Gnoll Canines  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Jul 25 16:43:35 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Sergeant Caelin can be found outside the bank building at 1084.87, 1987.22, -10.00.

    You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Caelin'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Hail, ______. You have nothing to fear from the gnolls. My men and I have been sent from Qeynos to help defend Fort Jaggedpine should those worthless curs make the mistake of assuming this will be a place of easy plunder. I've fought and slain scores of gnolls in my time. Were I not bound to my post here I would go forth and drive them from their dark cave to the north myself. However, I can offer you a [bounty], should you choose to take such a mission upon yourself.'

    You say, 'What bounty?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'lf you choose to go and fight against the gnolls, I shall offer a bounty for every gnoll canine that you return to me. You look a bit more adventurous then many of those that live in this settlement. They seem a bit [docile].'

    You say, 'How docile?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Perhaps it comes from living in harmony with nature for an extended period of time but they are more concerned with trading food recipes and doing arts and crafts. I have offered to give them some basic training in the arts of war but they seem to have no interest. This is a dangerous world in which we live and failure to acknowledge that has meant the downfall of many a society. I won't let this happen on my watch, provided my [men] are on their toes.'

    You say, 'What men?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Guard Bossamir is a model soldier and a good man. I'm happy to have him watching my back. That Finewine character however, he is not worth the cost of the sword he wields. All he does is whine and complain. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family enrolled him in the guard to teach him some discipline but I've had no luck with him. He hasn‘t even turned in a [shift report] for weeks. Captain Tillin will bust me down to private if I don't deliver those soon.'

    You say, 'What shift report?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'You have been helpful in our defense efforts. However, I can not be too careful about whom I trust with carrying this information. If you truly consider yourself an ally to Qeynos then no doubt you have assisted the city in its defense before. Show me your Qeynos Badge of Honor and I'll know I can trust you fully. I'll place my mark upon it should anyone question your authority to do this service for me.'

    Gnolls that drop the canines are in the cave northeast of the village.

    Upon turning in a Gnoll Canine:

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Good work, that is one less gnoll we need to worry about!'
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk got better.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better.
    You gain experience!!
    • Faction
    Send a Correction
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    Gnoll Canines
    # May 01 2016 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
    174 posts
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    # Feb 02 2011 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
    Sergeant Caelin can be found outside the bank building at 1084.87, 1987.22, -10.00

    You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Caelin'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Hail, Ueaollyen. You have nothing to fear from the gnolls. My men and I have been sent from Qeynos to help defend Fort Jaggedpine should those worthless curs make the mistake of assuming this will be a place of easy plunder. I've fought and slain scores of gnolls in my time. Were I not bound to my post here I would go forth and drive them from their dark cave to the north myself. However, I can offer you a [bounty], should you choose to take such a mission upon yourself.'

    You say, What bounty?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'lf you choose to go and fight against the gnolls, I shall offer a bounty for every gnoll canine that you return to me. You look a bit more adventurous then many of those that live in this settlement. They seem a bit [docile].'

    You say, 'How docile?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Perhaps it comes from living in harmony with nature for an extended period of time but they are more concerned with trading food recipes and doing arts and crafts. I have offered to give them some basic training in the arts of war but they seem to have no interest. This is a dangerous world in which we live and failure to acknowledge that has meant the downfall of many a society. I won't let this happen on my watch, provided my [men] are on their toes.'

    You say, What men?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Guard Bossamir is a model soldier and a good man. I'm happy to have him watching my back. That Finewine character however, he is not worth the cost of the sword he wields. All he does is whine and complain. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family enrolled him in the guard to teach him some discipline but I've had no luck with him. He hasn‘t even turned in a [shift report] for weeks. Captain Tillin will bust me down to private if I don't deliver those soon.'

    You say, What shift report?'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'You have been helpful in our defense efforts. However, I can not be too careful about whom I trust with carrying this information. If you truly consider yourself an ally to Qeynos then no doubt you have assisted the city in its defense before. Show me your Qeynos Badge of Honor and I'll know I can trust you fully. I'll place my mark upon it should anyone question your authority to do this service for me.'

    Gnolls that drop the canines are in the cave northeast of the village.

    Upon turning in a Gnoll Canine:

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Good work, that is one less gnoll we need to worry about!'
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk got better.
    Your faction standing with Protecters of Pine got better.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better.
    You gain party experience.

    Edited, Feb 2nd 2011 10:33pm by Ramohl
    # Feb 02 2011 at 10:46 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Updated, thanks. When in doubt, just copy/paste from your logs. We can weed out the timestamps and other junk.
    # Feb 03 2011 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
    Would have loved to, but unfortunately didn't have them enabled at the time. This was garnered from an OCR program's output from a screenshot, and a lot of time in Word correcting it's errors...hehe

    I thought the effort well worth it though. You guys have been a great help over the years, and I figured if I could help fill in an empty page it was my duty so to speak.

    I'll surely remember to enable logs before trying it again though...hehe
    Canine Teeth Quest
    # Jan 27 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
    39 posts
    My friend got her druid to "Your faction could not possibly get any better" by doing this. She's glad to have done it. Now has her beastlord there doing the quest to raise faction. It's worthwhile if you care about good faction with JaggedPine Tree Folks.
    faction only
    # Feb 09 2003 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
    +residents of jaggedpine
    +jaggedpine treefolk
    +protectors of the pine
    +guards of qeynos
    No exp hits .. just fyi, and one hit per canine.
    The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
    # Aug 18 2002 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
    In addition to the 3 faction raises, you gain faction with the Residents of Jaggedpine for this quest.
    Bigger Faction Adjustement
    # Aug 15 2002 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
    14 posts
    If you want a bigger faction raise do the poacher head quest in Jagged. Kill the four named poachers collect thier heads and turn them in, in town.

    You get a decent ring and a large faction adjustment. My necro went from dubious to amiable, then from amiable to warmly with two turn ins.

    # Aug 13 2002 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
    Okay, I have been hunting in JP for about a week now, and i have yet in that time to take a negative hit factionwise. I have stuck with just gnolls, and tagged every group around me's gnolls as well.

    Still KOS.

    Okay, i had near-max BAD faction when I started, but Come On! This is nuts.

    So, my next question is, using invis or sneak, can I still turn in my 23 gnoll canines, and will they help me much? I HAVE to get the next Qeynos Badge. I LOVE my QBoH, and want that QBoN.

    Please help a guy out, lol!

    Sssin Sssational
    48th lvl iksar monk
    RE: Faction
    # Sep 24 2002 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
    Hide and Sneak WILL NOT .. I repeat WILL NOT work .. you will be instantely attacked when u try to turn in the first one (and lose it too). You need to find a nice druid to give u puppy form .. then you will be able to turn in the canines.
    RE: Faction
    # Sep 16 2002 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
    I think you can get a druid to cast wolf form on you then you should con indifferent to the town folk. You should be able to turn in your gnoll teeth then. Note.... I have not tryed this yet so I am not positive if this will work but it sounds like a good plan eh?
    RE: Faction
    # Nov 23 2002 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
    Tried the wolf form trick and it worked - my faction went from "dubiously" in wolf form to "apprehensively" (plus turning in 16 teeth.) This may not sound real good but due to a misunderstand in Qeynos, my faction started out rather low. Checked all of the merchants in town and they were all con'ed the same - apprehensively. All this work so I can by cheeze-quiz for "baking skill" - lol.

    Bairn Nich'Bogle - 54 necro - dark elf
    (Baby Night Monster) or the "Bugger under the bed" to the newbie.
    RE: Faction
    # Apr 17 2010 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
    316 posts
    puppy form seems broken now...?!?
    *Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
    FYI: this quest is only good for faction, nothing else.
    # Aug 05 2002 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
    308 posts
    Turning in Gnoll Canines to Sergeant Caelin will not reward you with any money, and it will not reward you with any items. The sole reward for this quest is positive faction with the nature folk, and the Guards of Qeynos. For most people that's not important... however, for any of you folks that follow Karana, it is very important, because a few of the quest NPCs in the outpost will not talk to you about their quests unless they view you as an ally. Since killing the gnolls will already raise faction with the people in Jaggedpine and Surefall Glade, I would suggest possibly leaving the Gnoll Canines for the folks in your group that worship Karana, to help them get their faction up quicker so they can do their quests.
    NO EXP
    # Jul 31 2002 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
    I turned in 10 teeth which took me from indifferent to amiable - so good faction on them but didn't get any xp... it not like quest xp - is ever noticable anyway....
    RE: NO EXP
    # Jan 01 2003 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
    The Hero bracer quest gives 1% xp up to the high 50's. People on my server are farming the hero bracer for aaxp.
    RE: NO EXP
    # Sep 18 2002 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
    Quest exp is never noticable?? You've never done the QBoH quest then. The final hand in gave my wizard ( 49 at the time ) nearly a half a yellow. Not to mention the wonders of doing the Brazen Brass Kilij quest if you are below 50. WOW.. I have never seen a more lucrative quest, experience-wise. Not flaming you, just letting you know that there are a few quests that do give exp. And some of them are wonderful, right up until you hit 50. ( at 55, BBK quest still moves my exp but NOT MUCH anymore).
    RE: NO EXP
    # Nov 26 2002 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
    and you can just sail through the first 14 levels or so with bonechips in north kaladim. =)
    RE: NO EXP
    # Jul 10 2003 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
    You are completely correct. You CAN sail through the first 14 levels really easily if you have the bone chips. And then when you go fight a lvl 14 mob then you'll get WHIPPED HORRIBLY. And you wanna know why? Your skills are all 0-5, not exactly the best compared to most other lvl 14s with 75 or so in their important skills. You just might want to think about turning them in after you have got 5 points in your important skills per level, then go back and get another level. Rinse, repeat. But if you just go straight through, you will be so bad at whatever you are wanting to do you will go down to lvl 11 real fast, if you catch my drift.
    RE: NO EXP
    # Jan 30 2003 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
    661 posts
    And if your not worried about Indigo Faction, CrushBone Belts are AMAZINGLY saught after by everyone low lvl'd. Great faction hits and experiance for the lvl.
    Antonius Bayle
    Most likely stupid question
    # Jul 29 2002 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Are these teeth different than the ones you can get in BB?

    I remember doing the halas and qeynos quests with the BB teeth a long time ago. Just wondering if they have to come from JP to raise my faction before I do badge 5.
    Yes, they are different items:
    # Aug 05 2002 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
    308 posts
    Gnolls in Qeynos Hills and Blackburrow drop "Gnoll Fang".

    Darkpaw Gnolls in Jaggedpine Forest drop "Gnoll Canine".

    They are two different kinds of teeth. You need to get "Gnoll Canines" from the Darkpaw gnolls in Jaggedpine Forest in order to use this quest to raise faction. This quest does not give a reward, not a single coin, nor does it give experience. It simply raises your faction with the Jaggedpine Residents, Protectors of the Pine, Jaggedpine Treefolk, and Guards of Qeynos. Killing the Darkpaw gnolls also raises these factions, with the exception of Guards of Qeynos.

    Edited, Mon Aug 5 10:46:04 2002
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jul 28 2002 at 4:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 35ish wisps erm no blue to a 41 ranger and hit very hard if you do kill em they drop gls all the time and gems aswell as a few pp not explored the zone much yet but by the sound of it i wont bother till 50+
    How Many Canines at a time.
    # Jul 27 2002 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
    179 posts
    Is this like the Halas quest where you turn in 3 at a time or do you turn them in one at a time or are you given a 6 slot container to fill with canines and combine?
    Artulyn Starsummoner 120 Grand Summoner of Omani Winter on Bertoxxulous

    For the Light of a Candle to be Seen, It must be taken to a Dark Place -- UKLG
    RE: How Many Canines at a time.
    # Jan 30 2003 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    I turned them in 3 at a time, though there is no container. The Ice goblin necklace quest has a container, though.

    Edited, Thu Jan 30 10:45:36 2003
    RE: How Many Canines at a time.
    # Jul 28 2002 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
    You can turn them in 1 at a time. You get faction for each Canine turned in. I did this is conjuction with killing Gnolls to raise my faction to Amiable. You need at least Amiable faction with the Sergent in order to continue the quest which is the Qeynos Badge of Nobility (the 5th Badge Quest)
    # Jul 26 2002 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
    i had gone exploring there the other night we followed the wall to the first cave then the river. we had a 56 cleric 52 shaman 53 necro and a 51 warrior. when we reached the river we pulled the fish women from them, they resisited all my necro dark and fear spells, as well as other very tough critters i would suggest mele for these mobs. at one point we follwed the river towards what looked like a ocean wich i tend to think is eruds crossing. but before we got to the end we decided to cross we got mobbed bye 5 of the fish women 2 deaths but cleric and necro made it. the zone seems nice but alot of faction hits wich will make me kos soon. good hunting to all of you i hope i helped a bit.
    other non-faction mobs
    # Jul 26 2002 at 12:54 AM Rating: Excellent
    38 posts
    the anacondas are light to dark blue at 57 and pretty easy to kill. The Griffons, fawns, etc also light blue mostly (some green).

    And they have *no* faction hits.

    The poachers are positive faction but they're already camped 24/7.

    Watch out for the gnolls; the curates will CH all the others.

    The potameids cannot be snared or rooted and they seem to move at almost SoW speed. They follow you out of the water and have a big agro radius.

    I've also been told that they moved with someone when he succored. That however is only hearsay.

    Wolana Phoenixfyre, druid, Kelethin-Xegony
    Knight General, Soldiers of Fortune
    In service to her majesty Queen Jalea 57 seasons
    Wolana Phoenixfyre, druid of Xegony; Proud to be a member of Alliance of Hope where our Cause is Justifiable!
    No EXP, just faction
    # Jul 25 2002 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
    I was in this new zone for many hours today and collected 6 teeth which I turned.....end result was NO EXP, but good faction.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jul 25 2002 at 12:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am a lvl 34 ranger now and i just noticed there was a new zone where i can continue fear kiting after i get above fourty from the cougars in iceclad. AND NOW THERE IS A BANK AND QUESTS AND A BIND ZONE NEARBY. I am glad i chose a ranger.
    # Jul 25 2002 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
    103 posts
    You've had a zone to do that since velious came out actually, South Shore Rhino's and Mammoths in EW are good until 50, Tigerraptors in WL are also good until 45-47ish. The Griffon's in Jaggedpine are going to be the only good thing to get exp off of, unless you feel like trashing your Jaggedpine Faction. All the Panthers and Bears I dropped gave negative faction hits, so no more killing them for me.

    Wolveran Shadowbane 54.1 Pathfinder
    Shizadow Knizight 34 Shadowknight
    # Jul 25 2002 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
    there's the potameid things that seem to be kos to all. took my poor 18 ranger out before i knew they were there. also, there's 2 different types of gnolls, cave basalisks, and apparently some type of bat in the caves beneath the forest. from what i understand (as my cleric hasn't gone yet, but will be siding with gnolls) the darkpaws are some rather fast xp and raise guard faction. and don't forget the 35ish willowisps
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