Enchanter Epic: Staff of the Serpent  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    Entered: Mon May 13 15:36:52 2002
    Modified: Sat Aug 24 19:04:07 2024


    Jeb's Seal
    [ ] Hail Stofo Olan in Erudin
    [ ] Ink of the Dark
        [ ] Get Empty Ink Vial from Reania Jukle in Qeynos Catacombs
        [ ] Charm the a ghoul scribe in Lower Guk. Give him the Empty Ink Vial to get the Ink of the Dark.
    [ ] Mechanical Pen
        [ ] Loot Shining Metallic Robes from the ghoul arch magus in Lower Guk or from Yendar Starpyre in Steamfont Mountains.
        [ ] Give the Shining Metallic Robes to Rilgor Plegnog in Ak'Anon to get the Mechanical Pen.
    [ ] a White Paper
        [ ] Purchase a Quill and a Piece of Parchment
        [ ] Give the Quill and the Piece of Parchment to Chrislin Baker in Western Karana to spawn Thrackin Griften.
        [ ] Kill Thrackin Griften and loot a White Paper.
    [ ] Give the Ink of the Dark, the Mechanical Pen, and the White Paper to Stofo Olan in Erudin to get a Copy of Notes.
    [ ] Give the Copy of Notes to Jeb Lumsed (a sarnak imitator) in Burning Woods to get Jeb's Seal.

    First Piece of Staff -- Test of Illusion
    [ ] Kill Prince Selrach Di'zok in Chardok and loot the Head of a Prince
    [ ] Give the Head of a Prince to Joren Nobleheart in Felwithe to get the Chalice of Kings.
    [ ] Kill Vessel Drozlin in Cabilis and loot the Xolion Rod.
    [ ] Obtain Snow Blossoms in Oggok.
        [ ] Pick up Large Muddy Sandals, loc +230, +400 in Oggok.
        [ ] Give Large Muddy Sandals to Bozlum Blossom to get Scribbled Parchment.
        [ ] Give Scribbled Parchment to Brokk Boxtripper to get a Gift to Bozlum.
        [ ] Give the gift to Bozlum Blossom to get Snow Blossoms.
    [ ] Kill Verina Tomb in Neriak and loot Innoruuk's Word.
    [ ] Combine the Chalice of Kings, Xolion Rod, Snow Blossoms and Innoruuk's Word in an Enchanters Sack.
    [ ] Give the combined sack to Modani Qu`Loni in The Overthere to get the First Piece of Staff.

    Second Piece of Staff -- Test of Enlightenment
    [ ] Kill Cazel in Oasis to get a Spoon
    [ ] Pick up the The One Key in the Overthere.
    [ ] Pick up the Lost Scroll in Dalnir.
    [ ] Pick up the Book of Charm and Sacrifice in Plane of Sky.
    [ ] Combine the Spoon, the One Key, the Lost Scroll and the Book of Charm and Sacrifice in an Enchanter's Sack.
    [ ] Give the combined sack to Mizzle Gepple (Clockwork VIIX) in Ak'Anon to get the Second Piece of Staff.

    Third Piece of Staff -- Test of Charm
    [ ] Obtain the four dull gems from Nadia Starfeast in Firiona Vie.
    [ ] Charm a Spectral Librarian in Kaesora. Give him the Dull Diamond to get the Enchanted Diamond.
    [ ] Charm Felia Goldenwing in Skyfire. Give her the Dull Sapphire to get the Enchanted Sapphire.
    [ ] Charm the Wraith of Jaxion in the City of Mist. Give him the Dull Ruby to get the Enchanted Ruby.
    [ ] Charm Impaler Tzilug in the Overthere. Give him the Dull Emerald to get the Enchanted Emerald.
    [ ] Combine the Enchanted Diamond, Enchanted Sapphire, Enchanted Ruby and Enchanted Emerald in an Enchanter's Sack.
    [ ] Give the combined sack to Nadia Starfeast in Firiona Vie to get the Third Piece of Staff.

    Fourth Piece of Staff -- Test of the Phantasm
    [ ] Kill the Wraith of a Shissir in the Plane of Fear and loot Head of the Serpent.
    [ ] Kill the Ghost of Kindle in The Hole and loot the Essence of a Ghost.
    [ ] Kill a forsaken revenant in the Plane of Hate and loot the Essence of a Vampire.
    [ ] Kill The Tangrin in the Field of Bone and loot the Sands of the Mystics.
    [ ] Combine the Head of a Serpent, Essence of a Ghost, Essence of a Vampire and Sands of the Mystics in an Enchanter's Sack.
    [ ] Give the combined sack to Polzin Mrid in the Hole to get the Fourth Piece of Staff.

    Staff of the Serpent
    [ ] Combine the four pieces of staff in an Enchanter's Sack to make a Bundle of Staves.
    [ ] Give the Bundle of Staves to Jeb Lumsed (a sarnak imitator) in Burning Woods to get the Staff of the Serpent and the title Mindbender!


    Jeb's Seal

    The Enchanter Epic begins with Stofo Olan who can be found on the second floor of the Vasty Deep tavern in Erudin. Location -1100, -60.

    You say, 'Hail, Stofo Olan

    Stofo Olan says, ''Good day, I have [discovered] something truly wonderful! If I only had the [materials] required so I can copy my notes and send them to [my teacher]'.

    You say, 'what did you discover?'

    Stofo Olan says, 'I was researching a new spell, and discovered new information concerning the history of the Serpent.'

    You say, 'Who is your teacher?'

    Stofo Olan says, 'My teacher is Jeb Lumsed. He was last seen in the regions of the newly discovered lands. If you wish to find him that is where you must seek him out.'

    You say, 'What materials?'

    Stofo Olan says, ''The materials I need are a mechanical pen, ink of the dark, and white paper. Bring me those and I will give you a copy of this information.'

    You say, 'What is the ink of the dark?'

    Stofo Olan says, 'Dark illusions, thievery, and the plague of the living will guide you. These are the only hints I can provide. Safe travels and may you be protected from all maladies.'

    You say, 'What mechanical pen?'

    Stofo Olan says, 'The answer you seek is in your question. If you are unable to figure it out, then perhaps you are not ready to travel along this path.'

    You say, 'What is white paper?'

    Stofo Olan says, 'It may seem like ordinary paper at first. However, this paper was enchanted by a friend of mine. This paper was given to a lass in the Karanas to help with her writings. The paper will guide her hands and draw forth the thoughts in her mind. I no longer have any and I have not had contact with my friend in some time. Search them out.'

    Ink of the Dark

    Find Reania Jukle in the the Bloodsabers guild hall in Qeynos Catacombs. The easiest way to get there is to use the entrance via the gladiator rooms in the bottom of the Qeynos arena by following the bone trail through a false wall. NOTE: This is an Evil guild so good-aligned races should be prepared to use an illusion and alliance songs so as to prevent themselves from being attacked by others around Reania. She will talk to you even if your are KOS to her
    ( just confirmed, If you are scowling she will tell you "The Order of Three has been monitoring your recent activities, and we are appalled by you and your actions! Now, Be gone!" So you do have to be at LEAST Threateningly to her, Collaboration should be enough.)

    You say, 'Hail, Reania Jukle'

    Reanie Jukle says, 'Greetings, Playername. What can I help you with?'

    You say, 'what is the ink of the dark?'

    Reania Jukle says, 'Ink of the Dark, you say? That isn't an everyday item, you know. In fact i can't remember the last time someone requested it. I have given up keeping any here with me. You are going to need to [find your own supply] now. Sorry.'

    You say, 'where can I find my own supply?'

    Reania Jukle says, 'The ink is the blood of a dark scribe. Tempt him and give him this vial. He should cooperate.'
    You receive an Empty Ink Vial.

    You will need to head to the undead side of Lower Guk. The ghoul scribe spawns in a small room at location 538, -711, -192 in the same room as the ghoul sage. He is a semi-uncommon spawn so you will need to wait until he appears. Once he spawns Charm him (level ~35 mob).

    Give the Empty Ink Vial to the Ghoul Scribe (while charmed).

    a ghoul scribe says, '"Crroooaak! Crrroooooaaakk!"'
    Receive: Ink of the Dark

    A Mechanical Pen

    Rilgor Plegnog can be found in the evil guild inside Akanon, location 2025, -585.

    You say, 'Hail, Rilgor Plegnog.'

    Rilgor doesn't respond.

    You say, 'mechanical pen'

    Rilgor Plegnog says, 'Why do you want one of those contraptions. You will spend more time repairing it then you will writing with it. But if you insist on getting one, you are going to have to do a small favor.'

    You say 'What favor?'

    Rilgor Plegnog tugs at your robe and grins evilly. Mighty nice outfit you have there. Sure beats these drab robes us three are wearing. Hmm...my favorite color is purple, in fact a shiny metallic purple would do nicely. How bad did you want that pen?'

    Rilgor wants a Shining Metallic Robe, an uncommon drop from the ghoul arch magus who spawns in the dead side of Lower Guk, location 1184, -832, -192 OR from Yendar Starpyre in Steamfont Mountains if you have a force strong enough to kill him. This piece can also be bought from other players.

    Give Rilgor Plegnog a Shining Metallic Robe

    Rilgor Plegnog says, 'Very nice!! It is perfect! Here take this pen. Have fun with it.'

    Receive: Mechanical Pen

    A White Paper

    Chrislin Baker is found in West Karana inside a small merchant hut. Location 1046, -2001.

    You say, 'Hail, Chrislin Baker.'

    Chrislin Baker slowly lifts her head.'Have you brought any writing materials for me? The last few supplies I had were stolen.'

    You say, 'what writing materials?'

    Chrislin Baker says, 'A passing illusionist gave me some enchanted writing materials. He said they would help inspire me to capture my mind's images on paper. If you would just be so kind as to bring me plain old paper and a quill from Qeynos, I can get back to writing.'

    All she wants is a regular "piece of parchment" and "quill" bought from research vendors in most major cities spellcaster guild halls.

    Give Piece of Parchment and Quill to Chrislin Baker.

    Chrislin Baker gives you a hug. 'Thank you so much. I did some cleaning after you left and found this behind a barrel. It may have been left behind by the person who took my materials. You can have it.'

    You receive: Bandit Sash

    Thrackin Griftenwill spawn, a level 55 Bandit who will attack on sight. He spawns around location 800, -11570. Kill him and loot the White Paper off his body.

    Receive: White Paper

    Return to Stofo Olan in Erudin

    Give Stofo Olan the Ink of the Dark, Mechanical Pen, and White Paper

    Stofo Olan says, 'Yes, that is what I wanted. Here, take these notes. My teacher will be very interested if he is shown what I have found.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!

    Receive: Copy of Notes

    Seek out Stofo's master Jeb Lumsed. He is the a sarnak imitator found in Burning Woods at location -1206, -3951. If he isn't currently up clear the area of Sarnaks until he does appear. NOTE: If you are doing this quest on a progression server when the Omens of War expansion has released, a sarnak imitator no longer responds to any dialogue. Just hand in the Copy of Notes to him to get Jeb's Seal.

    You say, 'Are you Jeb Lumsed?'

    a sarnak imitator says, 'Yes, I am. Use your most enlightened magic to seek the truth of what is around you. When that is done, you will know what you seek.'

    Give the sarnak imitator the Copy of Notes

    A sarnak imitator says, 'I see that you have what I was waiting for. Stofo does do excellent work. It seems that you are to start on a long journey. Take this seal and it will guide you on your next step. Seek out the masters of enchantment. In time we will craft the Serpent for you. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle and return them to me.'
    A sarnak imitator says, 'Take this seal. You will need to show my seal to the other masters so that they may grant you the tools to complete your next tasks. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle for me. The other masters can provide the means to bundle them. Good luck and safe travels.'
    You gain experience!

    Receive: Jeb's Seal

    Seek of Nadia Starfeast in Firiona Vie.

    You say, 'Hail, Nadia Starfeast'

    (Need dialogue)

    Hand in Jeb's Seal to Nadia Starfeast

    Receive: Enchanters Sack and Jeb's Seal

    First Piece of Staff -- Test of Illusion

    a sarnak imitator says 'Modani is a master of illusions. You should seek him out first. Keep a careful eye out for him - he is never in his true form. The last time I spoke to him, he seemed very excited about his voyage to the elven outpost. You may or may not find more clues about his location there.'

    Modani Qu'Loni is the Master of Illusions, he is found in The Overthere currently assuming the form of a Skorpikis inside a small set of tunnels in the gorge in the center of the zone. Around location 540, -940. Him and his placeholder roam the area

    You say, 'Hail, Modani Qu'Loni'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, ''The hidden self inside a myriad of magic is one that walks quite softly. Yes, that is what you must seek.'

    Give Modani Jeb's Seal

    Modani Qu'Loni says, ''Ah yes, Jeb's seal. The time to craft a Serpent must have come. I will need components collected to craft the first of the pieces. I will also provide you with a sack in which you must combine the items. Are you ready to collect them?'

    Receive: Jeb's Seal

    If you don't currently have an Enchanters Sack tell Modani "i need a sack".
    Receive: Enchanters Sack

    You say, 'I am ready to collect them'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, 'Scattered throughout the world are various items. To prove your worth, go collect these and return them to me. The Xolion Rod, Innoruuk's Word, Chalice of Kings, and snow blossoms.'

    You say, 'What is the chalice of kings?'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, 'The Chalice of Kings is the chalice of elven kings. Recently thought to be lost to the ages, it was recently discovered. I need its magical powers to create a magical liquid.'

    You say, 'What is the Xolion Rod?'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, 'This is the rod of an ancient civilization found on this continent. Nothing is known of it other than that the scaled ones discovered it years ago.'

    You say, 'What are Snow Blossoms?'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, 'These are flowers that are also used in the creation process. They were once widespread, but now I am told they only grow in select places.'

    You say, 'What is Innoruuks Word?'

    Modani Qu'Loni says, 'The strict doctrine of the priests of Innoruuk is used as a material component in the crafting. The power of their hate must not be underestimated.'

    The Chalice of Kings

    Seek out Joren Nobleheart in Southern Felwithe. Location 735, -655.

    You say, 'Hail, Joren Nobleheart'

    Joren Nobleheart says 'I hope you have been sent by the King. There is an urgent matter at hand.'

    You say, 'I have been sent by the King.'

    Joren Nobleheart says, 'Our sources at the outpost have learned that the Chardokian royal family had a part in the disappearance of Firiona Vie. I have been ordered by King Tearis Thex to locate the individuals familiar with the new lands and to order them to the gates of Chardok Mountain. Do you accept the king's order?'

    You say, 'I accept the king's order.'

    Joren Nobleheart says, 'Gather your forces and march on the gates of Chardok. You are to strike deep into the home of Overking Bathezid. Your goal is not the overking himself, but his only living heir. His son's head will be the price to pay for their envolvement in this kidnapping.'

    Head to Chardok and Kill Prince Selrach Di`Zok. Loot his Head of a Prince and bring it back to Joren Nobleheart.

    Give Joren Nobleheart the Head of a Prince

    Joren Nobleheart says, 'Vengence has been fulfilled. However, the King still has a heavy heart. Not until Firiona has been returned can this sadness be lifted. But in appreciation of your efforts. I am honored to present to you the King's Chalice.'

    Receive: Chalice of Kings.

    Xolion Rod

    The Xolion Rod is dropped by Vessel Drozlin in the sewers of Eastern Cabilis. Location 532, -834. In order to get to him you will need to go through the Iksar Shadowknight/Shaman guild. NOTE: This mob has a multi-day respawn and will likely require a force to sit on his spawn as he is considered to be a big bottleneck for enchanters on TLP servers.

    Use the red teleporters to get onto the balcony then proceed down the eastern tower ladders. Once you hit ground level walk down the corridors until you reach a room with a large hole in the center and jump down. There are some invisible walls and pitfalls here so a map is highly suggested. When you reach a 3 way split coming out of the sewers cast levitate or go through the invisible wall and proceed down the Western Path which should lead upwards. Take a left at the next intersection then proceed Northwest until you pass through a 1 way wall, you should now be in Vessel Drozlin's room.

    Kill Vessel Drozlin, note he may attempt to run at low health through one way walls so be prepared, he is also highly resistant to spells so bring melee dps. Loot the Xolion rod off him.

    Recive: Xolion Rod

    Snow Blossoms

    Find Bozlum Blossom in Oggok. Location 544, 1158 by going through the shaman guild.

    You say, 'Hail, Bozlum Blossom'

    Bozlum Blossom heaves a great sigh.

    You say, 'What is wrong?'

    Bozlum Blossom sniffs. 'Boz like to grow perty flowers in her garden. But garden no more.'

    You say, 'What happened to your garden?'

    Bozlum Blossom says 'Boz not know what happen. Only see dat der biggins footprints in it. Me perty sure my puppy not smash garden. He has tiny feet. Right, puppy?'

    Bozlum wants a pair of Large Muddy Sandals. These are found behind Brokk Boxtripper, the bag vendor, at location 221, 365. Look carefully near Brokk's feet.

    Give Bozlum the Large Muddy Sandals

    Bozlum Blossom writes something down on a piece of parchment. 'You go tell dat Brokk dat he owe me big for smushing garden. Make him read dis.'

    Receive: Scribbled Parchment [Mean note to Brokk]

    Give Brokk the Scribbled Parchment

    Brokk Boxtripper says 'Brokk sorry, me no smush Bozlum's perty garden on purpose. Me felt bad and me too shy to go tell Boz Brokk sorry. Umm....go give her these perty flowers. Dem smell good and maybe make Bozlum feel better.'

    Receive: Gift to Bozlum

    Give Bozlun the Gift to Bozlun

    Bozlum Blossom says 'Oh, dat silly Brokk. He sent me too many of these perty flowers. Me not know where put them all. Here, you take some cause you help Bozlum. Me like you. Flowers make you smell perty, too.'

    You receive: Snow Blossoms

    Innoruuks Word

    Innoruuks Word is held by Verina Tomb, inside of Neriak Third Gate's Cleric guild. Location 411, -812.

    Like Vessel Drozlin she is on a multiday respawn and is one of the bigger bottlenecks to the enchanter epic on TLP servers. A small force will be needed to take her down. Loot the Innoruuk's Word off her corpse.

    Receive: Innoruuk's Word

    Combine the Chalice of Kings, Xolion Rod, Snow Blossoms, and Innoruuk's Word inside of the Enchanters Sack.

    Receive: Sack for Modani

    Return to Modani in Overthere and give them the Sack for Modani

    Modani Qu`Loni says, 'Excellent, you have done well. Here is the first piece of the staff. Now you must go seek out the second master; he will clear the path for you.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!

    Receieve: 1st Piece of Staff

    Second Piece of Staff -- Test of Enlightenment

    a sarnak imitator says 'Mizzle is a gnome who has mastered the use of enlightened magic. Go to him once you have spoken to Modani. Mizzle is not one to travel, so you should not have to look far from his home to find him.'

    Mizzle Gepple can be found in Ak'Anon, under the guise of Clockwork VIIX. Location 2028, -516

    You say, 'Hail, Clockwork VIIX'

    No Response

    You say, 'Are you Mizzle?'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Oh hello! I'm Mizzle, that I am. I bet you want to be given true clarity, don't you?'

    Give Clockwork VIIX Jeb's Seal

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'It is time then, are you ready to get the required components?'

    Receive: Jeb's Seal

    If you don't currently have an Enchanters Sack, tell Clockwork VIIX "i need a sack"
    Receive: Enchanters Sack

    You say, 'What are the required components? I am ready to collect them.'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Then bring me a spoon, the one key, the lost scroll, and the book Charm and Sacrifice. I will then reward you with what you seek.'

    You say, 'What spoon?'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Its a giant sized tool I will use to stir my magical pot. The spoon will help finish the ritual of crafting.'

    You say, 'What one key?'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'It is a key I lost long ago when I was travelling with a companion. We were traveling in the new lands flying over some large crevices when the key dropped out of my pocket.'

    You say, 'What lost scroll?'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'The lost scroll contains the magical incantation I need to help you out. It was penned ages ago by the Elves. It was lost along with its protector during one of the raids on the Outpost in Firiona. I fear it may be lost for good.'

    You say, 'What book of charm and sacrifice?'

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Oh, that is a book of good reading. If you want to take the time to read it. I haven't had much free time to read it, but now that you are getting supplies for me, I can take a break.'


    Spoon is a drop from Cazel, an uncommon named sand giant found in South Ro. Daring enchanters may find they can solo him by charming the NPC Andad Filla found in the far south near Innothule. Loot the Spoon from his body.

    Receive: Spoon

    The One Key

    The One Key is a groundspawn in Overthere, location -190, -380. This groundspawn is reported to take somewhere between 14-24 hours to respawn once someone else has picked it up.

    Receive: The One Key

    Lost Scroll

    Lost Scroll is a groundspawn in the Crypt of Dalnir, found behind a bed in the final area of the zone where many Kly can be found. Location -20, 50. Like other items in this quest, the Lost Scroll is reported to have a respawn timer of around 24 hours.

    Receive: Lost Scroll

    Charm and Sacrifice

    Charm and Sacrifice is a groundspawn found in Plane of Sky's questroom on top of a small wooden table. Location 1300, 560.

    In order to get to it an enchanter will need to find a ride up to Plane of Sky and then purchase a Efreeti's Key from the Key Master on island 1. Click the portal platform on the north side of the island to get to the quest room. Like other groundspawns this is reported to have a 24 hour respawn.

    Receive: Charm and Sacrifice

    Combine the Spoon, The One Key, Lost Scroll, and Charm and Sacrifice inside the Enchanters Sack

    Receive: Sack for Mizzle

    Return to Ak'anon and give Clockwork VIIX the Sack for Mizzle

    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Oh, excellent, you have done what is required. Here, take this part, and seek the third master, you are well on your way.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!

    Receive: 2nd Piece of Staff
    Your faction standing with TrueSpirit has been adjusted by Need Faction Amount

    Third Piece of Staff -- Test of Charm

    a sarnak imitator says 'The mistress of charm, Nadia is very beautiful. She, too, traveled with her relatives to the new land. I just recently received a letter from her. She says more and more pilgrims and explorers are arriving every day, and that the outpost is well defended now.'

    The Master of Charm, Nadia Starfeast is found in Firiona Vie, at either Location -3861, 2583 (Good controlled FV), or 720, -3300 (Evil controlled FV).

    You say, 'Hail, Nadia Starfeast'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Hello my dear. I am quite pleased to make your acquaintance, perhaps even charmed. '

    Give Nadia Jeb's Seal

    Nadia Starfeast says, Oh it must be time to reveal the staff! The piece I will help you craft is encrusted with magical gems. These gems contain the essence of various creatures. Alone they have very little power. Combined together they are much more powerful. They must be combined in a sack. Just ask if you don't have one.'

    Receive: Jeb's Seal

    If you don't currently have an Enchanters Sack tell Nadia "i need a sack"
    Receive: Enchanters Sack

    You say, 'What gems?'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'I have prepared some gems that you will need to trap the essence. You will need to force a diamond, sapphire, ruby and emerald onto special creatures to obtain their essence.

    You say, 'What Diamond?'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Here is the diamond that I have prepared for you. Its only purpose is to trap the essence of a particular book worm. If you should fail in your first attempt. Do not worry, I will provide you with another.

    Receive: Dull Diamond

    You say, 'What Sapphire?'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Here is the sapphire that I have prepared for you. Take it and give it to the one referred to as the Golden Faerie.

    Receive: Dull Sapphire

    You say, 'What Ruby?'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Blood red is the ruby that I have given you. The city that you must travel to has no sun, but still a day and night. And at night, the mist could suffocate one. Tis the fate of poor Jaxion.

    Receive: Dull Ruby

    You say, 'What emerald?'

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Eeekk... a scorpian. I thought they rid this area of these critters. Those things give me the creepers. Take this emerald and be on your way."'

    For all four of these Enchanted Gems you will need to charm an NPC and hand it the Dull version of the gem that corresponds to it.

    Enchanted Diamond

    Head to Kaesora and seek out the spectral librarian. Location 409, -75, -97. You might need to clear a few placeholders before he appears. One he appears charm him

    Charm the spectral librarian and give him the Dull Diamond

    spectral librarian says, 'You have no idea what it is like to be trapped in this place. Take your precious little stone and leave this place.'

    Receive: Enchanted Diamond

    At this point "an enraged spectral librarian" will spawn and attack you. He is fairly weak and killing him is optional, you may simply gate away from the fight. Some minor adds will spawn following his death which are also quite weak.

    Enchanted Sapphire

    Locate Felia Goldenwing, a named Chromadrac, in Skyfire Mountains. Bringing a tracker is HIGHLY recommended as Felia has a very large roaming area in Skyfire. It will likely require quite a bit of clearing mobs in Skyfire before she will spawn.

    Charm Felia Goldenwing and give her the Dull Sapphire

    Receive: Enchanted Sapphire

    Enchanted Ruby

    The Wraith of Jaxion is the target for the next enchanted Gem. He can be found in City of Mist all the way at the top of the zone by following along the broken platforms.

    In order to reach the Wraith of Jaxion you will need to bring someone who can pick locks or you must kill the Captain of the Guard in order to receive the Stone Key which will open up the first stone temple near the moat area. Proceed up the northern ramp and go through an invisible wall which will put you back outside on some floating glowing platforms. Follow these upwards and proceed along the large floating platforms. The second building you reach will require someone to lockpick the door or you can levitate around the side if you gain enough height and run fast enough.

    The Wraith of Jaxion will spawn outside of the final building that also houses a Black Reaver inside of it. You can simply sit outside on the ledge of this platform and wait for the roaming mob to respawn until Jaxion Pops.

    Charm Wraith of Jaxion and give him the Dull Ruby

    Receive: Enchanted Ruby

    Enchanted Emerald

    The final Enchanted Gem is imbued by Impaler Tzilug, found at location 25, 1350, -573. In the same tunnels leading towards Howling Stones inside the gorge. Reported to be a 24 hour respawn if killed.

    Charm Impaler Tzilug and give him the Dull Emerald

    Impaler Tzilug says, 'Your bidding has been done, now leave this land and never return.'

    Receive: Enchanted Emerald

    Combine the Enchanted Diamond, Enchanted Sapphire, Enchanted Ruby, and Enchanted Emerald inside the Enchanters Sack.

    You Receive: Sack for Nadia

    Return to Firiona Vie and give Nadia the Sack for Nadia.

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Lovely! You are indeed quite the charmer! Here, take the third part, and seek out the last master. The time draws near.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!

    Receive: 3rd Piece of Staff

    Fourth Piece of Staff -- Test of Phantasm

    a sarnak imitator says 'Master of the Phantasms - he is the last one you will seek out. Hmm...Polzin is native to Erudin, however, after the incident near Paineel, no one has heard from him. I hope that he is well.'

    Polzin Mrid, the Master of Phantasms, is found in The Hole off of Paineel. Location 217, -65, -345. In a small Garden behind the store "More than Mushrooms" inside the ruined city.

    You say, 'Hail, Polzin Mrid'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'Yes, young one? '

    Give Polzin Jeb's Seal

    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Jeb has spoken with you already, excellent. Tell me are you ready for the test of the phantasm?

    Receive: Jeb's Seal

    If you don't currently have an Enchanters Sack tell Polzin "i need a sack"
    Receive: Enchanters Sack

    You say, 'I am ready for the test of the phantasm'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'It will be simple, go collect these items and return them to me. Head of a serpent, essence of a ghost, essence of a vampire, and sands of the mystics. Do so and you will receive the last of the pieces. Be sure to combine them in a sack first. Just ask and I will provide you with one. '

    You say, 'What is the head of a serpent?'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'Serpent is probably not an accurate term form what you must return to me. It is actaully the reminants of a spirit. The spirit is one which was erradicated long long ago by the Iksar. I believe they were called the Shissar. You may need to travel to the Iksar city to learn more about these creatures.'

    You say, 'What is the essence of a ghost?'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'You don't have to look for to find roaming spirits. One in particular though has more meaning then the other sorry souls trapped here. You see, Kindle was a dear friend of mine. I came in search of him when he stopped writing. Wel....look at me now. I fear that I have succumbed to the same fate as poor Kindle.

    You say, 'What is the essence of a vampire?'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'The essence of a vampire is just that. Only the most powerful of these creatures will possess what you need. '

    You say, 'What sands of the mystic?'

    Polzin Mrid says, 'They are sands that were imbued with the magical might of the mystics. Mystics use a ritual involving their own blood to create a powerful bond with the sand. One will need to search the shores.

    Head of the Serpent

    To get the Head of the Serpent you will need to kill the Wraith of a Shissar found inside of the Plane of Fear. She spawns at the top of the temple in the northwest area of the zone surrounded by a great firewall. Most enchanters will need a small raidforce in order to get this item. Like many other pieces in this quest, the Wraith is on a long respawn so may prove to be a bottleneck on TLP servers. Loot the Head from her corpse.

    Receive: Head of the Serpent

    Essence of a Ghost

    The Ghost of Kindle, also found in The Hole is the holder of the Essence of a Ghost. Reported to spawn at location -83, 177, -300. She may be found outside of the large fort that is reached by going up a ramp in the back of one of the shops towards the west side of the ruined town. Kill her and loot the Essence

    Receive: Essence of a Ghost

    Essence of a Vampire

    The Essence of a Vampire is a rare drop off "a forsaken revenant" type NPCs found in the Plane of Hate. You will need a Wizard's help in order to get to Hate. Loot the essence off the corpse when you get lucky enough to find it.

    Receive: Essence of a Vampire

    Sands of the Mystics

    A big gorilla in the Field of Bone, The Tangrin is in possession of the Sands of the Mystics. He spawns on a small island off the northern coast of the zone, Location 3454, 2920.

    He's not too tough but bring a few melee dps as well as a tank/healer as he is highly spell resistant. Loot the Sands of the Mystics off his cold dead monkey body.
    Rip Harambe.

    Receive: Sands of the Mystics

    Combine the Head of the Serpent, Essence of a Ghost, Essence of a Vampire, and Sands of the Mystics inside of an Enchanters Sack to create Sack for Polzin.

    Return to Polzin Mrid in The Hole and give him the Sack for Polzin.

    Polzin Mrid says, 'You have done well. Take this last piece and return them to Jeb. He will be able to complete the final crafting.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!

    Receive: 4th Piece of Staff

    Staff of the Serpent OR: "Holy Crap I made it this Far"

    Return to the "a sarnak imitator" in Burning Woods AKA Jeb Lumsed. At this point you likely won't have an Enchanters Sack so ask Jeb for another.

    You say, 'I need a sack.'

    a sarnak imitator says, 'Take this sack and combine the items I requested in it. Then return it to me.'

    Combine the 1st Piece of Staff, 2nd Piece of Staff, 3rd Piece of Staff, and 4th Piece of Staff inside the Enchanters Sack to create Bundle of Staves.

    Give the sarnak imitator the Bundle of Staves.

    If you don't have enough True Spirit faction, you will see this response.

    "a sarnak imitator says, 'I don't know who you are! Stofo informs me of all those who are traveling this path. If you wish to travel this path, you MUST first do his bidding. Only then will I consider helping you.' "


    A sarnak imitator says, 'The path you have taken was long and hard. Now you are worthy to bear the Serpent. Use it well.'
    You gain experience!
    You have completed achievement: Epic 1.0

    You receive: Staff of the Serpent and the title Mindbender.
    Submitted by: Bobbybick
    Send a Correction
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    Truespirit Faction
    # Aug 12 2024 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
    Recently on Teek, I turned in my Bundle of Staves and was shocked to have them returned to me with the following text:

    a sarnak imitator says, "I don't know who you are! Stofo informs me of all those who are traveling this path. If you wish to travel this path, you MUST first do his bidding. Only then will I consider helping you."

    I have done the Enchanter epic many times on TLP and had never seen this text. Of course I had already completed all parts of the quest associated with Stofo when I received this text. Obviously thinking something had gone wrong with that portion of the quest, I went off and repeated the "Copy of Notes" portion but it did not fix this issue.

    Faction turned out to be the key. Turns out, I had done at least two of the Enchanter's Sack sub-combines from my Ranger persona. I'd never noticed before but each of those combines grants you 100 Truespirit faction ... faction hits my enchanter persona was now missing. To fix, I repeated the ground spawns + spoon portion of the epic until I reached 400 Truespirit faction. Only then did a sarnak imitator award me my snek stick when I turned in my Bundle of Staves.

    I hope this note saves you some stress. Personas are still quite new and this probably won't be the first time they cause issues in quests.

    Melusine the Siren

    P.S. I first tried to raise Truespirit faction by doing the easy gem turn in portions of the Shaman Epic but although the NPCs took the gems, no faction was awarded and I ended up having to repeat part of the Enchanter epic to raise my Truespirit faction to 400.
    shining robe
    # Apr 05 2024 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
    25 posts
    Could the checklist be updated to show that the Shining Metallic Robes can be looted from Yendar Starpyre as well. I wasted a lot of time in Lguk before I figured this out and would like to save others the time.
    Luclin / Phinny

    Parts that can be done pre-Kunark
    # Jul 17 2023 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
    132 posts
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    The One Key
    # Feb 02 2022 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
    103 posts
    Location is at height of -204, you have to get levitation on and and come from the top, is one of two small pillars of stone.
    Chardok roadblock for your epic
    # Jan 17 2022 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    Anyone know if it is possible to get through the Prince's door without a rogue? Used to be able to illusion through it, but now that has been taken away. So this epic chain appears to be no longer soloable. Now you have to spam rogues for help. Must be annoying to rogues to think they always have time to go through Chardok just to unlock a door. So much for getting an epic I guess.
    The One Key
    # Feb 01 2021 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    The one key is at the coordinates given, but be aware, It will be at the top of one of the natural stone pillars, not at the bottom of the crevasse. -190, -380, -207. You have to come in from above with levitate or a flying mount and land on top of the pillar

    Valentyne Hawkes
    Have I wasted my time on a broken quest?
    # Jan 22 2021 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    I got the notes and took them to the Sarnak Imitator. I gave him the note and he gave me the seal. I then asked about the serpent and went through the dialog with him all the way through his comments about each of the four masters. I then said "I need a sack" and nothing happened. I repeated it several times and he just stood there say nothing. I hailed him and he hissed at me. Has this game, once again, wasted my time with another broken quest?

    Valentyne Hawkes
    Have I wasted my time on a broken quest?
    # Nov 11 2021 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
    50 posts
    ValentyneH wrote:
    I got the notes and took them to the Sarnak Imitator. I gave him the note and he gave me the seal. I then asked about the serpent and went through the dialog with him all the way through his comments about each of the four masters. I then said "I need a sack" and nothing happened. I repeated it several times and he just stood there say nothing. I hailed him and he hissed at me. Has this game, once again, wasted my time with another broken quest?

    Valentyne Hawkes

    You say, 'I need a sack' and no response from a sarnak imitator

    You say, 'I need a sack' to Nadia Starfeast and she says she needs to know I talked to Jeb first. Traded Jeb's Seal to her and got Seal and Sack
    Have I wasted my time on a broken quest?
    # Jan 23 2021 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
    401 posts
    Am pretty sure the 'I need a sack' phrase no longer needed.

    When you give Jeb's Seal to any of the 4 masters, a 4-slot Enchanter's Sack should auto-pop into your inventory.

    After you do your last turn-in to one of the masters, give them the Seal again to get an extra sack for combining the staff pieces.
    Yendar Starpyre
    # Jan 22 2021 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    I found Yendar Starpyre between the dragon bones and the Grikbar Kobald camp at about -10088.88, -298.62, 11.82.

    Valentyne Hawkes
    Missing text for mechanical pen
    # Jan 22 2021 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
    16 posts
    When Rilgor Plegnog asks you to do him a favor you must respond "What Favor" before he will ask you to get the robes.
    This text is missing from the walkthrough.

    Valentyne Hawkes
    Almost There!
    # Jul 08 2020 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
    6 posts
    I'm a new EQ player, and am a free to play 52 Enchanter. I'll update this when I fully finish the epic (waiting on the essence of a vampire drop, the Wraith of a Shissar raid, and 2 of the charms popping), but I thought I should mention that there are no glaring issues with this guide. I soloed the entire thing with an apprentice II merc, and got some help from a 62 Mage or a 75 Rogue, but a lot of this quest is solo viable WITH THE RIGHT STRATEGY. Invis and IVU are your friends, don't think you have to fight everything in the zone. As a F2P 52, I probably wouldn't have been able to solo it, but if you're kitted out, have a J1/2 merc, or are past 55ish, it almost entirely is. Vessel Drozlin, Verina Tomb, Prince Selrach, Cazel (surprisingly), and the Wraith are the ones I absolutely couldn't do alone. Believe me, I tried. Drozlin and Tomb are both 10 levels higher than I am/was, Selrach (61) and the Wraith (55) are both RAID bosses, and Cazel brought too much regen to the table. Of these, Cazel would be the easiest, if you had more DPS. I attempted the charming strats as mentioned in the guide and had it break 3-4 times within the first 60 seconds, and once he was buffed, he almost killed me a LOT. People say it was no biggie, but they used dire charm, which is a level 59 AA, so I obv couldn't use it. Also, your mezzing and stunning doesn't work, because he's giant. Rogue pick locked into the Selrach room, I tried the illusion tricks but was unsuccessful. Careful when running through the Hole, I had to get help because stuff adds a lot and it's a harrrrd zone for a 52, everything is way higher level. I know nobody does the 1.0s anymore on live, so camping stuff wasn't a problem, but I will say the Ghoul Arch Magus was frustrating. I spent 2 weeks camping it for the SMR, I was too low level to go for Starpye, and too broke to buy it. Let me repeat that. I spent 2 WEEKS camping the Magus. Mini rant aside, was a fun (hard) epic, I'll update when it's finished with a tale of the Wraith raid!
    Edit: I did it! Brought a 75 Rogue to the Wraith fight, took it down, got the drop, and died haha. I'm a mindbender!!

    Edited, Jul 13th 2020 10:54pm by RenYK
    I have too many toons~
    Master of all things gate-related
    DB Sucks
    # Aug 16 2019 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
    31 posts
    They made the spectral librarian uncharmable in a patch. Shroud to rogue for hide turnin bipassed the bug...
    The dont have the staff to make new content so they just break the old.
    DB Sucks
    # Dec 01 2019 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    They apparently fixed it because I've just completed the whole epic with no bugs.
    # Aug 06 2019 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
    2 posts
    What ink of the dark?

    Stofo does not respond to the above. He does respond to the following:

    What is the ink of the dark?
    Epic 1.0 Title
    # Jun 21 2019 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
    4 posts
    Title given for this quest is: Mindbender
    minor wrong loc
    # Oct 07 2018 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
    The Master of Charm, Nadia Starfeast is found in Firiona Vie, at either Location -3861, 2583 (Good controlled FV), or 720, -330 (Evil controlled FV).

    This should be:
    The Master of Charm, Nadia Starfeast is found in Firiona Vie, at either Location -3861, 2583 (Good controlled FV), or 720, -3300 (Evil controlled FV).
    Imitator hisses at you
    # Jul 04 2018 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
    51 posts
    I just finished the enchanter epic 1.0 last night on Lockjaw. This was my first time doing this epic. The writeup above worked perfectly, except:

    1. When I hand in Jeb's seal to each of the four, they auto give me a bag. To get an additional bag, hand in the seal again. You need to hand in the seal to the last one of the four you talk to again after the turn in there, to get an extra bag for the final turn in. This is because:

    2. The sarnak imitator does not respond with any of the 1.0 text. Once the 1.5 is available, the sarnak imitator only responds with the "you don't have the 1.0/1.25" text, instead of giving you the prompts for 1.0. I had warmly faction, and could only get him to hiss. I just grit my teeth and did the hand ins, and got the 1.0. As soon as I did that, the imitator now responds with the 1.5 quest text, which leads me to believe this is a problem that is caused by the 1.0/1.25 flagging.

    Likely the issue I encountered is not a problem if you do the epic prior to OoW unlocking.

    Good luck.
    faction, and updated Jeb quotes
    # Aug 05 2017 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
    262 posts
    Stofo Olan says, 'Yes, that is what I wanted. Here, take these notes. My teacher will be very interested if he is shown what I have found.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!


    A sarnak imitator says, 'I see that you have what I was waiting for. Stofo does do excellent work. It seems that you are to start on a long journey. Take this seal and it will guide you on your next step. Seek out the masters of enchantment. In time we will craft the Serpent for you. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle and return them to me.'
    A sarnak imitator says, 'Take this seal. You will need to show my seal to the other masters so that they may grant you the tools to complete your next tasks. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle for me. The other masters can provide the means to bundle them. Good luck and safe travels.'
    You gain experience!


    Modani Qu`Loni says, 'Excellent, you have done well. Here is the first piece of the staff. Now you must go seek out the second master; he will clear the path for you.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!


    Clockwork VIIX says, 'Oh, excellent, you have done what is required. Here, take this part, and seek the third master, you are well on your way.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!


    Nadia Starfeast says, 'Lovely! You are indeed quite the charmer! Here, take the third part, and seek out the last master. The time draws near.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!


    Polzin Mrid says, 'You have done well. Take this last piece and return them to Jeb. He will be able to complete the final crafting.'
    Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
    You gain experience!


    A sarnak imitator says, 'The path you have taken was long and hard. Now you are worthy to bear the Serpent. Use it well.'
    You gain experience!
    You have completed achievement: Epic 1.0
    Mizzle Location
    # Aug 05 2017 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    262 posts
    Note to admin:

    The comment posted in 2009 under the entry for Clockwork VIIX means that Mizzle Gepple is at loc 2028, -516.
    Ghost of Kindel Loc -77, 174, -304 Found 5-29-17
    # May 29 2017 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
    All I can say is Wow trying to do just a simple Enc epic 1.0 quest is all most impossible these days to much old info out that's is no where close to being up to date . I want to post a pictures of the location of all the spawns and item's needed for this whole Enc 1.0 epic quest but have not found away to do that yet .Do not trust your maps or any info before at least 2014 do lots of reading before you start and please ask other player that have done with in the last year . DB really needs to get rid of old spawn times that are out of date and just let players play the game there is some much wasted time do simple a task get it done and go on the the next one . Too many locked doors where there are no keys for those doors then you have to have a rouge or bard at your side you use lock picks to open door's . thanks hope someone else finds this a little helpful
    Ghost of Kindel Loc -77, 174, -304 Found 5-29-17
    # May 30 2017 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
    528 posts
    OldRatheServer wrote:
    All I can say is Wow trying to do just a simple Enc epic 1.0 quest is all most impossible these days to much old info out that's is no where close to being up to date . I want to post a pictures of the location of all the spawns and item's needed for this whole Enc 1.0 epic quest but have not found away to do that yet .Do not trust your maps or any info before at least 2014 do lots of reading before you start and please ask other player that have done with in the last year . DB really needs to get rid of old spawn times that are out of date and just let players play the game there is some much wasted time do simple a task get it done and go on the the next one . Too many locked doors where there are no keys for those doors then you have to have a rouge or bard at your side you use lock picks to open door's . thanks hope someone else finds this a little helpful

    Added the Location for Ghost of Kindle under the Test of Phantasms.

    I am inclined to agree that many of the 1.0 epic quests walkthroughs here on ZAM could do with major rewrite overhauls. This is my first time visiting the Enchanter Epic page and all I can say is... it needs quite a bit of love. I'll add this to my list of things To-Do and hopefully have it ready before Agnarr hits the Kunark expansion. Stay Tuned.
    Ghost of Kindel Loc -77, 174, -304 Found 5-29-17
    # Jun 02 2017 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
    528 posts
    Bobbybick wrote:
    Stay Tuned.

    Okay it's done. This ended up requiring basically a full rewrite and me digging around to find all the missing hails/dialogue but hopefully this new walkthrough is much more easier to follow. I better see many Serpent Staffs running around Agnarr! Smiley: lol
    Does not want seal.
    # Dec 30 2016 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
    583 posts
    [Fri Dec 30 11:03:10 2016] a sarnak imitator says 'There is no need for you to show me the seal. You must show the other masters this seal.'

    Also wouldnt respond to "i need a sack"
    Does not want seal.
    # May 11 2017 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
    756 posts
    Same today, no response to "I need a sack"
    Does not want seal.
    # May 24 2017 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
    7 posts
    If it helps, I just completed this quest today (05/24/17) - I didn't ask Jeb for the final Enchanter Sack. They're (the bags) all the same, just lore, so any of the quest NPCs can give you one after you've combined the items they wanted.

    For example, my last turn in was for the Test of Charm. I combined the 4 gems in the sack and gave it to Nadia. Then, since that was my 4th staff, I gave her Jeb's coin again, and she gave me another Enchanter sack. I combined the 4 staves and received the bundle of staves to turn into Jeb.
    Does not want seal.
    # May 25 2017 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
    Kinelory wrote:
    If it helps, I just completed this quest today (05/24/17) - I didn't ask Jeb for the final Enchanter Sack. They're (the bags) all the same, just lore, so any of the quest NPCs can give you one after you've combined the items they wanted.

    For example, my last turn in was for the Test of Charm. I combined the 4 gems in the sack and gave it to Nadia. Then, since that was my 4th staff, I gave her Jeb's coin again, and she gave me another Enchanter sack. I combined the 4 staves and received the bundle of staves to turn into Jeb.

    Which particular NPC did you get your sack from?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    epic cliff notes
    # Jan 12 2016 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
    41 posts
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    total time
    # Jul 23 2013 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
    This epic took me 2 days to complete, it was surprisingly smooth sailing. Of course, it was completely dependent upon finding mobs with very long timers up, but not many ppl are rushing to do the enchanter 1.0 so that wasn't difficult. The only reason it took 2 days was because I saved felia for last, (everything is prelootable and nothing is really MQable, but I did buy the spoon rather than camp cazel.) Felia took a long time and I went to bed and tried again the next day. Took three or so hours after that and was grueling but once I got it I was gtg. Had a lot of fun doing it, and it's not one of the harder ones really.

    Btw, chanter was 85 and solo'd everything (though she had trouble since I kept trying to train through the hole, died several times.) Actually, I had to pull out a tracker for felia, and you do need one for that imo.

    Oh, I forgot to add, I got the SMR by killing Yendar Starpyre who roams all over steamfont. He drops it every time, if he is not up his respawn is 3 hours iirc. But since not a lot of people are rushing to do the rogue epic 1.0 either, he is generally up.

    Edited, Jul 23rd 2013 11:48am by Loknessy
    The Test of Charm
    # Mar 13 2010 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
    The dull ruby turn in is fairly easy. Get a mechanized lock pick set. put it in your bank. go to a shroud keeper and get a goblin rouge shroud on. then go to COM and you can unlock the doors as u need 2. Good Luck. I also suggest you grab a few levitation potions from the merchant in pok b4 you go. That way if you fall u dont die.I also found it help that i bought some cloudy potion and some Haste in a bottle from the bazaar. Being shrouded u need all the help u can get :P

    Level 76 Enchanter
    Povar Server

    I all~ways make time for E.Q.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2010 8:45am by Xymacca

    Edited, Mar 13th 2010 10:54am by Xymacca
    The Test of Charm
    # May 21 2010 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
    54 posts
    I just illusion through the doors, lets me keep all my own buffs and spells.
    What Jeb now says/does
    # Aug 05 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
    You give the �Copy of Notes� to Jeb Lumsed.
    A sarnak imitator says 'I see that you have what I was waiting for. Stofo does do excellent work. It seems that you are to start on a long journey. Take this seal and it will guide you on your next step. Seek out the masters of enchantment. In time we will craft the Serpent for you. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle for me.'

    a sarnak imitator says 'Take this seal. You will need to show my seal to the other masters so that they may grant you the tools to complete your next tasks. When you have collected the four parts of the staff, you must combine them in a bundle for me. The other masters can provide the means to bundle them. Good luck and safe travels.'

    You receive a coin called Jeb's Seal.

    (He says both paragraphs all at once now. You no longer get the sack from him. Did this today.)
    Jeb is <dumb>
    # Nov 18 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
    for whatever reason, jeb will not give you a sack any longer, you can say you need one, he'll never give you one... you can give him the seal he just gives it back and not a bag to go with it.

    so what ya got to do is when you get the last bag for whichever test you do last, get a second bag from that npc so you can combine the staff pieces before you go back to jeb to finish the staff.
    Jeb is <dumb>
    # Jun 24 2008 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
    He probably doesn't give you the sack anymore, to stop people skipping the pre-quest.

    After all, you didn't have to give the copy of notes to get a sack, all you had to do was /say "I need a sack".

    You could have taken that sack to the masters and not needed to hand them Jeb's seal.

    Well, maybe. And maybe it's just a bug ;)
    # May 03 2007 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok someone help plz...I got the seal from Jeb but he didnt give me a sack or tell me anything about the masters...can i keep going and do the masters quests or no? And if i do will he give me what i need if he didnt tell me to do it lol?
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