

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Can spawn a chest with additional loot after a necromancer at the right point in the epic 1.5 loots Whiahdi's Earthly Possessions.

  • Summons: Yes

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-03-29 08:29:54.

Level: 73
Expansion: Gates of Discord
Effects Used:Discordant Feedback
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-03 02:59:35

Known Habitats:
  Barindu, Hanging Gardens

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dots won't stick
# Apr 30 2010 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Tried to solo as an 82 necromancer.. Pet tanked him fine but the cleric would have been oom before i even had it to 50%. 1/20 tries my dots would stick. Came back with a boxed 83 monk and he dropped fast.
# Jul 22 2009 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
this mob couldnt land a dot on to save my life..
im lvl 70 necro and could only land splurt. been at this for 3 hours and aggrovating raid. just piece of advice
# Nov 13 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
killed with 80 clr whil;e necro was fd away just incase. Went easyly just clr tank ftw
Soloed by Level 80 Necro
# Oct 27 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
Soloed by my level 80 necro with a cleric mercinary. I managed to kill Viarglug on my second attempt. I had used up all my veteran AAs on the first attempt so I had to figure out an actual strategy for the second attempt:

I had my tank pet keep agro the entire time.
I set the cleric merc to efficient stance.
I had a stack of corpses ready to use as additional pets.
I used Splort and our corruption DOT for extra DPS.
I was mounted the entire time for extra mana regen.
I re-cast the lich spell when I didn't have the AE mana drain on me

When the cleric went OOM, I feigned and feigned my pet and let Viarglug kill the cleric. I then let the pet tank again and healed it for the 5+ minutes until I could revive the cleric. The revived cleric is full mana (they are not if you suspend them when still alive).

Both I and my cleric were OOM when Viarglug died so I cut it kind of close. No special gear was involved (it's all bazaar bought). I do have all AAs at level 80 which I am sure helped a lot.


Edited, Oct 27th 2008 3:13pm by flaccid
# Oct 18 2008 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
My level 80 nec and my wife's 78 beastord just killed him, but it was an extremely close fight.
# Aug 30 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
millions to me.... husband and I were scouting out the land for a try on Viarglug. A group in the zone noticed Viarglug up, as we were making sure we could spawn him. They offered to take him out for both of us. We, of course, accepted.... several minutes later after clearing the area to the zone out to Ferubi? we had our "earthly possessions" to give to Whialdi in Natimbi... Whooppee.... !!!! Group was a two boxing couple (all four were level 80) Warrior, cleric, bard, and I missed the class of the fourth character.... Thank you.... Thank you.... Thank you.... smile...
# Aug 07 2008 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
2 80 necs .....kill trash for clearing and pets .....pull near zone in and send pets in ....just heal pets...simple.
# Mar 28 2008 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
By an 80 mage. Necro fd'd and had pet in (guess that's not really soloing, but feh)

TSS focus, 18.5k mana.
He DOES summon!!
# Nov 12 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
just to let you know, I was told by other necro's that Viarglug does not summon. I can now honestly tell you that Viarglug DOES summon. During my fight to get him dead, he pushed some people out of the Barindu zone into the Farubi sone, at the same time he summoned someone back into the zone at the same time. So he DOES summon.
2 boxed
# Oct 21 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Boxed this guy with a 10k mana cleric, 13k monk. Never had to use mend, but cleric was OOM at 2% of mob health. A necro stood back and watched. Used infusion, but he still managed to land the mana dot (cleric was losing about 20 mana / tick from the dot while sitting on horse).
If it wasn't for bad luck.....
# May 16 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Ok so i am a lvl 70 Necro 365 AA's (more by the time someone reads this hehe) I have been rdy to do this mob for my 1.5 for months on top of months and have even triggered him to make sure i was. Well i FINALLY got a few peeps together to make an attempt and he would not trigger. Is there something i could be doing wrong? I have tried everything i can think of besides starting over on the quest.

Edited, Tue May 16 10:14:20 2006
That which you may not know....probably isn't important anyways
If it wasn't for bad luck.....
# Oct 18 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Did you go back and talk to the undead in Natimbi first? Have to do that each time you wanna spawn him.

Hope this helps.
If it wasn't for bad luck.....
# Aug 23 2006 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
147 posts
P82, N130 for pop location - he does not see invis.
# Jan 13 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
roughly +50,-100 next to the river bend. Guild killed it with 4 groups last night although I did not get FD off before being killed....hit me with 4k in about 5 seconds! Be prepared to die once hailed. LoL but we got him.

Edited, Fri Jan 20 06:23:38 2006
# Dec 12 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
did this mob today with a partially time tank and 14 others and it was a swat the mob fest. The ae is easily curable with RC and RGC. Two solid healers and a good amount of melee dps is the key. MR was the only spell line my druid could land on him
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
Viarglug Dead on 09/09/05
# Sep 29 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
76 posts
At first glance, Viarglug may seem to be a hard mob to kill to the average player. And if you or your party aren't PoTime equipped and/or if this fight isn't done right, Viarglug will be very hard to kill. But fear not, here is a good way to take this mob down for folks who don't have access to PoTime geared groups or guilds.

You will need just 2 groups; and in it, you MUST have 2 healers (cleric or druid), a good tank, and a slower (preferably a Shammy, but it can be done with a Beastlord).

Start by clearing all the trash mobs by pulling them all to your camp near the Ferubi zone line. Once, you got all the trash mobs cleared, have one of your healers wait in Ferubi near the Barindu zone line; trust me, this healer will come in handy later. Then go ahead and pull Viarglug.

Now there is a couple of things you should know about Viarglug and his AE attacks. First of all, Infusion of the Faithful (Vet AA that maxes out all your stats and resists) will help with some of the DD damage from the AE; but it will NOT completely protect you from its AE mana drain. But go ahead and use it anyways, it is better than nothing. Secondly, Viarglug is really resistant to spells; even when debuffed. However, some lower level spells (like splurt and funeral pyre) will stick. Finally, Viarglug is mind whackable.

Once you've pulled Viarglug into your camp and the tank has obtain aggro once it has been slowed, start unloading into it. The best place to fight this mob in the camp is to pin it against a corner. This is strictly a DPS fight and you will need to kill it fast before the healers run out of mana; but everyone needs to watch their aggro. Have your healer keep the main tank alive. Once your healer gets down to like 25-30% mana, have the other healer (that was waiting in Ferubi) zone in to take over the healing duties; then zone the first healer out into Ferubi so he/she can med up or pop a recovery AA. Continue to swap healers out by zoning them in and out of the Barindu zone until Viarglug is dead.

And that is how you can kill this mob with just 2 groups of decently equipped people. Just a side note, it is possible to kill Viarglug with a single group of decently equipped people using this same stratagy; but it will be very tricky. Just remember, the longer the fight, the more it will favor Viarglug.
Killed on 8/28/05
# Aug 29 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
Just want to get this out up front: The vet aa for resists will not save you from the ae mana drain that this guy uses. I popped it on my shammy b4 pull and watched as his mana went bye bye. Slow is crutial in this, but it is very hard to land. Wiped on the first time with 7 peeps helping and an uber Rng and Monk tanking. (Woot to Corlan and Iggey of Saryrn for being uber)But we did manage to get him to below 20% with no slow. 2nd attempt was sucess, added a 2nd clr a tank and a few more dps class and this mob fell hard. He popped a chest once I looted the epic piece with my Nec. GL to future necros.
1 groupable fo sheezy
# Aug 24 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
1 cleric (7-8k mana)
1 tank (8k hp +)
1 shaman
1 necro
1 melee DPS
1 Melee DPS


RE: 1 groupable fo sheezy
# Apr 05 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
lol i'm really sure. with that makeup you'd lose instantly.
RE: 1 groupable fo sheezy
# Jul 30 2006 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
could be like the AM of the Shaman Epic 1.5, he was 1 groupable before they revamped him and now he takes a good ammount of people to down.
Resist check on his AE.
# Jun 02 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Just a quick word about his AE. The resist check is 'chromatic' meaning that it checks against your LOWEST resist (-300 keep in mind). You could have 500 MR unbuffed but that doesn't mean squat if your FR is 50 because you're getting hit with this ALL the time. ;) Get all your resists buffed up and try to keep them fairly even. Veteran's rewards (the Max Resists one) would be VERY handy during this fight.
1 groupable but...
# Apr 23 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
274 posts
This guy is level 72. Yellow to 70 red to 69.

Hits for 1400, has an aoe dot that drains mana and endurance, as well as dd when it hits. At 295 MR, I resisted it maybe 20% of the time.

The dot wipes kei and lich, however, you can mindwrack your group.

I did this mob with 5 people (including self). What we did is charm a mob for the extra dps. War with about 11k hps tanked it. It was close at the end, with 7k mana I ran oom and was using right clicks for damage.

I had alot of problems landing high end dots and ended up using splurt, pyrocuror (rt click legs) and rt click necro hat lich...MW and zevfeers.

Failed on the first encounter. Gonna say having a shaman would probably help as he can cure? the aoe according to previous poster. As you're next to Ferubi (or should be) zone line, you can zone easily if you're about to wipe. Note: mob depops after 30? or so minutes. No sweat, you can retrigger with the quest npc inside building.

Either way, 1 groupable if everyone has over 7k mana. Otherwise, bring at least 2 groups. Also, this mob has a truckload of hps. Fight took 5 to 8 minutes or so.

Enrages at 10%, summons, unsnareable.

To activate him after triggering his spawn, you make sure no mobs are near you, drop invis and hail and immediately FD. Make sure you have your rune up. With nearly 8k hitpoints, and rune, I flopped with around 55% life.

A bard is VERY helpful as they can pull him to the ferubi zoneline which is where you want to engage him.

Hope this helps aspiring 1.5 ers.

BTW, this mob can be chain farmed. I believe if you destroy the sack you loot from his body (the bag of goodies for trigger npc), you can re trigger him for some pretty nice bazaar loot. But again, Time geared + should be 1 groupable. Anything under that, bring 2. A shaman is helpful, and a bard is very helpful. 1 group bring an enchanter to charm a pet for more dps.

Edited, Sat Apr 23 11:06:09 2005
RE: 1 groupable but...
# Mar 16 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
BTW, this mob can be chain farmed. I believe if you destroy the sack you loot from his body (the bag of goodies for trigger npc), you can re trigger him for some pretty nice bazaar loot. But again, Time geared + should be 1 groupable. Anything under that, bring 2. A shaman is helpful, and a bard is very helpful. 1 group bring an enchanter to charm a pet for more dps.

We just did this last night for 3 necromancers, including myself. I was able to chain spawn them for the other necromancers even after I looted mine first.

The second necromancer was unable to loot because he mised a hail earlier & had to fix that. It would simply not allow him to loot the possessions. (he fixed that asap & was 3rd instead of 2nd)

The chest would spawn right after the head was looted. We didn't try spawning a 4th time just for the fun of it, but it prolly require one of us to delete the possessions, and re loot them. I don't know if that would cause a new chest to spawn though.

we had 3 groups, so nothing useful to add... other than I was unable to land fire dots, and disease dots were resisted about 80% of the time even with the shaman disease debuff.

Edited, Thu Mar 16 14:20:07 2006
He is not hard.
# Jan 23 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
He is very 1 group doable. I did him with 1 group on Prexus. Although I am an app for one of the highest level guilds the fight was more about skills then level/equipment. 1 cleric is all we needed with a good tank and shaman. Shaman was key to land slow and cure at least the cleric's AE. I myself died early from inzone trash mob trying to spawn him, his spawn is a little laggy. I talked to slave about 3 times to get him to pop, got aggro from nearby kos mob and couldn't FD cause kept casting spells on me. So I was ressed in and hailed Viarglug and FD. I had no mana the entire fight and gave what i hadc to group through mind wracks/ twitch. He is kinda long fight for a group named but is very doable. Just stick with it cause early in fight seems like it will be impossible, just keep going and once slowed is very easy. I just wish i would have farmed it more before i got epic 1.5 =/
He is not hard.
# Jan 23 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
He is very 1 group doable. I did him with 1 group on Prexus. Although I am an app for one of the highest level guilds the fight was more about skills then level/equipment. 1 cleric is all we needed with a good tank and shaman. Shaman was key to land slow and cure at least the cleric's AE. I myself died early from inzone trash mob trying to spawn him, his spawn is a little laggy. I talked to slave about 3 times to get him to pop, got aggro from nearby kos mob and couldn't FD cause kept casting spells on me. So I was ressed in and hailed Viarglug and FD. I had no mana the entire fight and gave what i hadc to group through mind wracks/ twitch. He is kinda long fight for a group named but is very doable. Just stick with it cause early in fight seems like it will be impossible, just keep going and once slowed is very easy. I just wish i would have farmed it more before i got epic 1.5 =/
RE: He is not hard.
# Apr 21 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
I wish people would stop lies like this. You did him with 1 group of THE HIGHEST GUILD ON YOUR SERVER. So don't say he is very 1 groupable, cus 99% of the people on every server do NOT belong to the highest guild on their server.

I'm on Povar. While I do believe this is doable with 1 group for TRITON, I don't think we can do it with 1 group. 2 or 3 ya.

And your last comment shows what kind of person you are. You are the type that got into an uber guild riding on coattails. You didn't earn your place. You don't know enough about the game to know that you don't farm that mob. He ONLY spawns a chest when you're at that spot in the epic.

Next time, post something useful, and don't double post it.
# Jan 16 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
We tried this guy about 3 times, finally with 3 groups had enough dps to take him out fast. Ench managed to get him slowed, so it is possible. But there's no way one group can do him. We had a monk just pull him from the spot, adds and all, to the outside corner of ferubi zone and fd, as he will corpse camp and adds reset. Then just pinned him against the wall and he was a goner =)
RGC can also cure his dot
level 70 ?
# Jan 06 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
This mob is NOT level 70, He conned red to me at level 68.
Pretty Easy
# Dec 30 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
Did this guy last night for my necro, and it wasn't too bad. All was needed was clr/war/mnkx2/shm. Had a chanter there for haste but that's all he was used for. Guy has a ton of HP but is pretty wuss besides that. IS PARTIAL SLOWABLE. Given tash and malos were on him, he did get partial slowed with Tugur's.

The AE lasts for one min, then it is recasted. It can also be cured with (at the minimum) one leven into Resplendent Cure (OoW RC). Could be done with just GoD RC, but I dunno. If you got enough char's to cure it once a min, mana isn't a problem, everyone will just get hit for 1k hp every minute.
Also, other mobs in the zone do not assist him.
~~Warrior had about 13k, and Myself and other monk were decently equip'd, doing about 550dps between us (time geared'ish), if lower in gear, yea, bring some more dps, but one cler should work if you cure dot.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 14:24:21 2004
Easy is BS
# Dec 23 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
2 wars
2 rangers
2 shammies
2 wizzys
3 clerics
1 necro
1 mage
1 bst
1 enc

All 67+ OoW equiped

This guy is not easy, we wiped 2 times had mob to 10% both times, we all just ran out of mana and the melee's out of endurance.

The posts about him being easy is just plain crap. Bring more DPS then I listed, he is not easy as discussed.

I was able to spawn him twice back to back by re-doing the script starting in Natimbi

Edited, Fri Dec 24 08:54:52 2004
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