Posted:Jul 03 2003 at 11:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) omfg thats sweet wtf is a pally or sk gonna be hitting their archey skill tops out at 75 ...
OMFG cry more noob... jessu, its not that good of a boy, their are plenty of other out there that can be used by more than these classes, stop your whining...
Just got this bow last night. So far I like it, I carry 3 bows now, this raincaller and a light velium bow. Would like to get one of the nice bows from luclin eventually, but these 3 will serve me fine until then.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell cast on you: Lightning surges through your body. Spell cast on someone: Soandso has been struck by lightning
Got one of these beauties today. First Wuoshi kill by my guild. Procced 1st time I shot something and killed 3 kobolds in Steamfont with it :). Gonna try quadkiting hoppers for xp with it in Dawnshroud next
This spell will hurt you if you cast it normally. That is why the effect of having to shoot at the target is good you can never hurt yourself. NO it WILL NOT hurt other players for being to close but will hurt YOU the caster if you are too close. That is why the bow's Range factor makes using this effect better than regular casting.
This bow is mainly just a good stat bow for hybrids (wis and mana stats). I just got it tonight and most people of level to fight this dragon will have one of the velium bows, which have a better ratio.
I'll use this bow for stats and pulling. For trueshot I'll use my double recurved velium bow.
lighting strike is a AE dd it has good damage too.
IT CANNOT HIT YOU !!! an ae proc on a bow cannot hit you because if the enemy is close enough that the ae could hit you then you are too close to even use your bow. the only down side to this bow is if the proc goes off near something that isnt argoed you can bet it will be now
Brother, paladins (and even vile shadowknights) do not need to worry about getting a good bow. Our skill in archery tops at 75.
The only reason to carry a bow is if you want to pull without using mana.
So, if you must have a bow, concentrate on getting a bow with a looooong range. Delay/damage is irrelevant since you are only trying to get one shot in, and at 75 skill, 95% will be misses anyway (or hits for very little damage).
The stats on this bow (and a lot of others that have appeared after PoP) are nice, but there are much better range items for the knight that are easier to get.
Let a ranger grab this bow first if it drops. Unless there are no rangers around, and Woushi's corpse is about to rot, then go ahead and loot it. I guarantee you it will be in your bag (or bank) for 99% of the time.
Duke Ardnahoy Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade Fennin Ro - EQ I
Ardnahoy II Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour Mistmore - EQ II
Yeah, headed to kael last night and he killed the poor d00d and rogue really quick... pally and I ran like little girls, at which point pally buzzed Wuoshi for corpses and dragged to kael while I trained giants away. Was a fuggin mess...
The Porc could not kill you, first off its a DD and unless your on A PvP sever it cant even hit you. Secondly for it to even hit another mob besides the target the others have to be virtually stacked on top of it. plain and simple your dumb
this bow would is a true upgrade to the raincaller. raincaller only has 5 charges. too bad skydarkener is no-drop so i cant get it until i hit the 50's. :(
Because Wuoshi drops the Crescent Blades.... I mean, that's a damn nice weap for warriors.... warriors don't get access to EVERYTHING.... give me a break :)
Really, if you follow Verant's logic, warriors should have access to almost all weapons that aren't class-specific. Warriors are supposed to be the masters of warcraft, that's why they have access to all classes of weapons. As a balancing factor, to offset their status as masters of warcraft, warriors get no spells and no saving skills, like FD or mend or sneak. Verant has even said from time to time that warriors are the masters of all types of weapons. It seems odd that any weapon that isn't class-specific wouldn't be useable by warriors, but then lots of things Verant does are inconsistent with things they say from time to time.
Going along with your logic, maybe this bow can only be weilded by those with magical abilities or what have you. I'm not saying this is what they had intended, not that EVERYTHING Verant does must be logical 100% of the time. Maybe lay off them a bit? Heh no matter, I'm not going to change any minds.
I just thought I would point out the fact that Lightning Strike is the level 34 druid AOE DD spell. It does 184 maximum damage, and will hit up to four targets at once if they're all very close to the actual target of the spell.
Just think, if this thing would actually proc often enough... rangers could quad-kite with a bow! :)