Ivy Etched Boots  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Jun 15 16:29:52 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
At the close of the Ivy Etched Leggings quest:

Leaf Falldim says 'Wonderful!! I see he did find it. How lucky we are that he did all the hard work. My thanks to you are embodied in these ivy etched leggings. Now you may [earn the ivy etched boots] to go along with them.'

You say, 'I want to earn the ivy etched boots.'

Leaf Falldim says 'If you wish the ivy etched boots, you shall do me a favor. I am testing new arrow tips and wish a few of the hardest minerals I know of. From the mines of the Temple of Solusek Ro, ronium. From the land of Mistmoore, fetch me Mistmoore granite. Return these to me along with a guild offering of 2000 gold pieces.'

Upon giving the Bar of Ronium, Mistmoore Granite, and 2000 gold pieces to Leaf:

Leaf Falldim says 'I asked for a guild donation of 2000 gold coins, Mistmoore granite and a bar of ronium.'
Leaf Falldim says 'I asked for a guild donation of 2000 gold coins, Mistmoore granite and a bar of ronium.'
Leaf Falldim says 'You have succeeded!! I believe I owe you the ivy etched boots.'
Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids has been adjusted by -1.
You gain experience!!
Submitted by: Tsunamineko
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Faction (done at level 71)
# May 16 2023 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,563 posts
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] Leaf Falldim says, 'You have succeeded! I believe I owe you the ivy etched boots.'
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents has been adjusted by 10.
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 1.
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 1.
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids has been adjusted by -1.
[Tue May 16 10:07:21 2023] You gain experience! (0.253%)
# Aug 05 2012 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
770 posts
At the close of the Ivy Etched Leggings quest:

Leaf Falldim says 'Wonderful!! I see he did find it. How lucky we are that he did all the hard work. My thanks to you are embodied in these ivy etched leggings. Now you may [earn the ivy etched boots] to go along with them.'
You say, 'I want to earn the ivy etched boots.'
Leaf Falldim says 'If you wish the ivy etched boots, you shall do me a favor. I am testing new arrow tips and wish a few of the hardest minerals I know of. From the mines of the Temple of Solusek Ro, ronium. From the land of Mistmoore, fetch me Mistmoore granite. Return these to me along with a guild offering of 2000 gold pieces.'

Upon giving the Bar of Ronium, Mistmoore Granite, and 2000 gold pieces to Leaf:

Leaf Falldim says 'I asked for a guild donation of 2000 gold coins, Mistmoore granite and a bar of ronium.'
Leaf Falldim says 'I asked for a guild donation of 2000 gold coins, Mistmoore granite and a bar of ronium.'
Leaf Falldim says 'You have succeeded!! I believe I owe you the ivy etched boots.'
Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents got better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids got worse.
You gain experience!!

Receive Ivy Etched Boots.
Broken quest?
# Feb 04 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if this quest is broken or not?
RE: Broken quest?
# Feb 05 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
It was, a long time ago. Should be fixed, but honestly, if you actually spend 2000gp on these boots, you must really want to complete a quest. There are a lot of better boots for less.
Broken quest?
# Feb 04 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if this quest is broken or not?
Nothing happened
# Feb 22 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
I finally get the cauldron, and all the components, stick them in the cauldron (unstacked), hit combine, and ...... nothing! I don't lose anything, but nothing happens.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
RE: Nothing happened
# Feb 22 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Many quest containers have been broken since the new tradeskill interface was added. Hold on to your items, they're bound to fix it soon.
# Jan 20 2003 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Where do you get a ronium?
Lord Searfire
# May 29 2002 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
What specifically do you have to say to Lord Searfire to get the cauldron? I con amiably and hail him and he doesn't say anything about the cauldron or ronium. I asked "What about ronium?" and got no response. Do you have to be a Palidin to get the cauldron?
RE: Lord Searfire
# Jul 22 2002 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I just did this quest as a ranger. I asked him 'what is ronium?' Then you have to ask if you can get 'a bar of the metal' to get the cauldron.
RE This is easy
# Feb 24 2002 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
If it's all that easy, make 2 bags full of the boots with the 2 bags full of MM granite, and sell them in EC...I'll be waiting to buy a pair.

Edited, Sun Feb 24 11:19:22 2002
RE: RE This is easy
# Mar 05 2002 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Gargs are easy kills, the trouble is that castle
mistmoor is full of mean casters. I had to gather it for my Armor of Ro. A good group can go in there and camp a few hours, gain nice EXP and walk out with a good load of MM Granite. Maybe even some quest items (Fangs, Soulfire Hilt, etc)

SolA is an evil dangerous zone. The mobs are only
maybe 20-40 or so. But they aggro like mad and the
lava pits are a killer. I dropped 2200hp in there
trying to get out of the lava! (I love LOH) I swam into SolB and climbed out.

Happy hunting all :)
Do Not Do This Quest!
# Feb 01 2002 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
This quest is terrible. The boots are not worth the effort at all. How much do they sell for anyways? It can't be nearly as much as you spend on getting them. Here's what I spent. 250pp on Platinum Bars, 10pp on Bone Chips, 25pp on Melatite, and 200pp on the quest itself. There's almost 500pp on some crapy boots. They are only AC 10 and Sta 5. As a ranger, I'd put more in dex than sta so this quest is not worth it all. If you are even thinking about doing it, don't. Heed my advice unless you want trouble and dissapointment.
RE: Do Not Do This Quest!
# Feb 16 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
What are you talking about? You don't need platinum bars or one chips.
RE: Do Not Do This Quest!
# Feb 21 2002 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
Well, you obviously have not done this quest or even read any info on it. You have to have the platinum bars to make the ronium, which is a pain in the **** sub quest in itself.

Sebilite Scale boots sell for 500pp on Povar, better stats for same cost as Ivy Boots quest.

/agree these are not worth the time.
Helpful Webpage
# Dec 19 2001 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
Greetings all young aspiring Rangers, I have revamped my personal webpage, gearing it towards providing helpful information for the young rangers. I have added a full new page that is dedicated to the Etched Ivy Armor Quests. It is my hope that this new page will help young rangers to complete the quests. Cheers!

[The Address]

The Simple Woodsguide,
Of the Karana Server
Chett Darkforest
RE: Helpful Webpage
# May 12 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
It may be unintentional on his part, but when I went to his page... My anti-virus went off as one of the many pop-ups tried to install a trojan virus on my machine.
This is EASY!
# Oct 13 2001 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
This is probrobly the easiest decent armor quest in the game. Hehe,of course it helps that I have 2 bags full of MM granite and a chanter for a brother that can enchant the plat for free,hehe. My girlfriend is only a 19 ranger and will love these boots instead of her kolbolt hide!
Gnome Faction
# Aug 27 2001 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
Why would there be a quest that requires a ranger to get a faction hit with gnomes in order to get the melalite clockworks?
# Aug 13 2001 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
find a better pair of boots. wasting alot of pp and time in these is not worth it. anyway o the price... costs about 110p for a bar of platinum X2
200p to turn in to npc and a chanter to enchant the bars... your already at 400p and not even halfway done+( dont waste your time on these but if you were to sell them theyd go for around 300 or so because not are not that good. just budget for dwarven work boots my 2cp

Uanwean Dah'Mu
ranger 48
<alliance of the Griffin>
tholuxe paells server
RE: trouble
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
/Agree This is not worth it. My paladin bud has been working on his armor for 2 months because of Ronium. My 15 Ranger is wearing Uthork Hide Boots, not the best choice but all I could afford until I can get Dwarven Work Boots.
this quest
# Jul 08 2001 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
At first this quest seemed pretty easy...the i checked what you needed to make ronium....when i saw that i almost cried. 2 bars of enchanted platinum?!? not to mention sands of ro and some other stuff...aww man im gonna hate this quest
RE: this quest
# Sep 05 2001 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Well, just be glad you're not a paladin. We need one bar for each piece of the Armor of Ro...
RE: this quest
# Jan 06 2002 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Agree, Ro armor quest sucks, you need amiably faction with sol ro, know how long it takes?
You need special items, most nodrop of mobs you cant even think of takin down just for the molds ya need and then the ronium.
Its not worth questing it, dont blame me for posting on the wrong side, i just wanna say, Hey rangers dont complain. :)
BTW rygorr is way easyer to get anyway

Daramar Arcanefist
52 Paladin of Mithaniel Marr
# Jun 27 2001 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
yes you need 2.

one for the ronium, and one to hand in
mistmoore granite
# Apr 27 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
Do you need 2 mistmoore granite for this quest, or just the one in the ronium?
info on making Ronium
# Mar 26 2001 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Just do a search for Rathe Mountain quests and click on any of the Paladin quest armour (Ro armour) and it'll tell you how to make Ronium.
I wish it was just another mob dropped item, instead of having to do this mini quest within a quest.
# Mar 21 2001 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
I am looking at this quest and it says you need ronium and mistmoore granite. Isn't the granite in the ronium. So do you need to have a thing of ronium and a thing of mistmoore granite to give to Leaf or do you just need the ronium and the cash to get the boots?
Enchanted platinum
# Mar 21 2001 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Can someone tell me how to get the enchanted platinum, do i need to find an enchanted to enchant for me?
How to get quest
# Feb 18 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
How do you get this guy to give you the quest. All he does for me is ramble on about the Bow of Kithicor (gauntletts). He cons amiable too.
RE: How to get quest
# Feb 28 2001 at 2:09 AM Rating: Excellent
To get the quest from Leaf falldim, type in the following phrase:

"I want to earn the ivy etched boots"

He will then reply with a list of items he wants in exchange for the boots
# Dec 29 2000 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Ok, I know what I need to make ronium. But who do I give the stuff to so I can get it made?

Also, how do I get the soil of underfoot. Do I need to do a quest for it starting in the paladin guild in Felwithe?

Any info would be appreciated.
RE: Ronium
# Dec 31 2000 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
To Make a Bar of Ronium, You Need Sands of Ro, (Sand Giants), Mistmoore Granite , (Gragoyles In Mistmoore Inside castle work better), 1 Melatite Clockworks In SOLA MB or MC Variety, Soil of Underfoot , FromCleric Guildmaster In Kaldadim , Need highest Faction and 4 Faery Dust from Lfay. , Do bone chip quest at Pally guild till ya are considered Kindly. 2 Enchanted Plat Bars

Go to Temple of Solusek Ro Talke to the Dwarf LordSeafury and ask about Ronium, He give ya a little 6 slot Cauldron. Make sure ya have a slot open, But all 6 of the above items in it and hit combine and Walla Ya have a Bar of Ronium
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 27 2001 at 8:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Can i get this in English? I get the gist of the process but I don't want to run around collecting all this stuff and working up faction for days just to get it wrong cuz someone dropped all their English courses in college. No offense...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 07 2001 at 10:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what the **** are you retarded or just haven't figured out how to read yet child? no offense...
Got my Boots
# Dec 03 2000 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
I got my Ivy Bootls last night and I like the added AC and less weight over my Dwarven Work Boots. Granted I lost the added 5 str but that's ok as I wasn't near a point where the 5 did much anyways. The added STA put me over 100 so that's very handy in longer fights. 2 Pieces of Ivy to go, Legs and Gauntlets and I should be getting the gauntlets tonight.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 07 2000 at 10:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) umm how about some useful info instead of bragging. Like what the heck ronium is and how do we get it.
RE: Got my Boots
# Dec 07 2000 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Sure thing... here is the info you need to make Ronium...

Talk to Lord Seafire, the Dwarven Smith in The Temple of Solusek Ro. He must con amiable to you. He will then give you a Sol Cauldron. Fill the Sol Cauldron with:
1- Melatite, loot from Model MB and MC Clockworks in Solusek A.
2- Two Bars of Enchanted Platinum.
3- Mistmoore Granite, from Leering and Jeering Gargoyles inside Mistmoore Castle.
4- Sands of Ro, from Sand Giants in Oasis and South Ro.
5- Soil of Underfoot, from Priestess Ghalea in the Kaladim Clerics' Guild. You must give her 4 Fairie Dusts. (If you are going to do the Rainclaaer Quest, have someone get the fairie dust for you) She will only give you the soil if you have an amiable or greater faction.
When all 6 items(2 items are the two enchanted bars of platinum, but they must each be placed in the cauldron separated and not stacked) are in the Sol Cauldron, hit the "Combine" and you will get a "Bar of Ronium." You no longer need to have any skill in Blacksmithing to be able to make Ronium.

Hope this helps ya...
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 15 2001 at 5:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) nice info m8:)
Does mm granite drop?
# Nov 25 2000 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
Ive been camping the grinning gargoyles for a couple days now and havent seen a mm granite. All I've come across is a gargoyle eye. So does it actually drop one or do you need components to make on?
RE: Does mm granite drop?
# Nov 26 2000 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
I spent maybe 2 hours in MM and my group came out with 5 pieces of granite and we weren't camping the Gargoyles, If I remember right the Jeering (spelling) drop it as well. Hope this helps. Also have fun with the Ro faction I spent 2 hours killing shadowmen yesterday and I didn't raise my faction past indifferent.
RE: Does mm granite drop?
# Mar 22 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Best way to raise faction quickly with Temple Ro is a bit costly but more than worth it.. Have your ranger travel to Temple Ro with about 8000 pp, and turn in 55pp at a time to recieve a Fire Opal and some faction.. Dont know how many it takes, only looked at faction when all done (amiable), but the Fire Opals can be sold to players for 65pp each in gfay or a tradecity (not many like taking the trip to Temple Ro with all that cash, especially on PvP, you will need a druid to port you and bodyguard). Or if you have a jewelsmithing character, just make Gold Fire Opal rings, they always sell for at least 150pp to players.
Factions With Temple
# May 15 2001 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Here are some ways to raise faction with Temple of Solusek Ro:

1. Kill Shadowed Men. HOWEVER, one you do NOT want to touch is Ssynthi in the MM Graveyard. Killing him will lower your faction with the Temple.

2. Named Orc in Southern Ro. Give him Dervish Cutthroat Rings. (I think three at a time. He is located in the tent to the right of the zone line from Oasis)

3. Erudite just behind the named Orc (in the tent). I think he is 3 PP..Same guy for a necro quest, I believe.

I have also had the best luck getting MM granite from inside the castle. The gargs near the lake or outside the entrance just don't seem to drop it. Our best luck was camping in the Maid or Butler room (which was convenient for the cauldrons for the paladin Ro BP quest).

Hope this helps a bit. :)
RE: Factions With Temple
# Dec 14 2001 at 5:31 AM Rating: Default
I did the Dervish Cutthroat Rings quest to build faction. I went through Nro, Sro, and Oasis asking all the noobs for rings and offered 5pp a piece for them. I ended up wiping out some derv camps myself to get a few more. I turned in a total of 21 rings and had enough faction to do the quest. It took less than two hours total to get all the rings and turn them in.


Tholuxe Paells
Soil of Underfoot
# Nov 21 2000 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
I finally got my Soil of Underfoot last night. If you plan on doing the Raincaller Quest as I do you'll have to hire someone to get the fairie dusts for you (I hired a lower level Necromancer, gave him 50pp and he was very happy to help me out). I then had to turn in 140 (at 5pp a stack it's pretty cheap and beats doing it yourself) or so Bone chips to the guy in the paladin guild, you can't miss him he's on the right side and gives you the quest for turning in the bone chips just hail him and give him 4 chips at a time. Now all I have to do is get a enchanter and I'm all set.
RE: Soil of Underfoot
# Nov 21 2000 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
Oops, I meant the guy in the Paladin Guild is on the left side that you turn the bone chips in to, sorry.
key phrase?
# Nov 09 2000 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
what is the phrase needed to get leaf to give you this quest?
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