Jeet [ Rogue Guildmaster ]  

Rogue Guildmaster

Uploaded August 2nd, 2022 by Drewinette

You say, 'Hail, Jeet'

Jeet says, 'What business do you have here?! This here is the mine and that means if you ain't a [member of Miner's Guild 628], you'd best be moving on!'

You say, 'member of Miner's Guild 628'

Jeet says, 'Well, then, get off yer rump and give us a hand! If you don't have a mining pick, then get down there and use your fingernails! If you're new and you want to earn a pick, you can [volunteer to exterminate the rats] that have been infesting the mines!'

You say, 'volunteer to exterminate the rats'

Jeet says, 'Well, someone has to do the dirty work around here. Let it be you new miners. Go patrol the mines and if you see any rats, bash them good! Return to me with four rat pelts and I will give you some armor as payment. If you want a 628 mining cap, yer gonna have to smash that infernal [cleaner]!'

This page last modified 2022-08-19 08:02:04.

Level: 70
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2022-08-02 07:51:41
Items Given:
icon Scrubber Key

Known Habitats:
  North Kaladim
Factions Increased:
  Butcherblock Bandits
  Circle of Unseen Hands
Factions Decreased:
  Miners Guild 628

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