
Deity: Rallos Zek
Level: 52
Money: 2000
Server: Erollisi Marr
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Scars of Velious Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:60.6 / 78
Primary Melee: Jarsath Trident
Secondary Melee: Green Jade Broadsword
Ranged Weapon: Spectral Bow
Ammo: None
Left Ear: Orc Fang Earring
Right Ear: Orc Fang Earring
Neck: Collar of Undead Protection
Face: Sarnak-Hide Mask
Head: Skull-Shaped Barbute
Shoulder: Grim Pauldrons
Left Finger: Velium Fire Wedding Ring
Right Finger: Velium Fire Wedding Ring
Left Wrist: Hero Bracers
Right Wrist: Crafted Bracers
Arm: Black Ice Sleeves
Chest: Barbed Ringmail
Back: Hooded Black Cloak
Feet: Crafted Plate Boots
Legs: Crafted Greaves
Waist: Thick Banded Belt
Hands: Sentry Gauntlets
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None


    Owned by: __DEL__1592249123759 Email:
    For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Springwood Club 2000 pp
  • Journeyman's Walking Stick 3000 pp
  • Short Sword of the Ykesha 1000 pp
  • Sharkjaw Cutlass 500 pp
  • Silvery Two Handed Axe 325 pp
  • Firerune Brand 1600 pp
  • Shieldstorm 3000 pp
  • Executioner's Axe 500 pp
  • Axe of the Iron Back 50 pp