Crusaders of Greenmist  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
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Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Aug 6 17:28:02 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Librarian Zimor is located in the Shadowknight's guild.

You say, 'Hail, Librarian Zimor'

Librarian Zimor says 'Hail, citizen, I hope that you are here to assist. We are gathering Crusaders to make an assault on the Libraries of Chardok. The slave creations have thrived in their sanctuary for too long. The tomes and texts they have stolen to fill their library belong us. They are even rumored to have a text on the Sacred Khukri of Rile, the Greenmist. If you see such a tome, you must bring it to me immediately. May Cazic-Thule guide you!

Kill Loremaster Piza'Tak or Grand Loremaster Di`Korr in Chardok library and loot The History of the Greenmist.

Upon handing this book to Librarian Zimor:

Librarian Zimor looks disturbed as he examines the book. His hands tremble as he mouths the words on the ancient parchment pages. "This book may alter the reality you see before you, "the scholar says as he continues to read the tome. "The information that has been waiting in this book may have been brought to us by your hand, but your fate has obviously been chosen by our Lord. Our mystics have conveyed a new vision to us in this most recent season. Please take this note to Hierophant Oxyn, while I continue to translate this tome." the Librarian hands you a note and turns his attention back to the book.

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive A note to Oxyn. Hand this note to Hierophant Oxyn, who can be found downstairs.

Hierophant Oxyn takes the note and begins to howl into the air! "The visions are true! The new prophecy begins today, Crusader," the mystics growls with pleasure. He quickly turns and takes a bottle of murky liquid from one of his potion bags and hands it to you. "Take this and keep it safe. Our visions have told of this day. We have been able to learn of the metal of prophecy. This liquid will help us to locate it's true resting place!

You gain experience!!

You receive a Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

You say, 'What is in this bottle of liquid?'

Heirophant Oxyn says "The bottle contains deklium in a liquid solution. The metal of prophecy has been determined to rest in a mass of living earth. Our scholars have written of a mass of ore that fell from the heavens. This ore was used in the creation of a blade of our father, Rile. We have been filled with visions of this blade. I have seen it in the hands of our Crusaders as they march towards the new age of Greenmist! Seek out the corrupted earth that guards the interlopers. We have an alchemist near there. He will be able to use the deklium to determine which golem contains the metal. Take care to go in force. I sense that there will be a battle.

Alchemist Granika is at The Overthere Outpost outside of East wall.

You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Granika'

Alchemist Granika says, 'If you were sent to me, show proof or be gone from my sight!

You give Alchemist Granika the Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

Alchemist Granika says "If Heirophant Oxyn has sent this with you, I can assume that our visions were corect. The new age is calling us from the heavens. Prepare for battle. I will take this solution to the Outlander's gates and use it to reveal the location of the metal of prophecy. Should I not return, you will only need to find the creature that glows without the use of a torch. Deklium glows when it gets near the smallest trace of tynnomium. Prepare for battle, Crusader... I am off".

A Glowing Cliff Golem spawns just inside the side exit of the Outpost near your location. He, Watch Sergeant Grolj, and 4 x "an undead watchman" walk straight out of the Outpost and the skeletal guards all take a post position. If you watch him for a moment, the golem will walk away from the other mobs and you can snag him easily by himself. He's a 1 group kill if you have 55+ warrior for main tank and a cleric to CHeal. Faction hits for killing them:

Your faction standing with Venril Sathir got worse.

Loot a Chunk of Tynnonium and take it back to Heirophant Oxyn:

Heirophant Oxyn holds the ore in his hands and begins to chant. His eyes go white as he raises the chunk of ore above his head. He lowers his arms and shakes his head for a moment. His eyes return to their normal state as they focus on you. The shaman hands you the ore and says, 'Seek out the creator of Rile's blade. He is still on this plane. I have felt his torment. Take this note to Librarian Zimor. He learned a great deal from the tome and can instruct you further. Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned.

Your faction standing with Scaled Mystics got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive a Note to Librarian Zimor. Upon giving this to Zimor:

Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned. Your discovery of the tynnonium is extraordinary! This Sarnak tome has been an incredible source of information. It appears that they have been studying the Greenmist for some time. I'm sure they sought it as nothing more than a trinket to be collected. Their shortsightedness will be their eventual undoing. I have compiled a book of notes that will aid you in your quest for the Greenmist. Please take care to keep this information of the grasp of our enemies.'

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive Notes from the Greenmist Tome, which reads as follows:

"I made these notes from my interpretation of the Sarnak tome.

Read them carefully.

The weaponsmith who created the Greenmist still exists in some form. He has been tormented for a very long time and may not remember his art. If this is the case, there may still be some chance of recovering the design of the sacred blade. The key lies with the Lich-King's beloved.

It is rumored the lich had a mirror created that allows his beloved Drusella to see her former self in its reflection. Perhaps this artifact can offer you some assistance in this quest.

Several items will be needed to recreate the Greenmist Khukri. A special hammer was specifically created to fold and sculpt the weapon's blade. Both the Greenmist and this hammer were created on the same day. Only the year is know. The year was 1406. The tome mentions that the Sarnak were actively seeking the tool.

The formula that will be needed to smelt the Tynnonium is written in the back of this book. Use this book when you find the forge needed to create the Khukri. You will need a design pattern, the block of Tynnonium, the hammer, and this tome to create the Greenmist blade.

To finish the weapon, you will need the Lord of Pain's Khukri, this tome, the hammer, the Greenmist blade, and a Greenmist shard or fragment. We have not found any Greenmist fragments.

All items must be forged in the hottest of all forges, the Forge of Dalnir.

May the will of Cazik Thule guide you."

Kill Weaponsmith Ko`zirr in Lake of Ill Omen. He's down the hall from the chancellor's room along with three imperial escorts. Loot the Hammer of 1406.

Kill the Alchemist's Acolyte in Chardok lower caves and loot a Greenish Metal Shard.

Shattered Blade of Rile is located in Karnor's Castle. It is sitting on top of a large wooden box adjacent to the jail area where the Drovlarg Warlord spawns. (location 12 on EQAtlas map). It looks like a dagger that's been dropped on the ground. This is Rile's Shattered Blade.

Kill Drusella Sathir in Howling Stones and loot the Mirror of Self Loathing.

Give the Mirror of Self Loathing to The Tormented Tradesman in the forge room of the Crypt of Dalnir, he spawns The Haggle Baron Dalnir. When you hand him the mirror the following text appears:

The undead entity looks in the mirror and appears to be stunned by the memory of his former self. He drops the mirror, which causes it to crack slightly. You immediately grab it and place it back in your bag. The spirit looks at you and begins to transform. Ethereal strands of muscle, blood, and flesh come together and the Haggle Baron Dalnir appears.

You receive Cracked Mirror. (NOTE: Haggle Baron Dalnir is iksar but is on beta neutral faction.)

You say, 'Hail, Haggle Baron Dalnir'

Haggle Baron Dalnir says 'I have little time to speak. I can feel this facade weakening already. A Scaled Mystic came to me during my time of torment. He spoke to me. He said that a new time was hiding behind the darkness of the horizon. You seek Master Rile's Khukri. I can diagram it for you... Arrrgh! I feel the pull of torment upon me! Return to me with a piece of parchment, a quill, and Rile's Shattered Blade. Use your mirror again to bring me back and I will try to remember the design. Please be quick!

Give Piece of Parchment, Quill and Rile's Shattered Blade to Haggle Baron Dalnir:

Haggle Baron Dalnir stares at the broken blade for some time. After a few moments of studying, the apparition begins to draw and scribble on the parchment. He works with amazing speed as the memories from his past flood from his quill. The diagrams and runes that etch the surface of the parchment begin to glow. The legendary Haggle Baron rolls the parchment and hands it to you. Smiling, he bows deeply and quickly fades away.

You gain experience!!

You receive a Greenmist Design Pattern

In the Dalnir Forge you place:
Greenmist Design Pattern
Block of Tynnonium
Hammer of 1406
Notes from the Greenmist Tome

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You gain experience!!
You have fashioned Greenmist Khukri Blade.
You have fashioned Hammer of 1406.
You have fashioned Notes from the Greenmist Tome.

You receive Greenmist Khukri Blade: LORE / NO DROP, weight 2.5.

In the Dalnir Forge combine:
Lord of Pain Khukri
Greenist Metal Shard
Greenmist Khukri Blade
Notes from the Greenmist Tome
Hammer of 1406

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You have fashioned Greenmist.
Submitted by: Klissar Silverspine
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Got Greenmist
# Jul 23 2003 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
Well after months of aggravating grind, I finally got my greenmist last night. I am a 51 DE SK on the Ayonae Ro server. One of the most aggravating parts to get was the greenish metal shard. To help clarify a few things, or muddle it even further =) I offer the following. There has been some confusion and speculation as to the mob that drops the shard and it's name. I can tell you that the shard dropped off "A Alchemist Acolyte" in Lower Chardok, by the shack north of the lake by the zone-in to Halls of Betrayal. Last night two mobs named "A Alchemist Acolyte" popped within 30 minutes of each other. Sunday night, we spent a 7+ hour camp in the herb shack. During those 7+ hours, the mob only popped twice. Those mobs were both named "An Alchemist Acolyte". Whether or not the naming diff between "A" and "An" makes a difference on what the mob drops, I do not know. The one thing I do know, is the one the dropped the shard had it in his hand. It appears that the mob is holding a dagger. Of the 5 mobs that we dropped, 4 of them did not have daggers in their hands and did not drop the shard. The 5th that had the dagger in his hand did drop the shard. Whether this helps or not, it was how my experience unfolded. If I can offer any help or assistance and you are on Ayonae Ro, please send a tell to Fheyaran and I will help however I can.
Mirror MQ
# Jun 29 2003 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
I was just wondering if more than one person can do turn in at a time MQing the mirror, and if so, how?
Greenmist Design Pattern
# Jun 06 2003 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Just wondering is this returned iten a No-Rent item, so that if you MQ the mirror part to spawn the haggle baron but do not yet have the shard could you bank the pattern for later. cause would ne nice then could do the Quest up to the actul forge part, should you run accross one with the mirror before you have all the pieces, but if its a no-rent then guess out of luck, anyone who's done this one know if tha Greenmist Design Pattern is a no-rent or remember...?
RE: Greenmist Design Pattern
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
According to Magelo it is just Lore and No Drop so you should be able to get it and come back later to finish it off (what I plan to do)
To test or not to test
# Jun 05 2003 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
Do you have to do the tests for the Greenmist or just the Greenmist quest itself???

Edited, Thu Jun 5 22:58:44 2003
Greenish Metal Shard
# May 19 2003 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Ack! have but ONE piece left.... the Greenish Metal Shard. I need some clarificatio on what drops this. The Quest says Apprentice Herbalist... The Shard link says the Alchemist Alcolyte. Who knows for sure what drops it? Is there a trick to getting it to drop? Soon to be one of the VERY few DEF SKs on Ec'i with this weapon once this darn shard is in my hand. Would appreciate any help.

Vladar D'Vortexa
Warlord of Innoruuk's Sin

Finally got it!! And for any that may have doubts.... it is well worth it!

Edited, Tue Jul 29 13:34:07 2003
RE: Greenish Metal Shard
# May 20 2003 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Just looted it off of Alchemist Alcolyte.

The Tribunal
# Apr 24 2003 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent

Faction is fine. There have been several changes to this quest. MQ for the newbie blade has beed nerfed, you have to do the penance quest. The Hammer of Exonneration is now DE equippable. But where the heck does a SK turn in the pennenace bag and book?
RE: Penance/Greenmist
# May 30 2003 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Turn it into the squirte hes on the right tower side facing the pool
# Apr 21 2003 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
I've got an Ogre SK, and personally, like a few others i think it IS fair to allow others to earn this sword. If someone takes the time to earn the respect and adoration of the iksars then yes, they should be able to use it. It takes hours and hours to earn the faction necessary to even travel the streets of cabilis so why not?
iksar sk only
# Apr 10 2003 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Im a sk iksar on Torv.

I think its freakin stupid that other races get to use this weap.. They already get to wear plate armor and get better weaps then us..why should yall be allowed to greenmist? its rightfully ours anyways.

and gnomes.. my god what a embarrashment to sk's round
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 21 2003 at 1:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you need to learn abou tgnomes before u speak about there melee skeels man look up clockwork watchman vambraces 40% haste clickable at level 20 that puts gnome wars sks ans pallys on the map still the ogres trolls etv could out meatshield them the gnomes with a high mana pool and hgih haste could out PvP them anyday Smiley: twocents
RE: iksar sk only
# May 14 2003 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
*sigh* Punctuation is your friend. And in my eyes...Shadowknight Gnomes are an abomination and a perversion of natural law =P Stupid gnomes...It seems like they're a good race...arent they? Just like Erudites...why should Erudites and Gnomes be shadowknights if they're classified in the "good" races? Or maybe they're humans...I mean I understand the ogre/troll/iksar/dark elf shadowknight...they're all evil...but gnome!? GAH! VI has gone too far starting from Gnome Shadowknight

By the way, /flame on
# Mar 29 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Ok, here's some updated info on the whole faction issue. I just recently completed Greenmist as a DE sk on Povar.

Yes, you will need 120 knives, but that's not all. You still have other issues of faction to overcome. Here's what I did to accomplish this.

Cleared the Sarnak Fort 2x, including the Chancellor and the Weapons Smith. Cleared the Goblin tunnels twice, including the big boss in there once. Killed enough explorers to get 6 stacks of knives. At this point, I was dubious with Trooper Vauk, the iksar on Legion of Cabilis faction to whom you turn in the knives.

I turned in the six stacks of knives, which took my to Max Legion faction, but just inside the Dubious mark with Crusaders of Greenmist (Iksar SK faction), which must be Amiable to do the Khukri quests.

I then headed to Kurn's Tower in the Field of Bone. Inside Kurn's you can do two things: Kill tons of skellies for bone chips, AND buy tons of bone chips from noobs there. Kurn's is once again a popular place since the intro. of PoP, as toons can simply book to FoB and head to Kurn's for great exp.

After gathering and turning in a total of 2k bone chips to the guard outside the Cabilis zone in FoB, I hit Amiable with Crusaders.

NOTE: The guard to which you turn in these chips is on the RIGHT as face the entrance to Cabilis. You must turn in the chips 4 at a time, unstacked.

NOTE, MORE IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL to not be fooled by Crusader Q. (can't remember full name) For some reason, when all the other Crusaders show faction as Dubious, he shows Indifferent, and so on. His faction means nothing in this quest. You MUST be Amiable to the other Crusaders to do the Khukri quests.

Ok, so now we're max faction with Legion of Cabilis and amiable with Crusaders of Greenmist. It's time to build Brood of Kotiz (Cabilis Necro) faction. This is the really boring part.

Go to Warsliks woods and head to the tunnels where the outcast iksar roam (iksar bandits, murauders, etc.) and kill kill kill. Stay there about 3-4hrs. per day for 3 days and you'll finally hit Dubious with necros. These outcast iksar types are the ONLY mob known so far to give Brood of Kotiz faction. So, get used to the idea of spending time on it.

Now, you are ready to begin the Khukri quests and carry on with the Greenmist quest. Oh, btw, you'll also be amiable to the Shaman under the SK guild, which is an important thing.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Muadi Shaddowalker
54 Dark Elf SK
Thowl Al'Shar
# Jul 16 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
thanks bro. u gave all the info i will ever need. peace.
RE: Factioning
# Apr 06 2003 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
Grats Muadi !!
# Mar 29 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
Ok, here's some updated info on the whole faction issue. I just recently completed Greenmist as a DE sk on Povar.

Yes, you will need 120 knives, but that's not all. You still have other issues of faction to overcome. Here's what I did to accomplish this.

Cleared the Sarnak Fort 2x, including the Chancellor and the Weapons Smith. Cleared the Goblin tunnels twice, including the big boss in there once. Killed enough explorers to get 6 stacks of knives. At this point, I was dubious with Trooper Vauk, the iksar on Legion of Cabilis faction to whom you turn in the knives.

I turned in the six stacks of knives, which took my to Max Legion faction, but just inside the Dubious mark with Crusaders of Greenmist (Iksar SK faction), which must be Amiable to do the Khukri quests.

I then headed to Kurn's Tower in the Field of Bone. Inside Kurn's you can do two things: Kill tons of skellies for bone chips, AND buy tons of bone chips from noobs there. Kurn's is once again a popular place since the intro. of PoP, as toons can simply book to FoB and head to Kurn's for great exp.

After gathering and turning in a total of 2k bone chips to the guard outside the Cabilis zone in FoB, I hit Amiable with Crusaders.

NOTE: The guard to which you turn in these chips is on the RIGHT as face the entrance to Cabilis. You must turn in the chips 4 at a time, unstacked.

NOTE, MORE IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL to not be fooled by Crusader Q. (can't remember full name) For some reason, when all the other Crusaders show faction as Dubious, he shows Indifferent, and so on. His faction means nothing in this quest. You MUST be Amiable to the other Crusaders to do the Khukri quests.

Ok, so now we're max faction with Legion of Cabilis and amiable with Crusaders of Greenmist. It's time to build Brood of Kotiz (Cabilis Necro) faction. This is the really boring part.

Go to Warsliks woods and head to the tunnels where the outcast iksar roam (iksar bandits, murauders, etc.) and kill kill kill. Stay there about 3-4hrs. per day for 3 days and you'll finally hit Dubious with necros. These outcast iksar types are the ONLY mob known so far to give Brood of Kotiz faction. So, get used to the idea of spending time on it.

Now, you are ready to begin the Khukri quests and carry on with the Greenmist quest. Oh, btw, you'll also be amiable to the Shaman under the SK guild, which is an important thing.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Muadi Shaddowalker
54 Dark Elf SK
Thowl Al'Shar
# Mar 29 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
Ok, here's some updated info on the whole faction issue. I just recently completed Greenmist as a DE sk on Povar.

Yes, you will need 120 knives, but that's not all. You still have other issues of faction to overcome. Here's what I did to accomplish this.

Cleared the Sarnak Fort 2x, including the Chancellor and the Weapons Smith. Cleared the Goblin tunnels twice, including the big boss in there once. Killed enough explorers to get 6 stacks of knives. At this point, I was dubious with Trooper Vauk, the iksar on Legion of Cabilis faction to whom you turn in the knives.

I turned in the six stacks of knives, which took my to Max Legion faction, but just inside the Dubious mark with Crusaders of Greenmist (Iksar SK faction), which must be Amiable to do the Khukri quests.

I then headed to Kurn's Tower in the Field of Bone. Inside Kurn's you can do two things: Kill tons of skellies for bone chips, AND buy tons of bone chips from noobs there. Kurn's is once again a popular place since the intro. of PoP, as toons can simply book to FoB and head to Kurn's for great exp.

After gathering and turning in a total of 2k bone chips to the guard outside the Cabilis zone in FoB, I hit Amiable with Crusaders.

NOTE: The guard to which you turn in these chips is on the RIGHT as face the entrance to Cabilis. You must turn in the chips 4 at a time, unstacked.

NOTE, MORE IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL to not be fooled by Crusader Q. (can't remember full name) For some reason, when all the other Crusaders show faction as Dubious, he shows Indifferent, and so on. His faction means nothing in this quest. You MUST be Amiable to the other Crusaders to do the Khukri quests.

Ok, so now we're max faction with Legion of Cabilis and amiable with Crusaders of Greenmist. It's time to build Brood of Kotiz (Cabilis Necro) faction. This is the really boring part.

Go to Warsliks woods and head to the tunnels where the outcast iksar roam (iksar bandits, murauders, etc.) and kill kill kill. Stay there about 3-4hrs. per day for 3 days and you'll finally hit Dubious with necros. These outcast iksar types are the ONLY mob known so far to give Brood of Kotiz faction. So, get used to the idea of spending time on it.

Now, you are ready to begin the Khukri quests and carry on with the Greenmist quest. Oh, btw, you'll also be amiable to the Shaman under the SK guild, which is an important thing.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Muadi Shaddowalker
54 Dark Elf SK
Thowl Al'Shar
Faction for Quest for NON-Iksars
# Mar 12 2003 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Just for those who are attempting this quest who are non-Iksar, my best advice is kill the explores camped in LOIO. Collect the explorer knives (I collected about 120) then turn in to the guard whom the quest involves. By the time you collect at least 120 knives, you should be dubious to him. If not, kill explores til dubious. I maxed out Legion faction doing this and ambious to all but necros.
As for necros, my advice is hunt in Warslike Woods and kill Manslayers (about 1000+ ...seriously!!). Librarian is on necro faction so need this most of all. Good luck fellow SKs and may Cazic smite your foes down.

Nefethese Shadowwalker
43 Erudite SK, Quellious
# Feb 20 2003 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
So sorry you guys spent so much time with faction, nowadays you bring out your handy-dandy enchanter and use project illusion iskar which helps faction a lot!
RE: Enchanters
# Nov 05 2003 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Illusion won't lift the faction high enough to be non kos.

You still have to do faction to raise it high enough to then use illusion to take you to amiable, which is in turn enough to get the NPC's to talk to you.
# Feb 20 2003 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I'm an Ogre shadow knight of Rallos Zek. Faction, although time consuming, makes the actual quests very easy.

Get an Ornate Velium Pendant or two from Icewell Keep or bazaar. If you get it from Icewell, raid the council room, or raise your faction by killing giants in Velious. This way you can single pull Juliah rather than raid. You'll need the pendant later.

Obviously raise Cabilis faction. Killing outcast Iksar is a great approach, raising Legion of Cabilis and Brood of Kotiz at the same time. It also does not lower your Sarnak factions. Bone chips, torches, explorer knives raise your other Cabilis factions. Now you can walk around Cabilis and begin Penance, acquiring your first khukri.

Next, consider raising Venril Sathir faction if you can get inside The Overthere's outpost. Kill Sarnak berserkers and turn the war braids in to Captain Rottgrime. Now, you can trade in The Overthere, walk through parts of Karnor's Castle, Kaesora, and Howling Stones.

Now that you've screwed up your Sarnak faction, bring it back up. Hunt goblins in Droga and Nurga to raise Brood of Di'Zok faction. Now you can walk straight through Chardok straight to your camps.

If you want the quests to be REALLY easy, get that Firiona Vie faction up. Goblins in Lake of Ill Omen are good for nothing but that.

While you're at it, kill the bards across Norrath. Having a high faction with Mayong Mistmoore makes spawn breaking a piece of cake in Castle of Mistmoore, although it was a piece of cake being KoS, as well, at level 50.

Now that your faction is established, the quests should be easy. The only KoS locations will be:
Swamp of No Hope, Kurn's Tower, Chalp, Crypt of Dalnir, Droga, and pieces of Kaesora, Karnor's Castle, and Howling Stones.

What was the Ornate Velium Pendant for? Ogres of Rallos Zek maximize their Cabilis factions at indifferent. The pendant has five charges of Alliance, which boosts the faction up to amiable so that the khukri quests are performable. It angered me a bit to have a bank full of khukri items when Lord Gikzic told me to prove myself a bit more.

The only problem with all of this faction hunting is that you cannot gain experience in some quality Kunark zones.
Hunting Karnor's Castle, Howling Stones, and Kaesora will destroy Venril Sathir faction quickly. Killing Faydedar many times over could fix this, but that's just rediculous.
Chardok is also off-limits. The more Sarnak dead, the more goblins get put on the waiting list.
Fortunately, the faction mobs vary greatly in level. While Iksar footpads die from the newbie's Harm Touch, goblins in Lake of Ill Omen and forsaken Iksar go through the 20's and into 30's, as well as the Sarnak berserkers. Goblins in Droga continue giving experience into level 50. For a change in scenery, hunt giants in Kael in the low 40's.
The loot is terrible, but save those coppers and silvers. Forsaken Iksar easily funded my Life Leach quest.

Note : If you are an Iksar, feel free to skip the Cabilis faction. Don't bother with Venril Sathir, either. I'm not sure I want to hear of an Iksar who actually tries raising either of these factions.
other crusaders quests
# Feb 17 2003 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
do the other crusader's quests need to be done in order to do this one?
RE: other crusaders quests
# Feb 20 2003 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
yes, you need to complete all of the crusader's quest as you will need the Lord of Pain's Khukri for final combine.
Mirror of Self Loathing
# Jan 11 2003 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
As of 01/10/03 a single Mirror of Self Loathing can once again spawn the Haggle Baron Dalnir 2 times! This was fixed prior to the 1/10 patch as myself and another SK were able to do our turn ins on the 9th. So if you still have the Cracked mirror from doing your quest, help out another SK by spawning the Haggle Baron for them.

Ssarrasum Mistrunner
Crusader of Greenmist
Relics of the Forsaken
Brell Serilis
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 07 2003 at 8:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For some dumbasses, Greenmist is now available FOR ALL SK's
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 07 2003 at 8:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For some dumbasses, Greenmist is now available FOR ALL SK's
last part
# Dec 28 2002 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
how would i go about mqing the mirror
and anyone know what level the glowing cliff golem is?
RE: last part
# Jan 11 2003 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
Glowing cliff golem is level 54. To MQ the mirror just have the person with it turn it in to the Tormented Tradesman to spawn the Haggle Baron Dalnir. Be sure to have the Shattered Blade of Rile, parchment and a quill on you. You can buy the parchment and quill from the necro's guild in Cabilis on the top floor of the tower in case you don't have already.

Ssarrasum Mistrunner
Crusader of Greenmist
Relics of the Forsaken
Brell Serilis

Edited, Sat Jan 11 12:49:04 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 18 2002 at 5:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The sk epic is available to iksars, but not to gnomes!
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 13 2002 at 5:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This should be Iksar Sk only...all the other Sk's get Innoruuks Curse, but WE dont, cause all them haters out there, so Iksar SK only on greenmist, its OURS not YOURS!
RE: Iksar Sk's
# Jan 18 2003 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
Don't know what you are going off about. I have Inny's Curse and it has Iksar as one of the using races.
Droga Cell Doors
# Dec 02 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
The Cell doors in Droga are Broken atm, When you have the key on your pointer and click on the door it gives the 'cannot be traded or dropped' message and when it is not on your pointer you get the 'Door is locked and you are not holding hte key' message. I ended up using the Shrink trick to fit through the bars but I hear if you hold down the 'U' key while trying to use the keys it will work.

Over all this was a very enjoyable quest to run, I am looking forward to running the Crudgel quest with my Shaman

Edited, Mon Dec 2 14:31:38 2002
Human and other none Iksar scum!
# Nov 15 2002 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
Should not be alowed to wield our most sacred weapon. VI really screwed up when they made it all SK, I mean christ read the iksar history, The are xenaphobic and would never under any condition alow this, VI FIX THIS INSULT TO THE IKSAR!!!
RE: Human and other none Iksar scum!
# Jan 18 2003 at 6:01 PM Rating: Default
Lol, then we can cut iksars out of Innys curse all together? Not that big of a deal.
RE: Human and other none Iksar scum!
# Dec 03 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
They are only xenaphobic until you prove yourself. My High Elf Mage can now enter Cabilis and is even Max Ally in some areas. If you are willing to spend the time required to gain enough faction to enter Cabilis and converse with the required NPCs then you should be able to do the quest.
RE: Human and other none Iksar scum!
# Feb 23 2003 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
while you may be max faction you are most certainley not ally..i can almost guarantee monk has all cabilis factions except necro's maxed and he is [i]i think[\i] indifferent.
just got GREENMIST!
# Nov 03 2002 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
just wanted to say sorry about the typos and the blank post(im real tired after finishin the quest) and i wanted to fix that "a bone necklace" that drops offa the penmaster in the Temple of Droga is the bone necklace key...i solod every quest at level 51(thanx to invisibility)except CoM(youll need at least 1 other person 50+), mistmoore(youll prolly need 2 more people 50+..i had 1 52druid and we kept dyin), kaesora(need 2 more people 50+..and by the way..take notice the dungeon is 1 way..i didnt and fell in a pit and died)and the worst is the Temple of Droga(need like a group of 50+ fer penmasters, then u can solo penkeeper also bring shrink potions to jump through the jail bars)..the worst aggro is definately at mistmoore and Temple of Droga so be very careful. Again, good luck to all you Shadowknights out there on this weapon..whoever says this weapon is not worth it just wants one cuz its GREAT! Take it from someone who has 1 8) ..the only problem is once it procs..youll have a hard time losin the aggro(not really a raid weapon unless youre the MA) If you printout my post and the quest printouts..youll do fine..also take notice that if youre goin to start the quests while workin on the faction..lord qyzar gives you a lore page for the froglok quest(also only 1 page u loot offa the raiders can be non-lore)

--the best advice i can give anyone is dont give up the camp..if ya keep at it..itll drop..if ya give could be there fer some of those posts where the guys spend like 4 hours here, 6 there, 7 there..i just spend 9 here and get the item )

Again..i wish all SKs luck on this fine weapon and keep at it!

Redennan Shadowblood
51 Human Reaver
RE: just got GREENMIST!
# Dec 16 2002 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
I'd say the worst aggro so far is Kaesora. I'd remove ITU to fight one thing and I'd have the whole crew on me, like 12 things. Only survived it happening twice out of like 5 occurances. Now that i've got the page, I don't think I'm ever going to Kaesora agin. (knock wood)
just got GREENMIST!
# Nov 03 2002 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
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