Stonebrunt Mountains

Quick Facts





Level Range:
15 - 40

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The Stonebrunt Mountains is a very spiritual place, home of the Kejekan people, who rule over the land atop Mount Klaw in their small fortress of Kejek. Recently Heretics from Paineel and Kobolds from the Warrens have found out how to get into the area and have started causing trouble here for the kejekans.

This zone is available during Velious on progression servers.

Docked ShipKejekan VillageThe RiverOld Ghostback Roars Across the Snowy MountainsHighland Tiger Roams the NortheastKobold EncampmentDomesticated WildlifeThe Stonebrunt Mountains
Post Comment
Gorilla fang
# Oct 07 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
Looted a gorilla fang off a elder highland granitbeck the other day. Its nodrop and stackable, any ideas on what it is for?
Game-trail pathing
# Oct 05 2001 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
360 posts
Hi all.

This zone has some of the most unique pathing of MoBs I've seen in my journeys. Did anyone read "The Lost World" by Michael Crichton? If so, you're familiar with the concept of game trails.

(Don't even get me started on the movie bastardization of this book.)

Anyway, the animal MoBs basically follow each other around the zone along a series of relatively straight paths. Getting a handle on this is essential to successful animal hunting/kiting without getting an unbearable amount of adds.

Basically, as has been said, you can lurk within visual distance of a game trail, and selectively pull MoBs out of the path. It's best to decide BEFORE the pull where the battle is actually going to take place. Especially true if you're going to be kiting - you'll need some room for this.

Two really obvious game trails run north to south, along the eastern and western slopes of the zone. In both cases, the MoBs will eventually make it down to the water. It is possible to wait right down near the water, and let a parade of MoBs come right to you. Seems to work better on the East wall, down near the water Kobold camp. I'm not sure what happens when MoBs reach the water - although I SUSPECT they "wrap" to the other side of the zone. Or, perhaps they drown/despawn.

I'm guessing that this pathing is designed to allow non-tracking classes some way to predict where specific MoBs may be found, without making them static spawns.

Note that, in my experience, only animals and Kejekans use game trails. Kobold wanderers do not. I'm not sure about Heretic Invaders. Only seen one of them, so far.

Arynduil Greyleaf
Bind point for melee
# Sep 26 2001 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone tell me the closest place to Stoneburnt a ranger can bind? Can I bind in Paneel (and live through the process?). Any help would be appreciated.

Level 33 Ranger
RE: Bind point for melee
# Sep 26 2001 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
243 posts
Yes. Actually, the entrance to the warrens, you can be bound at the fountain there on the Paineel side.

BTW, getting through Paineel is simple. You never enter the city proper. The guards for the newbie zone have a tiny agro radius, so as long as you run straight out of the cave and don't stop, you are good. Get over top of hill and then look to your right, you will see cave. that is how you get to Warrens (and eventually to stonebrunt)

There are no guards here, so no fear in binding.

Have fun!

RE: Bind point for melee
# Sep 26 2001 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
243 posts
Yes. Actually, the entrance to the warrens, you can be bound at the fountain there on the Paineel side.

BTW, getting through Paineel is simple. You never enter the city proper. The guards for the newbie zone have a tiny agro radius, so as long as you run straight out of the cave and don't stop, you are good. Get over top of hill and then look to your right, you will see cave. that is how you get to Warrens (and eventually to stonebrunt)

There are no guards here, so no fear in binding.

Have fun!

RE: Bind point for melee
# Oct 01 2001 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
Just make sure you look out for the 2 Paineel-ites that are in the overpass above the entrance to the newbie yard... if you see someone named Azziz Habbib, STAY AWAY- PLEASE DO NOT TRAIN HIM TO THE FOUNTAIN WHERE WE'RE ALL BOUND AT...

Remember, pain is your friend. Introduce everyone you pass.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 19 2001 at 8:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) oh yes! start out slow, get faster, oh nice, that feels good. harder, harder, harder, now lick my tits! **** my box harder! OH GOD YES!!!I"M CUMMING! YOU'RE SO GOOD! AH, for my ********...
RE: Important note from a horny nymphomaniac wood elf
# Sep 20 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Default
Who let the 9yr old on dad's computer? Go back to Nintendo kiddie and leave the grownups to EQ.
Good zone
# Sep 18 2001 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
We hunt here with a 22 SK , 22 Shaman, and 22 Rogue, add what ever is Looking for a group and we can Pull the River Kobold camp nonstop, adding in the Tiger, lepord, and panda on downtimes. EXP seemes to be very good. I would recomend this zone to anyone looking for a chalange. We had 4 tigers and a Elder back in a row last night, Dang add's, and we all made it ( close one ). sometimes, like life, you get a Curve thrown at ya.

22 SK
Wincer Winces
22 SHM
D' Ro
Zone thoughts
# Sep 17 2001 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Finally, I can get decent experience without having to take that horrible boat ride to Kunark and be herded with the rest of the sheep up to LOIO.

Getting there isn't as bad, once you know the way. My Camo lasts all the way through the Warrens with no problem, and I usually end up clicking it off after I gett hrought he Throne Room so that the people I'm guiding can follow me better. Print off the Warrens map, bind in the fountain room in the Paineel newbie zone, and run it a few times. Once you learn the layout, the path you have to take is really pretty straightforward.

Once in the zone, realize that the place is HUGE - it's about the same area as Western Karana. It's pretty much a large square, with a little alcove sticking out of the southwest corner, which is where you zone into.

Around that alcove, are 4 camps - 2 3-tent ones around to your right, in close proximity, a huge 10-tent double camp out and to the right, and one the 4th, 3-tent camp (maybe 2 tents?) farther down the wall opposite the zone tunnel to the left. The 3-tent camps have been green to me ever since I started in the zone at about 19, and the 10-tent camp is still blue at 23 (had the occassional white@19). All of the Kobold camps that I've tried out respawn pretty quickly - not until I was in a full group with a Monk, Bard, Druid, Rogue, Mage, and Wizzy, were we able to wipe the riverside camp (7 spawns) faster than they would respawn.

The zone has three landscape features. In the southern part is a forest and cliff leading to the ocean. Lots of kobolds, snakes, and wandering cats. Occassionally, a small Gorilla or Tiger will get down here, but usually, it's been trained from the mountains.

Let me say, the poison from the snakes here (and the Sicknesses and such from the Kob shamans) are _very_ strong here. The snake poison does 30 dmg in each tick, and requires _4_ Cure Poisons from my 23 druid. The Sickness's are the same way - I haven't noticed the dmg, but I have to cure myself 4 times to get rid of it. The Shammy's also have at least 3 different sickness spells they can cast on you - lit me up like a christmas tree one time, I managed to cure myself with about 1/5 of 1 bubble of health left.

OK, to the north of the forested area, is the mountain area. Here, you'll primarily see Tigers, Pandas, and Gorillas. I'm just starting to get blue-conned animals in this area at 23. This is also the area in which the Ancients wander in, and the area where the Kejekan city is at, almost dead in the middle of the zone. This is the only place to sell that doesn't require you to make a death-run through the warrens, so unless you're KOS when you get to SbM (Necro's mostly), do yourself a favor, and don't ***** up your faction - there is no way to raise it without doing quests given by the Kejekans' so once it's hosed, it's hosed.

Farther to the north, the mountains hit a snowline. I haven't ventured up here much, outside of tracking down lost groupmates. I can tell you that my entire track window turned red when it refreshed, that I was running over hills and findinf valleys with 10 big gorillas, and that the Highland Kobolds hit hard and run fast. Actually, everything you see up here will hit hard and run fast. I've heard rumor of a 'Panda City', and I'd interpret that valley I ran across as a gorilla city, too.


Experience - well, in the 2 weeks since the zone came out, I've leveled my druid from 19 to what will be 24 in a day or 2. My wife has taken her mage from 15-18, and will be 19 in a few days. I still get a half to 3/4 of a blue bubble for each solo Kobold kill at the camp on the stream just south of Kitty City. I noticed that hunting the zone wasn't too bad once you got there, but the run through the Warrens killed a couple of Guildmates that got paniced when the TR MoB's came a-charging at us when the Barbarian's Camo dropped in the middle if it. So while a group of 15's or so would easily be able to hunt the camps surrounding the zone tunnel, it's going to be hard for them to get there in the first place. Plan on staying a while if you come in.

There's not a lot of Uber loot here. However, the weapon and armor loot makes decent cash - I usually get 1-5 plat for each of the bamboo weapons I sell, and that's with neutral Kejekan faction. There is an NPC in the city who sells food, and for the most part, the city is safe for casters to bind in, unless someone has managed to train a something into the city and it kills you (/gsay /q OUT NOW /Q /Q /Q).

Druids have plenty of room to kite and play with our animal charm spells - I haven't tried it yet, as until recently, most of the animals I saw were red, but almost all of them will double-hit, and for no less than 15-20 dmg each. Almost makes the NK Griffawns look like poodles - I'm not scared of the 'fawns any more, but these tigers worry me when we get one and our group isn't at FM and FH.

Zone populations go through phases. Sometimes, I'll be int he zone for hours and there won't be more than 5 people there. I think I saw 3 the other day. Other times, there will be almost 30 there. Even with 30 people there, though, I'll go hours without seeing someone not from my group unless I head up to the city to sell. The zone would easily support 40-50 people at a time.


Good places to hunt (19-23 Druid with a 15-19 mage):

10-tent camp
2-tent camp between zone area and ocean
2-tent camp on stream south of Kitty City

Bad places so far:

3-tent camp in SE corner, between stream and zone wall. OMG, sit up on the hill, and watch the big red-con gorilla and tiger mobs wander through the camp every 30 seconds.

That Riverside camp is my favorite one - it's a bit of a run, but once you're there, you're only about 2 minutes from Kitty City for selling, and the run to zone is fairly clear of heavy-hitting mobs. The only problem is the big Gorillas, Tigers, and Leopards that will occassionally wander close to that camp, and aggro on you sometimes. There's also a Kejekan that on occassion, wanders through the camp and KS's the Kobolds. Let him be, he'll die after he gets one or two ;) Also, on 3 or 4 different occassions, Old Ghostback has wandered very close to the camp - not aggro range, but close enough for everyone in the groups I was with at the time to /gsay something like "Oh $#i+" and start running backwards toward the zone wall. OG's never aggroed us in the camp, though, and I suspect he never will, since he and the other Titans appear to be on Kejekan faction, which starts good enough to keep us from being KoS. I've stood right next to the giant tiger on multiple occassions, trying to get a good picture, and had no problems with him (the gorilla's that tried to beat me down were another issue).


To address some of the issues other people have mentioned above -

The only KSing that monsters have done to me so far is the Kejekans taking out Kobolds I'm hunting. I assume if you were hunting Kejekans, you could expect the Kob's to join in if you got close enough. None of them will assist the various animals, though. Nor will the Kejekans assist you if you overpull or get aggroed by an Elder Graniteback and pull it to the city, though lots of players will be mad at you :)

You should learn what the assist range on the Kobolds is - you need to pullt hem far enough from the camp that the Shammies won't heal them. Nothing makes a fight go on forever than a shammy hiding in a tent healing the mob you're playing Whack-a-mole on.

The Kejekans in this zone are NOT the same as the Vah Shir that will be in Luclin. Faction here will not matter there. I mean, those people have been gone from this world for hundreds of years, they don't know you from anyone else.

Casters who bind _in_ the zone tunnel - duh. There's one zone line to SbM, and it's through that tunnel. You better bet people who get screwed with an aggroing gorilla on their butt are gonna tail it to the zone tunnel (As I do in order to save my group from being killed when the monkey wanders through camp). Try binding just outside the tunnel, to the left, near the giant boulder that's on the wall between the tunnel and the 2 small camps - you're far enough from the static spawn Kobold camp and 'guards' that you shouldn't have a problem. Or, make tracks up to the city and bind there.


That being said, the graphics to the zone are pretty - even some guildmates who have been to Velious and Kunark a lot more than I have like them. And it snows here...heh...I haven't beent o Velious or Halas yet, so I haven't seen snow. Anyway, it's a good zone if you can get there - good hunting, and see you around.

P.S. If you're in my camp on the riverside, at least invite me in now that I told you about it :)
Druid Loves this zone...
# Sep 17 2001 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Greetings. Made 19 last night. Woot me.

As a Druid, this zone is great. As a high teen, I finally managed a group where I could relegate myself to buffer/healer. At full group we had me, mage, 2 pally, cleric and warrior (rogue later).

As a tip, if you are staying back to buff and heal, then try to get a group that is a couple of levels higher. They will be handling the higher-conning mobs and you can keep them buffed and healed easily. For lvl 17, someone around 20 is perfect. XP rolls for pretty much everyone and you are filling a vital role.

I kept buffs up on group, then cast damage shield on the puller and tanks. Then healed. I watched mob and tried to snare it when it was down to about half. Then went back to watching tanks.

Prime tactics and the first time I really got to do work as a healer. It was great.

# Sep 16 2001 at 10:54 PM Rating: Default
I got pass the first rock wall by going to the left hand side and climbing,,once i got to the second rock wall, i tried the same thing and i fell on other side to what seem for a long time,,after dying from a 10000 non mele hit.. i had to petition a GM do get my corpse back, the GM came after a long wait and summoned my corps. I had time to ask him about what was up with this tunnel, and he responded this, "That I cannot say". Seem like there something there for sure, I was thinking a entrance to a futur Zone. will see.
RE: Tunnel
# Sep 25 2001 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
That's the tunnel in the mind in Kejek, right?

If it is, that whew. I was trying to get through those boulders and didn't make it.

Hey, I wonder if it might be an alternate way into the Hole or something, eventually. An entrance right off a zone that is just a lvl range under it. Anyone compare maps to see where this is in relation to the hole?

Just hypothesizing.

And for the higher-level types...
# Sep 14 2001 at 9:05 PM Rating: Default
This simple guide.

Go in invis.

Watch mobs carefully-you will find MANY places where mob after mob will walk,simple logical paths at that.

Once you find these paths,it's only a matter of finding a comfy spot near them and yanking mobs to you with a well placed snare and root.

Boom boom boom dead. The most tasty treats you will find are elder gorillas and pandas-the pandas always,the elder granitebacks sometimes.

Many creatures have two distinct levels to them-"greyskin" elders are far weaker than "whiteskin" elders.

Of the animals,pandas are by far the meanest-and strongest. An elder panda is a good fight and exp for me at 41,and can yield nice loot(got an opal bracelet off one). Whiteskin granitebacks drop peridot/emerald level gems down to mithril earrings and such. Greyskin ones drop low end gems(jade/topaz) and other shinies in the 3-6pp sale range.

Moving down the line,the highland kobolds. A careful party can get up into the snowline to hunt-and these are the ones that drop etched iron,which is bronze level armor with magic resistance on top. Nice for what you're battling. They're also going to drop up to a few plat in coins.

These are the "good to loot" regulars for a higher level PC in for the Titans themselves. But as you might want to keep Kejek faction so you can sell off stuff there,save em for later!

-Morgrist,Innoruuk server.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 15 2001 at 3:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for your advice, dr00d... Pffft. Hunting here at 41? No...
Tatiyanna's Stone Brunt Survival Guide for lvls 15-20
# Sep 14 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
243 posts
Getting there:

Unless you can buy a port, it can be a long trip, depending on race and class. If you can get it, port to tox.

When you enter Paineel, you should not see guards at first. You probably won't enter paineel proper unless you are an evil/welcome. Go down cave to your left. If you run straight out, you should be safe from agro. Just run, and don't stop until you are over the hill. The guards, BTW, have a small agro radius. But I have been agro'd and killed there. You should get bound before running to warrens first if you have a binder in the group. Then bound again at entrance to warrens. I did notice when returning from warrens that one of the guards can see invis, and the other can not. But at 17, both were green to me at the time. I don't know if they have a varying spawn range or not.

Now, getting through the warrens. Camoflage does not work, so you need another caster-type to invis you. While you can cast camo before going in, if it fades when you are deeper in...
If you can get invis'd, then cool. Study map and follow it.

Otherwise, you'll be fighting your way through. If you have a full group, you can make an adventure of it.

Now, you've made it to StoneBrunt. If you can invis or camo, I suggest looking around. This is a beautiful zone. If you aren't Erudite, the town is absolutely charming, and the kitty cat people are so cute. I'm sorry, but they will always be the kitty cat people to me.

Fighting. I will be honest. Most of the mobs here are too high to fight. That's ok. Why? Well, because this zone is great. You can fight kobolds here and raise erudite and heretic faction. And IMO, fighting them here (with the exception of xp bonus) is better than in warrens. If you work at the kobolds, you will find travel here to hunt other things easier later when you can handle them.

Mobs you will want to fight:

Savage kobolds
Scouting Kobolds
Kobold Wanderers
Kobold Shamans
If you are solo'ing, stick to blue cons. while I won't say they are really underconned, I will say that, like orcs, they hit hard.
If you are paired, go for evens and test water on a yellow con
If you have a group, take on evens and yellows, and maybe a red. Basically my strategy for red cons, If I can get my spell to take on it, we stay and fight it. If I can't, then I have a train to zone hotkey. We run.
Tip on choosing reds. Look at the camp. If the camp has been mostly blue to yellow, then the red should be ok. If the lowest has been yellow or white, then you might be in trouble.
Choosing the camp. Choose from the Kobold camps to the left as you enter stonebrunt. There are 2, I think. I found the first difficult, but the second easily managable for our lvl.

There are 3 kobolds that spawn at and near the entance and occassional wanders. If you are alone, you can handle these at lvl 16 and 17 if you are having problems pulling from the camps. There are also various wanderers you can pull

Kobolds aren't the only mobs you can battle. For variation, you can fight fight the occassional leopardess (white at 16 generally) or the less frequent valley spiritling (white at 16 also). The skins from the leopardess are nice. I frequently got an HQ pelt. The spiritling dropped a burnt out spiritling stone. This is a quest, and no rent. The other spiritlings are too high for our lvl, but if you kill it, you can offer the loot rights to someone higher lvl who hasn't killed one yet and who is doing the quest (which is out of kejek). I'm pretty sure it was the one for this quest, btw.
Also, consider, if you have the funds, buying loot rights from someone who is hunting for the quest. Some people will be happy to work with you, others won't. Just depends
Don't be afraid to share spawns and camps. The spawns here are frequent.

Enjoy the zone. I have. I plan to hunt it to 19.

17th Druidess of Tunare
Matron of Ravensveil
RE: Tatiyanna's Stone Brunt Survival Guide for lvls 15-20
# Nov 28 2001 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
just wanted to tell you something about the guards at the pannel newbie area, they hit for about 120dmg thats right 120dmg they were blue to me at lvl 10 I got aggroed and was double attacked for 118dmg so these guards don't con right at all
# Sep 13 2001 at 3:02 AM Rating: Default
If You are less than lvl 32 DO NOT expect to get any kind of XP here as it will quickly be stolen by the lvl30+ monstters that will be roaming right on by
# Sep 29 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent

Okies lemme say this
The kobold camps near the zoneline (and even the one at river) Give EXCELLENT XP But unfortunately after you outgrow them and decide to try and move on, well Just forget it.
For instance at lvl 25 I went there and solod the river kobold camp and quickly made it to 28. After that I tried to get into 6 different groups over the course of some days hunting all the different animals and the highland kobolds. Ended in disaster every time. For those of you familiar with S Karane picture camping a gnoll spire except one where (3lvl underconned) red and yellow monsters wander through every 5 minutes or so. Grouping is hard even with a chanter or bard with all the adds and soloing is tantamount to suicide.
Even in a decent group you can barely pull one monster ever. Maybe one in 5 pulls with no adds. O yeah and pray that one of the adds isnt a Mature or Elder panda b/c its like 15 minutes to the zoneline with SoW from most of the good hunting spots. If you do decide to stay here, well I hope theres a Necro or SK in your group that has Locate Corpse... Its a big place to lose a body.
Also with CR's you can expect to die once from monsters and another 5 times trying to get top your corpse even WITH locate corpse or invis, theres just too many wandering nasties out there that can see right through the mountains surrounding you so by the time one aggros its a little too late.

But if you just want to come here for a few levels like Raven and camp the kobolds a few steps from the zone line then yes this is ur zone.

Other than that it might be a good idea to just come here, look around , say to yourself "Wow what a pretty zone" then go back to LOIL or wherever you came from, otherwise your going to regret it.

O yeah and you might here someone say something about how the blues give remarkable XP. This is true. It is also true that many monsters (all tigers, silverbacks , Highland kobolds , and some of the kitties) are about 3 levels underconned.
Sorry but something that cons blu to a lvl 26 should NOT triple hit for 80 each and be resisting every spell you throw at it. At lvl 30 I wasted 4 full bubs of mana trying out every spell in my repertoire only to FD b/c I had 1/2 bub of health left and had barely put a dent in the thing. AND THIS WAS A BLUE mind you.

O well feel free to tell me I'm wrong but I'll never set foot in that hellzone again.

# Feb 05 2002 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Thats a shame because I came here at 31st and i'm soloing like a dream as a Shaman, maybe that littlegap from 27 to 31 is better spent elsewhere but i'll be staying here till 35 at least I reckon. Having no problems with resists or kiting stuff around as someone else says in a post here - go down to the waters edge and then follow that path - pick off the animal of choice and lead it on a merry dance probably only get a leopard add through the forested southern part and at 31st they are absolutely no problem
# Sep 25 2001 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
As an update to all of you, to not be discouraged by this. I lvl'd up from 16 to 19 here on Kobolds and the occassional kitty. Sometimes group, sometimes partnered. Sometimes solo. As a druid always. :)

I went form 19 to 20 in LoIO, but came back here to join guildies for hunting and made 21 last night. Did I mention I was only into 20 by 2 bubbles last night? For those of you uber thinking that is still slow, I got my lvl all the while we were clowning around occassionally with a friendly enchanter with breezes, one of the guildies recruited a new member, and I issued a quest to an Erudite who wants to join our crusade. All that in the frame of the 5 hours I was on line. Not bad for a night.

This zone is GREAT for late teens on.

# Sep 14 2001 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I COMPLETELY disagree! I have leveled up to 17 here already. I either pair up with my friend to take on a kobold camp (one of the lesser ones to the left of entrance) or I solo the kobolds near the entrance (had a cleric duo with me to help me lvl). Yeah, I have died when fighting the camps, but seeing as how I made my level in about...maybe 5 or 6 total hours of fighting (this includes visits to town, meeting the kejek folks and learning about quests, exploring the cavern, and getting used to the zone, and getting my woodelf self over to Erudin to bank) I would hardly say that my xp was sucked away. Besides which, I have had fun. The loot is great. The XP I am getting soloing the kobolds is well worth the manadump and risk of death.

It's actually refreshing to have a real risk of dying. And I am saying that as someone who hunts Unrest alot. We all know how dangerous even just yard-hunting can be. But once you get the hang of unrest, it is just the (mostly) avoidable unexpected that is a real danger.
Here, even your blues are a real danger. Makes it fun. So I die and lose some XP. I'll get it back and make several more plat in the process.

If you are mid-teens to 20, this zone is prime, IMO. I plan to lvl here to 19 and then go get my first self-porting spells. I expect this to be my weekend activity. It has some of the best looting for level, it is dangerous, but in an exciting way. Trains have been rare on quellious and with only a few exceptions are generally quickly taken care of. Most of the time, if I am zoning, it is to avoid my own bad pull, not some one elses.

So, no, you don't have to be lvl 32 to enjoy this zone. It is a unique place that you can enjoy as early as 15 or 16.

Besides which, this is SUPPOSED to be a forum for telling people how to enjoy the zone, not to avoid it.

Dark Elf Selling
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
Where is the closest place a Dark Elf sell itmes?
RE: Dark Elf Selling
# Sep 16 2001 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a Dark elf SK and i've been KOS here. I got even and slaughtered some cats (HaHAhAhAhehe) but thats besides the point. closest place i can sell is paineel and i had to go raise my faction took me like an hour or two.....or three but i got a key and i feel special. =)
RE: Dark Elf Selling
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
You should be able to sell in Kejek, assumingn you've not killed any cat people. I think everyone except erudites are fine there. Just don't use any illusions going there, cause I hear the kitties don't like that much.
Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 08 2001 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
I looted an Odd Bronze Medallion (No Drop) off a Kobold Shaman in Stonebrunt. Any ideas what this might be?

MindyAnna Windsong, 23rd level Minstrel in the service of the Candiria Knights
RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 24 2001 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I checked out that quest. Unless they do a new quest for the Odd Bronze Necklace, then this quest seems to be useless unless you are an Erudite Pally/Cleric. If anyone has any confirmed info contrary, please let me know.
At any rate, it looks like you have to complete two quests before you can get the bag to turn in the necklaces in. You might have to do one of them multiple times (like doing the bone chips multiple times for the tunare series of quests in felwithe). By the time you're wondering about necklaces found on mobs in SB, this is probably a huge waste of time. ;)

Ok, well

RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 10 2001 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
The only reference i can find is here:

I have had plenty of these "Odd Bronze Necklaces" and i still have one at the bank so i will talk to a wizard friend who can tp there and see if it is there you should go, I´ll get back to ye all.

17 season barbarian warrior
RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 08 2001 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
*sighs* Trashed mine,but I believe that it ID'ed as a "Greater Symbol of Ralfos Zek" or somesuch.

-Morgrist,Innoruuk server.
RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
by id, do you mean that nifty caster identify spell? Isn't that like lvl 8 or 12? do either mine or my friend's chanter could ID them...actually, I think the necklaces are no drop, so hmm.....
oh wait, urg. How do we get them ID'd? Magies can't ID them unless they can cast on them. Now that I am remember, my magie friend tried, but couldn't do the cast.

RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 14 2001 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, a learning experience for ya...

If you hold the item in your "hand" (meaning right click on it to move it to another slot)then have Identify cast upon you by a caster friend, you will learn the ID of that item. It has to be in your hand at the time of casting though.
RE: Odd Bronze Medallion
# Sep 14 2001 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts

Ok. Thank you


Got my friend to ID it, and yes it was greater symbol of ralfron zek.

Anyone know what quest? I have dozens of these stupid things.
Fighting at the East Highland Kobold camp
# Sep 07 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
This information is for the East Highland Kobold camp along the north wall of SB.

Facing the tents there is a tree directly to the right. The next tree North and slightly West of that tree is the SE vertice (go check your geometry textbook :) of a triangle of trees that make up a safe zone where wandering mobs will not go.

Be careful in front (South) of the camp and West of the camp, there are heavily used pathing lines there.

I've been doing camo, run in front of the camp. Target a mob in one of the back tents.
Run around back.
Cast Harmony.
Then pull away.

The Kobolds will path directly out of the tent, right at you.

The safe zone North and East might be larger than I've stated. But I'd stay pretty far away from the West tree.

Have fun!
good zone?
# Sep 07 2001 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
Hm, some people say lvl's go real fast here. But I've found it to be very trying to try to hunt there. Most of what comes up on track is green or red. I can very rarely find a blue leopard and some kobalds (surrounded by camps, so soloing them seems out of the question). The only thing I can find that's blue and fairly abundent are the emerald adders, but then, is all that trouble with poison worth it? I'd like to hunt here, but I don't really know how. Can anyone who've had a rewarding time here tell me how this zone worked for them? thanks

Ranger of (almost) 27 seasons
Have your cake, and eat it too?
# Sep 06 2001 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
I just cast my vote in the latest poll, and upon viewing the current results, something struck me as odd.

In the previous poll, "What do you think about twinking?" the majority of respondants chose the answer "A little twinking never hurt", instead of the runner up answer "I twink, therefore I am". Which I presume means they are ok with characters have equipment a little out of their range, but not in favor of "uber twinks".

Now, in the most recent poll, "How do you feel about the trivial loot code now in effect for The Warrens and Stonebrunt?", the majority of respondants replied "I think it sucks". Bearing in mind that the trivial loot code only affects rare drops, the only 2 reasons someone might think this sucks is if they are using powerful characters for farming rare drops to sell off, or if they are using powerful characters to collect gear to twink lesser characters.

So which one is it folks? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

For the record, the real joy of this game for me, is exploring the world of Norrath, and the constant struggle to stay tougher than my opponents as I level up. Eventually I will reach 60th lvl and will have all the best gear I can get for all my characters, and that is when I will stop playing. The struggle to there is the fun part. If I start out with the best gear I will ever need, and have no fear of dying, then the challenge and fun of the game are gone. It's the journey, not the destination.

I know some people will disagree; and to these power gamers I hope they find their own way to enjoy the game.
RE: Have your cake, and eat it too?
# Sep 08 2001 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Why would you quit at 60? That's when you can actually start "exploring the world of Norrath."
RE: Have your cake, and eat it too?
# Sep 10 2001 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
If you can't have your cake and eat it too, what's the use of having cake????

Jalalen Oakheart
44 Druid <Ordo Seclorum>
Quellious server
RE: Have your cake, and eat it too?
# Sep 30 2001 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
You have a cake

You eat your cake

Now you have no more cake

You cant have your cake and eat it too

As far as I'm concerned I think most ppl were trying to say that twinking is okay but deliberately pharming items that are quest or class only should be reserved by the ones who are there risking their necks to actually get these items.

And no killing a mob 23 levels below your own in NOT considered risking your neck.
RE: Have your cake, and eat it too?
# Oct 02 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Can I have a piece of cake too?
# Sep 06 2001 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Went there with a 25 Sha, and 27 War.

Two hours later? One LQ pelt, chased around by 4 very red cats. Saw a very red young panda, met some almost friendly kitties. Shaman died.

Final thoughts? Zone blows goats if you don't have track. It's like West Karana, except bigger... and no guards.

Aw hell. At least we got to kill the Mugglewump (giant tadpole... he's fun) on the way. And we looted a magical fishin' pole no one could us! Oh joy!

Khana Mountainshaker
RE: zone?
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Ah, don't be so quick to judge the zone. I love this place. Ofcourse, my haunt so far has been the Kobold camps. But I find hunting Kobolds here alot more appealing than in the Warrens. I can use all my spells here.
If you want loot, the loot from the Kobolds is the best I've seen so far at my lvl. Bear in mind, I don't have expansions yet.
From looking at the bestiary, the wandering animals are pretty high. But some of them seem to be for some quests, so maybe that's why.
Other than your standard animal drops, I'm not sure what else is to be had in the wilds of StoneBrunt. But the kobold loot is great.

16th Druid of Tunare
Ranger Heaven
# Sep 04 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm a 25th ranger and this new zone rocks. I love all the animals , panic animal and snare area rangers best friends and this zone seems to be created for us rangers. Happy hunting friends.
"Odd Bronze Necklace"
# Sep 04 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
I got an "Odd Bronze Necklace" off of a Kobold from one of camps near the zone. It's wearable (no stats) and NODROP, so I assume it's for a quest. Anybody seen/heard anything that might use this?
Lots of Fun
# Sep 04 2001 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
I've been taking down bules and yellow with my 19 (now 20) mage with little difficulty. I wouldn't consider these mobs to be underconned. It is a great place to explore, there is plenty of walk around teh MOBS if you don't want to fight. I've got good experience and decent loot.

My only complaint is having to go through the Warrens to get here. I don't see how a non-caster without invisibility can make it through the Warrens, and then you wouldn't be able to bind in Stonebrunt so if you die you would have to run through the Warrens naked.
RE: Lots of Fun
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Its not really that hard to get to the zone. By the time you are ready to go into this zone, most of the Kolbolds in the Warrens are green to the point of not attacking. The king room will be a problem, but if you are able enough, you could sneak or run through quickly. The zone is right nearby, so if you are a melee charecter, you will be able to run the gauntlet w/out getting slaughtered.
RE: Lots of Fun
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Its not really that hard to get to the zone. By the time you are ready to go into this zone, most of the Kolbolds in the Warrens are green to the point of not attacking. The king room will be a problem, but if you are able enough, you could sneak or run through quickly. The zone is right nearby, so if you are a melee charecter, you will be able to run the gauntlet w/out getting slaughtered.
Tatiyanna's Report from Stonebrunt
# Sep 04 2001 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
243 posts
Okay, this is not an easy place to get to. I won't go into our adventures when the Mage (who shall remain nameless) decided to peek down the HOLE and got too close. Can we say attempted CR's until 6 in the morning? Thank TUNARE for the weekend. And since I kept dying buy guards, all I could do was wait, since the mage's corpse had all my stuff. (I was being smart and dumped my stuff on him and used Lev to get a look at the Hole. That way, if I died, I could just leave the corpse and get my stuff from the Mage.) Gees, that was close

Okay, so, I went into it.

First time trying the Warrens, almost died. SoW was still up, so I was able to outrun my little train and Gate. So, for that Lvl 21 I consulted on earlier, SoW does out run Kobolds. Just yell TRAIN to applicable zone with the %t so that people know what is coming.

I consulted map, found route and discovered we went the wrong way. Recast our buffs outside the zone. Mage cast invis and we went again. This time, after 1 uneventful wrong turn, I got us there. Woo hoo Tat!

We tried out a couple of kobold camps. I won't say that they undercon. They are hairy orcs. We all remember orcs. They have HP for the lvl they con, but are strong so they hit REALLY hard. All those stuns. But Kobolds seem to have HP for thier lvl, so I won't say that they undercon. AND, for a change, an NPC caster seems to obey the no-casting-when-being-hit rule. It was nice to see that the kobold shaman had to regain concentration before it could poison/disease/freeze me.

We finally settled on the 3rd camp to the left of the zone. Most all of the spawns were blue to lvl 16. They hit hard, but went down well. the only time I died is when something wandered up that was stronger than us. Me and a mage. A rogue joined later and we were wiping up this camp.

The Kejek village is SO cute. I like the kitties. I want one. You think Befriend Animal would work on them? I bet they would make GREAT pets. When it gets out of line, let mage's pet whack it until I befriend it again. Wee!

I will be interested in seeing what the mine tunnel becomes. With the secret wall, they HAVE to be doing something with it. The kitties who are busy are cute when you hail them. Oh, and to all the other NPC races out there, they are, what is that POLITE! when you hail them.

tee hee

I've not hunted the rest of the zone yet. I'm scared to hunt cats cause I don't want to lower kejek faction. maybe if they add kejek faction to kobolds, then I will be less apprehensive about it.

Loot here is great. We have looted almost a complete set of armor. This is great, since my guild is going to host a bazaar soon on Quellious. also looted neat totems that add to Int and Wis. Why can't a druid use a wisdom totem? Gees. And Int is useful to us too,ya know. maybe not for mana, but doesn't it still assist in faster meds? Also managed to outfit the Rogue a little too. I'm thinking that the bamboo and wicker armor is lighter weight too, right? Should make it a fine sell back home. :)

A few things. I can't complain about the zone. I like it too much. Benefits far outweigh the dying. Spawns are fast, so camping isn't the doldrum that it could be.

That said:

To the would-be camp theif. Um, if you want to PL your friend, that is fine. But if he is yellow to me, he isn't getting xp from things that are blue to me, so GO AWAY and let someone use the camp who can make use of the xp and loot! And even if he is getting xp from high greens or low blues, um isn't the point of PL'ing someone to set them up against yellow and red cons? Gees louise!
I really wish people would GROW UP!

Now, that little rant said, Camps, even the small ones are shareable because, as I said, the spawns are fast.
If you share a camp, be nice. Look to see if other people are pulling the camp. If they are, hail them.
Share rare loot, etc etc etc.

Second thing. Let us NOT have the Unrest train wreck here. alright, some of us casting-types use the zone for our bindspot. It is also an out of the way med spot. PLEASE if you must run for the zone with a mob in tow (which we all have to some time) PLEASE yell TRAIN to ZONE %t.
For those who don't know how to set up easy hotkeys: Click social. Find one of the useless social buttons like Hail (since you just hit h to hail) and right click it. Replace the title with Train. Now, replace the text with " /shout TRAIN to ZONE incl'd %t " Now, click and hold down, and place it into a number slot on the left hand side of your screen. If you are short on slots, hit f10 to go into a wide screen mode. If you hit the ~ key then it will make the text screens transparent, so you can see what is around you. Hey, cool. And you have 10 number slots. Drop the train button into slot.
Now,when you train that gorilla, you can hit your number and warn the rest of us!


Oh, and when others are RPing, please don't be a pervert. When has a woodelf ever seen snow? I really don't need to see your no-life idea of what it is.

Notice how my rants are about people? :)

But this zone is great. Dispite my rants, most the people here were considerate. Most mobs trained to zone were called. The PL'er left the zone when he saw that he couldn't get away with being a jerk. People seemed to be helpful if you were in a pickle, so that's good.

So, come visit. I love this zone.

SoW girl of Quellious
Guild Mommy of Ravensveil
# Sep 03 2001 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
Do not go to the new zone if you are just going to complain. I love it there and plan on staying for some time. I went at 20 and am soaring through lvls faster than LOIO or anywhere else for that matter. The loot isn't great if you are an uber twink, but I've pulled over 1k out in the time it took my DE SK to go from kos to Warmly in Paineel ( 3 days of about 6 hrs a day) Yes, there are bugs (report them so they can be fixed) yes the mobs under con a little (I got 4 lvls killing easy blues) yes, it can be hard to find your way around (print a friggen map) and yes, for you high lvl char, loot rules suck ( take a lowbie there to get what you want) But most of all, if you don't like it...don't go I'll be happy to hunt in an empty zone.
Fearance Ebonsoul
-SK on Saryrn
New quest for evils ?
# Sep 02 2001 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I think I found a un-mentioned quest. Its not in the cat city, but somewhere in the nw, from a spirit - looks like a red wisp. Here's the dialog I had:

You say, 'Hail, a spirit'
a spirit flares brightly as you attempt to speak with it. By listening very closely you're brely able to make out it's frantic whispering. It keep refering to one of the Kejekans, one that apparently slew him as he attempted to cleanse the land of them. It wants nothing more than to destroy who killed him, but it cannot in this [form].
You say, 'what form'
a spirit flares brightly again as it explains there isn't enough time for it to explain. It then begins to whisper again, telling you that it commands you the aid it in it's revenge. You make out, through the barely audible whispering, that if you do help it, you will be rewarded.
You say, 'what revenge'
a spirit whispers that he will need to become whole again before he can defeat the fool animal that slew him. The spirit admits to one mistake before coming here to wipe the Kejekans. In an earlier campaign, he lost a very powerful weapon. That weapon would enable him to take on a form likened to his former self. If you return this weapon to the spirit, and then help him to defeat his enemy, the reward will be yours.
You say, 'what enemy'
a spirit dims in loathing of the creature that ended his crusade. It describes a Kejekan wearing a necklace of iron beads and using nothing to fight with but it's claws. It's description almost shows sign of admiration until it quickly denounces whatever idiot beliefs it may have. It goes on to say that it must kill it on it's own for the revenge to be complete.
You say, 'what earlier campaign'
a spirit seems hesitant to go into details and reacts harshly when asked further. He does say that he went to enlist an army of lesser beings to do it's bidding, but they refused. The spirit scoffs and says they believed the lord they shared favored them more than it. It goes on, explaining their utter foolishness and eventual demise in great detail.
You say, 'what reward'
a spirit begins making a strange halted whisper, you assume it to be a condescending chuckle. The spirit then explains it can do much for you, for it is a legendary crusader of the Heretics....You make out it's name....the blood drains from your face as you hear the name......Ridossan

It seems this is the spirit of Ridossan, and he wants me to bring him his weapon, then there will probably be a fight with some catman. I have no clue what this weapon is, though - there are several quests for armour parts of riddosan, but no weapon. Only thing I can think of is the forlorn naginata from the kobold king in the warrens, but I cannot get this because of the loot rules.
loc of the spirit ?
# Sep 04 2001 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
could you please give the exact loc of the spirit please, or a more explaining loc that NW ?


The ghost of Ridossan
# Sep 04 2001 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
if you kil the disciple Orokate in the keljekan city, a "Ghost of Ridossan" will spawn at his place. When the ghost spawn it says that he will return near his lord Cazic Thuke but befor he want to reward the' stranger who help him a lonf time ago ; for that he need the idol he gave to this stanger. I think this the final step of the line of quest given by royal guard sheltuin in Paineel.
So i think its strange that he ask for another thing that hais weapon. I think when you give him hias weapon the spirit will say you that he can not kill the cat but that he will reward you for killing him. So i think i will gave you the idol as reward for giving the weapon.
I think there is two possibility for the weapon :
it can be the Spirit Reaver Dropped by Jelquar the Soulslayer in the Stone brunt mountain ( it migh be a good possibility because of the name)
or it can be the Grimy lance, dropped by the ritualist in Cazic thule : this lance seem to have some ancient power locked (when id it says that you sense soùe ancient power) and to be a key for a quest ; "the lizardman of cazic thule can be the army of lesser beings who believed the lord they shared favored them more than it".
So i think the grimy lance is the good weapon : the ghost may unsealed its power.

Imothep Knight of Fear of the 27 circle.
Ayonae Ro
"Fear is our Armor"
RE: The ghost of Ridossan
# Sep 04 2001 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Ah, nice to see the other part of the quest. I noticed that one cat looking like the one the spirit discribed, but I did not try killing her.

Of course, the grimy lance from cazic thule makes sense ! All the other Riddossan things are shadowknight only, so obviously this guy was a sk, and had a sk weapon. The lizards in the temple of cazic thule make much more sense then the kobolds as following the same lord. It has been added recently enough to be there for this quest only, and its useless as weapon itself.

Btw, about this 'return near his lord' - would be neat if solving that quest actually spawned him as killable mob in fear.

Oh, I found the spirit at pos 478, neg 57 the first time, a bit sw of the catvillage actually. Was not there again when I checked back, might be a random spawn. Maybe the heretics spawning around the city are placeholders ?
RE: New quest for evils ?
# Sep 03 2001 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
I bet the weapon he seeks is he new SK sword thats been found. It's a really nice weapon, 13/27, effect: Lifespike.

I know I'd be a little weary about giving this to a wisp, but maybe the reward is worth it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 02 2001 at 3:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let me say this zone sucks it is no LOIO at all.You can not see where you are going with the mountains everywhere or trees for that matter.The mobs all aggro you no matter what lvl.They are all way underconned(by at least 2 or 3 lvl).Even those who do want to come explore and hunt here dont, but if you must be warned you will be jumped by tigers and stuff that you will not see coming.This zone is more like dagnars cauldron with a texture change.take all the mobs out and it still sucks to go thru it.Add mobs that are way underconned and throw in various unseen adds and you get a zone where the risk of death is much greater than other more appropriate zones for whatever lvl you are.But hey i was dumb enuf to check it out so...
RE: Asond Chaup 29sk
# Sep 03 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
I for one like this zone, I have gained 4 lvls there in 3 days and done so much easier than in LOIO. We are all entitled to our oppinions, and that is mine, hey, maybe some ppl will listen to you and not go... that is fine, more loot and xp for me =)
Fearance Ebonsoul
RE: Asond Chaup 29sk
# Sep 02 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
I suppose Orc Hill in GFay is more for your liking. The New zones are not for the weak at heart. The rewards are very good in the new Odus zones, and the dangers are plenty.
tunnel in cat city
# Sep 02 2001 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
I found a tunnel in the cat city, so I decided to follow it. It went aways then came to a pile of rocks. I squeesed in past at the top left side and found the tunnel continued. The tunnel ended in another pile of rocks that I could not pass. Went back the way I came, and now I cant get up to where I squeesed in. TRAPPED. Anyone been there? How do I get Out?
26th Monk
RE: tunnel in cat city
# Sep 04 2001 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I found this too. Heh heh, after finding that secret wall in qeynos, walls always make me suspicious.

The first wall you walk through on the sides. It takes some doing, but me and a high elf both made it through both ways. You might want to try ducking. Taller people seem to have difficulties

The second wall, I tried ducking and walking around the rocks. I found an alcove you have to duck into, but nothing else.

My forage skill is REALLY low. Anyone know if anything interesting, like say jewels, can be foraged in this cave?

RE: tunnel in cat city
# Sep 08 2001 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
i am a wood elf on saryrn and wood love for somone to show me the cave so that i could bust out on some foraging. ho knows maybe i can forage the spirits weapon or somthing.
RE: tunnel in cat city
# Sep 03 2001 at 2:59 AM Rating: Default
he trapped his pants!
RE: tunnel in cat city
# Sep 02 2001 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
The rocks kind of work like doors (kind of) and you can squeeze through. Iwent through the top of the last one and found myself moving very slowly in solid rock - had to gate to escape.
RE: tunnel in cat city
# Sep 02 2001 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
heard a guy on Cazic tonight talk about the tunnel. Said there is a rock wall you can walk right through. Hope this helps :)
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