Dreadscale Boots  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Armour Set
  • Experience
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Sat Nov 18 14:40:25 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'What boots?'

Sirtha Scarscale says 'Cactus quills can be very lethal. I seek to work them into my new boots. Find me these quills, a pair of skeletal feet, an emerald of fire, and some banded boots so that I may start working on them. Why are you still here?! Begone!

  • Collect Cactus Quills from Cactus in The Overthere.

  • Collect Skeletal Feet from skeletons in Kurn's Tower.

  • Collect a Fire Emerald.

  • This can be purchased off vendors.

  • Collect Banded Boots.

  • These are made via smithing. See this recipe.

  • Turn in all these pieces to Sirtha Scarscale.

  • Sirtha Scarscale says, 'Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!'
    You gain experience!
    Send a Correction
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    Boots dialogues
    # Nov 28 2017 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
    207 posts
    Tue Nov 28 10:59:36 2017] You say, 'boots'
    [Tue Nov 28 10:59:37 2017] Sirtha Scarscale says, 'Cactus quills can be very lethal. I seek to work them into my new boots. Find me these quills, a pair of skeletal feet, an emerald of fire, and some banded boots so that I may start working on them. Why are you still here?! Begone!'

    Quill dropped in The Overthere
    skeletal feet dropped in Kurns

    And the turn in:

    [Tue Nov 28 11:00:54 2017] Sirtha Scarscale says, 'Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!'
    [Tue Nov 28 11:00:54 2017] You gain experience!

    Edited, Nov 28th 2017 1:21pm by fcoty28
    Boots dialogues
    # Dec 05 2017 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
    fcoty28 wrote:
    Tue Nov 28 10:59:36 2017] You say, 'boots'
    [Tue Nov 28 10:59:37 2017] Sirtha Scarscale says, 'Cactus quills can be very lethal. I seek to work them into my new boots. Find me these quills, a pair of skeletal feet, an emerald of fire, and some banded boots so that I may start working on them. Why are you still here?! Begone!'

    Quill dropped in The Overthere
    skeletal feet dropped in Kurns

    And the turn in:

    [Tue Nov 28 11:00:54 2017] Sirtha Scarscale says, 'Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!'
    [Tue Nov 28 11:00:54 2017] You gain experience!

    Edited, Nov 28th 2017 1:21pm by fcoty28

    How many of each of these items did you turn in?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    Missing on Agnarr
    # Oct 09 2017 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
    188 posts
    Sirtha is missing on Agnarr in Kunark era currently.
    Hope you enjoy (This recipe is a trademark by Nightmares Inc., all rights reserved.) :-D
    turnin dialogues
    # Oct 22 2011 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    Sirtha Scarscale says 'Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!'

    You gain experience!!

    related zone: Kurn's Tower
    # Mar 02 2002 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
    The Thickboned skell spawns in the center room of the stables. At level 23 he was as green as they come. It took five kills to finally get the feet. Good luck!
    Scaled Boots
    # Jan 25 2002 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
    I am standing in front of Shezlie now, and she no longer offers the quest for the boots. Its Zazlan now that gives the quest. He wasts a Spirit Caller Beads, a Rhino Hoof, an Emerald of Fire and banded Boots....hope it'll help.

    Skret Fistmeister, Monk 23rd rung, Tasarin Knights
    RE: Scaled Boots
    # Jan 31 2002 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
    That is for the Scaled Mystic boots, shaman only. You are talking to the wrong NPC. The correct NPC is in the basement of the Shaman/ Shadowknight guild.
    # Jan 19 2002 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
    minimum lvl is 0 but the monsters you fight are pretty high lvl
    how do you get the quills
    Thickboned Skeleton
    # Jun 12 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
    I have spent a reasonble amount hunting the basement of Kurn's Tower. To tell you the truth, I do not know where the Thickboned Skeleton spawns. However, if you hang around the area where traditionally people camp the jester, the Thickboned Skeleton shows up...eventually. At a distance, you can recognize him by the fine steel hammer he carries.

    Make sure you ask permission of anyone camping the jester if you can hang around and kills skeletons until the Thickboned shows up. Usually, it is not a problem.

    Hope this helps.

    Shrikke - Knight of Fear
    RE: Thickboned Skeleton
    # Feb 01 2003 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
    40 posts
    I believe the Thickboned skeleton is a PH for the fingerbone skeleton that Iksar monks need for a shackle quest. Its in the hallway near where the cook spawns,pretty close to stables.
    # Jun 12 2001 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
    where does thick boned skeleton spawn? im a 52 barbarian warrior and im helpin my friend a 10 iksar sk do this, i kill the stuff and he loots it... i never seen this thick bone skeleton, but i was wandering around and fell down a hole now im in a cave with a river running thru it... kinda scary
    RE: cave
    # Jun 27 2001 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
    The thickboned skellies can spawn anywhere a named mob can spawn. this include the crusader upstairs as well as the cook, fingered, jester, and forager in the basemet. and bagyronn in the caverns below.
    Skellie Feet In LOIO ?
    # May 29 2001 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok, not sure about this but i think you can loot those Skellie Feet from skellies around lake of ill omen, i repeat : im NOT sure, but i bet i have seen them rooting a bunch of times on skellie corpses there . This is not a crazy idea, since most of the skellies in Kurns tower are pretty similar to the ones all around Kunark ( specially the lake ).

    OK, im going to try it in the Lake next time i hunt there with my Sk, if not i will head to Kurns... Gluck to you all.
    This was realy boring
    # May 05 2001 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
    first off hello anishk its lizifaflo! but the quills were the easiest>\. I got them when I immediatley went to ledge.all you do is have someone get you to the ledge.However I camped thick bones 12 hours and i got them.patience is definetly the key lizifaflo shissrban of 30 trials of pain
    # Feb 26 2001 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
    The secret to the skeletal feet is PATIENCE! I killed the Cook and the Jester Spawn for about 5 hours and killed about 6 thickbones until it droped. I went and got the boots. If you have the time its worth the prize. I know how my full suit and I look great!!!

    Stepnwolf Wildborn
    36 Season Lord of Pain
    Crystal ORacle
    Druzzil - RO
    RE: Completed!
    # Mar 27 2001 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
    I used 2 hours on the camp to get thickboned to drop skeletal feet. It did take me mutch more time to get the cactus Quill.
    Pair of feet???
    # Nov 30 2000 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
    Does "a pair of skeletal feet" mean you need 2 feet? Or is that just the name of the item?
    RE: Pair of feet???
    # Nov 30 2000 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Skeleton Feet is the name of the item. It is lore and nodrop so you can only have one. I have done this and have the boots. All you need is the 3 items listed above and banded boots.
    nice boots
    # Nov 29 2000 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
    A well worth while quest, the hardest thing to come by is the cactus quills, but with some help I compleated it at 27
    The boots stats are...AC10, STR+3, STA+3
    well worth the time invested
    RE: nice boots
    # Nov 30 2000 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
    Finished it also . very nice boots. the Quills are easy to get if you go by the FM zone in the overthere and just ask to loot them
    Can Any Iksar do This?
    # Nov 21 2000 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
    Can any Iksar complete the quest? or are they no drop or does he not give u anything back?
    RE: Can Any Iksar do This?
    # Nov 22 2000 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
    Any Iksar can do the quest, however, only the Iksar Shadow Knights can wear the armor. Of course, you could sell the armor to an Iksar Shadow Knight once you do the quests. The armor is not No Drop. I am doing Iksar Shaman quests right now as well with my Shadow Knight to sell the armor.

    Predatorus Viktus
    "The Father," First Order of Blood Knights
    Shadow Division, Shadow Triari
    39th Scale Shadow Knight
    Bristlebane Server
    RE: Can Any Iksar do This?
    # Nov 22 2000 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
    Iksar SK only =)
    RE: Can Any Iksar do This?
    # Nov 22 2000 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default
    Unless they just changed it in the last patch yes any Iksar can do any of the quests. I was doin the quests with my Ogre who is Kindly to all Iksars. A monk friend was also doin the quests.
    the boots stats
    # Nov 20 2000 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
    the boots stast is ac 10 str +3 sta +3
    easy got it =)
    Where is Sirtha?
    # Nov 20 2000 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
    I've combed the city looking for Sirtha, and can't find him/her. Is Sirtha in an overly obvious place, or is it a new NPC in an obscure location?
    RE: Where is Sirtha?
    # Nov 21 2000 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
    The two NPC's for the quest are down at the very bottom of the right tower when facing the SK/Shaman guild.

    Predatorus Viktus
    "The Father," First Order of Blood Knights
    Shadow Division, Shadow Triari
    38th Scale Shadow Knight
    Bristlebane Server
    Boot Quest completed
    # Nov 19 2000 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
    I have done this quest and it is not too difficult. The boots are really very nice: AC 10, STR +3, STA +3. As in the above posts, the quills are found on either the thorny or spiked cactus in the Overthere, the Skeletal feet are found by camping in Kurns for the Skeletal cook and jester, however, the feet are found on the cooks place holder called a "thick boned" skeleton. I found the cook respawned much faster and got at Kurns shield while I was there as an added bonus! If you are a lower lvl SK who is not ready to take on a spiked or thorny cactus, I would recommend sitting by the FM zone in the OT and ask a group if you could loot a cactus they kill that has the quills on it. They should be more than happy to do so and the quills are not that rare. Good luck!
    Yanuk 35 lvl SK Morrel Thule
    Dreadscale Boots
    # Nov 17 2000 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
    AC10 STR+3 STA+3
    Skeletal Feet are on the Thick-Boned Skeleton in Kurns Tower. Cactus Quills drop off of Thorny Succulents in Overthere. And a Fire Emerald can be purchased from Klok Oxmod in the building next to the bank in East Cabilis. About 106pp or close to it. Hardest part for me was finding some dang banded boots, hehe. Give it all to Sirtha and she'll give you your Dreadscale Boots. They are completely black in color.

    36 Shadow Knight
    RE: Dreadscale Boots
    # Nov 17 2000 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
    Actually, the boots and every other piece are a dull olive green.

    Predatorus Viktus
    "The Father," First Order of Blood Knights
    Shadow Division, Shadow Triari
    37th Scale Shadow Knight
    Bristlebane Server
    RE: Dreadscale Boots
    # Nov 17 2000 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
    Was not hard for me. 192 blacksmith skill. =)
    Emerald of Fire
    # Nov 17 2000 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
    I believe the emerald can be found on Charbone Skeletons, not lessers but Charbones, in the Lake of Ill Omen zone.
    RE: Emerald of Fire
    # Nov 17 2000 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
    I am sure by emerald of fire they mean a store bought fire emerald gem.
    RE: Emerald of Fire
    # Nov 17 2000 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
    Yes - they mean Fire Emeralds. You can get them from the vendor near the bank.
    RE: Emerald of Fire
    # Nov 17 2000 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
    Yes Fire emerald at the merchant is all you need. Got my Dreadscale boots last this mourning. Greta boots. =) Better than the DWBs I have been wearing and the Enchanted smithed armor for SHD.

    # Nov 16 2000 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
    Off of the cacti in The Overthere.
    RE: Quills
    # Nov 19 2000 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
    Are the quills and or the feet no drop?
    RE: Quills
    # Nov 20 2000 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
    The quills are NO DROP. My ranger found one over the weekend - we had no Iksar SK in the group, so we let it rot. :(

    Do the lower level cacti drop these, or only the 30+ ones?
    RE: Quills
    # Nov 22 2000 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
    I have only seen them drop on thorny Succulents.
    Skeletal Feet
    # Nov 16 2000 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
    I found them on the Thick-Boned Skeleton in Kurns Tower.
    RE: Skeletal Feet
    # Nov 25 2000 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
    Just got skeletal feet off of thick boned in kurns as well. This took several hours, got the feet off of 4th one I killed.
    RE: Skeletal Feet
    # Dec 25 2000 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
    Where in Kurns tower can you find a thick boned Skeleton?
    RE: Skeletal Feet
    # Dec 29 2000 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
    28 posts
    Basement, not the pit though
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