
Pretty Green Dragon

Uploaded August 14th, 2011 by Beriberi
Updated March 27th, 2014

  • Maximum hit: 520
  • Class: Druid
  • Summons: Yes
  • Located at the druid ring; she sees invis and has an exceptionally large aggro range.
  • Stunnable: Yes
  • Flees at low health: Yes

You say, 'Hail, Wuoshi'

Wuoshi says, 'I hope for your sake that you are no friend of the Kromrif or Kromzek and no enemy of the Tunarean Court.'

This page last modified 2020-01-01 02:27:51.

Level: 64
Expansion: Scars of Velious
Post Comment
# Aug 18 2001 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
I have allied faction with the dwarfs, but have never had the chance to /con a dragon. Could i assume that im not KoS to Claws of Veeshan?

45 Paladin of Mithaniel Marr
RE: Faction
# Nov 17 2001 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
Actually, im barely allied with Coldain, and still Threatening with CoV.. only done one Kael raid though, most of the faction was been made from EW Giant fort.
AN theres a dragon on CoV in the wurm cave in GD, just follow the path in front of the Broodmother. Kardakor is his name i think. you can check there, easier than dealing with Kael or Woushi.
Sdaor McMerrell
52 shaman
Brell server
RE: Faction
# Oct 17 2001 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I've been ally with the dwarves for quite a while, but until a recent raid on Kael was still KOS by the dragons. They way I check is to head invisible through the wakening lands along the north wall. When I see Rolandal (sp?) I select him, back up a bit, drop invis and con. I'm finally dubious and working on apprehensive. I can walk around through SS now without getting killed, but they're still saying I'm slime. I guess Dragons are picky about who they hang out with.
RE: Faction
# Sep 03 2001 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
Only assume that if you've been killing things and noticing a CoV faction message saying it's gotten better. By the time you're allied with the Coldain, you should be at least dubious or maybe apprehensive to dragons, but ONLY if you've been getting the CoV message every time.

Otherwise it's going to be like this:
"Okay, allied faction with dwarfs.. Hey look, a drag..LOADING PLEASE WAIT"
i have a question
# Aug 18 2001 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
does anyone know if Wuoshi drops Green Dragonscales? It would be good info if someone answered this question because warriors want this badly for there epic like me.
RE: i have a question
# Aug 26 2001 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
he drops emerald dragonscales for the emerald dragonscale BP

53 warrior
This guy really isn't hard
# Aug 14 2001 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
I don't think anyone has said correctly what he does but here is what he does. He seems to be go in a series of these 3 things Nukes stuns and fears. The Nukes are EASY to resist and with good resist gear shouldn't be a problem. When he nukes, that is the time when all the melees run up and nail him. When he stuns, ur screwed. UR just stunned there b/c he seems to chain AOE stun which is a ***** b/c next he chain fears which is annoying. It's very hard to resist. At 70% u debuff and 40% u blast out. DEBUFFING IS IMPORTANT B/C HE CAN BE SLOWED. Wuoshi IS slowable. I slowed him myself. When he is slowed he is a wussie. Another thing is be nonkos to SS faction. It helps alot. BTW he has HUGE aggro range. BTW the faction hit on this guy is small. Safe hunting
did you ever notice
# Aug 08 2001 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
on every dragon picture if you can see the ground or people are fighting it there is alwas a dark elf standing right in front of it
RE: did you ever notice
# Aug 09 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
hehe i think the dark elf you always see is illia

saw a thread of posts of people saying how brave she was(you could see her nametag on the picture of the mob) and ive noticed a female dark elf with that famous chanter rod in her hands so im guessing its illia=)
RE:Why diddn't you gate
# Aug 08 2001 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
the reason they didnt gate is becuse they either diddnt have it mezed on got inturpted
Wuoshi, you rascal!
# Jul 27 2001 at 3:42 AM Rating: Excellent
I ported in to WL, and saw *Wuoshi begins to cast a spell* I made it to the entrance before he rooted me. Then I healed myself repeatedly, as he nuked me for 320 or so a few times. I told my groupmates to "Run like your life depends on it!!" They made way for Kael, as Wuoshi crept up to me. He looked smugly down on me, preening his claws. They gleamed in the light that haphazardly trickled through the trees. I smiled at him as he grew near... When he lifted his gigantic claw, I gave him the finger and he slashed me for the remainder of my life. It was the funniest thing I've ever fallen pray to in EQ. The CR on the other hand was... just awful, for lack of a better word! Naked run through Kael, no necros to summon me, and apparently, if you drag a corpse near him, even if you have good faction, Wuoshi aggros. /thank Asmiak for dragging for me, despite that risk.
/kneeeeeeel for all the others who helped as well.
Good luck to anyone who dies to this particular beast, you'll need it.

RE: Wuoshi, you rascal!
# Aug 08 2001 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
hehe yep ran the wrong way once. Got killed real quick. Took me Calling in Big Favors to get that corpse. Thank you Shadowmistress.

Well Today I made it to dubious! So I hope wuoshi Will no longer feed no my flesh. It's a very convient Portal so it will be used. I used it 3 times today alone. hehe well I died twice In Keal and being a druid thought nothing of staying bound where I was.
Why didn't you gate?
# Jul 31 2001 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
same thing happened to my wizzard but I was able to gate out.
Why at the ring of all places??
# Jul 14 2001 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
Whomever came up with the idea of letting a dragon spawn at a druid ring and then just sit there until killed should be unemployed early tomorrow morning if you ask me. Or maybe it's just that the Verant people need something to laugh at during their coffee brakes.
RE: Why at the ring of all places??
# Jul 30 2001 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
WL ring is a dangerous place on either faction.
Named Giant roaming around just north of it, Wuoshi sitting right next to it, etc. etc.
People who port there should be aware of the dangers.
You don´t just evac to Skyfire either for the same reason.
Either you know what you will encounter and can handle it or you don´t port there.
Anyway WL is not that an important zone. Ice/GD rings are not that far away if you want to go to Kael, CS ring is just on the other side of Skyshrine.
Anyway, WL is a very underutilized zone because of that and the laggy landscape but that is some kind of nice as well, at least to those that (again) can handle it.
Not hard
# Jul 14 2001 at 3:30 AM Rating: Good
Wuoshi is not a hard dragon at all. She dont dispell your buffs, the ae stun and ae fear is a problem if u cant resist. I had 219magic resistance, 250 poison resistance and got feared 3 times during the fight for about 3seconds max.

just buff between kael and wuoshi get sow etc.

its good to have 2 bards and group the meleers and 1 cleric for each group of meleers with a bard for the mr song. Get everyone dmf and talisman of shadoo. Charge her and drop sow once ur near her.

If u have a druid that is Dragon ally. make him cast harmony on wuoshi that gives everyone time to get to her. kill her in a spot outside the circle. (between the spot where u get ported in. and the mountain to the right).

if u get feared u run to the mountain behind the place where u get ported in. then u hit the mountain and run toward kael.. by then the fear should be off. and u still in range of wuoshi

cast 3 recant magic as soon as u charge her (12 buffs removed on her), tashanian it.. and proceed with all the other debuffs.

60shaman malo her and i slowed her with forlorn deeds. im sure the shamans then overwrote forlorn with tugor heh ;p the point is that she is not hard.

Killed her with 22 player and no one died.

Muergano - Realm of Ages
Phantamist @ Fennin Ro
# Jul 04 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
can 12 people of lvls 45 to 54 (most of them 50) take him out?
RE: possibilities...
# Aug 11 2001 at 12:29 AM Rating: Default
even though he isnt a strong dragon he is still a dragon none the less, 18 lvl 60's can take him out with few deaths. 20 55-60 can take him out before he ae's. For 45-54 u would need prolly 25 or so people
RE: possibilities...
# Jul 13 2001 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
ya, about 5 feet...
# Jun 30 2001 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
if anyone in the zone has done damage to a 51+ mob it will summon the person on the top of its agroe list. this includes a monk that has done some waking and fd, if you show up and agroe youll be summoned until the monk /q's or gets killed. so, if your healing someone doing damage that cant hold the agroe youll be next mwahhaha
Re: Sure....
# Jun 27 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
To the cleric who wondered why she got summoned for healing. Just a scenario here: You're fighting in Lower Guk and you almost have a mob dead. All the sudden, another mob goes and heals him. All the casters/tanks (If they know what they're doing) would smack him up so that doesnt happen again. Same thing with mobs.
Sellin Dragon Loots ?
# Jun 26 2001 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
I can't believe people actuaally talk about S3ellin dragon loot items ! if yur high enough to Get these items Hats off to yu ! An i'm not sayin or spamming anyone who sells there Dropable Dragon loot items. But Yeesh these Items fer the rarety an the Stories an songs yee sing with Your Guild an friends about the days of battle!
Just aq thought to someone who is close to Raid days an dragon drops )
Guud huntin an be well!
45 SK Butiful Oonyadread!
Klan ov da Grok!
RE: Sellin Dragon Loots ?
# Oct 16 2001 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
By all means, I agree with what you said about the dragon loot.

But PLEASE! PLEASE! Learn to spell.

ABCDEFG Hooked on Phonics worked for me!
RE: Sellin Dragon Loots ?
# Nov 17 2001 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
Erm, I think that you'll find that he was writing "in character"...

Besides that, it's pretty poor netiquette to criticise spelling.
# Jun 20 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
From what i've seen, the best way of improving SS faction is killing giants in Kael, i've only killed about 150 giants, mainly in kael arena and am amiable to woushi.

As for spawning, i have "heard" that he has a place holder "Rolandil" the ice dragon that can be found on the north zone wall when woushi isn't there.
RE: Factioning
# Jul 18 2001 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
No Rolandal is a quest NPC and is always up, he spawns about halfway between Kael and Skyshrine on the wall (hugging the wall on the right coming out of Kael) and is on COV fac, and will talk to you if you get under his belly and hail.
# Jun 16 2001 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
The dragons in kunark are on "Ring of Scale" faction, those in velious are on "Claws of Veeshan" faction, you will be kos to velious dragons and need to do a few kael arena raids to change that to ally.

RE: No
# Jul 28 2001 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
Actually some Kunark dragons are allies with the Velious ones... if you kill Gorenaire for example you lose faction with CoV... and vice versa... Kinda stupid, but Verant has a funny way of doing things sometimes...
RE: No
# Aug 08 2001 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
So, you're saying I could go kill a friend of yours that has moved out of town (or another state/country/continent for that matter), and you wouldn't be as upset as if I killed someone nearer to you (again, geographically). I doubt it.
People really should be careful when they throw around petty insults. Yeah, Verant does suck, but stupid people calling them stupid is stupid.

Not Anonamous
# Jun 07 2001 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
Be sure to have about 50 peeps. Well organized. Poison resist is key to winning. Resist Poison and DMF. Be sure to have high magic resist too. His fear lasts for a long time. If you're lucky you run up the hill during fear. Otherwise you run into stuff that doesnt like you.
# Jun 06 2001 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
name sounds a lot like some sort of sushi
RE: humm......
# Jun 08 2001 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
*LOADING PLEASE WAIT* Thats all i have to say.
# May 05 2001 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
This mob also has Yelinak faction. Will killing mobs that only raise CoV be enough or do you have to also kill the stronger giants? Also, what are the best quests that can be done to raise CoV and Yelinak faction from a practical perspective (some quests I've noticed require rare components so are fairly useless when you want to raise faction a lot)??

RE: Faction
# Jun 28 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Raising CoV is enough, you can kill Drakkel Dire Wolves in Great Divide to become non-KOS. That's what I did, for exp, from level 30 to 42 or so. Nice kiting exp.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 03 2001 at 2:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MUAHAHAHAHAHA
# Apr 16 2001 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
Woushi was taken down last night on my server.

Does anyone know respawn time?

I noticed about 5-8 new Named giants including Ambassador on track right after Woushi died. Has anyone else noticed this?
# Apr 15 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
What most people are forgetting is that dragons cast AoEs. This particular dragon likes to kill giants with AoE spells. So if you happen to be close to Wuoshi when he casts an AoE to kill a roaming giant you will also be hit by the AoE and be added to his hate list so when he finishes with the giant, hes comming for you. That is why some of you people with good faction still get killed by him.
Thank you and have a nice day.
# Apr 12 2001 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
So if you have good faction with the dragon in DL is your woushi faction good? I am a druid and I can go right up to the Dragon in DL. I con amiable to the fellows in Dwarfville. Do I need to con Warm before trying to port to Wakening lands?


50 Druid
Vallon Zek
Ideas on takng him out?
# Apr 02 2001 at 1:41 AM Rating: Default
Anybody taken this guy down ? I'm sure someone has, i'd like to know how you did it if you don't mind sharing. How many, and how the fight went. Thanks for any ideas on how to get this mean SOB.
LvL 64 Druid
# Mar 17 2001 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
this guy is a druid in dragonform it seems...i have a lvl 1 troll warrior bound in kael and have been killed by Wuoshi many times...he has hit me between 400 and 520...casts ice and burn spells and roots you too...im sure he probably has some dots he would be partial to using but its hard to find that out at lvl 1 when he kills you instantly

when he isnt killing a player or giants he likes to sit just behind the druid gate..as you approach this area from kael there is a section of rock protruding from the wall that you run over that is quite noticeable....this rock i believe is the outskirts of his agro range when he is sitting at the druid gate..

as for being invisible...i think he sees it...i went there invised once and he promptly trotted up and burnt me to death so watchout....cant wait to be in on a kill of him or off his kos list hehe
RE: LvL 64 Druid
# Mar 30 2001 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
well the best damage I saw was 520 damage. He also hit for about 700 dmg, which also DoTed, with his breath weapon.(I assume it was breath, said encased in frost) It also cast a fire spell whish did about 250 a shot. It sees through invis and wolf form. If he don't like you, stay far away, has a pretty decnt aggro range, wish I had gotten a pic before he killed me though :(
# Mar 16 2001 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
I know Im prolly gonna get flamed for this, but here goes anyhow (thank god for anon)...

Can Wuoshi see thru camo/invis/invis undead/etc....?

Yes, I know its a dragon.... Yes, I know dragons see camo, I was just thinking that maybe its possible this one doesn't... No, I have not gotten in range of this dragon camo or no to see if he cons indifferent to me....

Just lookin for a yes/no answer.... not a bunch of flames (its really sad that I have to post disclaimers along with my simple one sentance yes/no question in what is prolly a futile attempt to avoid flames)...

Thank you
RE: Camo?
# Mar 30 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
yes he does. i wondered over there (level 34 druid) to see if i could pick up tooth of wakening lands. well Woushi summoned me, breathed ignite on me, doted me and the followed as i fled.

I lasted as long as a gnoll pup with drones of doom on
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 20 2001 at 5:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A nice story, but mobs don't summon you unless you have done damage to them.
RE: Sure....
# Dec 30 2001 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
Umm FYI, mobs will summon you if you are on their hate list, which is easily done in more ways than just doing damage.
RE: Sure....
# Apr 26 2001 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm... so when I heal someone and get summoned to my doom, I did damage how?

Liluminae Lifeweaver
Dragon Paste
RE: Sure....
# Aug 13 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
umm, so you have gotten to 50-ish lvl and STILL have no clue how aggro works? /em smells EBAY lol

sorry to flame but i find it sooo funny that she is asking that. did she wonder why all the other mobs in the world attacked her when she healed? hehe prolly not cause she was playing queske while waiting to be able to afford that 50+ cleric

shinbane battleforge
55th cleric of Brell serellis
Xev server
Proud member of the Honored Circle
RE: Sure....
# Apr 27 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
Well if im not mistaken, mobs consider you healing someone to be you doing an equivalent amount of damage. They shall summon if you heal, they shall summon if you strike. As for this ***** seeing invis... she does, I was running up to say high and get my port tooth, camo'd of course. She saw through and charged at me casting mid step ( druid roots are fast ;0 ). I was able to gate after she root'd me and was safe and sound. I have done this to all kunark ones ( minus trak cause you rush him, and vp dragons ). However, I have died to many mid gate as well. IMO dragons are one of the key reasons I play evercrack. This week I have been on at least 5 dragons killings.. no, we didn't go to ww this week :(

Vermis Mysteriis
55th Preserver of prexus
Domus Divinae
RE: Sure....
# May 01 2001 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default
They summon you if you Tashani also. I did a tashani, was summoned and promptly died, surprise surprise.
51st Illusionist
RE: Sure....
# May 09 2001 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
acctually u can still get summoned if u dont do dmg or anything. i was walkin near zone in KC and VS remains was pulled to the zone i walked by him and he was rooted and he agroed me then later he went back to his room summoned me and other ppl i know and i had to get my corpse summoned out of his room.
RE: Sure....
# May 29 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
Hail, I was going to the portal to con Wuoshi. He saw me first, Aoe'd me then summoned me before I could gate. So to keep from dying I simply turned my computer off(while charmed/summoned). When I logged back on i was still alive, in the character select sceen. So I logged on an alt characeter, petitioned, and was told I had no corpses in the zone with that characeter, now I wait for wuoshi to go down so I can safley log back on=P

PS i didnt get a lick in, so no damage was done, nor did I heal anyone.
Emerald Scale
# Mar 11 2001 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know if the Emerald Dragon Scale from this guy is the same as the one from Servantes, or whatever his name is in EJ? I'd kill to do that Scale Armor quest, but my guild seems to raid Kunark zones allot more than Vellious zones, reply if you know please.
RE: Emerald Scale
# Mar 14 2001 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
sevelious in EJ drops a green scale, only used for warrior epics. Wushi drops a emerald scale, used for the 20+ wis bps.
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