Crusaders of Greenmist  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
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Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Aug 6 17:28:02 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Librarian Zimor is located in the Shadowknight's guild.

You say, 'Hail, Librarian Zimor'

Librarian Zimor says 'Hail, citizen, I hope that you are here to assist. We are gathering Crusaders to make an assault on the Libraries of Chardok. The slave creations have thrived in their sanctuary for too long. The tomes and texts they have stolen to fill their library belong us. They are even rumored to have a text on the Sacred Khukri of Rile, the Greenmist. If you see such a tome, you must bring it to me immediately. May Cazic-Thule guide you!

Kill Loremaster Piza'Tak or Grand Loremaster Di`Korr in Chardok library and loot The History of the Greenmist.

Upon handing this book to Librarian Zimor:

Librarian Zimor looks disturbed as he examines the book. His hands tremble as he mouths the words on the ancient parchment pages. "This book may alter the reality you see before you, "the scholar says as he continues to read the tome. "The information that has been waiting in this book may have been brought to us by your hand, but your fate has obviously been chosen by our Lord. Our mystics have conveyed a new vision to us in this most recent season. Please take this note to Hierophant Oxyn, while I continue to translate this tome." the Librarian hands you a note and turns his attention back to the book.

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive A note to Oxyn. Hand this note to Hierophant Oxyn, who can be found downstairs.

Hierophant Oxyn takes the note and begins to howl into the air! "The visions are true! The new prophecy begins today, Crusader," the mystics growls with pleasure. He quickly turns and takes a bottle of murky liquid from one of his potion bags and hands it to you. "Take this and keep it safe. Our visions have told of this day. We have been able to learn of the metal of prophecy. This liquid will help us to locate it's true resting place!

You gain experience!!

You receive a Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

You say, 'What is in this bottle of liquid?'

Heirophant Oxyn says "The bottle contains deklium in a liquid solution. The metal of prophecy has been determined to rest in a mass of living earth. Our scholars have written of a mass of ore that fell from the heavens. This ore was used in the creation of a blade of our father, Rile. We have been filled with visions of this blade. I have seen it in the hands of our Crusaders as they march towards the new age of Greenmist! Seek out the corrupted earth that guards the interlopers. We have an alchemist near there. He will be able to use the deklium to determine which golem contains the metal. Take care to go in force. I sense that there will be a battle.

Alchemist Granika is at The Overthere Outpost outside of East wall.

You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Granika'

Alchemist Granika says, 'If you were sent to me, show proof or be gone from my sight!

You give Alchemist Granika the Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

Alchemist Granika says "If Heirophant Oxyn has sent this with you, I can assume that our visions were corect. The new age is calling us from the heavens. Prepare for battle. I will take this solution to the Outlander's gates and use it to reveal the location of the metal of prophecy. Should I not return, you will only need to find the creature that glows without the use of a torch. Deklium glows when it gets near the smallest trace of tynnomium. Prepare for battle, Crusader... I am off".

A Glowing Cliff Golem spawns just inside the side exit of the Outpost near your location. He, Watch Sergeant Grolj, and 4 x "an undead watchman" walk straight out of the Outpost and the skeletal guards all take a post position. If you watch him for a moment, the golem will walk away from the other mobs and you can snag him easily by himself. He's a 1 group kill if you have 55+ warrior for main tank and a cleric to CHeal. Faction hits for killing them:

Your faction standing with Venril Sathir got worse.

Loot a Chunk of Tynnonium and take it back to Heirophant Oxyn:

Heirophant Oxyn holds the ore in his hands and begins to chant. His eyes go white as he raises the chunk of ore above his head. He lowers his arms and shakes his head for a moment. His eyes return to their normal state as they focus on you. The shaman hands you the ore and says, 'Seek out the creator of Rile's blade. He is still on this plane. I have felt his torment. Take this note to Librarian Zimor. He learned a great deal from the tome and can instruct you further. Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned.

Your faction standing with Scaled Mystics got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive a Note to Librarian Zimor. Upon giving this to Zimor:

Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned. Your discovery of the tynnonium is extraordinary! This Sarnak tome has been an incredible source of information. It appears that they have been studying the Greenmist for some time. I'm sure they sought it as nothing more than a trinket to be collected. Their shortsightedness will be their eventual undoing. I have compiled a book of notes that will aid you in your quest for the Greenmist. Please take care to keep this information of the grasp of our enemies.'

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive Notes from the Greenmist Tome, which reads as follows:

"I made these notes from my interpretation of the Sarnak tome.

Read them carefully.

The weaponsmith who created the Greenmist still exists in some form. He has been tormented for a very long time and may not remember his art. If this is the case, there may still be some chance of recovering the design of the sacred blade. The key lies with the Lich-King's beloved.

It is rumored the lich had a mirror created that allows his beloved Drusella to see her former self in its reflection. Perhaps this artifact can offer you some assistance in this quest.

Several items will be needed to recreate the Greenmist Khukri. A special hammer was specifically created to fold and sculpt the weapon's blade. Both the Greenmist and this hammer were created on the same day. Only the year is know. The year was 1406. The tome mentions that the Sarnak were actively seeking the tool.

The formula that will be needed to smelt the Tynnonium is written in the back of this book. Use this book when you find the forge needed to create the Khukri. You will need a design pattern, the block of Tynnonium, the hammer, and this tome to create the Greenmist blade.

To finish the weapon, you will need the Lord of Pain's Khukri, this tome, the hammer, the Greenmist blade, and a Greenmist shard or fragment. We have not found any Greenmist fragments.

All items must be forged in the hottest of all forges, the Forge of Dalnir.

May the will of Cazik Thule guide you."

Kill Weaponsmith Ko`zirr in Lake of Ill Omen. He's down the hall from the chancellor's room along with three imperial escorts. Loot the Hammer of 1406.

Kill the Alchemist's Acolyte in Chardok lower caves and loot a Greenish Metal Shard.

Shattered Blade of Rile is located in Karnor's Castle. It is sitting on top of a large wooden box adjacent to the jail area where the Drovlarg Warlord spawns. (location 12 on EQAtlas map). It looks like a dagger that's been dropped on the ground. This is Rile's Shattered Blade.

Kill Drusella Sathir in Howling Stones and loot the Mirror of Self Loathing.

Give the Mirror of Self Loathing to The Tormented Tradesman in the forge room of the Crypt of Dalnir, he spawns The Haggle Baron Dalnir. When you hand him the mirror the following text appears:

The undead entity looks in the mirror and appears to be stunned by the memory of his former self. He drops the mirror, which causes it to crack slightly. You immediately grab it and place it back in your bag. The spirit looks at you and begins to transform. Ethereal strands of muscle, blood, and flesh come together and the Haggle Baron Dalnir appears.

You receive Cracked Mirror. (NOTE: Haggle Baron Dalnir is iksar but is on beta neutral faction.)

You say, 'Hail, Haggle Baron Dalnir'

Haggle Baron Dalnir says 'I have little time to speak. I can feel this facade weakening already. A Scaled Mystic came to me during my time of torment. He spoke to me. He said that a new time was hiding behind the darkness of the horizon. You seek Master Rile's Khukri. I can diagram it for you... Arrrgh! I feel the pull of torment upon me! Return to me with a piece of parchment, a quill, and Rile's Shattered Blade. Use your mirror again to bring me back and I will try to remember the design. Please be quick!

Give Piece of Parchment, Quill and Rile's Shattered Blade to Haggle Baron Dalnir:

Haggle Baron Dalnir stares at the broken blade for some time. After a few moments of studying, the apparition begins to draw and scribble on the parchment. He works with amazing speed as the memories from his past flood from his quill. The diagrams and runes that etch the surface of the parchment begin to glow. The legendary Haggle Baron rolls the parchment and hands it to you. Smiling, he bows deeply and quickly fades away.

You gain experience!!

You receive a Greenmist Design Pattern

In the Dalnir Forge you place:
Greenmist Design Pattern
Block of Tynnonium
Hammer of 1406
Notes from the Greenmist Tome

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You gain experience!!
You have fashioned Greenmist Khukri Blade.
You have fashioned Hammer of 1406.
You have fashioned Notes from the Greenmist Tome.

You receive Greenmist Khukri Blade: LORE / NO DROP, weight 2.5.

In the Dalnir Forge combine:
Lord of Pain Khukri
Greenist Metal Shard
Greenmist Khukri Blade
Notes from the Greenmist Tome
Hammer of 1406

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You have fashioned Greenmist.
Submitted by: Klissar Silverspine
Send a Correction
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Forgeing the blade
# Feb 03 2002 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Does it require a certain skill level in blacksmithing? it would certainly suck to do the entire quest then fail the forgeing....
RE: Forgeing the blade
# Feb 05 2002 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
i think the legendary forge of dalnir is called "the never failing forge" or something along those lines, and a quest of this magnitude and without any mention of a smithing skill, im pretty sure it wont fail :(
original khukri
# Jan 31 2002 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
I have heard that there is a quest u can do to get the original one you started with. I have'nt been able to find anything about a quest for it.., if anyone has any info i would apreciate it,
[Dumb iksar who destroyed it],
RE: original khukri
# Jan 31 2002 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
This is the quest to get the starting one back. it sucks but can be done in about 6 hours.
RE: original khukri
# Feb 08 2002 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Multiquest your second one. Get a friend to start a Iksar SK and get the first khukri. You get 4 of the braids needed for the second khukri and after he hands the khukri to the quest guy you hand the 4 braids right away, voila you have the second khukri and your friend can delete that Iksar SK now. Take 5 minutes or so if ya got the braids, its how I got mine back.
RE: original khukri
# Feb 01 2002 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
Thnx. :)
[Happy dumb iksar]
# Jan 10 2002 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
this quest is a great example of why its good to have RL friends who play EQ, as well as be a good guildmate. People wont mind helping with the tedious parts. Camping hours and hours in Droga, Dalnirs, kaesora, the swamp... as long as you have people who know how to have fun even when there is no exp, you should really enjoy this quest!
# Jan 09 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
Quill & Parch
# Jan 08 2002 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
I found them in West Cab a long time ago and bought them to have ready. cant rembere witch vendor had them. at least the zone info might help out
WHeres the quill and parchment?
# Dec 21 2001 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know where they can be found?

RE: WHeres the quill and parchment?
# Mar 09 2002 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Visar Glolith in the necro guild in West Cabilis has both the quill and parchment. Hope this helps

Chisi Leatherface
53 Reaver
Guardian of the Crystal Rose
# Dec 08 2001 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Bane dmg from what some tell me would add to the dmg of the weapon, like 18/22 and then with bane is like 24/22. not really sure if this is how it works . ONE THING IS i am almost done with the Lord of Pain quest then onto GREENMIST.

Crusander of Greenmist
Finnon Ro
# Dec 02 2001 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
DANG THIS THING IS AUSOME! and what bane dmg mean?
Parchment and Quill
# Nov 30 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Where is the Parchment and Quill?
Doundren Myamoto
# Nov 29 2001 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
I am currently starting on this, and inny's curse.Hoping to get the book from chardok tomorrow on prince raid.Just wanting to know if i have the best armor for an iksar sk on EQ.Any other iksar sk have custom blood lord's crown, blood lord's bracer/gloves/vambraces?Noctivigant bp/greaves?

Doundren myamoto.56 shadowknight of Cazic-Thule.
Quellious server.
Unruled Power.
"Curosity killed the leezard"
PS:Grats klissar, nice looking blade:
RE: Doundren Myamoto
# Nov 30 2001 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
No Sorry there, Just get on and check out Xthik on the Zeb Server.

Xthik ShadowBringer
60 Grave Lord of Greenmist
Clan Icewind
# Nov 29 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I see at the very end of this quest - you must combine some items in a forge. Is there a minimum smithing skill you need here? Can you imagine the suckage to have done all that and fail the last part? Just curious, thanks.

~Rorak 51 Reaver
~Killer of Newts, Slayer of Goods
~Sullon Zek
Clarity Please
# Nov 28 2001 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
In the Dalnir Forge you place:
the Greenmist Design Pattern
Block of Tynnonium
Hammer of 1406
Notes from the Greenmist Tome

You receive Greenmist Khukri Blade
Lore No Drop, weight 2.5.

In the Dalnir Forge combine:

Lord of Pain Khukri
Greenist Metal Shard
Greenmist Khukri Blade
Notes from the Greenmist Tome
Hammer of 1406

After you place the first items in the forge to get the Greenmist Khukri Blade do you get back the "Notes from the Greenmist Tome" and "Hammer of 1406" for the second combination? Seems like it would be obvious and probably is, but if someone can just make it clear... thanks
Iksar SK's epic?
# Nov 28 2001 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
Ive come to realize that for a Iksar SK to get his epic requires a hell of a lot more faction work than the other SK races. Perhaps Verant realized this and gave this to Iksar as an alternate. Iksars already suffer by not having access to many SK armors. So this seems to be our little reward for working so hard. The quest is easier than the epic, but still nothing to sneeze at. Kudos to all Iksar SKs who get this.
how hard is she?
# Nov 25 2001 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
hello fellow iksar sk. i was wondering how many groups i should bring along to take drusella (for her mirror)?

a 57 Iksar Sk
smithing skill
# Nov 18 2001 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
I believe that the Dalnir forge does not require any skill to use. However, the only items that can be smithed in it are the viscereal dagger(result of a quest in Dalnirs) and Greenmist. I am not totally sure on this, but i seem to recall reading this somewhere
# Nov 18 2001 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Ok this may be a stupid question, but The final step of getting the blade is using a forge.... does anyone please know if I need any blacksmithing skill to do the combine? And if yes, What skill? I'd hate to do the whole quest and fail the final combine :)

Dragnoth Dreadscale, Iksar Revenant of the 57th scale
RE: Blacksmithing
# Nov 19 2001 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
No smithing skill is required for any combines in "Always works" devices. Forge of dalnir when you open it up says "Always Works" on it. I have a skill of about 10 in smithing and I combined Greenmist without a problem.
my reaction
# Nov 16 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default

Jaramus Silversoul
55 myrmidon

thx im jealous of SK's =)
# Nov 16 2001 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
good job sir, makes us nameless iksar sk's jealous ^_^
# Nov 14 2001 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
There's now a full walkthrough for the Greenmist quest at:
RE: Walkthru
# Nov 17 2001 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
Decrease Strength from 3 (L1) to 20 (L34) and adds it to yours
DoT for 120 Hit Points (HP) in 8 ticks and adds it to yours
Decrease Armor Class (AC) from 5 (L1) to 9 (L28) and adds it to yours "

Ok, can someone explain to me what "decrease strength from 3 (L1) to 20 (L34)" means?
RE: Walkthru
# Nov 17 2001 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
It basically means that if you could 'cast' this at level 1, you would drain 3 points of str from the mob, at level 34 you drain 20, with a 'sliding' scale based on level.. not sure of the relationship but since it goes up by 17 points from 3 to 20 and the max is at level 34, it might be an extra point every other level (very basically and not quite mathamatically correct)
RE: Walkthru
# Nov 15 2001 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
Looks to me like the walkthru here is pretty complete. Don't think I missed anything, but I typed it up during my lunch break so maybe I missed something.

Corrections anyone?

RE: Walkthru
# Nov 17 2001 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Location of "peice of parchment" and "quill" would be nice, for competions sake. Even if the answer is "can be found on a vendor in xxx zone"
RE: Walkthru
# Nov 15 2001 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
Congratulations, Klissar!

Enjoy your new blade.
The History of Greenmist
# Nov 03 2001 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good

Go there for some more information about the Greenmist Quest in it's current state.

Dignitas Gentlesteel
~ Moonwhisper ~
Solusek Ro
RE: The History of Greenmist
# Nov 04 2001 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
102 posts
Just to add to this note, so far the relevant (i.e. confirmed) stuff can be found on page 13 of the link, posted by Dignitas. He/She has taken some huge steps towards finishing this quest, and will hopefully continue to finish as more is accomplished.
# Nov 06 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
DIG SOLVED IT TODAY!!!! 10-5-2001
# Nov 06 2001 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
That's 11-5-2001! But it is a SWEET, SWEET weapon! It's worth the wait! Congrats Dig! Here's the URL to the screen shot he put up:

Finally glad this quest is over!
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 15 2001 at 5:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whats bane dmg?
# Nov 09 2001 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default

Whoops...that would be 11-5-2001...thanky for the correction 8)
# Oct 31 2001 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
Dear readers,

I am but a lowly 40th SK on Ayonae Ro server (retired that character for the time being). A major DRAW into the Iks SK was the Khurki tests. I became flabbergasted at how long, enduring, and just plan evil this quest as been. I for one, am glad to see that new information is coming out about this weapon. Now, the only thing we need to do is get the book from Chardok, and turn it into the librarian and see what happens (bring friends, or at least some one to rez you) As turning in any quest item (espically one that is your epic) generally results in a beat down that can cost you your life :P As well as your chances at a epic thus far. Good luck, and lets get this quest solved!
Possible quest component
# Oct 30 2001 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
I was soloing in the jail area of kc when i noticed something on the ground that looked like a weapon called riles shattered blade lore/nodrop it cannot be equipped it spawns just around the corner of the jail on a cube in the middle of the room. just fyi

Dreadscale Facegrinder--57 monk--Luclin
# Oct 30 2001 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
OK, i was passing thru the sarnak fort in lake of ill omen when i went into one of the old rooms...instead of the usual recruits and such there were 4 imperial troopers(or such) guarding a "weaponsmith da`zikk(or such)" all the mobs coned blue to me at 53...i killed the weaponsmith and got a lore no drop item called "hammer of 1402"(or such)....i assume this is for the greenmist quest....being the iksar reaver that i am, THIS QUEST NEEDS TO BE everyone please post what info you have...
RE: greenmist
# Nov 02 2001 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
i also looted this hammer while i was goofing off in the fort looking for another sarnak earing of station. if you leave the chencellor room and take the first left im pretty sure the room on the left is where i found weaponsmith and his guards (cant rememeber names). just FYI the weaponsmith was blue to me at 54 and actualy put up somewhat of a fight. he dropped nothing else but hammer and 1 of the guards dropped a research page.
Quest is Fixed!!! (Possibally)
# Oct 28 2001 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
After the last patch (that mentioned "Green Mist")
I was delighted to see a new NPC in the SK guild house! He is in the tower with Arch Duke Xog... Can't remember his name (Librarian someting-or-other) But when I hailed him he started talking about the Khukri of Rile!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately my Highest character is only Lv39 so it will be a while B4 I can do this quest, but I will post with more info when My main gets back to Kunark... Now I'm off to get my JBoots.

And Good Luck To All Of The Crusaders Of Greenmist.

RE: Quest is Fixed!!! (Possibally)
# Oct 29 2001 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
Ok, I took a screenshot after I hailed him and this is the reply I got: Librarian Zimor says "Hail, citizen, I hope that you are here to assist. We are gathering Crusaders to make an assult on the Libraries of Chardok. The slave creations have thrived in their sanctuary for too long. The tomes and texts they have stolen to fill their library belong to us. They are even rumored to have a text on the Sacred Khukri of Rile, the Greenmist. If you see such a tome, you must bring it to me immediately. May Cazic-Thule guide you!"

I was not able to get anything else out of him. its possible you have to be a certain Lvl before activating this quest,or you have to bring back the text on the Khukri. At any rate, I can't even go into Charok yet so I guess it is up to somone of a higher Lvl to research this further.

Good Luck To All Of The Crusaders Of Greenmist.
tome of greenmist
# Oct 25 2001 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
I have heard from a couple friends of mine who hunt in chardok alot, since the patch they have found tomes of greenmist off of sarnak librarians, I would assume this is the tome the librarian is talking about. I would also assume you give the tome to the librarian to start the quest. If anyone gets more info on this please give me a tell

manaza 20th Iskar Shadowknight
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