Dragons of Norrath Cultural Equipment  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Guide
Quest Goal:
  • Armour Set
  • Tradeskill
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Dragons of Norrath
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Feb 25 15:26:27 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Notice: Cultural tradeskills were recently given a major overhaul. Much of this information may be outdated.

We would like to have this guide on the wiki. The wiki article about Dragons of Norrath Cultural Armor can be found here. If you have any information to contribute, you can do so directly if you desire.

This is an overview of how Cultural Armor quests in Dragons of Norrath work. For more detailed information related to individual races, use the quest links on the lefthand side of this writeup.

This cultural armor works in tiers (note the indicated levels are requirements for getting the tasks from quest NPCs; you can make the low-stat armor at earlier levels, but not the augmentations):

First Tier: Simple
-Tradeskill components obtainable at 30th level.

Second Tier: Ornate
-Tradeskill components obtainable at 40th level.

Third Tier: Intricate
-Tradeskill components obtainable at 60th level.

Fourth Tier: Elaborate
-Tradeskill components obtainable earlier than 70th level, but you won't be able to get the task for the required book until then.

There are plate, chain, leather, and silk armor combines. Plate and chain is done through smithing in cultural forges. Leather and silk is done through tailoring in cultural sewing kits.

Note that mold and pattern combines produce an eight-slot backpack full with the following items:
20x Chest Slot
20x Legs Slot
20x Arms Slot
20x Head Slot
20x Hands Slot
20x Feet Slot
40x Wrist Slot

Navigation: The Books | Armor Production | Symbol (Aug) Production | Trivials | Appendix

(Links found in this guide go to a same-page appendix.)


Obtain Armor Books

See the "Tradeskill Quests" NPC in your home city. Perform tasks to obtain an Ancestral Armor Book, Simple Book, Ornate Book, Intricate Book, and Elaborate Book.


Smithing Recipes:

MOLDS = Ancestral Armor Book + High Quality Firing Sheet + Huge Block of Clay + Compacted Backpack + Sculpting Tools

BARS = Cultural Metal + Item Drop + Cultural Hammer

SHEETS = Cultural Hammer + Water Flask + (Tier's) Bar (made in the above combine)

ARMOR PRODUCTION = Armor Mold + # (Tier's) Sheet(s)/Bar(s) + Large Brick of Cultural Metal + Cultural Hammer
**NOTE: # is 3 for Chest and Legs; 2 for Feet and Head; 1 for Arms, Hands, and Wrists
**NOTE: Chain combines use BARS; Plate combines use SHEETS

This produces armor with minor stats and augmentation slots 7, 11, 12.

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Tailoring Recipes:

NEEDLE = Embroidering Needle + Cultural Brewing Essence

SEWING KIT = Water Flask + Needle Mold + Thimble Mold + Small Brick of Cultural Metal
**NOTE: Just to make things a little more complicated, Wood Elves and Halflings use bits instead of a small brick.

PATTERNS = Ancestral Armor Book + Roll of Plain Parchment + Large Bottle of Ink + Compacted Backpack + A Quill

SWATCHES = Cultural Spool of Thread + Cultural Needle + Culture-Specific Silk Swatch or Dropped Hide/Pelt

ARMOR PRODUCTION = Armor Pattern + # (Tier's) Swatch(es) (produced in the above combine) + Large Spool of Cultural Thread + Cultural Needle
** NOTE: # is 3 for Chest and Legs; 2 for Feet and Head; 1 for Arms, Hands, and Wrists

This produces armor with minor stats and augmentation slots 7, 11, 12.


The Symbols (Augmentations)

Symbols can be made by anyone of any deity in any culture's forge or sewing kit.

Inside a Book Binding (bought from local vendors), produce (Tier's) (Slot) Symbol Pattern:
Recipe = (Tier's) Book of (Race) Culture + Compacted Backpack + A Quill + Large Bottle of Ink + Roll of Vellum
(**Quality of Vellum varies by Tier: Blessed = Roll; Revered = Good; Sacred = High Quality; Eminent = Superb)

Blessed Water of (Deity) can be bought from local vendors.

Blessed Water of (Deity Name) = Blessed Water + Jade Shard
Revered Water of (Deity Name) = Blessed Water + Lambent Stone
Sacred Water of (Deity Name) = Blessed Water + Crushed Diamond Dust
Eminent Water of (Deity Name) = Blessed Water + Purescale Ore

(Tier's) (Armor) Symbol of (Deity Name)
Recipe = (Tier's) Water of (Deity Name) + (Tier's) (Slot) Symbol Pattern + Item
(**Item varies by Tier: Blessed = Warbone Chips; Revered = Fire Opal; Sacred = Shissar Scales; Eminent = Metallic Drake Scales)

(Tier's) (Armor) Symbol of (Deity Name)
Recipe = (Tier's) Water of (Deity Name) + (Tier's) (Slot) Symbol Pattern + Item
(**Item varies by Tier: Blessed = Silk Swatch; Revered = Drachnid Silk Swatch; Sacred = Nightmare Arachnid Swatch; Eminent = Glossy Drake Hide)



Sewing Kits - 162
Needles - 122

Simple Swatches - 62
Ornate Swatches - 122
Intricate Swatches - 182
Elaborate Swatches - 242

Simple Bars - 62
Ornate Bars - 122
Intricate Bars - 182
Elaborate Bars - 242

Simple Sheets - 15 (no fail?)
Ornate Sheets - 15 (no fail?)
Intricate Sheets - 15 (no fail?)
Elaborate Sheets - 15 (no fail?)

Blessed Water of (deity name) - 56
Revered Water of (deity name) - 68
Sacred Water of (deity name) - 82
Eminent Water of (deity name) - 95

ARMOR TRIVIALS (armor and symbol trivials coincide with one another):

Simple Boots - 120
Simple Chest - 139
Simple Gloves - 120
Simple Helm - 120
Simple Legs - 139
Simple Sleeves - 134
Simple Wrist - 115
Ornate Boots - 192
Ornate Chest - 222
Ornate Gloves - 192
Ornate Helm - 192
Ornate Legs - 222
Ornate Sleeves - 212
Ornate Wrist - 182
Intricate Boots - 263
Intricate Chest - 304
Intricate Gloves - 263
Intricate Helm - 263
Intricate Legs - 304
Intricate Sleeves - 290
Intricate Wrist - 248
Elaborate Boots - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Chest - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Gloves - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Helm - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Legs - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Sleeves - Unconfirmed
Elaborate Wrist - Unconfirmed


The Appendix

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Tradeskill Quest NPCs...

Barbarian - Artisan Kjell Sunrunner (+155, +388 Golden Torque)
Dark Elf - Artisan Dosan Vis`Moor (+87, -887 in the Blind Fish)
Drakkin - Artisan Irisi (-1350, -1590, second floor, near the banker)
Dwarf - Artisan Yar Shiverbrow (Kaladim South)
Erudite - Artisan Gorion Telld`Mare (Erudin Dock) or Artisan Korzan Virimove (Paineel)
Froglok - Artisan Srekta Froreki (Rathe Mountains, /loc?)
Gnome - Artisan Vidi Cogsworthy (+829, -128, +2 King's Building)
Half Elf - Artisan Vor Westrider (Qeynos North)
Halfling - Artisan Bill Whistletop
High Elf - Artisan Elistar Voran
Human - Artisan Vivian Selgan (West Freeport Theater) or Artisan Tar Cordell (Qeynos North)
Iksar - Artisan Sieeva Koan (Cabilis East)
Ogre - Artisan Garth Okken
Troll - Artisan Zermak (Grobb, /loc?)
Vah Shir - Artisan Vuro Padfoot (Shar Vahl, -435, -40)
Wood Elf - Artisan Calian Silverlake

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Cultural Hammers (Bought at Local Vendors)...

Barbarian - Northman Smithy Hammer
Dark Elf - Teir'Dal Smithy Hammer
Drakkin - Crystalwing Smithy Hammer
Dwarf - Dwarven Smithy Hammer
Erudite - Erud Smithy Hammer
Froglok - Froglok Smithy Hammer
Gnome - Gnomish Smithy Hammer
Half Elf - Combine Smithy Hammer
Halfling - Vale Smithy Hammer
High Elf - Elven Smithy Hammer
Human - Antonican Smithy Hammer
Iksar - Cabilisian Smithy Hammer
Ogre - Ogrish Smithy Hammer
Troll - Troll Smithy Hammer
Vah Shir - Vah Shir Smithy Hammer
Wood Elf - Fier`Dal Smithy Hammer

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Cultural Metals/Ores (Bought at Local Vendors)...

Barbarian - High Quality Ore
Dark Elf - Adamantite Ore
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - Brellium Ore
Erudite - Titanium
Froglok - Valorite
Gnome - Fortified Bronze
Half Elf - Rilsteel
Halfling - Mercurium
High Elf - Mithril Ore
Human - High Quality Ore
Iksar - Skyiron
Ogre - Adamantite Ore
Troll - Iron
Vah Shir - Ancestral Acrylia
Wood Elf - Mithril

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Item Drops (ORDER: Simple, Ornate, Intricate, Elaborate)...

Barbarian - Permafrost Crystals, Chunk of Condensed Ice, Pile of Gravel, Metallic Drake Scales
Dark Elf - Russet Oxide, Small Piece of Acrylia, Midnight Stone, Metallic Drake Scales
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - Warbone Chips, Lava Rock, Pile of Gravel, Metallic Drake Scales
Erudite - Shark Bones, Drop of Mercury, Midnight Stone, Metallic Drake Scales
Froglok - Barbed Bone Chips, Gargoyle Eye, Great Reptile Tooth, Metallic Drake Scales
Gnome - Warbone Chips, Chunk of Condensed Flame, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore, Metallic Drake Scales
Half Elf - Permafrost Crystals, Fungus Sap, Great Reptile Tooth, Metallic Drake Scales
Halfling - Ivory, Drop of Mercury, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore, Metallic Drake Scales
High Elf - Pouch of Mistletoe Powder, Fungus Sap, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore, Metallic Drake Scales
Human - Small Mammoth Tusks, Woolly Rhino Horn, Pile of Gravel, Metallic Drake Scales
Iksar - Loose Scales, Small Piece of Velium, Great Reptile Tooth, Metallic Drake Scales
Ogre - Barbed Bone Chips, Dark Ore, Pile of Gravel, Metallic Drake Scales
Troll - Barbed Bone Chips, Globe of Fear, Great Reptile Tooth, Metallic Drake Scales
Vah Shir - Porous Mineral Block, Brick of Black Acrylia, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore, Metallic Drake Scales
Wood Elf - Pouch of Mistletoe Powder, Polished Serpent Scale, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore, Metallic Drake Scales

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Cultural BARS & SHEETS...

Barbarian - Frostwarded Steel Bar (Chain), Snowborn Steel Sheet (Plate)
Dark Elf - Nightfall Adamantite Bar (Chain), Dreadguard Adamantite Sheet (Plate)
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - Stonetooth Brellium Bar (Chain), Stormguard Brellium Sheet (Plate)
Erudite - Seashine Titanium Bar (no chain made), Seashine Titanium Sheet (Plate)
Froglok - Farsight Valorite Bar (Chain), Protectorate Valorite Sheet (Plate)
Gnome - Servolink Bronze Bar (Chain), Actuated Bronze Sheet (Plate)
Half Elf - Daybreaker Rilsteel Bar (Chain), Wayguard Rilsteel Sheet (Plate)
Halfling - Lightring Mercurium Bar (Chain), Leatherfoot Mercurium Sheet (Plate)
High Elf - Moonglade Mithril Bar (no chain made), Moonglade Mithril Sheet (Plate)
Human - Bar of Claviger Steel (Chain), Sheet Of Stalwart Steel (Plate)
Iksar - Twoscale Skyiron Bar (Chain), Trooper Skyiron Sheet (Plate)
Ogre - Tyrant Adamantite Bar (Chain), Warborn Adamantite Sheet (Plate)
Troll - Ravager Iron Bar (Chain), Nightkeeper Iron Sheet (Plate)
Vah Shir - Khala Vir Acrylia Bar (Chain), Khala Dun Acrylia Sheet (Plate)
Wood Elf - Wirewood Mithril Bar (Chain), Wealdstone Mithril Sheet (Plate)

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Cultural Brewing Essence...

Barbarian - Everfrost Essence
Dark Elf - Nektulos Essence
Drakkin - Crescent Essence
Dwarf - Butcherblock Essence
Erudite - Erud's Essence
Froglok - Gukta Essence
Gnome - Clockwork Essence
Half Elf - Thunder Essence
Halfling - Vale Essence
High Elf - Faydark Essence
Human - Vital Essence
Iksar - Cabilis Essence
Ogre - Spiteful Essence
Troll - Fetid Essence
Vah Shir - Shar Vahl Essence
Wood Elf - Essence of Sunlight

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Cultural Needles...

Barbarian - Northman Needle
Dark Elf - Teir'Dal Needle
Drakkin - Crystalwing Needle
Dwarf - Earthen Needle
Erudite - Erud Needle
Froglok - Froglok Needle
Gnome - Clockwork Needle
Half Elf - Norrathian Needle
Halfling - Vale Needle
High Elf - Koada'Dal Needle
Human - Antonican Needle
Iksar - Cabilisian Needle
Ogre - Blood Spike
Troll - Bile Spine
Vah Shir - Vah Shir Needle
Wood Elf - Feir'Dal Needle

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Cultural Kits...

Barbarian - Northman Sewing Kit
Dark Elf - Tier`Dal Sewing Kit
Drakkin - Crystalwing Sewing Kit
Dwarf - Dwarven Sewing Kit
Erudite - Erudite Sewing Kit (DoN)
Froglok - Guktan Sewing Kit
Gnome - Clockwork Sewing Kit
Half Elf - Half Elf Sewing Kit
Halfling - Vale Sewing Kit (DoN)
High Elf - Koada`Dal Sewing Kit
Human - Antonican Sewing Kit
Iksar - Iksar Sewing Kit
Ogre - Ogre Sewing Kit
Troll - Troll Sewing Kit
Vah Shir - Vah Shir Sewing Kit
Wood Elf - Fier'Dal Sewing Kit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cultural Spool of Thread (bought at local vendors in three sizes)...

Barbarian - High Quality Steel
Dark Elf - Adamantite
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - (Non Existant)
Erudite - Titanium
Froglok - Valorite
Gnome - Fortified Bronze
Half Elf - Rilsteel
Halfling - Mercurium
High Elf - Mithril
Human - High Quality Steel
Iksar - Skyiron
Ogre - Adamantite
Troll - Iron
Vah Shir - Ancestral Acrylia
Wood Elf - Mithril

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cultural Silk Swatches (ORDER: Simple, Ornate, Intricate, Elaborate)...

Dark Elf - Silk Swatch, Drachnid Silk Swatch, Nightmare Arachnid Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
Drakkin - ????
Erudite - Silk Swatch, Terrorantula Silk Swatch, Nightmare Arachnid Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
Froglok - Silk Swatch, Drachnid Silk Swatch, Ice Silk Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
Gnome - Silk Swatch, Crystalline Silk Swatch, Nightmare Arachnid Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
High Elf - Silk Swatch, Drachnid Silk, Stormweave Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
Human - Silk Swatch, Drachnid Silk, Stormweave Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch
Iksar - Silk Swatch, Drachnid Silk Swatch, Ice Silk Swatch, Coarse Silk Swatch

Cultural Leather Hides (ORDER: Simple, Ornate, Intricate, Elaborate)...

Barbarian - Medium Quality Bear Skin, High Quality Bear Skin, Shimmering Ukun Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Drakkin - ????
Half Elf - Medium Quality Cat Pelt, High Quality Cat Pelt, Great Reptile Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Halfling - Medium Quality Wolf Pelt, High Quality Wolf Pelt, Great Reptile Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Human - Medium Quality Cat Pelt, High Quality Cat Pelt, Shissar Scales, Glossy Drake Hide
Iksar - Sabretooth Tiger Hide, Excellent Sabretooth Tiger Hide, Great Reptile Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Ogre - Medium Quality Bear Skin, High Quality Bear Skin, Shimmering Ukun Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Troll - Medium Quality Bear Skin, High Quality Bear Skin, Shimmering Ukun Hide, Glossy Drake Hide
Vah Shir - Medium Quality Rockhopper Pelt, High Quality Rockhopper Pelt, Shissar Scales, Glossy Drake Hide
Wood Elf - Medium Quality Cat Pelt, High Quality Cat Pelt, Shissar Scales, Glossy Drake Hide

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Cultural Swatch Results...

Barbarian - Driftwalker Swatch (Leather)
Dark Elf - Duskwoven Swatch (Silk)
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - NONE
Erudite - Moonsilver Swatch (Silk)
Froglok - Lorekeeper Swatch (Silk)
Gnome - Metalofiber Swatch (Silk)
Half Elf - Runeseeker Swatch (Leather)
Halfling - Longstrider Swatch (Leather)
High Elf - Starglow Swatch (Silk)
Human - Sagacious Swatch (Leather), Stargazer Swatch (Silk)
Iksar - Shadowrise Swatch (Leather), Mistwoven Swatch (Silk)
Ogre - Bloodpact Swatch (Leather)
Troll - Reaver Swatch (Leather)
Vah Shir - Vah Anima Swatch (Leather)
Wood Elf - Brambleborn Swatch (Leather)

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Names of Armor Pieces...

Barbarian - Snowborn (Plate), Frostwarded (Chain), Driftwalker (Leather)
Dark Elf - Dreadguard (Plate), Nightfall (Chain), Duskwoven (Silk)
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - Stormguard (Plate), Stonetooth (Chain)
Erudite - Seashine (Plate), Moonsilver (Silk)
Froglok - Protectorate (Plate), Farsight (Chain), Lorekeeper (Silk)
Gnome - Actuated (Plate), Servolink (Chain), Metalofiber (Silk)
Half Elf - Wayguard (Plate), Daybreaker (Chain), Runeseeker (Leather)
Halfling - Leatherfoot (Plate), Lightring (Chain), Longstrider (Leather)
High Elf - Moonglade (Plate), Starglow (Silk)
Human - Stalwart (Plate), Claviger (Chain), Sagacious (Leather), Stargazer (Silk)
Iksar - Trooper (Plate), Twoscale (Chain), Shadowrise (Leather), Mistwoven (Silk)
Ogre - Warborn (Plate), Tyrant (Chain), Bloodpact (Leather)
Troll - Nightkeeper (Plate), Ravager (Chain), Reaver (Leather)
Vah Shir - Khala Dun (Plate), Khala Vir (Chain), Vah Anima (Leather)
Wood Elf - Wealdstone (Plate), Wirewood (Chain), Brambleborn (Leather)

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Deity Guide (Tier's Water of _____) ...

Agnostic = the Skeptic
Bertoxxulous = Infestation
Brell Serilis = Below
Bristlebane = the Farceur
Cazic Thule = Terror
Erollisi Marr = Devotion
Innoruuk = Hate
Karana = Storms
Mithaniel Marr = Integrity
Prexus = the Depths
Quellious = Stillness
Rallos Zek = the Warmonger
Rodcet Nife = Compassion
Solusek Ro = Wildfire
The Tribunal = Judgement
Tunare = Growth
Veeshan = the Brood

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Useable Deities...

Barbarian - Agnostic, Bristlebane, Mithaniel Marr, Rallos Zek, The Tribunal
Dark Elf - Agnostic, Bristlebane, Innoruuk, Rallos Zek, Solusek Ro
Drakkin - ????
Dwarf - Agnostic, Bristlebane, Brell Serilis
Erudite - Agnostic, Cazic Thule, Prexus, Quellious, Rallos Zek, Solusek Ro
Froglok - Mithaniel Marr
Gnome - Agnostic, Brell Serilis, Bristlebane, Bertoxxulous, Rallos Zek, Solusek Ro
Half Elf - All EXCEPT Cazic Thule
Halfling - Agnostic, Brell Serilis, Bristlebane, Karana
High Elf - Agnostic, Erollisi Marr, Karana, Mithaniel Marr, Solusek Ro, Tunare
Human - All EXCEPT Cazic Thule
Iksar - Cazic Thule
Ogre - Agnostic, Cazic Thule, Rallos Zek
Troll - Agnostic, Cazic Thule, Innoruuk, Rallos Zek
Vah Shir - Agnostic
Wood Elf - All EXCEPT Cazic Thule, Innoruuk, Bertoxxulous

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  • Sanity
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Metallic Drake Scales -- Old DoN gear quest item...
# Nov 26 2018 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
They removed the Quest tag and only says Magic now. Is this still used for the DoN gear quests?
"You can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy!"
Metallic Drake Scales -- Old DoN gear quest item...
# Nov 30 2018 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
santosud wrote:
They removed the Quest tag and only says Magic now. Is this still used for the DoN gear quests?

Someone will need to do one of the don quests that use this item and see if it is still used.
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Did Quests but was still stuck until...
# Nov 05 2017 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I haven't seen any posts addressing this so I thought I'd put it here to help someone else.

I did all the quests for my level in my home city, got the special items for the combine and then went to the special forge and still couldn't combine the items. It said I still needed to know something.

After reading all the very confusing outdated information everywhere I finally figured out I needed one more book.

For my race it was, Compendium of Drakkin Cultural Crafting. Insert your race for Drakkin. I had to open that book and inside was a button labeled scribe. I clicked that and I was good to go.
# Mar 21 2013 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Hopefully someone catches this, but how do I get Simple Book, Ornate Book, Intricate Book, and Elaborate Book?

All I get is quests for the symbols, but I can't figure out how to get another book. I'm level 37.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
It's an old style quest not a task. Read the dialog, it says what you need to give to them. It is the same NPC that gives the symbol tasks. You can look up the quest under related quests to left for your race to see most the dialog for the quest and what items you need to get.

Yther Ore.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
That's the thing, he gives me the same stuff as if I was asking for the regular Ancestral book. I tried that. Does that eventually change?

Sorry for asking but it is quite confusing.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
From the Wood Elf Cultural Armor page:

Find Calian Silverlake in Kelethin, location +942, +660.

You say, 'Hail, Calian Silverlake'

Calian Silverlake says 'Ah, the blessings of Tunare upon you _____. Perhaps you have come in search of lessons on how to create some new [armor]? Or maybe it was to hear a bit about the natural world and our history?'

You say, 'What armor?'

Calian Silverlake says 'I thought you might be interested in my new [designs], your current armor looks a bit worn. I've recently discovered a way of crafting the essence of the natural world into my armor pieces. Armor crafted in this manner comes out better than anything the elders have seen before. You may also be interested in the [runes] I have discovered for these armor pieces.'

You say, 'What designs?'

Calian Silverlake says 'I suppose I could share a book of my designs with you, but I cannot give you mine. It's the only copy I have! I'll make you a deal though, if you can bring me the [materials] to create a new book I'll make a copy for you to use.'

You say, 'What runes?'

Calian Silverlake says 'These runes can be quite complicated to create but are well worth the effort. They serve to enhance the natural forces in the armor and can bring untold benefits when put to use by a skilled crafter. If you're interested, I would be willing to give you instructions on how to create these runes in exchange for your [help].'

You say, 'What materials?'

Calian Silverlake says 'I'll need a some zombie skin and darkbone marrow from the Estate of Unrest. I can use those to create the cover and ink for the book. I'll also need some of the battle beads from Crushbone to help bind the book and a rotting orc tooth to complete the ink. Once I have those I will have a copy made for you.'

Hand in the items.

You receive Ancestral Wood Elven Armor.

Each one has a keyword (like materials in this example), that will tell you what you need. It may be different than materials in different races. If you're still having trouble what race are you doing?

Yther Ore.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Yther wrote:

Each one has a keyword (like materials in this example), that will tell you what you need. It may be different than materials in different races. If you're still having trouble what race are you doing?

Yther Ore.

I'm doing the High Elf. And when I ask the keyword "Interested" he only gives me the stuff about the original Ancestral Armor with the marrow, tooth, beads and zombie skin.

That's why I don't understand about getting the Simple Book, Ornate Book, Intricate Book, and Elaborate Book. I came back at level 40, still same text as my origina book.

That's why I'm confused. Do I get the same stuff hand it in, and he gives me an updated book? Or is it something different I am missing?

Thanks for the help.

Edited, Mar 21st 2013 3:37pm by Ridolain

Edited, Mar 21st 2013 4:16pm by Ridolain
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Yep, just hand in those 4 items and you get the book. It's the same book for tiers of armor, as they all use the same racial pattern, it's template and loam / marrow / spinneret that change for different tiers. See https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=34132 and all the recipes it's used in, as well as the recipe to make it, uses the same book you get back.

Hope this clears it up, :)

Yther Ore.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Yther wrote:
Yep, just hand in those 4 items and you get the book. It's the same book for tiers of armor, as they all use the same racial pattern, it's template and loam / marrow / spinneret that change for different tiers. See https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=34132 and all the recipes it's used in, as well as the recipe to make it, uses the same book you get back.

Hope this clears it up, :)

Yther Ore.

Okay still trying for some of the parts and will let you know what happens!

Thanks for taking the time to give me the info.
Re: Books?
# Mar 21 2013 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
You're welcome. Good Luck. And maybe the wiki page at https://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/EQ:Cultural_Armor may be of some use. It's missing the differences on the highest end (80+) stuff, but since you're premium you can look the recipes up here.

Yther Ore.
Re: Books?
# Mar 22 2013 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Yea. First you make a Crude Siolk Robe Template, then you make, if you haven't already the Pattern for High Elven Tunics along with the other patterns, then you need to make the Ornate Starglow Robe. If the alla recipes are too confusing, you might look them up at EQTraders at http://eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=18474&menustr=035000000000

Prior to making the stuff, you'll have to gather the Dropped and Store Bought items. Even if your skill is over the trivial expect to fail at least 5% of the time (alot more, if you're close or less than the trivial in skill level).

Yther Ore.

Re: Books?
# Mar 22 2013 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
Well, handed the items in and got ANOTHER Ancestral Book. No Simple one or anything different.

*sigh* I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'll do more reading.

What do you give the NPC for High Elf HQ armor to get the level 40 Ornate book? If not a book do I just use different materials of a different tier?


Okay with the link you gave me I think I figured it out.

The 4 items handed in gives a book to get the templates you need in case you run out. That doesn't change.

The Blessed ornaments are separate and able to be made each 10 levels after 30.

With the armor, you use the chart you linked for me, and put the appropriate parts in.

So for High Elf Ornate, I'd need Crude Silk in comparison to Sullied silk at level 30 and below.

Is that what I need to do?

Edited, Mar 22nd 2013 3:19pm by Ridolain
Re: Books?
# Mar 22 2013 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Correct, and I wish I would of caught that you were thinking there were multiple armor books right away. It's confusing how there are multiple symbol books, but only one armor book. Once you get it figured out though, the chart helps alot to keep it straight.

Also, don't follow exactly what is here in this quest write-up, but rather what the recipes show, either here or on EQTraders. The info in this quest is from when it originally came out, and has been revamped / overhauled at least once since then. Well, one major overhaul, then some changes with the higher level gear sequences. I haven't added the higher level changes to the chart yet, but they're pretty minor, if you look up the recipes.

Good luck!

Yther Ore.
High Elf Wizzard
# Mar 16 2010 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
ok got 5 large brick of mithril n 2 brick of yttrium ore how the hell do i combine for bars? do i need to cut with chisel or something? also, am i making the wrong armor to begin with? wizzys get robes if i am not mistaken...
High Elf Wizzard
# Mar 17 2010 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Depends on your level and yes you need silk and spinneret fluid, not bricks.
How to get Second, Third, Forth Tier book quests?
# Oct 26 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Received the first tier book for the Dark Elf armor, but can not figure out how to receive the next tier quest, he only gives out the quest I just completed and augment quests. I have ally faction with him.
Smithing Level Needed
# Jun 15 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
You need to have a smithing skill level of 300 to be able to do the Exalted Symbols or Sublime Symbols. This is needed to buy the book from vendors outside the library on the left side in POK. I had thought when I finished the quest and gotten the patterns for the exalted symbols, that I was done.

So you need to do the exalted quest from you home city, skill to 300, buy parchment on exalted(from vendor in pok or cresent reach - a cultural discoveries historian) to do the exalted or sublime symbols. It seem you can make the armor without having to buy the parchment. I didn't comfirm this on Elegant though.

Good luck.
# Jan 29 2008 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
The Symbols (Augmentations)

Symbols can be made by anyone of any deity in any culture's forge or sewing kit.

Inside a Book Binding (bought from local vendors), produce (Tier's) (Slot) Symbol Pattern:
Recipe = (Tier's) Book of (Race) Culture + Compacted Backpack + A Quill + Large Bottle of Ink + Roll of Vellum
(**Quality of Vellum varies by Tier: Blessed = Roll; Revered = Good; Sacred = High Quality; Eminent = Superb)

Add Exalted = Superb
Halas cultural books
# Jan 24 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
109 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
is this the updated recipies?
# Dec 14 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I have not done any cultural stuff. I had a friend doing the Drakkin armor and he told me that the Secrets of Faydwer expansion was going to change all the cultural recipies .... and at the top of this page it says there was "a major overhaul. Much of this information may be outdated." So I waited to get started. I want to do cultural armor for two or three races. Is this the information I need now?? Date is Dec 14, 2007. I don't want mess with recipies that won't work, but I don't know if this is the NEW or OLD information???? Please help .... Trulove (or Snipin) is lost again, Bristlebane server
# Nov 25 2007 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Elegant armor and Sublime symbols. Anyone have any idea how to make them yet ?
LOC Artisan Srekta Froreki
# Nov 20 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Loc for Artisan Srekta Froreki in Rathe Mountains is -2201 / + 191
new recipes ??
# Nov 06 2007 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
has anyone figured out the new recipes for iskar cultural symbols yet .. i been trying to find out but nothing yet the old lambert stone + blessed water combine in jewlers kit diffinately not working from what i found you dont got to do this combine anymore just got to get recipe right ( i saw blessed symbol recipe it changed to to new things like sullied spinet fluid and loam )
New Recipes - Elaborate - Cobalt Ore
# Nov 06 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
See my post under "Elaborate Stalwart Cuirass" Just vary the specific items according to your diety and race but the combines are the same and the loams and ores etc are the same
Drakkin Essence
# Oct 13 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
the drakkin essence is called Crescent Essence
Is it really this easy now?
# Sep 09 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
Just did the ancetral barbarian armor quest in about 20 mins, Havn't done anything else since the guy in Halas dont seem to want to give me the next quest for the elaborate book. I got curious, after getting the molds part done, I made some bars out of metallic drake scales.....I was able to pop out a elaborate bracer 1st try with no questing or anything for the books. Is it really this easy now?
updated quests
# Jul 14 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone happen to know of the new tradeskill quests? seems they removed the old ones.. at least from Oggok..
# Jul 10 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
After making all these things to skill up on ... there is almost no market for these items to other players (selling at cost), the vendors will not buy them, and they cannot be offered as tribute. This is a lot of work doing the quests, farming the ingredients, and a lot of plat spent on items that I ended up destroying to make room in my inventory
# Nov 04 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is an old post... but these items can now be used for tribute!! woot!!
# Jan 17 2010 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Only certain things are tributable. For example, the Slot 11 (cultural) augments you make using the skill-up path outlined on EQ traders (at least between Skill 201 and up to Skill 258, which is as far as I've gotten) are NOT tributable. They are also not sellable. So, basically, it's either make outdated cultural armor which nobody uses just so you can have a spot for these augments, or just hit the destroy button once you make the augments and lament the waste.

I'm loving my return to EQ for the most part, but Sony REALLY needs to look at this type of thing LOL. It's a complete disincentive to do tradeskills.
Bright Blessings to All!

Lady Daia Spiritlight
High Priestess of Quellious, Rathe Server
High Priestess of Quellious, Mischief Server
Drakkin Stuff
# Apr 25 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Needle: Crystalwing Needle (http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=26421)
Sewing Kit: Crystalwing Sewing Kit (http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=26418)

Current info from EQTraders on Drakkin DoN (http://www.eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=g221&menustr=080040025000) lists Various lvls of Steel Thread for Tailoring & the same for Crystalwing Steel - don't know if this will change with the new changes coming per Ngreth Thergn on the EQTraders Board
Drakkin Stuff
# Apr 25 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
drakno wrote:
Needle: Crystalwing Needle (http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=26421)
Sewing Kit: Crystalwing Sewing Kit (http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=26418)

Current info from EQTraders on Drakkin DoN (http://www.eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=g221&menustr=080040025000) lists Various lvls of Steel Thread for Tailoring & the same for Crystalwing Steel - don't know if this will change with the new changes coming per Ngreth Thergn on the EQTraders Board

Updated, thanks. I'm going to hold off on updating the various recipes until more is known about the new setup.
High Elf Book
# Mar 16 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Well the Quest from Elistar for the High Elf journeymens book for Augs is broken. I have /bugged this but figured I would pass it along on here if anyone cares. You are required to kill sharks in OOT but guess what?? no sharks in oot .. 4 days with a 72 ranger to track .. even after the patch and Nadda =/ I'm not one to take offense but thats just wrong, and whats worse is they know about it and still dont fix it =/

Naesm Revilo
74 High Elven Cleric
The Vengeful Guards
High Elf Book
# Apr 03 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
I did mine last year, so unless they changed the zone...

The sharks were the quickest of all my cultural drops. Straight off the dock, directly after zoning in. Keep hitting the "target next mob" button...
High Elf Book
# Mar 23 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
hmmm im not sure on your tracking but i was able to find some sharks forgot which island tho... will repost if i am to pass there
Got this quest with no DoN.
# Mar 12 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
My 27 Iksar warrior has the Journeyman's book, and my 41 High Elf cleric has his Book of High Elven Culture. I don't have DoN, and my High Elf just made his Journeyman vambraces (though I've decided to skip the rest of the Journeyman armor).
Got this quest with no DoN.
# Mar 12 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Lundaein wrote:
My 27 Iksar warrior has the Journeyman's book, and my 41 High Elf cleric has his Book of High Elven Culture. I don't have DoN, and my High Elf just made his Journeyman vambraces (though I've decided to skip the rest of the Journeyman armor).

On quest pages, the expansion icon indicates the era in which the quest was introduced. Compare this to item pages, where the expansion icon tends to indicate that the expansion is required to obtain the item.
Got this quest with no DoN.
# Mar 22 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
You mean like this?
Getting a new Ancestral Book
# Feb 23 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
I am a Vah Shir, one of the lucky few classes that is able to use Shissar Scales for tailoring combines. I have made several sets of molds and now a set or two of patterns and soon my book will poof. What is involved in getting a new book? Do I need to hail him again, get a new quest then get the stuff or can I just farm it now in prep for when that will happen, then just hand him the stuff and he give me a replacement book?
Cultural Armor (Drakkin)
# Dec 24 2006 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Artisan Irisi gives the quests to Drakkins
# Sep 29 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
anyone know what Drankin's use for their componites for this?
# Sep 29 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
Drakkins use Human recipes (the NPC in Cresecent Reach tells us this in the dialogue.)

HQ Ore

Sm Mammoth Tusks, Wooly Rhino Horn, Pile of Gravel, Metallic Drake Scales

Veeshan = the Brood
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