Necromancer Epic 1.5: Soulwhisper  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 4 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
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Related Quests:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Sep 17 18:16:40 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Checklist by hslater

[ ] Epic 1.0 or 1.5 pre-quest done

[ ] Lake Rathetear: Hail Kazen Fecae receive Note to Biddliss
[ ] Sealed Ore Satchel
   [ ] Steamfont Mtns: Hail Biddliss Sperandu
   [ ] Give him Note to Biddliss receive Gleaming Ore Satchel, four slot container
   [ ] Torgiran Mines: Loot four Gleaming Zraxthil Ores from miners
   [ ] Combine ore in satchel receive Sealed Ore Satchel
[ ] Steamfont Mtns: Give Sealed Ore Satchel to Biddliss receive Biddliss's Research Tools
[ ] Lake Rathetear: Give Biddliss's Research Tools to Kazen receive Drawing of Rune
[ ] PoK: Give Drawing of Rune to Ruandia receive Ruandia's Instructions
[ ] Sealed Intricately Carved Box
   [ ] PoK: Give Ruandia's Instructions to Tebarin receive Intricately Carved Box
   [ ] PoEarth/The Hole/Bazaar: Loot two Ball of Elemental Clay
   [ ] Combine Ball of Elemental Clay in Intricately Carved Box receive Sealed Intricately Carved Box
[ ] Protected Tome
   [ ] PoK: Give Sealed Intricately Carved Box to Tebarin receive Intricately Carved Box and Strange Smelling Oil
   [ ] The Hole/Bazaar: Kill an Old Gargoyle loot Ancient Tome of Lost Lore.
   [ ] Combine Ancient Tome of Lost Lore and Strange Smelling Oil in Intricately Carved Box receive Protected Tome
[ ] Glowing Box of Protection (required smithing skill 100 trivial < 137 (possible no fail))
   [ ] PoK: Give Protected Tome to Tebarin receive Brightly Glowing Tome
   [ ] PoK: Give Brightly Glowing Tome to Tebarin receive Rune Covered Insert
   [ ] PoN: Loot Gnarled Wood from treants
   [ ] PoI: Loot Elaborate Hinge from A Scrap Collector
   [ ] Combine Rune Covered Insert, Gnarled Wood, Elaborate Hinge in a forge receive Glowing Box of Protection
[ ] Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel
   [ ] PoK: Give Glowing Box of Protection to Tebarin receive Paladin Headhunting Satchel, six slot container
   [ ] South Karana: Kill Sir Telian loot Sir Telian's Head
   [ ] East Karana: Kill Sir Gregon loot Sir Gregon's Head
   [ ] North Karana: Kill Sir Gerwin loot Sir Gerwin's Head
   [ ] West Karana: Kill Sir Arlindo loot Sir Arlindo's Head
   [ ] Combine the four heads in Paladin Headhunting Satchel receive Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel
[ ] PoK: Give Tebarin Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel receive Orb of Deathspeaking
[ ] Natimbi: Hail Whiahdi say "The Staff" must have Orb of Deathspeaking
[ ] Barindu: Hail Taiandao say "What Muramite killed Whiahdi?" to spawn Viarglug
[ ] Hail Viarglug then kill Viarglug loot Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions
[ ] Natimbi: Give Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions to Whiahdi then say "What Power?"
[ ] Noble's Causeway: Hail Tarlang to spawn triggered Tarlang
[ ] Kill Tarlang loot Tarlang's Head
[ ] Natimbi: Give Tarlang's Head to Whiahdi receive Soulwhisper, Epic 1.5

If you have the Scythe of the Shadowed Soul or have done the pre-quest, Kazen Fecae may be found at 405, -1135 near Lake Rathetear.

You say, 'Hail, Kazen Fecae'

Kazen Fecae says 'It has been a while since we have talked. You have done well in obtaining your Scythe. The time has come however for you to perform another task for me. I do not wish to waste time, so in short, I want you to collect a most powerful staff for me. I only have a piece of it as the rest has mysteriously disappeared. I wish to research this staff piece but first I need some special research tools. Take this note and travel to Steamfont. Find a gnome named Biddliss Sperandu and give him the note. When you obtain the research tools hand them to me.'

You receive a Note to Biddliss (if you did the pre-quest, you already have the note). Travel to +403, -1137, +4 in Steamfont.

You say, 'Hail, Biddliss Sperandu'

Biddliss Sperandu says 'Go away before I sic the clockworks on ya!'

Give him the note.

Biddliss Sperandu says 'Kazen wants some research tools? That is fine. I want something from you first, however. Bring me four gleaming zraxthil ores and combine them in this satchel. Why do I want them? Why do you care? Bring them to me or you don't get your tools. Now scram!'

You receive a Gleaming Ore Satchel, a 4-slot container. Gleaming Zraxthril Ores may be found as drops in Torgiran Mines. Combine four in the satchel to craft a Sealed Ore Satchel. Bring this back to Biddliss.

Biddliss Sperandu says 'So you're not totally useless after all. Maybe there is a reason Kazen hasn't destroyed you yet. Take these tools and give my warmest regards to Master Kazen.'

Biddliss Sperandu despawns (respawn time needed). You receive Biddliss's Research Tools. Take these back to Kazen Fecae.

Kazen Fecae takes the tools from you. He opens the case and pulls out a small magnifying glass. It seems to faintly glow as he passes it over the surface of the staff piece. 'There appears to be a small rune etched in the wood.' Kazen takes out a piece of parchment and draws a picture of the rune. 'I am not familiar with this rune. Take this drawing of the rune to Ruandia in the Plane of Knowledge. She is an expert on runes and should know what it means. From here on out I will want you to handle the research of this staff through my assistant Tebarin in the Plane of Knowledge. I am busy and do not wish to be disturbed further. Tebarin will communicate to me any progress you have made with helping to recover the staff.'

You receive a Drawing of Rune. Take it to Ruandia in the Plane of Knowledge at +440, +155.

Ruandia takes the drawing from you and studies it for a moment. Her face turns pale as a look of fear overcomes her. 'You must stop your quest for whatever this rune deals with. It will only lead to your demise. This rune has many meanings; the main meaning essentially being 'discord'. I am hesitant to tell you more about it, but I am sure Kazen would not be pleased.' Ruandia writes some directions onto the drawing. 'I am not responsible for the outcome of your quest. Keep that in mind.'

You receive Ruandia's Instructions. Take them to Tebarin in the necromancers guild at /loc -801.72, 1060.68, -155.28 in Plane of Knowledge That places him in Building between the Paineel and Overthere Portal Stones.

Tebarin says 'Kazen informed me that you would be coming. Ruandia deciphered the rune for you? Good. That witch better be accurate or Kazen will have her head. I need you to find two balls of elemental clay and combine them in this box. Return them to me when you have them.'

You receive an Intricately Carved Box, a 4-slot container. Balls of Elemental Clay have been reported as dropping in the Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole) and Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands. Combine two in the box to craft a Sealed Intricately Carved Box. Give this to Tebarin.

Tebarin takes the clay from you and combines them into a large ball. He then flattens it out into a thin sheet and carefully carves a likeness of the rune into the clay sheet with a sharp stick. 'The directions say we will require an ancient tome of lost lore. I believe you can find one somewhere in The Hole. When you find the tome, combine it in the intricately carved box with the oil and then hand it to me. The oil will protect the tome for the ritual ahead.'

You receive the Intricately Carved Box again and some Strange Smelling Oil. The Ancient Tome of Lost Lore drops from An Old Gargoyle in the Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole). Combine the tome and the oil in the box to craft A Protected Tome. Bring it back to Tebarin.

Tebarin presses the sheet of clay into the tome and closes it. A red glow begins to engulf the tome. Tebarin opens the tome and you can see words slowly start to appear on the pages as if a ghost were writing on the pages. Tebarin studies the words within for several minutes. 'There is an explanation of the history of the staff. I have decided that our best bet of obtaining the staff is for me to attempt to summon it from its home plane of existence. I would advise you to prepare for the worst. This could end up being very dangerous. Hold the tome for a moment and try to attune yourself to its magics. Hand it to me when you are ready for me to begin the summoning.'

You receive a Brightly Glowing Tome. When you are ready, give it back.

Tebarin holds up the book with both hands and begins to chant. After several minutes, a sudden flash blinds you. When you regain your vision a few seconds later, you are amazed to see the staff floating in the air before you. Before you or Tebarin are able to take the staff as your own, a booming voice echoes throughout the room, 'All who seek my staff will be destroyed!' An explosion of bright magic stuns you as a magical portal opens. Five heavily armored paladins step through the portal and grab the staff. 'Not if we destroy the staff first!' one of the paladins shouts. The paladins rush back into the portal with the staff. Tebarin tries to follow them into the portal but it disappears. 'This cannot be!' cries Tebarin. 'We must ensure this tome does not also fall into the hands of the paladins. The tome is our only hope of recovering the staff before the paladins destroy it. We must build a [special box] that will protect the tome. Take this rune-covered insert. You will use it to construct the box.'

You receive a Rune Covered Insert.

You say, 'What special box?'

Tebarin says 'I must have a box made to protect the tome from these thieves! In addition to the rune-covered insert I have given you, you will also need one piece of gnarled wood, and one elaborate hinge. Find those items and combine them in a forge to make the box. If you fail, Kazen and I will not be pleased. Now go!'

The Gnarled Wood drops from a gnarled treant in the Plane of Nightmare. The Elaborate Hinge is an uncommon drop from the uncommon A Scrap Collector in the Plane of Innovation. Combine the Gnarled Wood, Elaborate Hinge, and Rune Covered Insert in a forge to craft a Glowing Box of Protection. The combine is no-fail, but you must have Blacksmithing skill >= 100 to attempt it. Give the Glowing Box of Protection to Tebarin in the Plane of Knowledge.

Tebarin says 'This should do nicely. At least I hope so, for your sake. Now that the box is secure, I want revenge on the paladins who took the staff! Find all four of the paladins and take their heads! Once you have their heads, combine them in this sack and hand it to me. I will make sure they are reanimated and suffer for many, many years for what they have done. Now leave me. I must ponder the turn of events that have taken place here.'

(Note: If Tebarin asks for "five" paladin heads, it is a bug in the text. Only four are needed.)

You receive a Paladin Headhunting Satchel. Go to each of the four Karana zones and bring a tracker. All four of the paladins (Sir Arlindo Goldheart, Sir Gerwin Thunderblade, Sir Telian Mottsworth, and Sir Gregon Sulltor) are level 70, very magic-resistant (tash or malo will help greatly). They are snarable and do not summon. However, kiting is difficult because they have a single-target stun and single-target mana tap. They can triple-hit for 1600 a pop, and will flee at low health. Loot their heads: Sir Arlindo's Head, Sir Gerwin's Head, Sir Telian's Head, and Sir Gregon's Head. Combine the heads in the satchel to craft a Full Paladin Headhunting Satchel. Give this to Tebarin.

Tebarin says, 'Your donation will please my masters greatly. I have a special reanimation spell reserved just for these do-gooders. Now you are to travel to Natimbi and find the paladin who has the staff. You might want to talk to the dead you come across as they often have valuable information. Take this orb to help enhance your natural abilities to communicate with the dead.'

You receive an Orb of Deathspeaking.

Head to Natimbi and find Whiahdi near the undead camp, at +385, -935. She will ignore you unless you have the Orb of Deathspeaking.

You say, 'Hail, Whiahdi'

Whiahdi says 'You speak to the dead? Not many have that talent. What is it you want from me, mortal?'

You say, 'I want the staff.'

Whiahdi says 'Yes. I did see a paladin with a staff. Before I give you any more information however. I wish for you to perform a task for me. I need you to travel to Barindu and find my most precious possessions from when I was once alive. A muramite in Barindu killed me and took all I owned. If you can get my earthly possessions back, I will help you in regards to the location of the paladin. Find my brother, Taiandao in Barindu. He is still among the living, but is a slave of the vile muramites. Ask him if he knows of the muramite that killed me.'

Bring a solid group to Barindu. Taiandao is found at +350, -130, inside a hut in the northwest part of the zone, directly north of the Ferubi zoneline.

You say, 'Hail, Taiandao'

Taiandao says 'What is it you want? I will be beaten if I am seen talking to you.'

You say, 'What muramite killed Whiahdi?'

Taiandao says 'Yes I know the one who took her life. His name is Viarglug. I hate him with every fiber of my being. If you kill him, I will forever be in debt to you. He should be somewhere nearby making life miserable for a slave.'

Viarglug spawns at -310, -35 in a cornfield near a tower northeast of the Ferubi zoneline. He is KoS but will not attack unless attacked or hailed. He has a mana drain/DoT AE that will overwrite Lich and KEI/VoQ. Once he's dead, loot Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions. A chest can spawn with additional loot. Give Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions back to her.

Whiahdi says 'You found my possessions! I am most greatful. The paladin you seek did walk by here some time ago. I believe he was on his way to Qinimi. He had a curious staff with him that seemed to whisper dark tidings. That staf seemed to have a very evil presence about it. I would advise you to let the paladin destroy it. I have in my possession another staff of great [power]. I can tell you about if you give up your quest for the paladin and the dark staff. However if you with to [locate the paladin] I will help you since you did help me.'

You say, 'What power?'

Whiahdi says 'I have come to know many spirits from other realms. they speak of a being known as Tarlang who resides in the Realm of Discord in a area known as the Nobles Causeway. He has wronged many of my kin and I wish to see him pay for what he has done. If you bring me his head. I will reward you with a weapon of great power. He believes himself to be indestructible, but he is not. In fact I think you have what it takes to destroy him.'

Head to Nobles Causeway to find Tarlang, along the left path at the end of the tunnel. He is a blue /con. If you have completed the previous steps, hailing him will cause him to respawn as a red /con (to level 70). The red-con can quad for 3200, can rampage, and has an AE melee/casting slow and DoT. This definitely requires a few groups, but probably not a full raid (depending on your gear, of course). He will AE immediately when you hail him.

He stays up for 25 minutes after being hailed. If you fail to kill him or he despawns, you must go back to Whiahdi and say "What power" again, or else Tarlang will ignore you while in the blue-con form.

Once he's dead, loot Tarlang's Head. A chest can spawn with additional loot. Bring the head back to Whiahdi.

Whiahdi says, 'Take this weapon for helping me. I regret giving away a weapon of such power, but having it near me was most unsettling. Do not ask how I obtained it.'

You receive Soulwhisper, a.k.a. necromancer epic 1.5. You also receive a new title, "Deathspeaker," and 5 AAs.
Submitted by: Halyanth Bloodseer
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Post Comment
# Nov 28 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
I got my Elaborate Hinge after the 4th scrap collecter kill. Hehe either they upped the drop rate or I just got lucky!
# Jul 28 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
You just got lucky, took me and a guildy necro 3 days each to find our hinges
# Oct 14 2007 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
It took me 1 and a half hours mass pulling in PoN for the Drop there..... took 30 mins in PoI for the drop there...... 2 hours in the Mines for the 4 ores......and here i am now waiting in the Hole for the Old Gargoyle been here 3 hours and nothing. killing All Gargoyles i see. anyone seen him reciently?
# Nov 04 2007 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
I killed him last weekend for my necro, he spawns just be patient. Also, it is tradeable so you can buy it in bazaar.
10 Hours Total?
# Sep 21 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
I think your all full of it when u say it took u 10 hours to do all of this quest.. I have spent last 9 days in POI 7 hours a day trying to get the hindge to drop and still nothing 10 hours your funny.
10 Hours Total?
# Dec 21 2007 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
You just have bad luck. Most of this quest is is luck on the drops.
10 Hours Total?
# Apr 22 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I did at lvl 80 and all but the last two kills only took me < day. I believe the 10 hours.
Info - Supplement
# Aug 13 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
As of this message:

Hailing Tebarin yields: 'What do you want?'

He is at -800, +1063, but that is not the necro Hall anymore, its the evil cleric and shammy hall in the SW of PoK...


Edited, Aug 13th 2007 8:12pm by RoboDiver
The Paladins of Karana
# Mar 24 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Just thought I would post my two cents on the paladin slaying in the Karanas. I am an above average geared, but not top of the line by far, 72 necro on the 7th. I attempted the first Pali alone. While I didnt ever take a melee hit, the stuns are annoying and I landed 4 out of 20 cast spells, even after scent of twilight debuff. Snare never landed once. I then sought the services of my bard and bst friends, (thanks Mendarin and Zirk btw). All four Pali's went down with this set up. The bard debuffed the sucker, dotting and such as the bst did his gig. After debuffing, most dots stuck, but still never once did snare land. The pets ate him up as I kept a castin' to hold agro for the group as I could. The guy in S Karana is definitely easier than the other three and the one in West Karana the hardest for sure. Same strat for all four. Fight hard Norrath! -Nibin : The Order of Loki/7th Hammer

Edited, Mar 24th 2007 1:13pm by necrobot
# Jun 07 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone on Tunare that might be able to help out with these fights? Not in a raid guild and can't find the people to do Viarglug or Tarlang. Any help would be appreciated.
# Jun 14 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Viarglug can be 2 grouped by people 72+ (single grouped if raid geared). Just round up some of your friends and you should be able to tackle it.
Bryko Effect
100 Ranger, Tunare server
<Primal Vengeance>
Epic and Prequest
# Feb 17 2007 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
Finished the Pre-Quest and whole 1.5 in 6 and a half hours. At lvl 59. Tarlang was rough lol did him with 7. The rest is rather easy.
yes, easily done
# Jan 09 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Took about 10 hours start to finish for me, prequest included. Duo'd the entire thing with a raid-geared bard and box cleric (logged out to loot stuff on necro). The only fight i needed help with was Tarlang.. got a guild warrior to help and we took him out: warrior, bard, cleric, shaman.. the healers were boxes. Good fun )
necro epic easy?
# Dec 15 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Entired epic ( pre-quest included ) 8hours to start to finish, i got lucky in the mines, the hardest,longest part imo was the scrape collects in POI only had to kill 12ish, the problem was spawning them
Viarglug and Tarlang
# Dec 03 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
With The Serpents Spine out now, I wonder if these guys are one groupable. Given the level increase and Gear Upgrades, I'm curious, as to if ,a grp of TSS geared lvl 75 toons could take these guys. I'm guessing Viarglug could be, although not sure on Tarlang. My necro is at the point where he only needs to kill these two mobs to Finish epic 1.5
Viarglug and Tarlang
# Dec 16 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Today we took on Tarlang for the necro 1.5. It took us at least 30 people to kill him down fairly quickly. A couple died, but I can tell you that even with the TSS expansion out, you still need more than a group to kill him
few things to know
# Oct 23 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Some info on this quest is not real accurate. Honestly the guide on Casters Realm is alot better to go by. Anyways it has been changed to where you CAN NOT fail on the smithing combine if your skill is over 100. Also any mob can drop the Zaxtril Ore in Torgirin.

I am still working on getting that hinge in poinnovation.
few things to know
# Nov 01 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
The Gleaming Zraxtrhil Ore does not drop off of "any" mob. I cleared that place top to bottom for weeks and it definitely dropped only off of the two mobs we've long known -- a crazed miner and Broken Skull Bloodguard
few things to know
# Jan 17 2007 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
I had the ore to drop off of Subverted miner, broken skull Bloodguard, it took me a whole 30min to get all 4 drops. with lvl 67 necro with 30aa I just let Lost soul kill everything, was quiet simple
few things to know
# Oct 23 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
fronglo wrote:
Some info on this quest is not real accurate. Honestly the guide on Casters Realm is alot better to go by. Anyways it has been changed to where you CAN NOT fail on the smithing combine if your skill is over 100. Also any mob can drop the Zaxtril Ore in Torgirin.

I am still working on getting that hinge in poinnovation.

We can't keep things up to date unless folks like you submit information like this. Updated with the info from your post, thanks.
# Aug 11 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I play a 70 warrior as my main on Zek.
I have access to a 70 druid and box him often.

I have a 70 necro on my warrior's account whom never did 1.0.

So i started prequest, and finished with 1 group in about 2 hours total.
It has been 1 week and I am up to the last fight(Tarlang).
Should not be so hard =)

Took 4 days to get hinge from PoInnovation.
1 Hour for gnarled wood from PoNightmare.
Warrior and Druid box took out all 4 paladins in the karanas.
13 People for Viarglug Fight(overkill)
201 Blacksmithing for the box combine.

Overall not too much work, just hoping to finish soon!
# Jul 22 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
Tebarin asks for "five" paladin heads still, It is only 4. I did a /bug and a /feedback... lets see if they read them and fix it or ignore us.
Viraglug Spawn Timer?
# Jun 19 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
had Viraglug despawn on us today did the hails again and he isn't spawning did they add a timer on the spawn to this?
Viarglug Spawn
# Jun 08 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
The cornfield loc is not the right one.. there is a cornfield at that loc but that is not the one Viarglug spawns at... the correct cornfield is accross from that at 62.81, -88.25 ... he doesnt spawn in it .. he spawns on the east side of it.. hope this helps some

i am not sure if he spawns here every time.. i have only done it once.. he may spawn between those two

Edited, Thu Jun 8 18:33:31 2006
elaborate hinge
# Jun 04 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Getting this drop is easily the most irritating part of the epic. I was no luckier than others, and saw at least 100 scrap collectors go down before getting the drop. I used a different strat however (at least out of what I've seen posted anywhere), which worked great for me, but could easily be more hell than just plain clearing the zone for others.

First, I made sure that there was no one in the zone besides at most a group at the zone in. Then, I ran around the circle structure of the zone, looking in every corner for a scrap collector, collecting a train behind me. When I finally found one, I'd FD on top of it, and wait for aggro to clear, pop up, and kill the collector. I continued doing this, looping around the circle again and again until there were simply no more spawns. At that point I'd either start killing everything, or leave the zone to return a few days later to starting the process again.

Again, I did this solo at 70 with a decent amount of HP and always kept my 1k rune on, and it did work for me; however, it could easily lead to more problems and death for others, as it is risky and if you don't keep on your toes its easy to die.

EDITED: bad grammar =/

Edited, Sun Jun 4 22:59:56 2006
RE: elaborate hinge
# Jun 05 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Good strategy idea, but tough to replicate. Have taken down about 25 Scrappies so far and no luck, but that's been the "take a raid group around the ring and just clear it hard and fast" method. At most have seen 5 scrappies up at any given time via our tracker's info.
# May 21 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Tarlang respawn time after a successful kill was 22-23 min.
# May 17 2006 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
(what happens if you go back to Taiandao?).

Went back to Taiandao after Viarglug, went through the same dialogue and he spawns Viarglug again instantly. He does not say anything new, even when attempting to give him the "Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions"
RE: Taiandao
# May 18 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Updated, thanks.
1.5 Walkthrough
# May 03 2006 at 6:19 AM Rating: Excellent
166 posts
Although it's incomplete (because my own trip through this quest is incomplete), I've received a number of requests for a 1.5 walkthrough, so here it is, in preliminary form. As I complete the quest, this page will be updated.

Wayfarers of Veeshan

Edited, Jan 3rd 2012 8:25am by DrexelNecromancer
missing dialogue
# Apr 03 2006 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
You say, 'Hail, Taiandao'

(Intermediate dialogue needed.)

You say, 'What muramite killed Whiahdi?'

missing bit is

Taiandao says 'What is it you want? I will be beaten if I am seen talking to you.'
RE: missing dialogue
# Apr 03 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Updated, thanks.
whiahdi's loc
# Jan 31 2006 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
She(Whiahdi) can be found in Natimbi near undead camp, at loc 386.17, -936.66

Edited, Tue Apr 18 14:29:37 2006
Talandao and Viarglug loc's
# Jan 13 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Talandao loc 350,-132
Viarglug loc roughly -312,-33

glowing box trivial
# Nov 25 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
I got the triv message at 148 skill just fyi on the glowing box of protection
RE: glowing box trivial
# Apr 09 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
Got trivial message at 102 blacksmithing skill.
RE: glowing box trivial
# Jan 29 2006 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Despite what the quest guide says, this combine is no fail. To be attempted however, you have to have a smithing skill over 100; once you are over 100 however, it becomes a no fail combine.
# Oct 16 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Did the RCoD part of the Deathwhisper quest today. Thought I'd post a few details...

After hailing the Discord Fluctuation the mobs pop awful fast and right in your face. Too fast for me to even click my CoS..I'm thinking if you FD and say the words you'll be alive longer than the 2 secs it took to eat through my 9k of HP.

Takes at least 2 pullers to separate the mobs. They do not path back to spawn point. It doesn't matter which order you kill them.

Arlagai died rather quickly. Gornogg rampages and has a bit more HP. Don't dally with the kills..the room respawns rather quickly. (note: we hit them with 4 groups)

The chest does spawn after Arlagai is killed. We got a Chipped Talisman of Peace.

On to Anguish for the final
Getting Closer ...
# Oct 12 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Hey y'all.

Just finished the 4 Paladins tonight. I did one paladin each night for 4 nights, 'cause they're so damn boring that I just couldn't stand doing all of them consecutively.

Anyway, did all 4 of them solo ... no tash, malo, snare, of any of that. At level 66, didn't seem to have too much trouble ... just took forever. I have about 200 MR, and I resisted approx. 60% of their stuns.

Splurt landed 95% of the time ... resisted it maybe only 3-4 times between all 4 of them. Saryn's Kiss landed 100% of the time, and FPoK / Pyro landed about 60%. Other than that, just hit him with ToMujaki to keep my health up. ALWAYS keep your Force Shield up in case they get close for a stray hit or two, and it helps with regen'ing your mana on the fly.

Hardest part so far, imo, is getting the freaking [elaborate hinge] to drop in PoI ... that dreary maze was my prison for several days, and I still get painful flashbacks whenever I see the words "scrap collector".

Anyway, all I've got left is Tarlang in NC -- which honestly doesn't seem as horrible as some people make it sound. Nothing a solid raid force can't handle without too much trouble.

The end to 1.5 is in sight, and good luck to all you necros who quest for it in the future!

(If anyone has any helpful strats / tips for Tarlang, post away :)

Edited, Wed Oct 12 07:57:34 2005
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