Raid Expedition: An End to Fear  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Rain of Fear
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jul 16 06:14:28 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rain of Fear Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is the third of three raid expeditions in the Heart of Fear.

It begins with the Torchbearing Spirit in the Heart of Fear: The Threshold (first level) at location -25, -100, 75 (at the zone-in: the center of the zone).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Completed "Lost Harbingers"
- Completed "Channeling Cazic"
- Completed "Growing Fear"
- Completed "The Heart of Fear"
- Completed "Menace, Doom, and Horror" (group mission)
- Completed "Champions of the Arena" (Chelsith raid)
- Completed "Dispelling the Shadows" (Plane of Shadow raid)
- Completed "Glimpse, the Unseen" (Heart of Fear raid #1)
- Completed "Memories of the Faceless" (Heart of Fear raid #2)
- Must be locked out of "Glimpse, the Unseen"
- Must be locked out of "Memories of the Faceless"

Pre-Requisites for Participating:
- Completed "Champions of the Arena" (Chelsith raid)
- Completed "Dispelling the Shadows" (Plane of Shadow raid)
- Completed "Glimpse, the Unseen" (Heart of Fear raid #1)
- Completed "Memories of the Faceless" (Heart of Fear raid #2)

You say, 'Hail, Torchbearing Spirit'

Torchbearing Spirit says 'Here you stand now on the precipice of prophecy, surer than ever that the blood that flows through your veins is that of a savior.' The torchbearer illuminates your face with its ghostly flame and looks deep into your eyes, an act you can't recall him doing in all of your previous conversations, 'Go now, follow Glask into [the End of Fear] and prove to her the statue was right.'

You say, 'The End of Fear?'

Torchbearing Spirit says 'Steel your resolve and stare deeply into the torch-flames then speak the words [I am ready]. That should suffice as a relocation ritual.'

You say, 'I am ready'

You have entered Heart of Fear: The Epicenter.


- At the zone-in, hail Harbinger Glask to trigger the opening script.
--- The script takes about 3 minutes to unfold, after which Xaric auto-aggro's.

- If you want to bypass the opening script, say "attack now" to Harbinger Glask.
--- This will spawn Xaric in the center who, in this case, will NOT auto-aggro. Once you're ready to engage, hail Xaric to trigger the event (no response to hail - he just attacks).

- Soon after Xaric is aggro'd, adds start spawning.

- Around the room are seven crystals. These should be destroyed to spawn auras in their places. (If you don't destroy them, adds will do it for you, but it will be much faster if you do it yourself.)

- In order to progress the event here, you have to allow one of the adds to "absorb" all seven crystal auras without allowing any other adds to absorb any (a mob will gain a title under its name for every aura from which it absorbs power, up to seven titles).

- In order for an add to absorb a crystal aura, the add has to remain in the aura for about 20-30 seconds (you'll see emotes indicating its progress). Allow the add to power up in an aura (the first power-up changes the add into a yellow-con, different-named mob), then move on to the next aura, and repeat the process until the add has absorbed all seven crystal auras (the add will display titles under its name indicating which auras it's already absorbed).

- Note that the first time an add powers up, it resets its aggro and possibly strips its debuffs (this only occurs for the initial power-up).

- Adds are immune to all forms of crowd control (NOT mezzable, rootable, snareable, or stunnable).

- If adds are left unaggro'd, they will attempt to destroy the crystals and will power up on their own, without player intervention, making the event unable to progress. You will have to keep all adds controlled in order to prevent this from happening.

- If you mess up and allow another hatchling to power up, you have to kill it. When you kill it, the aura it had absorbed will respawn in place of its corpse.

- Once a single add has absorbed all seven auras, without any other adds having powered up at all, you can kill it to spawn Cazic-Thule.

- Once Cazic-Thule spawns, kill off the remaining adds, and then tank Cazic and Xaric side-by-side.

- Cazic-Thule spawns his own adds (a mix of spiders, frightfingers, and glarelords -- maximum of eight alive at a time).

- Once Xaric reaches 1%, turn your DPS on to Cazic-Thule and wait for an emote indicating Xaric is vulnerable to death. At this point, you can kill Xaric. You have 40 seconds to kill him, or you'll have to wait for another emote. This completes the event.

Triggering the Event

Hail Harbinger Glask to trigger the event. She and Sam Napth walk up to the center of the room, at which point Xaric spawns. After some lore, Xaric goes aggro.

You say, 'Hail, Harbinger Glask'

Harbinger Glask says 'Sam waits below. We will descend.'

Sam Napth raises his hand and points to the inner sanctum. 'Here lies the Heart: the end of your journey and the beginning of fear.'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'The nexus of Cazic-Thule and the seven pillars of fear!'

Sam Napth shouts 'Within you, adventurers, the seeds of fear germinate, cultivated by the shards and the countless creatures you killed. Offer yourselves before the pillars of Thule and let go of the fear that has tormented you in our long journey. Offer the fruit of its power to Cazic that he might set the world aright. Offer your very souls and be ready to greet your resurrected lord!'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'I would offer my last breath to revive the Faceless. I live only for his return. Let us do as we must, but pray that the Father of Fear will devour whatever darkness lurks behind Sam's eyes!'

Sam Napth shouts, in Alaran, 'You worshipped a false god! Can you truly fear that which you call by name? You prayed to it, built temples to honor it, sacrificed your lives for it. You made Cazic-Thule familiar, and the familiar fear cannot compare to the terror of the Unspoken.'

Xaric shouts, in Alaran, 'I live beyond sight, beyond hearing, beyond belief. Beyond your deepest fears and darkest imaginings I wait for you. I am the oblivion that calls to you beyond all reason and madness.'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'I answer the call and return you to oblivion myself!'

Xaric says, in Alaran, 'Lose yourselves in me, creatures born into fear. I am your life-bringer now, and your essence belongs to me. I will be greater than the Faceless. I will be the Nameless. I will be the terror in every shadow you do not see, and when you rest today in my darkness, Norrath will never again hold the name of Xaric on its lips.'

Xaric attacks, and a few more emotes unfold:

Harbinger Glask shouts 'Xaric siphons the remnants of Cazic-Thule's power from the pillars! If he controls the foundations of fear, our hope is lost!'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'See how it draws out the embodiments of Cazic's power? Far better would it be for them to control the pillars than Xaric!'

Xaric shouts, in Alaran, 'You cannot fight the unfathomable! You cannot defeat the fear that lurks behind all fears! In the endless dark all fears become one and reside in me, their rightful god!'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'We have but one chance: Let the children of Cazic feed upon each other and grow in his strength! Only the true God of Fear can defeat Xaric!'


Xaric summons from 100% health; hits for a max ~42,000 (does not rampage; does not flurry). He has a few regular spells:

Influx: Targeted AE 30', Unresistable (0)
1: Slow Push (-50)

Interphasic: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 200%
2: Mitigate Spell Damage by 20%, 10000000 total

Lifepool: PB AE 25', Prismatic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 75230

Marked for Punishment: Targeted AE 55', Prismatic (-975)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 20%
2: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)

He also has two spells triggered by phantasmic crystals (avoidable if you can manage to kill the crystals before the AE goes off):

Jagged Swath: Frontal 1000', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 86956

Shard Rain: Targeted AE 40', Prismatic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 43076

Note: There is another type of "a phantasmic crystal" which can trigger the spell "Crystal Crush". In this case, rather than making Xaric cast the AE, the crystal itself casts the AE:

Crystal Crush: PB AE 30', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 104615

The phantasmic crystals that have "Crystal Crush" displayed under their names can be kicked away from the raid with lure/push/pull player abilities, so that they set off their AEs in an empty space.

Xaric has an emote-based targeted AE that increases incoming spell damage. The emote seen 10 seconds before cast upon target:

Xaric marks _____ for punishment. (Note: double space after "Xaric")

Marked for Punishment: Targeted AE 55', Prismatic (-975)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 60%

Once Xaric is under 30% health, he will occasionally (seems random?) go inactive, disappear, and wander to another location before re-aggro'ing. When he does this, he wipes all aggro and has a chance to spawn four large, orange crystals ("impalement crystal") that each AE the damage spell "Final Impalement":

Final Impalement: PB AE 60', Prismatic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 153846

Also late into the fight, he starts casting the 25' range PBAE "Amnesiac Strike" (55,000 dmg + 1-tick countdown to player fade):

Xaric says, in Alaran, 'Begone!'

Amnesiac Strike: PB AE 25', (-150)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 55137
2: Trigger on Fade: Amnesiac Doom (Player Fade)

Except for a short script right after Cazic-Thule spawns, you have to keep Xaric tanked for the entire event's duration.

Xaric locks health at 1% (you can take him as low as 1% at any time in the event). He is only killable while affected by Cazic-Thule's "Cazic Touch" DOT (details about this in a section below).

The Seven Crystals & Their Auras

Around the room are seven crystals: Fright; Terror; Anguish; Madness; Misery; Dread; and Anxiety.

Each of these crystals needs to be killed in order to spawn an aura in their place (if you don't kill these crystals yourself, the event adds will do it for you -- more details about adds can be found in the next section of this writeup).

The auras that appear upon the death of their respective crystals don't have any effect on players, but they can power up the event's adds if the adds are left unattended inside an aura for more than 20-30 seconds.

The auras also spawn mini-crystal mobs. One type is called "Pillar of Influence", which can trigger a push/pull spell on nearby players OR add a one-time AE to Xaric's arsenal before despawning.

The second type of mini-crystal spawned by the auras is called "_____ Pillar" (where the 'blank' is the name of one of the original seven crystals). These pillars will add spell attacks to powered-up adds and Cazic-Thule (the spell it adds to their arsenal will be displayed under the pillar's NPC name - example image). These spells are as follows:

(Note: While the spell list here may seem overwhelming, these are not all cast at the same time. Again, it depends on which mini-crystal has spawned and what spell it has listed under its NPC display name.)

Boil Blood II: Targeted AE 18', Fire (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30768 per tick

Creeping Dread: Targeted AE 30', Cold (-975)
1: Trigger Effect: Frozen Dread on Fade
2: Increase Curse Counter by 80

Creeping Dread II: Targeted AE 30', Cold (-975)
1: Trigger Effect: Frozen Dread II on Fade
2: Increase Curse Counter by 80
3: Interrupt Casting (35%)

Devouring Anxiety: PB AE 75', Disease (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 18953 per tick

Devouring Anxiety II: PB AE 100', Disease (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 24122 per tick
2: Decrease AC by 90
3: Decrease All Resists by 300

Frost Breath II: Targeted AE 35', Cold (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 74091

Frozen Dread: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 100000
2: Stun (2.00 sec)

Frozen Dread II: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 123076
2: Stun (3.00 sec)

Magi Curse II: Targeted AE 9', (-150)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 60307
2: Stun (6.00 sec)
3: Decrease Mana by 4000 per tick
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 15507 per tick

Miasma of Anguish: Targeted AE 20', Disease (-975)
1: Increase Agro Multiplier by 100%
2: Decrease HP when cast by 60307

Miasma of Anguish II: Targeted AE 20', Disease (-975)
1: Increase Agro Multiplier by 150%
2: Decrease HP when cast by 77537

Oppression of Misery: Targeted AE 20', (-150)
1: Trigger on Cast: Lash of Misery
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (100)
3: Reverse Damage Shield (1200)
4: Cap Hitpoints (70%)

Oppression of Misery II: Targeted AE 20', (-150)
1: Trigger on Cast: Lash of Misery II
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (100)
3: Reverse Damage Shield (1500)
4: Cap Hitpoints (65%)

Scarab Storm II: Targeted AE 18', Disease (-975)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 43076
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 17230 per tick
3: Increase Disease Counter by 75

Seeping Chill II: PB AE 125', Magic (-975)
1: Empathy
2: Limit: Spell (Frost Breath II allowed)
3: Increase Curse Counter by 75

Specter Lifetap II: Targeted AE 20', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 65476
2: Unknown #457 (100/10000/3700000)

Strength of Madness: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Add Proc: Strike of Madness rate mod 100 (NPC proc for 72,315 dmg)

Strength of Madness II: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Add Proc: Strike of Madness II rate mod 250 (NPC proc for 80,000 dmg)
2: Increase Attack Speed by 20%

Terrifying Sluggishness: Directional 125', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 51691
2: Decrease Movement by 200%
3: Decrease Attack Speed by 25%

Terrifying Sluggishness II: Directional 125', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 20%
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (100)
3: Decrease HP when cast by 74091
4: Decrease Movement by 220%
5: Decrease Attack Speed by 35%

Tigir's Insects II: PB AE 100', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%
2: Silence
3: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)
4: Decrease Endurance by 2000 per tick
5: Decrease Mana by 2000 per tick
6: Increase Disease Counter by 70

Adds & Their Power-Ups

Shortly after Xaric aggro's, adds begin appearing (what types of adds appear will depend on how far along the event has progressed -- more details about add types are found below).

In order to progress the event, you have to allow one of the adds to "absorb" the power from all seven crystal auras without allowing any other adds to absorb any.

To absorb an aura's power, an add has to remain in the aura for at least 20-30 seconds. You'll see emotes indicating its progress (for example):

a nascent fearling is absorbing: Anguish

a nascent fearling stopped absorbing: Anguish

a nascent fearling has absorbed Anguish

Once an aura's power has been absorbed, the add will turn into a powered-up mob (more details about add types are found below) and gain a title under its name indicating which aura it possesses (example of an add powered up with all seven auras):

Anguish: "Ag."
Anxiety: "Ax."
Dread: "Dr."
Fright: "Fr."
Madness: "Md."
Misery: "Ms."
Terror: "Tr."

If everything goes according to plan, you will have allowed a single add to absorb all seven crystal auras while having prevented any other adds from doing so. If, however, an additional add manages to power itself up, you have some extra work to do.

When an add absorbs a crystal aura, that aura disappears and attaches itself to that add. Therefore, it's impossible to have a single add host all seven auras if there is more than one powered-up add alive.

So, if you have two powered-up adds alive, you have to kill one of them. Upon the death of a powered-up add, its crystal aura respawns where that add died.

Example: You allowed an add to absorb the Anguish, Dread, and Fright crystal auras, but then you allowed a different add to absorb the Anxiety crystal aura. Kill this newly powered-up mob to respawn the Anxiety crystal aura in place of its corpse, and then you can allow the original add to properly absorb that aura.

Note that the first time an add powers up, it resets its aggro and possibly strips its debuffs (this only occurs for the initial power-up).

Once you have allowed a single add to power up and absorb all seven crystal auras, you can kill it to spawn Cazic-Thule (more about this in a section below).

Add Types

The types of NPCs you encounter will depend how far along you've progressed the event.

With 0-1 crystal auras absorbed
- Original add: "a nascent fearling" (parasite)
- If allowed to power up: "a tentacle aberration" (tentacle terror)

With 2-3 crystal auras absorbed
- Original add: "a fearbred hatchling" (ghoul)
- If allowed to power up: "a fearbrute" (amygdalan)

With 4-5 crystal auras absorbed
- Original add: "a bonepile fearspawn" (skeleton)
- If allowed to power up: "a feareaper" (spectre)

With 6-7 crystal auras absorbed
- Original add: "a protogen fear" (golem)
- If allowed to power up: "an embodiment" (construct)

Regular adds hit for a max ~22,000. Powered-up adds hit for a max ~35,000.

Upon spawning, adds do NOT auto-aggro players (note: powered-up mobs DO auto-aggro). Instead, they run straight to the auras and try to power themselves up. You will need to keep control over the situation by aggro'ing them and keeping them out of the auras.

None of the adds in this event can be mezzed, rooted, snared, or stunned.

Warning: If you try kiting a powered-up add, it can proc a death touch (does not proc as long as its target stays within a short enough range, allowing you to pull it from aura-to-aura as needed):

Death: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 20000000

Note that there is a cap as to how many adds of a certain type can be alive at one time (eight per type), and that once a different add type starts spawning, the previous add types will NOT respawn upon their deaths (so, once fearbred hatchlings start spawning, you can kill any remaining nascent fearlings without having the fearlings respawn).

Spawning Cazic-Thule

Once you have allowed a single add to power up and absorb all seven crystal auras, you can kill it to spawn Cazic-Thule. Note that you have about a 60-second break after you kill the powered-up add. You can use this time to rebuff or rez, or to kill off any remaining adds if you need to.

Upon the death of the powered-up add, you see this unfold:

Xaric shouts, in Alaran, 'All fears unite. Your struggle ends. Bow one last time before your new god!'

Harbinger Glask shouts 'I spoke the truth: To my dying breath I defend my god! To you, Cazic-Thule, I grant my last measure of strength!'

Harbinger Glask plunges a knife into her belly. She draws the blade across her abdomen and falls to her knees as the blood pours from the gaping wound. Her life spills onto the last remaining essence of Cazic-Thule, and it is drawn inside her body.

Harbinger Glask's form begins to change. Her skin cracks, and her face dissolves into a featureless mask. She hunches over and begins to grow. The half-formed monstrosity of Cazic-Thule looks down upon you.

"Cazic the Inchoate" appears.

Cazic the Inchoate stares at you. Harbinger Glask's distorted voice projects faintly from within Cazic-Thule's body. 'My lord...has returned...but I cannot...control him. If you can, turn his touch of death...upon Xaric...'

Xaric shouts, in Alaran, 'Cazic-Thule! My people once ended your life. Now I end it again for the final time!'

Now, you'll have both Xaric and Cazic the Inchoate to contend with.

Cazic the Inchoate and Event Completion

Xaric retains his earlier fight abilities.

Cazic the Inchoate has similar melee power and abilities as Xaric (also summons from 100% health). He spawns adds (a mix of glarelords, frightfingers, and spiderlings) up to a maximum of eight (these can be kept kited; respawn instantly if killed). He has a few other tricks as well:

Cazic's Displeasure: Single Target, Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 100000
2: Knockback (12) and Toss Up (9)

Desperate Freeze II: PB AE 50', Cold (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 72368

Desperate Inferno II: PB AE 50', Fire (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 72368

Desperate Lightning II: PB AE 50', Magic (-975)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 72368

Magi Curse II: Targeted AE 9', (-150)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 60307
2: Stun (6.00 sec)
3: Decrease Mana by 4000 per tick
4: Decrease Hitpoints by 15507 per tick

If he is kited and his target gets too far ahead of him, he casts "Death Touch":

Death Touch: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8000000

In addition to those AEs, you'll also have the mini-crystals ("_____ Pillar") appearing and giving Cazic additional abilities. He can cast the same AEs as the powered-up adds in the first part of the event (spell list is linked in an above section).

You'll want to keep Cazic and Xaric side-by-side and wait for Cazic to use his "Cazic Touch" ability:

Cazic Touch: PB AE 60', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 90000 per tick
2: Increase corruption counter by 55

This will inflict Xaric as well (if he's within range of it), making Xaric vulnerable to death as long as the DOT is on him:

Xaric has become vulnerable to death through Cazic's touch!

Once you see this emote, you have 40 seconds to kill Xaric, otherwise, you have to wait for another opportunity.

NOTE: The lower in health that Cazic the Inchoate is, the more of a chance he has to cast the DOT. Once he's under 5%, he basically chain casts it. The lower you DPS Cazic to, the less time you'll have to wait for the emote.

Kill Xaric to complete the event:

Xaric has been slain by _____!

Xaric shouts, in Alaran, 'Back to the darkness...the ever-long slumber beyond all eyes...the formless void of inchoate fear...that someday takes the frightened cry of the newborn child...'

Cazic the Inchoate stumbles around, blood gushing from the grievous rents torn into his body by Xaric's crystals. He trembles in front of you, unable to move any further. Harbinger Glask's shaky voice can be heard. ' coming is time for him to rest...let him rest...'

Cazic the Inchoate falls dead upon the Heart of Fear. His essence rises, seems to linger for a moment, and then flows back into the heart, returning to the source from whence it all began. And as the lifeless corpse shrivels away, a small form emerges, crying softly.

Harbinger Glask shouts 'The was all for naught...' She cries into her hands. 'I know that now...never again shall I see my god...'

The Shadow of Luclin appears...

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'What strength resides in such fragile, mortal beings! Harbinger Glask, arise and weep no more!'

Shadow of Luclin places her hand under Glask's chin and raises the Harbinger's face. Glask stands on her feet. Her wounds are nowhere to be seen.

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'Your god rests. He shall slumber for a time before he awakes and again grows restless. His essence will flow; the seeds of fear will be sown; his children will mature as they did before. And you will watch over them.'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'But what could I do for them? I have already failed their father!'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'No, you have given him peace -- the peace of unknowing before the striving begins anew. There will come a time like this when Cazic-Thule begins to awaken. You will join with him, become one, and soothe his anguish. You will let him rest once more -- and again for as long as the Heart of Fear beats with life and the essence of Cazic pumps its full circuit.'

Harbinger Glask averts her gaze from Luclin's imposing shadow. She responds with her eyes shut tightly. 'I will do this for my god...I will do this that I may again see Cazic-Thule.'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'I will leave my servants with you. They will protect you and care for you. When the time comes, they will do for you what you might not have the heart to do yourself.'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'Adventurers, you have walked the path I set before you. The light still shines upon Norrath, untarnished by Xaric's darkness. Cazic-Thule remains asleep, but the world still has need of fear. This crystal shall remain its heart. It shall be a reminder of the folly of gods and mortals, a remembrance of the ambition and gullibility that almost destroyed us all.'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'But it shall also be a monument to the gods and mortals who rose above their mistakes, stood against the darkness, and atoned for their misdeeds. None shall be forgotten: Morrell, Terris, Rallos, Ryken, the Triune God, Xaric -- this is their monument, and yours.'

Shadow of Luclin turns back to Harbinger Glask. 'And this is now your home, Harbinger Glask. If ever you need me, or your anguish becomes too much to bear, cry out to me, and I will come to you. Your days might be endless, and your burden heavy, but you will never be alone as long as we both keep watch over Cazic-Thule.

Harbinger Glask kneels before Luclin. 'I will do this, Lady of Shadow. I will do this for my god.'

Shadow of Luclin shouts 'Why tarry here, adventurers? Your part has been played. The long journey is over. [Go] out into the bright world of Norrath, where the light still shines and there is always another adventure to be found just beyond the next hill.'


NOTE: In addition to chest loot, everyone in the zone receives 10x "Dreadstone" (used as an alternative way obtain raid drops, from Crusader Tolsk, the Tier 4 raid vendor in the Harbinger camp of Shard's Landing).

Chest loot consists of 3 armor pieces (first list) + 3-4 other items (second list) + 1-2 weapons (third list) + 4 spell runes (fourth list) + 1-2 Eye of Fear + 0-1 Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal (cultural aug):

Dread Infused Armguards
Dread Infused Boots
Dread Infused Bracer
Dread Infused Gloves
Dread Infused Helm
Dread Infused Leggings
Dread Infused Tunic

Apparition-Skin Pauldrons
Bit of Fright
Blood-Chiller Shawl
Chip of Misery
Circlet of the Ebon Evoker
Fear Shard Pauldrons
Fragment of Terror
Horrorsilk Mantle
Mantle of the Heart
Pauldrons of Cazic-Thule's Defender
Shard of Anguish
Shawl of Apparitions
Shred of Anxiety
Shroud of the True Believer
Signet of Fear
Slice of Dread
Sliver of Madness
Wrap of the Fear Beast

Darkthorn, Bow of Deadly Rain
Hand of Xaric
Ogier, Greatblade of Thule
Terrorguard, Aegis of Pain

Median Terrormote
Greater Terrormote
Glowing Terrormote
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Display setup to see auras (minimum)
# Jan 09 2014 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Can someone please post the minimum display set ups to be able to see the auras. Thanks!
Display setup to see auras (minimum)
# Jan 11 2014 at 9:11 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
The only spell effects I have on are:

Options > Display > Particles: Player > Near Clip: Near | Density: High | On For: Everyone | Opacity: 100%

and I can see the auras
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