
Deity: None
Level: 23
Money: 500
Server: Zebuxoruk
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Scars of Velious Enabled
Shadows of Luclin Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:9.0 / 116
Primary Melee: Horns of the Spirits
Secondary Melee: Knuckle Dusters
Ranged Weapon: Fetish of the Nimble
Ammo: None
Left Ear: Onyx Earring
Right Ear: Orc Fang Earring
Neck: Chipped Velium Amulet
Face: Silvery Mask
Head: Othmir Fur Cap
Shoulder: None
Left Finger: Glowing Stone Band
Right Finger: Black Pearl Platinum Ring
Left Wrist: Fire Emerald Golden Bracelet
Right Wrist: Polished Bone Bracelet
Arm: Netted Kelp Sleeves
Chest: Crystal Covered Shroud
Back: Spider Fur Cloak
Feet: Coterie General Boots
Legs: Wu's Fighting Pantaloons
Waist: Black Lace Sash
Hands: Split Paw Hide Gloves
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None


Owned by: __DEL__1592255340027 Email:
For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Polished Bone Bracelet 120 pp
  • Fist of Horn 450 pp
  • Horns of the Spirits 50 pp
  • Horns of Fighting 25 pp
  • Recondite Bandit Bracer 50 pp
  • Glowing Stone Band 100 pp