New Year - Time for a Change  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:House of Thule
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 28 01:58:29 2010
Modified: Wed Dec 27 09:42:46 2023
This is a seasonal Frostfell group mission that is actually part of the New Years quest line up that starts after Chirstmas day and runs until late January. Check the in game calendar for start and end dates for New Years eve events. This quest requires (3-6 players) that begins with Kilna Odenburgh in the Plane of Knowledge (located outside the Bazaar zone).

There are no known pre-requisites for requesting the task, and the mobs inside scale according to your group's average level.

You say, 'Hail, Kilna Odenburgh'

Kilna Odenburgh smiles at you hopefully, "Can you feel that? It's the winds of change a blowin'! A New Year always brings with it many changes, and many [promises] made to change."

You say, 'Promises?'

Kilna Odenburgh motions toward her husband Garuf with a heavy sigh, "I can't get this old lug to help out with anything! I promised myself I'd get our farm in tip-top shape this year, but I can't convince Garuf to do anything unless it involves [ale]."

You say, 'Ale?'

Kilna Odenburgh throws her arms up in the air dramatically, "All he does is sleep, drink, and belch! I keep telling him, 'The New Year is a perfect time to make some much needed [changes] in your daily habits', but he just keeps his face buried in the ale."

You say, 'What changes?'

Kilna Odenburgh brightens up as an idea pops into her head. "I don't suppose you'd like to stop by our little farm and [help] Garuf make some much needed changes? He's become an expert when it comes to ignoring me, but I'm sure he'll listen to an outsider's perspective. Come to think of it, there are plenty of people in our village who could use a little aid with their New Year's resolutions."

You say, 'I'll help'

Kilna Odenburgh grins wryly, "With your help, we'll have Garuf sober and the farm cleaned up in no time! Let me know when you're [ready] to go, and I'll give you directions to our quaint village."

You have been assigned the task 'Time for a Change'.

Kilna Odenburgh has asked you to come to her village and help its residents make some changes in the New Year!

You say, 'Ready!'

Kilna Odenburgh says 'Safe travels!'

You have entered A Quaint Village.

1. Speak to Kilna Odenburgh 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Find Kilna Odenburgh at /way +2780,-100,+15 at a house near the farm.

You say, 'Hail, Kilna Odenburgh'

Kilna Odenburgh smiles warmly, "Welcome to our home! The Odenburgh family farm usually feeds the entire village, but lately that wonky Pizmip Nobbletod has been demanding more food than we can produce. Farm work is no simple task, mind you, and with Garuf spending all his time drunk by the lake, there's little time to give the fields the proper care they deserve. As you can see, our latest crop has become infested with beetles! I promised myself that in the New Year I'd take better care of our farm, but I could certainly use a hand since I clearly won't be getting any help from Garuf."

2. Rid the Farm of its pests 0/6 (Dragonscale Hills)

Task Window Says: Kill the beetles that are eating Kilna's crops.

The beetles spawn in the farm area. At their highest level (Level 90+), they hit for a max ~6,000 (mezzable; stunnable; rootable).

3. Return to Kilna Odenburgh 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Kilna Odenburgh'

Kilna Odenburgh draws in a sharp breath as she scans her crops with disbelief, "Well I'll be... you managed to clear those fields of beetles in the blink of an eye. If only Garuf showed such efficiency. Speaking of my lazy husband, would you mind fetching him from the lake southwest of here? He's been fishing all day."

4. Speak to Garuf Odenburgh 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Task Window Says: Garuf is likely fishing at the lake to the southwest end of the farm.

Garuf Odenburgh is located at /way +2544,+1158,+6 near the minotaur fort at the lake.

You say, 'Hail, Garuf Odenburgh'

Garuf Odenburgh plants his feet firmly on the ground, shaking his head at you while he speaks, "Oh no, no, I'm not going anywhere! That old wretch Kilna sent you, am I right? She goes on an on about changin' this and changin' that, "Drink less Garuf, work more Garuf". My wife thinks she can force me to change by hiding my last stein of beer in the spider-infested windmill. What kind of woman keeps a dwarf from his ale?! That Kilna knows I'd drink a mug of milk before I'd be alone in a room with creepy-crawlers. Help an old dwarf enjoy his last stein of ale, would ya?"

5. Clear out the spiders in the windmill 0/6 (Dragonscale Hills)

6. Find Garuf's last stein of ale 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Task Window Says: Defeat all the spiders in the windmill by the farm, and recover Garuf's last stein of ale which is hidden somewhere inside.

Garuf's Ale is a groundspawn on the top level inside the windmill at /way +2985,+345,+39.

Spiders, at their highest level (Level 90+), hit for a max ~6,000 (mezzable; stunnable; rootable).

There's also a locked chest at this location. You can use a Lucky Charm from the Frostfell solo task All You Need is Luck to open it, it doesn't have a shared cooldown timer and is heirloom so can be traded to all your other characters on the same account for this task. You may find a Cured Bacon inside... Chest can also be found at the foot of each house in the zone.

7. Return the ale to Garuf 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

8. Speak to Garuf Odenburgh 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Garuf Odenburgh'

Garuf Odenburgh raises the stein of ale to his lips with a comforted grin, "Ah, my dear old Kilna was right. A sip of this delicious brew has me feeling like making a change. Startin' today, I plan on drinking three steins of ale for breakfast, three for lunch, and three for dinner! Ha! I guess that means more ale for me, and none for Pizmip Nobbletod. He's just going to have to go without. It's seems a bit strange to me that he's stockpiling so much food and drink, but then again, gnome's are never really known for their sanity. Would you mind dropping by his house northeast of the farm, and letting him know that the Odenburgh's have no ale or crops to spare?"

9. Speak to Pizmip Nobbletod 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Pizmip Nobbletod is found at /way +3632,-1562,+6 at a three-room house near the Steamfont zoneout area.

NOTE: The task locks at this point.

You say, 'Hail, Pizmip Nobbletod'

Pizmip Nobbletod tugs on his little tufts of hair in frustration, "What do you mean nothing to spare?! Don't those imbeciles know that they'll be demolished in a matter of days, anyway? Dead dwarves can't drink ale!" The frazzled gnome pauses for a breath, while a hint of recognition flashes upon his face. "I know you! Yes, yes I do! You're my lucky _____ friend who's going to be with me until the [end] of time!"

You say, 'End of time?'

Pizmip Nobbletod nods feverishly, "Oh yes, the ancient Akhevan calendar says it'll be any day now. I've been making preparations for a life underground. I've stored food, and mapped out where I'll build my bunker, but not all is going according to plan. I still require quite a few chunks of meat, and someone needs to convince the bats living in the cave east of here to clear out!" Pizmip glances up at you with sad eyes, "You'll help, won't you? After all, you don't want to spend an eternity in a bat-filled bunker!"

10. Clear the cave of bats 0/4 (Dragonscale Hills)

11. Loot chunks of meat from scaled wolves 0/6 (Dragonscale Hills)

This cave is found at the zone-in to Steamfont, and wolves are found in the northwest part of the zone around /location +3400,+800. These mobs hit for a max ~6,000 (at their highest level, in the Level 90+ task), and are mezzable; stunnable; rootable.

12. Give the chunks of meat to Pizmip 0/6 (Dragonscale Hills)

13. Speak to Pizmip Nobbletod 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Pizmip Nobbletod'

Pizmip Nobbletod stashes the chunks of meat away in a storage chest and smiles, "I've perfected a delicious recipe to cure these meats. You and I shall eat like kings once the world ends! As for the greedy Mr. & Mrs. Odenburgh? Well, you can let them know that there will be no space in my bunker for them!"

14. Return to Kilna Odenburgh 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

You say, 'Hail, Kilna Odenburgh'

Kilna Odenburgh rolls her eyes, "That Pizmip is simply out of his mind, though he'll be doing us all a favor if he decides to spend an eternity underground, so I guess I should thank you for that."

Thanks to your efforts, the people in Kilna's quaint village will be able to make some changes in the New Year!

Kilna Odenburgh says 'I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your help in our little village, but I understand if you need to [leave] and tend to other matters.'

Option 1: 112 platinum, You gain experience!
Option 2: Doomsday Beetle (placeable item)
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# Dec 26 2023 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
266 posts
Walkthrough instructions assume that we have all spent many happy hours camping in this zone and know the landmarks.
If not, these waypoints may save you some time:

Kilna 2788, -98, 13
Garuf 2544, 1158, 6
Windmill 2986, 362, 35
Stein 3002, 445, 190
Pizmip 3632, -1562, 6
Bats 4000, -1965, 33
Wolves 3445, 1322, 14

Knowing these, you should do this in a few minutes
Chard ~ 115 Magician of Bertoxxulous
Mean Ole Men
Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
# Jan 08 2023 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
277 posts
There needs to be a space in the name of this entry, and the other 2008 entries, because this makes it difficult to lookup with other New Year tasks when a handful are titled NewYear and not New Year.
quarken xired | tecknoe destructo
Season mislabeling
# Dec 05 2020 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
264 posts
This is not a Frostfell quest but a New Year quest.

"See your achievements pane under Events -> Holiday for details". It is found in the New Year: Changing Luck section.

As such the start and end dates are different then those of the Frostfell quests. According to the in game calendar it will be available from Dec 26th 2020 to Jan 22nd 2020.
Season mislabeling
# Oct 18 2021 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
I agree. This is a New Years quest, not Frostfell.
This quest is dead...
# Dec 25 2019 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
I've been looking for this NPC and no luck. I even tried track, find, and Loc. You would think they'd have them all up.
This quest is dead...
# Dec 25 2019 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
376 posts
Prob one day too early. Usually starts Dec 26 but there are pre quests you need to do to get the luck
A few notes
# Dec 26 2017 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
- In addition to the chest at the top of the windmill, there is also another chest at the foot of each house in the zone
- The Lucky Charm from Frostfell - All You Need Is Luck, which is required to open the chests doesn't have a shared cooldown timer. They may be notrade, but are also heirloom and not lore; you can do All You Need Is Luck on each of your toons, then toss the charms into the shared bank prior to starting this one
- Task lockout is 6 hours, and locks upon completion
- The chests don't work well with the Advanced Loot Filter; you have to loot them manually
- Chest rewards include Cured Bacon, Chocolate Bacon, Bacon Soda, Cured Bacon Recipe, Chocolate Bacon Recipe, Bacon Soda Recipe
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
kilna not around
# Dec 06 2017 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
I went to the /loc she not there =(, didn't see her on track either
Mulila Forestwarden
110th season RANGER

aaror-95th lvl cleric
tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
Torvonnilous forever =)

"never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
kilna not around
# Dec 09 2017 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
laxcat wrote:
I went to the /loc she not there =(, didn't see her on track either

See that announcement : 'Tis the Season for Frostfell! This will be part of the second Frostfell phase beginning at 12:00 AM on December 21st.
kilna not around
# Dec 26 2017 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
thanks she is there now =)
Mulila Forestwarden
110th season RANGER

aaror-95th lvl cleric
tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
Torvonnilous forever =)

"never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
door #1
# Jan 05 2012 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
How much xp does option 1 give?
door #1
# Dec 30 2018 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
I received approx 85% of an AA. The plat portion of the reward has also dropped to 105pp.
where is she?
# Dec 20 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
654 posts
Is she coming out this year at all? have been looking for her daily and haven't seen her yet.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
More than one
# Jan 01 2011 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
Can use multiple charms - not lore and recasts aren't linked
# Dec 31 2010 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
The chunks of meat are food, do not eat them accidentally. Same with the cured bacon.

Also the xp in this instance is really really poor (at level 88), despite the even-con mobs.
# Jan 07 2022 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I am doing this quest now, with two paladins, levels 73 and 76. All has gone well, apart from the bats in the cave, of which I could only find and kill three, where I need four. The scaled wolves produced 5 mobs but, after parking my pallies and going off for an hour plus for some food, a sixth was present and collected. However, still no bats in the cave, so, unless one shows up in the next hour or thereabouts, I am scuppered and shall have to exit the quest without any reward. Apart, of course, from the chocolate bacon I found in the chests. By the way, one of my paladins, the level 76 one, somehow has two Lucky Charms and was able to use both of them to loot. Chocolate bacon? My god, what next!?
# Jan 07 2022 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I could not complete the quest because the bats did not or do not respawn. I hung about to see if the bats would reappear but no luck. In another half hour or so, I would have been booted out of the quest anyway. I even tried porting out and returning, to see if that helped, without success. I have previously completed this quest, at level 45, with no hiccups.
# Dec 26 2014 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
Yep, I ate 3 of the meat chunks and only could get 2 more, so screwed unless I can get some from another zone and turn it in
update, bought more meat chunks from vendor in south Ro and finished with no problems.
Poofiedog Needsabath
105 Druid on Drinal

Raid Sacrifice (for the win!)

Bacon chests
# Dec 31 2010 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
Six locked chests in the instance, each player can only open one chest per mission using their lucky charm. Three chests behind the houses on the farm, one behind Pizmip's house, one by the metal platform near the windmill, and one in the windmill.

Some chests may have more than one cured bacon inside.
Bacon soda
# Dec 29 2010 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
Can confirm Bacon Soda -- got the recipe and scribed it - cured bacon, cup of sugar, soda water, cork and bottle -- 202 triv in brew barrel
Task locks after the 9th step
# Dec 28 2010 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Speak to pizmap step...

Also, at the top of the windmill where the Stein is, you will also see "a locked chest."

Use the Lucky Charm from the solo task to /open it.

Cured bacon inside.

Some say a possible recipe inside as well (for the Cured bacon.... chocolate bacon and bacon soda)

Edited, Dec 28th 2010 6:54pm by GOMN

Edited, Dec 28th 2010 9:34pm by GOMN

Task locks after the 9th step
# Jan 02 2023 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I did the quest this evening but totally forgot about how to open the chests using the Lucky Charm! Silly me! :D
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