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Got released during Legacy of Ykesha but got moved to Planes of Power on progression servers.

In the depths of the Lavastorm Mountains there is only one ruler. But even his burning breath and power have their limits. Rumor has it that there is wealth and danger in locations even further below the boiling lands than Lord Nagafen can reach.

As the only entrances into the Caverns of Exile are through scorching lakes of lava, people have a tendency to burn to death before even setting foot in these caverns. Assuming you make it past this first hurdle, there are many other dangers which could lead to an untimely demise.

The site of a struggle for power between the Vrodak Tribe and Goblins of Fire Peak, these caverns play host to a variety of volatile creatures, from tentacle terrors and festering goos to fiery imps, flame mephits, and fire elementals. Past the kobolds and goblins lurks further danger, with a clan of powerful fire giants, swarms of fireback spiders and their queen, and a powerful demon by the name of Culthor...
Peering Into the CavernsGoblins of Fire PeakThe Vrodak TribeLurking in the LavaWatch Your StepCavernous BeetlesHorde of Fire ElementalsEntering the Lava Giant FortressTentacle TerrorsThe Fireback QueenCulthor the Gatekeeper

Viewing 1 to 67 of 67 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
Picture Included a blistering horror 55 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a brain scorched goblin 50 - 52 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a burning goo 55 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
No Picture Included a burning mire 58 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
No Picture Included a chest - Culthor the Gatekeeper 65 - 65 Object Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a cinder scavenger 53 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a conflagarant terror 54 - 57 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
No Picture Included a defender of fire 59 - 60 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fiendish guardian 65 - 65 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fire giant magus 57 - 61 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fire giant soothsayer 56 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fire giant warlord 58 - 62 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fireback spiderling 52 - 53 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fireback widow 56 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fireborn master 59 - 61 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fireborn outcast 58 - 60 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a fireborn wanderer 57 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a firevenom crawler 57 - 61 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a furious magma guardian 63 - 63 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a guardian of flame 58 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a kindling beetle 54 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a lava beetle 57 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a lava goo 57 - 58 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a lavabite spider 55 - 55 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a living lava 57 - 58 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a magma ooze 55 - 57 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a mindless flame construct 55 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a pool of living lava 60 - 60 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a smoldering abomination 54 - 55 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a smoldering elemental 55 - 58 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Taklasinai berserker 53 - 55 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Taklasinai crusader 50 - 54 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Taklasinai flamedancer 51 - 53 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Taklasinai flamespitter 52 - 53 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Taklasinai marauder 53 - 53 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a tormented flame protector 55 - 57 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a vindicator of fire 58 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Vrodak bloodclaw 53 - 55 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Vrodak firewalker 54 - 56 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Vrodak mystic 52 - 54 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included a Vrodak mystic pet 42 - 42 Summoned Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included an inflamed champion 65 - 65 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Culthor the Gatekeeper 70 - 70 Raid Encounter Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Erpar Flamegar 61 - 61 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Fireback Queen 65 - 66 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Ghaib Zilal 35 - 35 Quest NPC Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Gigantic Ashwalker 63 - 63 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Gwaddry Aethadoc 65 - 65 Quest NPC Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Hunter Gitog 60 - 60 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included imp defender 57 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included imp guardian 56 - 58 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included imp vanquisher 55 - 57 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Kiliki 60 - 60 Quest NPC Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Kushara Perecran 64 - 64 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included lava champion 53 - 55 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included lava construct 56 - 58 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included lava vindicator 57 - 59 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Protector of Fire 66 - 66 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Pulsating Pool of Magma 63 - 63 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Pure Flame Elemental 66 - 66 Summoned Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Servant of Flame 64 - 64 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Smoldering Tentacle Terror 62 - 62 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Spiritmaster Heili 64 - 65 Monster Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included the Firewatcher 65 - 65 Quest NPC Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Tybog Adalmond 57 - 57 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Typhoeus 62 - 65 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power
Picture Included Xaon Bulzekel 59 - 59 a rare creature Caverns of Exile (Solusek C) Planes of Power