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A nexus of sorts for the Gates of Discord, Barindu provides access to many areas of interest on Taelosia. All that is known about this area is that it was once a place used by the nihil to build stone workers, and that it is now home to some of the cruelest acts of violence against the nihil.
Barindu, the Hanging GardensAn Ancient TreeOutside the TemplePassage to QinimiIncantingEntrance to FerubiA ForgeBarindu's TempleYunjo SlavesStone GuardiansPassing Through the Halls from QinimiThe Vile Ixvet Pox

Viewing 1 to 60 of 60 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a chest - Viarglug 65 - 65 Object Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a clay laborer 47 - 51 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a conquered guardian 58 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a controlled earth churner 60 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a dominated guardian 57 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a golem stoneshifter 60 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a harindi craftsman 43 - 45 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
No Picture Included a kyv eyecollector 64 - 65 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a kyv heartpiercer 57 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
No Picture Included A Kyv Runner 68 - 68 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq eviscerator 59 - 63 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq spiritbrute 57 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq spiritbrute pet 51 - 51 Summoned Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq warfiend 57 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq warmedic 59 - 62 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a mastruq warmedic pet 51 - 51 Summoned Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a noc bloodluster 62 - 66 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a noc darklurch 55 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a noc fleshfeaster 55 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a ra`tuk decapitator 59 - 63 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a ra`tuk screambringer 57 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Omens of War
No Picture Included a sandstone laborer 61 - 61 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a stoneshifter 60 - 60 NPC, non-quest Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a yunjo cultivator 43 - 47 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a yunjo harvester 43 - 47 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included a yunjo laborer 43 - 47 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Abena Taifa 45 - 45 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an aneuk glyphcaller 60 - 65 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an aneuk incantor 64 - 65 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an aneuk incantor pet 53 - 53 Summoned Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an ukun bloodbeast 57 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an ukun boneretriever 55 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included an ukun fleshhound 57 - 60 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Aneuk Controller 66 - 67 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Aneuk Overseer 68 - 70 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
No Picture Included Aneuk Overseer pet 57 - 57 Summoned Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Apprentice Udranda 60 - 60 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Chiaka Lerato 47 - 47 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Colossus of War 67 - 67 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Construct of War 65 - 65 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Frenzied Noc Corpsethrasher 65 - 65 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Gamesh 43 - 43 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Harvester Dramudi 45 - 45 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included High Priest Diru Riwirn 46 - 46 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Ikaav Ixvet Pox 67 - 67 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
No Picture Included Ikaav Ixvet Pox pet 56 - 56 Summoned Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Jomaj Kaiijin 30 - 30 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Kunimi Falade 46 - 46 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Kyv Rux Vhedt 66 - 67 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Mastruq Utk Hykat 67 - 67 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Njanu Dinari 43 - 43 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Overseer Oltix 67 - 67 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Proteri Amari 40 - 40 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Rasnil Sanusel 44 - 44 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Ra`tuk Kjyt Gykk 66 - 67 a rare creature Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Scribe Gurru 60 - 60 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Taiandao 45 - 45 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Talwin`s Remains 1 - 1 Object Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Vasha Firaji 45 - 45 Quest NPC Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord
Picture Included Viarglug 73 - 73 Monster Barindu, Hanging Gardens Gates of Discord