Sarnak Recovery (Kurn)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Seeds of Destruction
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Tue Jan 13 04:47:50 2009
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This is a shared task (1-6 players) that begins by handing a "Sealed Message" (dropped by "a Sebilisian messenger") to any of the Ring of Scale dragons in the Field of Scale. The message reads as follows:

    You must recapture that sarnak. Failure will not be acceptable.

    *The dragons may be interested in an escaped sarnak. You should show this note to one of them.

    Note: No other "Sealed Message" will work. Only the one with the above text will work for this task.

    Trakanon says 'Well, that's very interesting. We need to locate this escapee before the Iksar do. Track down the escapee quickly and perhaps we can learn something from him.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Sarnak Recovery (Kurn)'.

    Kill 3 Sebilisian Trackers 0/3 (Field of Scale)

    Find the Escaped Sarnak with information 0/1 (Field of Scale)

    Fight escaped Sarnaks until you get one to confess. Make sure you don't pet tank this - you may not get the emote if you do. Beat it down to around 20% and then start hailing it with NO DAMAGE until the mob either responds to you and updates task, responds that it won't surrender, or starts to flee. If either of the last two occur, kill it and pull the next mob.

    an escaped sarnak footman says 'Stop hitting me! I'll tell you what you want to know!"

    Find Kurn among the Iksar patrol squads 0/1 (Field of Scale)

    You'll need to find a Sebilisian patrol leader (wanders usually around the tower base but can be elsewhere) and kill it.

    a Sebilisian patrol leader's corpse falls to the ground.
    Your task 'Sarnak Recovery' has been updated.

    The direction to someone related to current task has been marked on your compass.

    Speak with Trakanon 0/1 (Field of Scale)

    You say, 'Hail, Trakanon'

    Trakanon was displeased with your results, but he did not devour you. He must like you. He seemed almost amused at the effort you expended following the lies of a pathetic Sarnak.

    Iksar Right Upper Leg Bones
    Send a Correction
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    Sealed Message
    # Mar 04 2023 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    67 posts
    I was able to get all 3 shared tasks (not at the same time of course) with the same Sealed Message
    # Dec 10 2016 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
    99 posts
    still bugged as of dec 2016. after killing a dozen or so leaders i read the forums to see that there was a bug way back in the day. If anyone comes behind me doing achievements as i'm doing. Im slowly leveling up through the 80s (im a horrible completionist) and doing achievements as i go. I pulled the mob to the zone killed it down with mercs to approx 15% zoned two charachters out and killed it with the one characther who i had suspeneded the merc on. got the update since its a shared task all 3 charachters were good to go.
    # Dec 07 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
    757 posts
    "Find Kurn among the Iksar patrol squads 0/1 (Field of Scale)

    You'll need to find a Sebilisian patrol leader (wanders usually around the tower base but can be elsewhere) and kill it. "

    Upon killing "a Sebilisian patrol leader", not all of them qualify. Non-qualifying ones produce the following text: "This patrol leader does not appear to be a Kurn."
    Wow buggy
    # Nov 12 2013 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
    671 posts
    So, silly me - I didn't read initially not to use mercs when trying to do the Kurn part of the step....I killed a half dozen or so patrol leaders with no task update. Then I read to not use mercs. Ok, I suspended them all, pulled another patrol leader and kited it with my druid and dots. The interesting thing is, when it died, I got the actual task update, but I noticed the yellow text in the window...I had seen that yellow text ("It has become clear to you that none of the guards leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are actually Kurn himself.") several times without getting a task update. So I was getting the "emote" with no task updates while using mercs. Yuck - I hate these tasks.
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    an escaped sarnak oracle TOO
    # Aug 10 2013 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
    58 posts
    For the escaped sarnak, the "an escaped sarnak oracle" work too.

    We have kill 8 an escaped sarnak footman without merc and when there were near 20% we have hail % by %... under 20% they always run... :/
    When no more footman on track, we have kill oracles because perhaps they are PH of footman. Big bast, kills very fast... but on the 3nd one, we have the task completed and the sarnak oracle don't die. He have 7% HP. And it's good for us :)

    For the Sebilisian patrol leader we have kill 4 of them for the task.

    Good luck :)
    Good Luck
    # Jan 16 2013 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    What a horribly, horribly buggy quest.

    All I can say is that unless you're doing these for the /ach like I have been, avoid them at all costs. All of the Sarnak Recovery quests bug out multiple times.

    My tip for getting the 'a Sebilisian patrol leader's' part is to sit at the north side of Kurn's Tower at the bottom of the ramp and just keep killing the patrol leaders as they come down the ramp. I did have my healer merc up and I got the update but I did need to kill three of them before I got the update.
    no merc
    # Oct 16 2011 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
    42 posts
    DO NOT do the Kurn part with a merc. I killed approx 15 Patrol Leaders with merc (or more, an hour plus), putting merc on passive for the last 15-20% and no go. The FIRST one I did after suspending merc, boom, got the update. So either wild coincidence or some bug involving merc (me=druid merc=tank) a 90 should have no problem owning this.
    Patrol leader update
    # Nov 25 2010 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    I finally got the update - held back both pets and merc and dots - the person who hailed the sarnak got the kill - it was about the third patrol leader I killed with this method and the first which came with the "It has become clear to you ....." message.

    Finally the damn thing updates.

    Hope this helps. This was my second 24 hour cycle trying to get this to work. It is a crappy task.
    Patrol Leaders
    # Jul 15 2010 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    I have done this one a few times now. What I have noticed is that I kill a bunch of Patrol Leaders and never get the update and end up logging off for a while. When I log back in I have gotten the update on the very first Patrol Leader I kill each time I have done this task.
    The Quest Everyone Loves to Hate
    # May 30 2010 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
    52 posts
    TrackersTrackers, you just find them and kill them. The chokadai tracker wolves, they count towards this (a chokidai tracker)

    Suggestion here is to pacify them and pull the one on the end. I have never gotten all three doing this, but sometimes, depending on surface elevation or if there is a tree they are going around, I will get two or one. You can dink around with that and see for yourself.

    Escaped Sarnak
    As for the escaped sarnak portion of the quest, it's any escaped sarnak or anyone with escaped in their name. I have had them get down to 14% before saying an emote, but there is one thing you should really keep in mind.
    The person with the task, they should be the first one to get agro, they dont necessairly need to do any melee dmg, but they should be on the agro list througout the fight.

    Next, dont' send merc's in first as you will most likely be killing a dozen or so before you decide to change it up a little due to not getting the task update.

    It goes something like this. Nuke pull escaped if you are a caster solo'ing, melee should not have a problem engaging the mob first, then from there, do your merc / pet thing and back off around 20%, if he's still hitting you, dmg him some more, my expereince is before the emote, he turns, not always running, but obvioulsy he is trying to yield.

    Then from there, you should ge the task update without doing anything more. If you beat him too much and didn't see an emote, if you got a class that can blur, then do it now. Hit him with a stick or somethlight to get him back in the game and you should see an emote.

    If it's not a task update that's happening, then you need to kill him for the exp and move to the next escaped.

    If you have a pet class, which I do, pet's don't seem to create the same problem as merc's. Folks have claimed no issues with mercs and all of that, but if you have killed 6 or more and wonder why and how much longer, then possibly change what you are doing and keep the person with the task on the mobs hate list.

    Sebilisian Patrol Leader
    Now, the last part is pretty much more of the same. I am not going to say my way is the way, it's just my experience that I am sharing.

    The Sebilisian patrol leader's, there is only 2 that I saw on tracker, if there is more, then I could not find them. The one that walks on the battle field, that's the one that consistently gives me the update, I have had zero luck with the one that spawns on the opposite side.

    Word of caution, do not engage the Sebilisian patrol leader until his henchman spawn and de-spawn or you will be overwhelmed. If you can get him on the battle field, then simply pull him with your max pull distance and kill him.

    Some people have asked if a mob spawns after you kill the Sebilisian patrol leader to get your update. There is no mob that spawns, when you kill him, you either get the update or you don't. You don't want people that don't need the task to be high on the agro list, you must have someone with the task on the agro list of the mob or you will have to keep killing. Just like the escaped sarnaks. If you are able to get task updates by not having folks on the hate list, just pulling an alt around or something, and you get the task update, then that's something I was unable to do.

    Best of luck.
    The Quest Everyone Loves to Hate
    # Sep 04 2013 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
    188 posts
    I didn't get an update when I killed "a chokadai tracker"...I did however get an update from a chokadi called "a sebilisian tracker" as well as sarnaks with the same name.

    As far as having the leader hail - I had my alt get the task originally and wasn't having much luck getting the update for the escaped. I finally made my mage the task leader and nuked it with my pet on hold. When it reached 20% I hailed and got the update.

    Edited, Sep 4th 2013 8:07pm by Romen
    Disregard the Not Kurn Message
    # Jan 08 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
    2,467 posts
    I had been killing about 7 Patrol Leaders, getting the message, "It has become clear to you that none of the guards leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are actually Kurn himself," so I used my Druid to solo dot away from the group a PL I saw walking to the west side of the center open field.

    I killed it, got the above message YET it updated so that I can now finish the task. I had killed an earlier one on the field that did not say that so he may have been spawned on it. Perhaps it is spawns or mobs that patrol the center field area.
    Find the Escaped Sarnak with information
    # Dec 30 2009 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent

    I just got an update from a "an escaped sarnak Oracle" as well, saves on running all around the zone looking for a footman
    Find the Escaped Sarnak with information
    # Jun 25 2010 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
    No, you didn't.
    Fight smarter not harder.
    Find the Escaped Sarnak with information
    # Nov 12 2013 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
    671 posts
    I got my update today from an oracle.
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    Find the Escaped Sarnak with information
    # Jan 08 2011 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
    13 posts
    Yes, he did. I didn't like the tone of your response, so I tried it myself, and got the update from an Oracle.
    The right way
    # Dec 12 2009 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    I am pretty sure that the Sebilisian patrol leader update is only achievable by the person who hailed the Sarnak is the one who has to kill the patrol leader. I killed about 30 - 40 patrol leaders with mage pet, merc tank and warrior MT. It was only when I kept pet on hold and merc on passive that I got the update, I had 2 merc healers and they were fine but it had to be the hailer to kill the leader, you will notice that only the hailer gets the yellow message about the leader not coming from kurns the rest of the group dont receive it. It was also the leader that was accompanied by the 4 troopers.

    Hope this info helps.
    No Pets No Merc tanks
    # Nov 21 2009 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
    I am going with the post on no pets no merc tanks and the person who successfully hailed the sarnak has to kill the patrol leader. I tried 5 sarnaks with mercs and pets nada. When I just tanked him with my bard and merc clerics healing got the update at 20% when I hailed. Killed 3 patrol leaders combo of merc tank or pets nothing. Tanked the him with my bard again no pets just merc healing me and few nukes from my mage got update when I killed him. Hope this helps.
    Patrol Squad Leader Update
    # Nov 19 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
    how the heck do you get the update for the Squad Leader part? ive killed so many of em and no update
    Still Broken
    # Nov 09 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
    101 posts
    ""I've killed no less than 30 Sebilisian Patrol Leaders. I've killed them with mercs and pets, without mercs with pets, without mercs or pets...all seems to get the same result. Sometimes I get the message that says

    "It has become clear to you that none of the guards leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are actually Kurn himself."

    Sometimes I don't. I've killed the patrol leaders that are with an escort as well as those that are by themselves. I have searched the entire zone with my tracker and there are no patrol leaders that aren't near the tower. They spawn and wander around in a circle around the big troop formation in the north end of the field.

    Anyone know of a sure way to get this update or have I just been extremely unlucky?""

    I am having the EXACT same problem. I logged last night. Today I went back, got an update finaly, and when I hailed Trak that shows as updated too, only now the part that says Find the escaped is still not showing as finished, even though the next part of the quest is! I am soooo frustrated with stinking Sony and EQ at this point, as I can't get past this point to continue on with the quest.
    A Funny Thing Happened on the way to this Forum
    # Nov 07 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
    29 posts
    I have been reading all of the posts about this and the other Sarnak Recovery tasks and was concerned as to how our group was going to be able to ever finish the main quest.

    Our group (85 magician (me) with cleric merc, 85 magician boxing an 85 cleric (with tank merc) and an 85 enchanter) get together nightly for a 3.5 to 4 hour adventuring session.

    The 4.5 lockout between missions mentioned in all of the posts seemed to be the biggest problem. The part where it said that all missions had to be completed within 24 hours had us worried too as that was the interval between our adventuring sessions.

    We had already completed Sarnak Recovery (Kurn) some time ago. A while back, we attempted to get the next task in the series and got Kurn again (that's when we started reading the forums and got the alarming news about lockout timers and the 24 hour requirement).

    Since we were also a little light in the tanking department (the posts specifically said not to pet tank and the tank merc was not someone in the task), we decided to try one to see if we could use our cleric (she wears plate armor, right?) to tank the Sarnak to submission.

    The first surprise was when I gave the scroll to Talendor and we got Sarnak Recovery (Burynai). What! No repeat of Kurn? That's great! The cleric tanked the Sarnak to 20% and we got the update on the first try.

    Next, off to the island for the location update and we found the emissary. We sent in our two air pets where he stood and our merc tank followed. The enchanter mezzed the guardian and the two Burynai did nothing. Emissary went down to a barrage of nukes in no time. The enchanter mem-blurred the guardian and we were done.

    We went back to the dragons and got our second surprise. Talendor did not want my next scroll. There was nothing said about a timer, he just didn't want it. So I took it to Gorenaire. He took it and gave us Sarnak Recovery (Kurn). Again, no mention of a lockout. Since we had completed that one, we quit it and went to Phara Dar. Phara Dar accepted the scroll and gave us Sarnak Recovery (Sokokar).

    The cleric tanked the Sarnak again. This time, we got the update on the second attempt. Then off to the hatchery to kill the 4 hatchlings, and done.

    I'm guessing there have been some changes made since the other posts were made.

    Canneto Di`Bari - Everquest
    90 High Elf Grand Summoner of Cazic Thule
    <Caelum Infinitum>

    "What I know about paranoia I learned by following people"
    # Aug 08 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    I've killed no less than 30 Sebilisian Patrol Leaders. I've killed them with mercs and pets, without mercs with pets, without mercs or pets...all seems to get the same result. Sometimes I get the message that says

    "It has become clear to you that none of the guards leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are actually Kurn himself."

    Sometimes I don't. I've killed the patrol leaders that are with an escort as well as those that are by themselves. I have searched the entire zone with my tracker and there are no patrol leaders that aren't near the tower. They spawn and wander around in a circle around the big troop formation in the north end of the field.

    Anyone know of a sure way to get this update or have I just been extremely unlucky?
    # Sep 13 2009 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
    I had the same problem with this quest. Killed about 15 Patrol leaders with no update. Camped near the tower and saw a Patrol leaders come down the tower with 4 other mobs. Pulled that Patrol leader, killed and got a message "It has become clear to you that none of the mobs leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are Kurn himself" but no update. Waited a few minutes and pulled again - no pets, mercs anything just ranged DPS while rooted. 7 Minutes later when mob died got the same message. Seems to be bugged just like the 2nd step with the Sarnak. For some reason doesn't seem to work with pets or mercs.
    Hand-in Dialogue
    # Jun 01 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
    57 posts
    When given the appropriate note...

    Jaled`Dar says 'Well, that's very interesting. We need to locate this escapee before the Iksar do. Track down the escapee quickly and perhaps we can learn something from him.'
    Pet is fine, merc is fine
    # May 22 2009 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
    19 posts
    You CAN get updates with a pet and a merc. Just have to make sure the merc/pet is not the one on top aggro. A PC must be on top aggro.

    Update appears to always happen at exactly 20% or very shortly after. Do not use heavy dots or dd that will skip over this!
    added emote
    # May 19 2009 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
    While on step three (Find Kurn amoung the Iksar partol squads.) and killing a Sebilisian partol leader I got the following emote in yellow. The step did not update.

    "It has become clear to you that none of the guards leaving the tower as explained by the sarnak are actually Kurn himself."
    added emote
    # Jul 28 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
    Just to clarify, this emote doesn't mean you have to restart the task. Try killing patrol leaders that aren't leaving the tower.
    added emote
    # Jun 01 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
    69 posts
    The same thing happenened to me. I've killed at least 12 Patrol Leaders - I get the emote about half of the time, but I wtill have not gotten the update to see Trakanon. RNG tanking each time, I've even pulled pets away several times. Logged out and will retry another time.
    added emote
    # May 26 2009 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    I got same emote but pet was tanking with 2 merc wars?
    85th Arch Mage of Druzzill Ro
    24 hr total for all 3 task
    # May 09 2009 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
    36 posts
    not sure but way i figured it out is that u do first turn in of message as all have said then wait the 4.5 aprox hrs to do second turn in if u want to do all 3 task u need to complete them all 3 in 24 hrs or u start back over at the first task again now im not totally sure on this as i tryed turn ins on dif days and keep getting the first sokokar task each time doing it 4 total. the 4th time i did it i waited the timer out and did another turn in and got kurn as my next task but didnt wait 24 hrs in time doing the second turn in
    some info
    # Apr 25 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
    485 posts
    If you complete one of these sarnak recovery tasks and then you wait till task timer replay expires you could get the same task. If you don't want that to happen make sure you try to do this task right away again. You will still have the timer on one of them and get the new task which will be a different one.
    sealed messages FOS
    # Apr 15 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
    ok peps iam trying to get this done lol alla says there are three defferent seals that mention defferent names this seems to not be true. ALLA ALSO SAYS TO turn in the same type of sealed message FOR EACH TASK WICH IS ( you must recapture that sarnak . failure will not be acceptable . ) NOW IF YOU TURN THAT IN LIKE ALLA SAYS TO DOES IT GIVE YOU A DEFFERENT TASK EACH TIME . AND WHAT ABOUT > TRAINMASTER < UP THERE NOW HE/SHE SAYS TO USE A DEFFERENT SEALED MESSAGE . WICH ALLA ALSO SAYS IN OTHER PARTS THERE ARE DEFFERENT ONES THAT SAY KURN , SOKOKAR , AND THE BURYNI ONE . TRAINMASTER UP THERE SAYS TO USE THE ONE THAT SAYS .
    [] I can offer you no assistance. My own forces are needed in defense of my sector. Perhaps if you were to ask Warmaster Kurn for assistance he might find the time to help you. Perhaps you will learn something from him about expending your troopers needlessly .
    WICH IS FOR KURN ! [/]


    []You must recapture that sarnak. Failure will not be acceptable. [/]

    # Apr 15 2009 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
    # Apr 19 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
    WOW Thank you, I didn't need my glasses...... ROFL
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