro
Helpful Website
# Dec 19 2001 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Greetings all young aspiring Rangers, I have revamped my personal webpage, gearing it towards providing helpful information for the young rangers. I have added a full new page that is dedicated to the Etched Ivy Armor Quests. It is my hope that this new page will help young rangers to complete the quests. Cheers!

[The Address]

The Simple Woodsguide,
Of the Karana Server
Chett Darkforest

ivy etched redwind
# Dec 13 2001 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
er i don't know about the difficulties you all had with redwind i did him solo w/a sow and one root(at the end) from a friendly druid. harmony all four orcs pull w/bow snared redwind. dd the pet then melee and dd again (ward summoned) bow kite redwind (if i didn't run out of arrows i wouldn't of needed the druid root at end) er solo at 26th w/trueshot (made it myself)
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
what lvls are these skelli mobs i keep hearing about in in kiticor..? sounds like a lot of exp loss for a bracer, that doeasnt have that good of stats is the bracer that good?
RE: waedain
# Mar 15 2003 at 5:28 AM Rating: Default
don't worry too much about the undead of the kith

i did the bracer quest twice tonight... and each time i did gandari was the closest non-green con (i'm lvl 30) upon entering the kithicor forrest...

the hut that you need to go to are not that far from the rivervale zone line...

so be at ease... and set your track filter to distance

oh, btw... i went during the day time
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
Ivy Quests
# Oct 29 2001 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
They made these quests too hard for what you get -- but that's classic Verant for you.
Is it worth it?
# Oct 20 2001 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
I understand the bracer is very good, but you could just buy one when the chance comes up for 150-300pp. Much less work, i'd say., considering you have to spend 200 pp per bracer to get the emerald.
took a while
# Jul 29 2001 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
i had to get 2 of everything it took a while because the monster would not drop the watery rings to get two of them it took 3hrs so if you want to get the quest done in 1 day have alot of time and you also need 200pp to buy both of the fire emeralds, but geting the runes were easy when you have someone tping you around. but the bracers are great and im glad i took the time to do it.
# Jul 08 2001 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
Im a ranger and i found the ring on a dead goblin tidal lord at lvl 4...heh, lucky
# Jul 04 2001 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Don't know if it helps, but I got a rune of ivy from a gargoyle in mistmore.
RE: Mot
# Jan 13 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
Thats not for the Ivey etched Bracer..it's for another ivy etched piece..but I can remember which one.
Ivy Bracer quest
# Jun 25 2001 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
I just completed my first Ivy quest, the bracer.

I had had the ivy rune (bottom) for a while, because I’d gone with guild sisters to Permafrost on a quest and we killed Redwind several times on the way. (we had a 21 ranger, 23 ranger, 28 druid, and 24 mage, I think – we harmonied the camp and did them all in several times).

It become a matter of getting the ring off the Tidal Lord. Went with guild sisters (31 warrior and 27 mage) to Dagnor’s Cauldron and offed about half a dozen of the Tidal Lords; we had two or three rings drop. Bought the fire emerald for only 40pp (all the cash I had on me!) off a nice higher-lvl player who had looted it from a dragon, and off I went to Kith.

Having been killed more than once in the trainer’s building on the NW side of the zone, I felt tense hailing all the NPCs in the area… finally found the correct one, Gandari, who is in the back room of the building on the left. You will not see her unless you actually walk into the room. (viva la tracking!) Hail her, say you’re interested in the ivy armor, tell her which one you want, give her the pieces, and you’re golden. Ding, you have a new piece of armor and experience and faction to boot!

The guy out by the tree gives the gauntlet quest. The trainer guy (middle hut) gives the quest for the Short Sword of Morin, which isn’t a bad piece – it is only 6 dmg/22 delay, STR+3, AGI+3. This quest of course gives experience, and I received nearly a full blue for doing the bracer quest at 25. So, no complaints all around for the bracer, which is AC9 and DEX+. I find myself lugging around armor now, swapping out pieces and trying to figure out which combo will help propel my specs all over 100, especially looking for items to raise my DEX and AGI without loss of STR!

Navarra Meritage, ranger of 25 seasons
Seventh Hammer server
Amazon Storm guild
Ivy Bracer
# Jun 11 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
Water Rings - much like busses, killed several tidal lords with no luck, then got 2 in a row. Fire emerald from Kelethin, the Sparkling Glass merchant, I paid 97 plat. I've heard you can buy the bracer for less, but I wanted to do the quest. Redwind in Everfrost - I soloed him at 30 but needed a heal mid stream. He does have a pet, but I defeated it quite easily. Luckily someone else was there who pulled one of the other ice orcs so I got Redwind alone. Take the 3 items to the female ranger in Kithicor, can't remember her name but she's alone in one of the huts and has no surname, easily found. Had trouble initiating dialog with her, try 'i am interested in ivy bracer' for the quest details.

A fun quest to solo.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 11 2001 at 4:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Water Rings - much like busses, killed several tidal lords with no luck, then got 2 in a row. Fire emerald from Kelethin, the Sparkling Glass merchant, I paid 97 plat. I've heard you can buy the bracer for less, but I wanted to do the quest. Redwind in Everfrost - I soloed him at 30 but needed a heal mid stream. He does have a pet, but I defeated it quite easily. Luckily someone else was there who pulled one of the other ice orcs so I got Redwind alone. Take the 3 items to the female ranger in Kithicor, can't remember her name but she's alone in one of the huts and has no surname, easily found. Had trouble initiating dialog with her, try 'i am interested in ivy bracer' for the quest details.
Just give to Gandari?
# May 30 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
I'm a 24 RNg, and am looking to start this quest. After I collect all three neccessary pieces, my question is this: Do I simply give all three pieces to Gandari and receive the bracer in return, or do I have to run through a particular dialogue in order to receive them? Also, if I am going for two bracers, can I receive them both at the same time, or do I have to wait a certain amount of time before I can receive the second one? Thanx. :)

Ludrick 22 RNG
# Apr 29 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
Ok, the watery rings i have seen are all the same from the tidal lords in DC. The rune from redwind was just called "Rune of Ivy".. did not say bottom :). The Fire emerald i picked up in FP at the caster guild building thing that you tp into from a litte circle onthe ground.. lol Im a 30 ranger now. The tidal lords i can solo melee mostly. I just harmonize the group at the gobby camp near the unrest zone, snare then flame lick the lord to debuff some, then beat the heck out of it. lol Redwind.... I had a 32 pally buddy go with me for this. It was first time anywhere near this zone. I tracked and found redwind. Warned my buddy that he was sk with a starting HT of about 300 - 400dd. Well, i harmonized the 4 icies and him. We pulled 1 at a time to get some clean exp, then pulled Red. The HT to me was consistently 271. Pet(which we ignored till last) was no problem with Barteks undead spells.. satus at the end of the battle was me at 3 bubs hp(from the HT) and Bartek at almost full) lol So, got the rune on first shot.. then proceded to gather some exp for a few spawn rounds. This was an easy camp. Oh btw we had endure magic to help, so that may be why only 271 dd hit. Neither of us stopped to heal until after the battle. Piece of cake. Now i have my first ivy armor.. earned, non twinked, and feelin good. Safe huntin yall. Headin to mistmore to find granite next, or lfay to find the outcast brownies... ;)
Kylwen Shadowhawk 30 Wood Elf Ranger
Terris Thule
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
Water Ring
# Apr 26 2001 at 4:07 AM Rating: Default
I was in Dagnor's Cauldron. Is there a specific Water Ring, mine is used only by mages and some one told me that there are two different types? Not sure due to the fact that it does not state it anywhere. All help Appreciated.

Rauvin Darkfeather
Lanys Tyv'l Server
RE: Water Ring
# Mar 25 2002 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
There is only one ring but it is used in 2 different quests
RE: Water Ring
# May 13 2001 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
I've killed Tidal Lords for exp in the past, and when they drop the ring, its always the same one. The stats are like +2 AC and Magician only, but it is the one used for this quest. As for there being two types, if there are, then the second one is super rare, as I have never seen one after roughly a hundred or so Tidal Lords killed.
# Apr 23 2001 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
Level 32 ranger --have only one friend on server---she is seldom on---frustrated as hell because I can do none of the quests solo
RE: Solo
# Oct 27 2001 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
What's wrong with ou people?
I solo for the most part but just in the course of interacting with with people via /ooc and shouts and helping newbies and giving free buffs I've got tons of friends.

Though you can definitely be both.
RE: Solo
# Apr 29 2001 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, i have the same problem soloin. All we need is 1 buddy to help. Time to meet some peeps dude. If your on Terris Thule server. Give me a tell. 2 rangers above 30 should have only a litte trouble, but will live. And you both have the same goal so its a mutually good effort.
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
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