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full text/quests
# Jul 28 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
Ok, looks like the quests for the armor have been changed some. here are the updates for them. The Ancestral quest looks the same, but the other book quests are different now. Check the Task Quest Screenshots for the updates/changes.

Quest #1, Book of Ancestral Half Elven Armor

[Sat Jul 28 16:25:49 2007] You say, 'Hail, Artisan Vor Westrider'
[Sat Jul 28 16:25:49 2007] Artisan Vor Westrider says ''And hail to you as well, traveler. What news? It's nice to hear from someone of mixed heritage like myself. I often fear our kind will never be fully understood by either elves or human. Though we pass through their lands, we are always a little [uncomfortable] in either community. At least we half elves understand each other.'
[Sat Jul 28 16:25:56 2007] You say, 'uncomfortable?'
[Sat Jul 28 16:25:57 2007] Artisan Vor Westrider says ''You know what I mean. When traveling through elven communities, we must duck under their doorways and when visiting our human kin, we receive skeptical stares at our pointed ears. Not to mention, it's impossible to find armor from either race that fits properly. Human clothing is baggy in the shoulders and elven armor tends to chafe in the . . . well. . . you know what I mean, [right]?'
[Sat Jul 28 16:26:03 2007] You say, 'right'
[Sat Jul 28 16:26:03 2007] Artisan Vor Westrider says 'Tell you what -- I contracted a half elven artisan to make me a pattern book for armor specifically for us. I made a suit and it fits perfectly. If you'd like, I can make you a copy of the pattern [book]. I also have some advanced armor [patterns] you may be interested in.'
[Sat Jul 28 16:26:14 2007] You say, 'book'
[Sat Jul 28 16:26:14 2007] Artisan Vor Westrider says 'Excellent, I can make you a pattern book, but first I'm going to need some materials. Bring me a fire beetle carapace for the cover, a patch of zombie skin for the pages, a golden bandit tooth for the clasp, and a lion tail to grind down and make a salve which will protect and preserve the finished product. I have heard these resources can be found in Western Karana. Once I have these things, I can create the pattern book for ya.'


saying book causes Vor to list the needed items for the book "Ancestral Half Elven Armor". it is not a task though, in the sense that it does not show up in the alt+q window, it's just and oldschool turn in quest. You will need the ancestral half elven armor book to make any kind of half elven mold/pattern for the half elven armors. (but not symbols)


Edit/Note: kk just found out, for the tasks , when it says "make an impression" or such, those stepes seem to be updated randomly (?) upon killing the needed mobs for the task. Doing the Eminent quest for half elfs now and when i killed a strong sentinel i just got this message, in yellow:
"You find a pattern that speaks to you of your culture and make an impression of it."
if a pet gets the kill on a mob it seems to negate the chance for this step to update so you may want to have your/your group's pets back off when the mobs are low health. (i /feedback'ed so hopefully that gets fixed)

[Sat Jul 28 16:26:03 2007]You say, 'what patterns?

[Sat Jul 28 16:26:03 2007]Artisan Vor Westrider says 'Tell you what -- I contracted a half elven artisan to make me a pattern book for armor specifically for us. I made a suit and it fits perfectly. If you'd like, I can make you a copy of the pattern [book]. I also have some advanced armor [patterns] you may be interested in.'

saying "patterns" brings up a Task Selection window offering 5 more quests. here is a screenshot of the window

Quest #2, Blessed Impressions (for lvl 15 any symbols/half-elf armors)
recieve a "Blessed Impressions Book"
Task Quest Screenshot
Reward: Blessed Book of Half Elven Culture (in turn is used to create Blessed Symbols for any deity, and for making Blessed Half Elven armor sets)

Quest #3, Revered Impressions (lvl 35 any symbols/half-elf armors)
recieve a "Revered Impression Book"
Task Quest Screenshot
Reward: Revered Book of Half Elven Culture

Quest #4 Sacred Impressions (lvl 55 any symbols/half-elf armors)
recieve a "Sacred Impression Book"
Task Quest Screenshot
Reward: Sacred Book of Half Elven Culture

Quest #5 Eminent Impressions (lvl 65 any symbols/half-elf armors)
recieve a "Eminant Impression Book"
Task Quest Screenshot
Reward: Eminent Book of Half Elven Culture

Quest #6 Darkhollow Geode (think this task is the same but neesd to be linked to him as a quest starter anyways)
(for "Seals of Darkhollow" item, which is used to make bazu/chronal/discordant/last blood seals, which are used for making the bazu/chronal/discordant/last blood Augs. you can usually just buy the Seals for the augs in the bazaar though.)
Task Quest Screenshot
Reward: Seals of Darkhollow

just an fyi,
ANY race can make symbols for other people.. only the Armors require the specific races to make them. In other words I (a half elf) can make symbols for dark elfs, but not dark elf armor.

also here are levels/names for the diff sets or terms used on the cultural armor

eminent 65 (used to be grandmaster's)
sacred 55 (used to be master's)
revered 35 (used to be expert's)
blessed 15 (used to be journeyman's)

elaborate 65 (used to be grandmaster's)
intricate 55 (used to be master's)
ornate 35 (used to be expert's)
simple 15 (replaces journeyman)

changed name of the lvl 15 armor to "simple" - had it still listed as journeyman

Edited, Aug 12th 2007 10:13am by DukeLatan
Full name
# Apr 09 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
Full name is:

Artisan Vor Westrider

guildy was trying to look for just "Vor Westrider" on track and couldn't find him :p
The Bane/Pain in the Butt
# Nov 28 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
Lt D cons Dark blue to me at 62...I suffer from the same faction and must be ever watchful around him..thankfully his first hit is his best shot...but I died a few times at lower level to acquire that knowledge. He has been known to aggro toons while they are shopping at vendors inside Sneed Gallways Trading Post. Not 100% sure but I believe he is triggered when you achieve Amiable faction with the Good guards of Qeynos
Cultural Armor for Half Elf
# Apr 23 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
He gives the 5 quests/tasks for Half Elf DoN Cultural Armor books.

He is located just inside the main gates of north Qeynos, on the wall in the first area of the city.

Lt. Dagarok
# Feb 27 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
Came across Vor, and started the conversation with him, didn't have DoN at the time, so was interested in what he had to say.

Seems the pathing for Lt. Dagarok changed somewhat, and I'm on faction of couldn't possibly get worse, with both corrupt guards, and Bloodsabers.

Next thing I know, I'm " afront to everything I stand for!" And "Prepare to die, Akshand!"

Good thing I always keep sow up, and all ac and hp buffs. HT, couple swings and the next thing I know I'm down 25%. Silly bastich. :-)

Edited, Sun Feb 27 20:01:34 2005
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