a sarnak extremist  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

This page last modified 2008-03-20 08:49:04.

Minimum Level: 37
Maximum Level: 40
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-19 20:48:58
Known Loot:
icon Black Pearl
icon Complex Platinum Silvered Rune
icon Consigned Bite of the Shissar VI
icon Crude Animal Pelt
icon Crude Silk
icon Crude Spinneret Fluid
icon Crystallized Sulfur
icon Damp Marrow
icon Dry Marrow
icon Emerald
icon Flawed Animal Pelt
icon Flawless Aquamarine
icon Fulginate Ore
icon Golden Pendant
icon Grade A Caladium Extract
icon Grade A Gormar Venom
icon Grade A Laburnum Extract
icon Grade A Larkspur Extract
icon Grade A Muscimol Extract
icon Grade A Oleander Extract
icon Grade B Caladium Extract
icon Iridium Ore
icon Jade Ring
icon Ketchata Koro Mis
icon Malleable Loam
icon Modest Binding Powder
icon Natural Silk
icon Natural Spinneret Fluid
icon Opal
icon Ornate Combatant's Globe
icon Ornate Defiant Bone Sledgehammer
icon Ornate Defiant Chain Boots
icon Ornate Defiant Chain Coif
icon Ornate Defiant Chain Sleeves
icon Ornate Defiant Cloth Gloves
icon Ornate Defiant Dagger
icon Ornate Defiant Harmonagate
icon Ornate Defiant Leather Bracer
icon Ornate Defiant Leather Cap
icon Ornate Defiant Leather Gloves
icon Ornate Defiant Plate Boots
icon Ornate Defiant Plate Bracer
icon Ornate Defiant Plate Gauntlets
icon Ornate Defiant Plate Vambraces
icon Pearl Earring
icon Pearl Ring
icon Peridot
icon Pliant Loam
icon Polished Gear #1
icon Polished Gear #2
icon Polished Gear #3
icon Polished Reinforced Rod
icon Raw Fine Runic Hide
icon Raw Supple Runic Hide
icon Rough Animal Pelt
icon Rubicite Ore
icon Rune of Al`Kabor
icon Rune of Conception
icon Rune of Embrace
icon Rune of Infraction
icon Rune of Petrification
icon Rune of Tyranny
icon Sarnak Blood
icon Sarnak Ceremonial Dagger
icon Sarnak Ceremonial Sword
icon Sarnak Earring of Station
icon Sarnak Eitchatka
icon Sarnak Emblazened Tabard
icon Sarnak Pitchatka
icon Simple Etched Rune
icon Spotted Lava Rock
icon Supple Loam
icon Thick Silk
icon Thick Spinneret Fluid
icon Words of Bidding
icon Words of Collection (Azia)
icon Words of Collection (Beza)
icon Words of Convocation
icon Words of Projection
icon Words of Seizure
icon Words of the Suffering

Known Habitats:
  Burning Woods
Factions Increased:
  Legion of Cabilis +1
Factions Decreased:
  Sarnak Collective -3
  Brood of Di`Zok -3

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# Aug 20 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
Faction changes are:
Sarnak Collective -3
Legion of Cabilis 1
Brood of Di'Zok -3
# Dec 20 2015 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Confirming results above.
Egat the Dedicated Artisan
Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
# Dec 27 2015 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Friar Lovejoy wrote:
Faction changes are:
Sarnak Collective -3
Legion of Cabilis 1
Brood of Di'Zok -3

Warlord EgatBearskinner wrote:
Confirming results above.

Updated, thanks to both of you.
drops Raw Supple Runic hide
# Feb 07 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Default
Add that a Sarnak Extremist on 2/7/2009 dropped a Raw Supple Runic Hide.... one of the two I now have after 4 hours of killing the sarnaks in the room by the entrance to Chardok... 4 mobs around a table... when I first came here there were 3 zealots and a knight.... I got my first hide from one of the zealots... Since then I have gotten any number of loot items but no more Raw Supple Runic Hide... in fact the zealots seemed to carry practically nothing ... I was very surprised to get one from the extremist....
also drops
# Mar 19 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Modest Binding Powder
sarnak earring of station is junk
# Dec 31 2002 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
that earring is crap i dont know why anyone ever wanted it was even a bad earring before velious. it would be good for a noob but for the level and the rarity of it it sucks badly and its no drop so its completely worthless. str isnt good for an earring in earrings i look for hp ac and sta. str is easy to get in other peices of equipment and much more than a mesely 5. IMHO noone should go after this because by the time you can get you can afford better.
# Jun 16 2002 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped Sarnak Emlazened Tabard tonight.
# Jun 25 2001 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
I found 10 static spawns outside Chardok so i setup camp and started pulling:
Extremist was blue to 49 bard and had aaaalooot of hps.. 2/3times that of sarnak champ. nothing dropped off of 2 so far but many to go.
will post specifics later: Server hiccuped and i had to do a CR for me and 2 druids...
Zamphir PanFlute
49th song Solusek
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2001 at 4:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh My God... I hope you are making this story up. Do you know how much people would pay for this earring? I've heard 10kpp.
# May 20 2001 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
The Sarnak Earing of Station is no drop so it can't be worth that much..
Sarnak Earring of Station
# Apr 10 2001 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
I killed one of these extremists the other day in Burning wood (Blue at 52) and he dropped the Sarnak Earring of Station -- 5 AC +5 str. As a shaman it's not too useful to me... (Ivandyr's is better in one ear... Forest Loop is CLOSE) so I /shout'ed and a very happy monk came and looted it.

He was just south of the Giant Fort, standing in the woods, but I doubt that matters.

-Isazo, Morell Thule
# Mar 26 2001 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
The max Level is wrong, on 55 some Extermists still con blue to me
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