Add that a Sarnak Extremist on 2/7/2009 dropped a Raw Supple Runic Hide.... one of the two I now have after 4 hours of killing the sarnaks in the room by the entrance to Chardok... 4 mobs around a table... when I first came here there were 3 zealots and a knight.... I got my first hide from one of the zealots... Since then I have gotten any number of loot items but no more Raw Supple Runic Hide... in fact the zealots seemed to carry practically nothing ... I was very surprised to get one from the extremist....
that earring is crap i dont know why anyone ever wanted it was even a bad earring before velious. it would be good for a noob but for the level and the rarity of it it sucks badly and its no drop so its completely worthless. str isnt good for an earring in earrings i look for hp ac and sta. str is easy to get in other peices of equipment and much more than a mesely 5. IMHO noone should go after this because by the time you can get you can afford better.
I found 10 static spawns outside Chardok so i setup camp and started pulling: Extremist was blue to 49 bard and had aaaalooot of hps.. 2/3times that of sarnak champ. nothing dropped off of 2 so far but many to go. will post specifics later: Server hiccuped and i had to do a CR for me and 2 druids... Zamphir PanFlute 49th song Solusek
Posted:Apr 25 2001 at 4:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh My God... I hope you are making this story up. Do you know how much people would pay for this earring? I've heard 10kpp.
I killed one of these extremists the other day in Burning wood (Blue at 52) and he dropped the Sarnak Earring of Station -- 5 AC +5 str. As a shaman it's not too useful to me... (Ivandyr's is better in one ear... Forest Loop is CLOSE) so I /shout'ed and a very happy monk came and looted it.
He was just south of the Giant Fort, standing in the woods, but I doubt that matters.