Miner's Cap  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Miners Guild 628 (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Jun 23 19:40:34 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Jeet is at location 560.34, 198.77 in North Kaladim.

This quest requires amiable with Miners Guild 628.

You say, 'Hail, Jeet'

Jeet says 'What business do you have here?! This here is the mine and that means if you ain't a [member of Miner's Guild 628], you'd best be moving on!'

You say, 'I am a member of Miner's Guild 628.'

Jeet says 'Well, then, get off yer rump and give us a hand! If you don't have a mining pick, then get down there and use your fingernails! If you're new and you want to earn a pick, you can [volunteer to exterminate the rats] that have been infesting the mines!'

You say, 'I will volunteer to exterminate the rats.'

Jeet says 'Well, someone has to do the dirty work around here. Let it be you new miners. Go patrol the mines and if you see any rats, bash them good! Return to me with four rat pelts and I will give you some armor as payment. If you want a 628 mining cap, yer gonna have to smash that infernal [cleaner]!'

You say, 'What cleaner?'

Jeet says 'Darn that blasted clockwork cleaner! No one in Kaladim even knows what it is! They all think it's some kinda rat in armor! Rat paladins?! The name fits. We miners have seen many like it in the gnome city during heists, err... visits. We have to get rid of this one in Kaladim! If you smash it and get its scrap metal, I am authorized to give you a mining cap, if you are a member of Miner's Guild 628.'

You have slain Cleaner VII!
Your faction standing with Clockworks of Ak`Anon has been adjusted by -10.

--You have looted a Scrap Metal.--
Item Lore: ScrapMetalCleanerVII.

Hand Jeet the Scrap Metal.

Jeet says 'Great work! We need this junk for something and we sure didn't need this rat sucking up any of our gems. Here. This is a Mining Cap 628. It's not much, but it is the mark of our miners and provides light for mining purposes. Hold onto it. You never know when we may call upon you to produce it.'

Your faction standing with Miners Guild 628 has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with Circle of Unseen Hands has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Butcherblock Bandits has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Deeppockets has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Ebon Mask has been adjusted by -2.
You gain experience!!

Reward: Miners Cap 628.
Submitted by: Grimster, rewrite by Sythik
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faction amounts
# Apr 27 2019 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
262 posts
This quest requires amiable with Miners Guild 628

Upon killing the cleaner:
Your faction standing with <a Faction="138">Clockworks of Ak`Anon</a> has been adjusted by -10.
You have slain Cleaner VII!

Upon turning in a Scrap Metal:
Jeet says, 'Great work! We need this junk for something and we sure didn't need this rat sucking up any of our gems. Here. This is a Mining Cap 628. It's not much, but it is the mark of our miners and provides light for mining purposes. Hold onto it. You never know when we may call upon you to produce it.'
Your faction standing with <a Faction="322">Miners Guild 628</a> has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="223">Circle of Unseen Hands</a> has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="379">Butcherblock Bandits</a> has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="241">Deeppockets</a> has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="244">Ebon Mask</a> has been adjusted by -2.
You gain experience!
(received a Miners Cap 628)
# Feb 12 2014 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
Jeet is at location 560.34, 198.77 in North Kaladim.

You say, 'Hail, Jeet'

Jeet says 'What business do you have here?! This here is the mine and that means if you ain't a [member of Miner's Guild 628], you'd best be moving on!'

You say, 'I am a member of Miner's Guild 628.'

Jeet says 'Well, then, get off yer rump and give us a hand! If you don't have a mining pick, then get down there and use your fingernails! If you're new and you want to earn a pick, you can [volunteer to exterminate the rats] that have been infesting the mines!'

You say, 'I will volunteer to exterminate the rats.'

Jeet says 'Well, someone has to do the dirty work around here. Let it be you new miners. Go patrol the mines and if you see any rats, bash them good! Return to me with four rat pelts and I will give you some armor as payment. If you want a 628 mining cap, yer gonna have to smash that infernal [cleaner]!'

You say, 'what cleaner?'

Jeet says 'Darn that blasted clockwork cleaner! No one in Kaladim even knows what it is! They all think it's some kinda rat in armor! Rat paladins?! The name fits. We miners have seen many like it in the gnome city during heists, err... visits. We have to get rid of this one in Kaladim! If you smash it and get its scrap metal, I am authorized to give you a mining cap, if you are a member of Miner's Guild 628.'

You have slain Cleaner VII!
--You have looted a Scrap Metal.--
Item Lore: ScrapMetalCleanerVII.

Hand Jeet the Scrap Metal.

Jeet says 'Great work! We need this junk for something and we sure didn't need this rat sucking up any of our gems. Here. This is a Mining Cap 628. It's not much, but it is the mark of our miners and provides light for mining purposes. Hold onto it. You never know when we may call upon you to produce it.'

Your faction standing with Miners Guild 628 got better.
Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got worse.
Your faction standing with Butcherblock Bandits got worse.
Your faction standing with Deeppockets could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Ebon Mask got worse.
You gain experience!!

Reward: Miners Cap 628.
im a idiot halfling but they shall rule Norrath someday!!!!
# Jun 25 2002 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
Im an idiot i went all the way to Kaladiam for the cap.. and i found out i cant it sucks hope you all remember only Dwarf rouges can use the cap.
Miner cap quest
# Mar 01 2002 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
OK heres the facts. to do the miners cap quest as a beginner you MUST have joined the guild by giving your guild note to the guild master. I tested this with a place holder and found it to be %100 accurate. Unfortunately, as a noobie you can easily give the note to the wrong "miner" as there is no name on the note and no indication of who the guild leader might be. I am one of the idiots who gave it to the wrong guy. Im now petitioning to have a second guild note given to me as Im not sure what other quests might not be doable with out having joined the guild. Hopefully there will be a GM kind enough to help me out. Otherwise I guess I get to start over. Atleast Im only 5th. =P

By the way The guild master is named Mater. I thought it was Jeet, as he seems to be the guy with the most to say.
Matter only says "welcome to the mines of Kaladim!"
Ill post what happens with the petition.
Hope this saves you guys alot of trouble.

Official Sweeper
Miner's 628.
RE: Miner cap quest
# May 13 2002 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
[Never mind; I just realized you said "as a beginner." You can do the quest eventually if you don't turn in your note, just have to work the faction up.]

Edited, Mon May 13 16:37:38 2002
# Sep 17 2001 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
ok i tried giving Jeet regular black box fragments from the Steamfont zone and they dont work. maybe my faction is too low (they consider me kindly...), the weird thing is im a dwarven rogue. i watched a buddy get lucky with that stupid rare metal rat spawn and the item he got was called "scrap metal" not box fragments. Who's lying here? i dont know how many bb bandit tongues (they really hate me now :P) ive turned in to get on their good side. oh well that's eq for ya...
RE: whatever...
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Those didn't work becasue you need to turn in the NO DROP peices from cleaner VII just like the warrior guild quest
Why wait?
# Jul 21 2001 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
The quest item is the blackbox fragments, yes? I have not done the quest yet but back in the day I played a gnome and in Steamfont you can find runaway clockworks and rogue clockworks (they look like big mechanical spiders if my memory serves) and they drop blackbox fragments.

I also took a look at the related links at the top of this page and it seems to me that they woulld all work for this quest and the Knight's Card quest.

There's more of those clockworks in Steamfont, so why wait for a sporadic and apparently a relatively rare spawn? Go to Steamfont, bash a few rogue clockworks, collect a few fragments, get your cap, snag a few cards, get some armor or weapons from that quest and be done with it.

~Hidohebhi, Torvinnilous
2nd Rogue
Jeet don't like me
# Apr 06 2001 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
OK, I was fishing last night in the mines, waiting for rats to spawn so I could get some pelts for the Rat Patrol quest. All of a sudden the Cleaner appears; I got all excited dropped my fishing pole, lost track of it, and then found it again on top of the Mine Cap. It conned blue, so I killed it. Got the Bozonite Pestle, too. Proudly presented the parts to Jeet . . . who told me "nothing personal, but you can't be trusted with such matters yet. Maybe a few less Butcherblock Bandits, etc., etc."

WTF? He judges me amiably, I've done Rat Patrol -- what else do I need to do? Is it because I've never gotten the details on the quest from him? Or is it because I may not technically be a member of the guild (yes, I died my first time playing, before delivering the guild note . . . )?

An update, 4/20/01: I've now killed more than my share of rats, and it's getting old -- I'm now 10th level, for chris'sakes. I've also killed a few bandits -- a couple of the low-level wandering types, Margyl Dunfire in Butcherblock, and Rondo in Crushbone. Now, instead of saying he can't trust me when I ask about the Cleaner, he just doesn't respond. Does this mean I can do the quest and give him the parts? They're still in the bank . . .

4/30/01: Well, what the hell , I'll answer my own post. I finally was able to do it -- did Rat Patrol again, just 'cause the rats were there. Jeet then said I could do the Gnome Take Quest (second time), so I took the opportunity to say "But what about the cleaner?" And he replied positively, so I went to the bank, gave him the pieces, and got the cap. Just like that. Looks way better than that patchwork cap I had.
8 Minute spawn on rats.
# Feb 22 2001 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
8 Minutes, timed it tonight.
for dwarf rogues only
# Feb 01 2001 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Deciding tha i would take a risk, being a non rogue dwarf, i decided to try and give him the scrap metal..it didn't work..he said "don't take this personally, but i can't quite trust you with such matters. Maybe a few less Butcherblock bandits would prove your worth.
So, let the lesson be learned go and give the scrap metal to Beno Targnale in the Warrior's guild for the Knight Card quest..by the way take the ship to FPort (dock on the right) and on the way back it will be the first island..the person standing at the dock's name will be Tegea Prendyn (she) you can find Doran Vargus will be on the back side of the island
Lupine Locks?
# Dec 05 2000 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
How are the Lupine Locks a reward if you get the miners cap?
Miners Cap
# Nov 16 2000 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
There is actually no reason an un-twinked
Dwarven Rogue shouldn't do this quest after
level 5 or so. The item has a good ac for
as easy as it is to get, has a great light
radius and looks like banded.

Enter the mines and make a right when the
path splits. When you reach the bridge
just sit down and you can work on many
skills while waiting for the rats to spawn.
I was normally working on my Hide, Sneak
& Fishing between spawns. The spawn point
is just a couple feet onto the bridge.

3 Diffrent spawns share this same spawn

1. Giant Rat (Common Spawn)
2. Diseased Rat (Uncommon Spawn)
3. Cleaner VII (Rare Spawn)

The rat drops the scrap metal that you can
turn in for either the Rogue or Warrior
quest and a rod that is for an Ak'anon quest.

Profitable Journeys
Shallow Darkwater
Dwarven Rogue
24th Shaded Season
Rodcent Nife
Miners Cap
# Jul 03 2000 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
I found this quest kinda easy being that you can get the Clockwork rat to spawn easily....kinda. First check the top of the mining cap to see if the clockwork is up top. If not, go inside the mines and kill A Giant Rat. He will usually run to the bridge and then to the side, then to the bridge then to side......this happens if he hasnt been killed in a while. After you kill it, you can go do something else because A Giant Rat will then always spawn and run up towards the guard, making it respawn and sometimes it will be the Clockwork that spawns. After about an hour the Clockwork will usually spawn, and he will run on top of the mining cap, were no one will see him. You can go then and kill it. So you kill Giant Rat, make sure the next one runs away right away, go do something else for about an hour, come back, check the top of the mining cap, if clockwork not their yet, make sure the rat is still running toward the guards, if not kill it again so it will run to guards again, and after a while the Clockwork will have to pop up.
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