Apothecary Cadmael [ Quests 65+ ]  


Uploaded October 24th, 2008 by Railus

  • This mob spawns at -2553, +362 in the village.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): Yes

You say, 'Hail, Apothecary Cadmael'

Apothecary Cadmael says 'How do you do, _____? I seem to be running a bit low on [supplies] for healing at the moment, so if you have fallen ill or become injured, I'm afraid that I will have to urge you to seek out some other traveler with a degree of healing skill. My apologies!'

You say, 'Supplies?'

Apothecary Cadmael says 'We have recently experienced a rather nasty spate of illness in our fine village. People are falling ill, and we can't seem to figure out what is wrong with them! I've tried everything - lilyroot, ashenmoss, even fresh purple flangers - but nothing seems to help. The strong can weather the disease and return to health in time, but those who are young and vulnerable or old and infirm... they may not be so lucky. I'm fresh out of [ideas].'

You say, 'Ideas?'

Apothecary Cadmael says 'My only thought is that perhaps this has something to do with that [vile temple] outside of the village. Have you seen that place? It's disgusting and completely ridden with disease.'

You say, 'What vile temple?'

Apothecary Cadmael says 'I've heard from some of the others that the people in that underground temple are worshipping Bertoxxulous, the disease god! If that is the case, perhaps someone should [investigate] to find out if their disgusting plague worship is causing the illnesses in the village. Or, perhaps you are prepared to [storm] the temple and root out the corruption within?'

Say investigate to get the solo task A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight.

Say storm to choose between two group tasks : A Corrupted Arch Priest and Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-09-25 19:00:10.

Level: 77
Expansion: Seeds of Destruction
NPC Added: 2008-10-24 19:29:38
NPC Last Updated: 2021-12-12 14:10:46

Goods sold (33):
icon Amber 2pp 6gp 2sp 4cp
icon Axe Components 5gp 3sp 5cp
icon Balanced Axe Components 3pp 8gp 3sp 2cp
icon Basic Axe Components 1gp 3sp 1cp
icon Bat Wing 1sp
icon Bloodstone 5gp 2sp 4cp
icon Bone Chips 7sp 8cp
icon Cat's Eye Agate 2gp 9cp
icon Cloudy Stone of Veeshan [Dragons of Norrath GH Portal Item] 73pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Crafted Axe Components 14pp 2gp 2sp 7cp
icon Emerald 13pp 6gp 4sp 9cp
icon Fine Axe Components 28pp 4gp 5sp 4cp
icon Fire Opal 41pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Fish Scales 5cp
icon Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk [Dragons of Norrath GH Portal Item] 52pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Greater Scrying Stone 17pp 8gp 4sp 9cp
icon Honed Axe Components 41pp 8gp 9sp 4cp
icon Jade 3pp 6gp 7sp 4cp
icon Jasper 7gp 8sp 7cp
icon Lesser Scrying Stone 3pp 4gp 1sp 2cp
icon Malachite 5sp 2cp
icon Opal 17pp 8gp 4sp 9cp
icon Pearl 4pp 7gp 2sp 4cp
icon Peridot 10pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Ruby 131pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Sapphire 104pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Scrying Stone 7pp 8gp 7sp 4cp
icon Snake Scales 1sp
icon Star Rose Quartz 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Star Ruby 68pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Tiny Dagger 1sp
icon Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin 68pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Topaz 5pp 2gp 4sp 9cp

Known Habitats:
  Oceangreen Village

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Goods Sold
# Nov 03 2011 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Topaz, Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin, Tiny Dagger, Star Ruby, Star Rose Quartz, Snake Scale, Scrying Stone, Sapphire, Ruby, Peridot, Pearl, Opal, Malachite, Lesser Scrying Stone, Fish Scales, Fire Opal, Emerald, Cat's Eye Agate, Bone Chips, Bloodstone, Bat Wing, Basic Axe Components, Balanced Axe Components, Axe Components, Amber

These are all in addition to the items already listed. This is a GREAT place to check for rk 2 spells also :)
That which you may not know....probably isn't important anyways
Goods Sold
# Nov 04 2011 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Xatrarsis wrote:
Topaz, Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin, Tiny Dagger, Star Ruby, Star Rose Quartz, Snake Scale, Scrying Stone, Sapphire, Ruby, Peridot, Pearl, Opal, Malachite, Lesser Scrying Stone, Fish Scales, Fire Opal, Emerald, Cat's Eye Agate, Bone Chips, Bloodstone, Bat Wing, Basic Axe Components, Balanced Axe Components, Axe Components, Amber

These are all in addition to the items already listed. This is a GREAT place to check for rk 2 spells also :)

If you can post a log of the items he sells with their prices, we'll be happy to add them.
Goods Sold
# Nov 08 2011 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
1,273 posts
Here is his full stock, in spoiler format (for those that like to read this info once per page).

[Tue Nov 08 23:12:23 2011] Apothecary Cadmael says 'Welcome to my shop, Wwein. You would probably find a Intact Bat Wing Membrane handy.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:03 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Amber.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:04 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 5 gold 3 silver 5 copper per Axe Components.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:05 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 8 gold 3 silver 2 copper per Balanced Axe Components.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:07 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 3 silver 1 copper per Basic Axe Components.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:08 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per Bat Wing.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:09 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 5 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Bloodstone.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:11 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver 5 copper per Bone Chips.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:12 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 9 copper per Cat's Eye Agate.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:14 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 73 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Cloudy Stone of Veeshan.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:15 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 13 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Emerald.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:19 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 41 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Fire Opal.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:19 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 5 copper per Fish Scales.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:21 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 52 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:22 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 17 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Greater Scrying Stone.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:24 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Jade.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:25 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 7 gold 8 silver 7 copper per Jasper.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:26 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 4 gold 1 silver 2 copper per Lesser Scrying Stone.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:27 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 5 silver 2 copper per Malachite.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:31 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 17 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Opal.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:32 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 7 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Pearl.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:34 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 10 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Peridot.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:37 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 131 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Ruby.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:38 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 104 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Sapphire.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:40 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 8 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Scrying Stone.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:44 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per Snake Scales.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:45 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper per Star Rose Quartz.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:46 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 68 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Star Ruby.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:47 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per Tiny Dagger.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:48 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 68 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin.'
[Tue Nov 08 23:13:49 2011] Apothecary Cadmael tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Topaz.'

Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die
# Nov 26 2008 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Second task in the series, follows A Corrupted Arch Priest.

Find the Scumlord - updates by touching the door to the flies section of Bertox.
Find a way past the locked door - Machinator Grengwar drops Pitted Key, spawned in room passed the library.
Find a way past the locked door - Prime Lector Quillok drops Rusted Key, spawned in the room on east side in front of fountain.
Open the door to the southern portion of the temple - Self explanitory, click on door.
Kill 1 Scumlord Heyanti - Spawns in southern most room all alone, White con to lvl 82. Room before him has an AE, I'm thinking it's an aura of sort, was called "Fog of Corruption (reduced)" disease 16 counters, 100 a tick.
Speak with Apothecary Cadmael - just hail him.

Loot dropper was Putrid Assassin, dropped Tarnished Skullhead Ring, he was also in room past the library, but wasn't up when mission started, spawned sometime while we were clearing to the library.

Rewards were 180 Chronobines, Timeshear Purple Fragment Beza, and faction with Cirtan, Bayle's Herald

Completion of this group task (and the 1st group task A Corrupted Arch Priest opens up the 12 man raid The Bubonians Are Coming! from Jerom Bertrand

edited: forgot about the Timeshear

Edited, Nov 26th 2008 9:09pm by Arkmaster
A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight
# Oct 30 2008 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
664 posts
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:04 2008] You say, 'Hail, Apothecary Cadmael'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:05 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'How do you do, Aanuvane? I seem to be running a bit low on [supplies] for healing at the moment, so if you have fallen ill or become injured, I'm afraid that I will have to urge you to seek out some other traveler with a degree of healing skill. My apologies!'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:08 2008] You say, 'supplies'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:09 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'We have recently experienced a rather nasty spate of illness in our fine village. People are falling ill, and we can't seem to figure out what is wrong with them! I've tried everything - lilyroot, ashenmoss, even fresh purple flangers - but nothing seems to help. The strong can weather the disease and return to health in time, but those who are young and vulnerable or old and infirm... they may not be so lucky. I'm fresh out of [ideas].'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:11 2008] You say, 'ideas'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:11 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'My only thought is that perhaps this has something to do with that [vile temple] outside of the village. Have you seen that place? It's disgusting and completely ridden with disease.'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] You slow down.
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] You say, 'vile temple'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'I've heard from some of the others that the people in that underground temple are worshipping Bertoxxulous, the disease god! If that is the case, perhaps someone should [investigate] to find out if their disgusting plague worship is causing the illnesses in the village. Or, perhaps you are prepared to [storm] the temple and root out the corruption within?'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] You say, 'investigate'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] You have been assigned the task 'A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight'.
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'Thank you for offering to help us. Many lives may be in the balance here.'
Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight
# Oct 30 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Kynsh wrote:
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:04 2008] You say, 'Hail, Apothecary Cadmael'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:05 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'How do you do, Aanuvane? I seem to be running a bit low on [supplies] for healing at the moment, so if you have fallen ill or become injured, I'm afraid that I will have to urge you to seek out some other traveler with a degree of healing skill. My apologies!'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:08 2008] You say, 'supplies'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:09 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'We have recently experienced a rather nasty spate of illness in our fine village. People are falling ill, and we can't seem to figure out what is wrong with them! I've tried everything - lilyroot, ashenmoss, even fresh purple flangers - but nothing seems to help. The strong can weather the disease and return to health in time, but those who are young and vulnerable or old and infirm... they may not be so lucky. I'm fresh out of [ideas].'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:11 2008] You say, 'ideas'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:11 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'My only thought is that perhaps this has something to do with that [vile temple] outside of the village. Have you seen that place? It's disgusting and completely ridden with disease.'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] You slow down.
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] You say, 'vile temple'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:16 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'I've heard from some of the others that the people in that underground temple are worshipping Bertoxxulous, the disease god! If that is the case, perhaps someone should [investigate] to find out if their disgusting plague worship is causing the illnesses in the village. Or, perhaps you are prepared to [storm] the temple and root out the corruption within?'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] You say, 'investigate'
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] You have been assigned the task 'A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight'.
[Thu Oct 30 12:05:21 2008] Apothecary Cadmael says 'Thank you for offering to help us. Many lives may be in the balance here.'

Added the quest stub, thanks.
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