Revered Impressions (Variant B)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:35
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Armour Set
  • Tradeskill
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Dragons of Norrath
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Fri Mar 14 21:23:01 2008
Modified: Sat Sep 7 18:42:09 2019
This quest is identical for the following races and is given by the Artisan in your home city....

Dark Elf
High Elf
Wood Elf

Using Wood Elf as an example...

You say, 'Hail, Artisan Calian Silverlake'

Artisan Calian Silverlake says 'Ah, the blessings of Tunare upon you Eocene. Perhaps you have come in search of lessons on how to create some new [armor]? Or maybe it was to hear a bit about the natural world and our history?'

You say, 'armor'

Artisan Calian Silverlake says 'I thought you might be interested in my new [designs], your current armor looks a bit worn. I've recently discovered a way of crafting the essence of the natural world into my armor pieces. Armor crafted in this manner comes out better than anything the elders have seen before. You may also be interested in the [runes] I have discovered for these armor pieces.'

You say, 'what runes?'

Artisan Calian Silverlake says 'These runes can be quite complicated to create but are well worth the effort. They serve to enhance the natural forces in the armor and can bring untold benefits when put to use by a skilled crafter. If you're interested, I would be willing to give you instructions on how to create these runes. Though there is a certain consistency to them, there is also a level of on the spot inspiration needed when making the symbols. I will give you a book that you can use as a basis for the symbol patterns if you can prove your ability to seek inspiration. Take as many of the tasks I offer you as you wish too. During these tasks you will make impressions of certain things that you find in the impression book I will give you. This magical book can make impression of objects with depth to them or just of the pattern on the surface of an object.'

You are offered a number of "Impressions" tasks. For Revered...

To find the patterns that will inspire you, you will need to kill soulsippers in the Emerald Jungle, and Sarnak Champions in the Burning Woods. The patterns you will need are the pattern of veins in thge wings of the soulsippers and the symbols on the armor of the Sarnak Champions.

Receive Revered Impression Book

Kill 20 soulsipper 0/20 (The Emerald Jungle)

Make impressions of soulsipper wing vein patterns. 0/5 (The Emerald Jungle)

An "impression" is a random update that can come from any kill... as long as you have your Impression Book in your inventory. It may be necessary to kill in excess of the required kill quota in order to complete the impressions stage. That's why it's called random.

Kill 10 sarnak champions 0/10 (Burning Woods)

Make impressions of symbols on Sarnak Champion breastplates 0/2 (Burning Woods)

Deliver the impression book to an artisan of your race 0/1 (ALL)

Return Revered Impression Book to the same Artisan you gave you the quest.

Receive Revered Book of xxx Culture appropriate to your race.
Submitted by: Lias Roxx, Defiant, Zek
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# Apr 01 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
Just did this. Suggest you bring a tracker with you and start from the western edge of the lake and work your way south killing everything. As you clear mobs you'll make room for fresh spawns. Or you can just wait until the pop the zone like after a patch. Cheers.
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