Shadowknight Epic 2.0: Innoruuk's Dark Blessing  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
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Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Dec 16 23:47:18 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
If you have Innoruuk's Voice (shadowknight epic 1.5), find Gilina Yilzior in the Plane of Knowledge at -665, +1025. When you received Innoruuk's Voice, Gilina mentioned a vision.

You say, 'What vision?'

Gilina Yilzior says 'My recent vision was of Lhranc. Perhaps you remember him, perhaps not. In any case, his spirit has returned from the dead. He now seeks revenge on those who killed him. There is something sinister behind his return. What exactly is going on, I do not know at this time, but I fear the worst. You must find Lhranc and [destroy] him.'

You say, 'How do I destroy him?'

Gilina Yilzior says 'I sent a servant of mine named, Kilidna to the City of Mist to investigate Lhranc's reappearance but he has not returned. Go to the City of Mist and see if you can find him. Return to me if you find anything.'

Kilidna is a human in plate armor and can be found lying on the ground at +255, -160. This is on the north wall of the zone.

You say, 'Hail, Kilidna'

Kilidna screams out in pain as his body becomes wracked with spasms. Slowly his body seems to deteriorate into something not quite so human. 'Lhranc the all powerful cannot be defeated. You are doomed!'

He hits for 1215, harmtouches, and has an AE.
Plasma Decay:
PB AE 100', Disease (-1000)
4: Increase Hitpoints by -11 to -635 per tick
5: Increase Curse Counter by 9

Kilidna's corpse falls to the ground with a sickening thud. 'Thank you for freeing me.

Return Kilidna's Head to Gilina.

Gilina Yilzior takes the head from you and holds it by the hair. Gilina casts a small spell and the head springs to life. 'Talk, Kilidna. What has happened to you?' Kilidna's head begins to sob. 'I am sorry, master. I was corrupted by evil magic! Now look at me! I dare say I will not be able to finish my studies any time soon.' Gilina scowls, 'What did you find out while in the city of mist? Tell me now!' 'Well master, it seems that when Innoruuk's Voice was summoned to this plane, it drew the attention of many [powerful beings].'

You say, 'What powerful beings?'

Gilina Yilzior says 'Yes, what powerful beings? Out with it, head!' 'Well, master, one of these powerful beings has resurrected Lhranc from the dead! When I confronted him, he turned me into a mindless zombie! I overheard Lhranc talking about recovering the sword for himself. You are both in great danger! Lhranc cannot be defeated in his current form and he will surely be coming for the sword!' Gilina tosses Kilidna's head aside. 'Thank you, Kilidna. Your services are no longer required. Well it seems we have quite the [dilemma] on our hands, wouldn't you say?'

You say, 'We do have quite the dilemma.'

Gilina Yilzior says 'Luckily, I have much knowledge of Lhranc, the first of the shadowknights. We must find a way to anchor him to this plane so that he will be vulnerable to our attacks. I believe if we recover some items of his from his former life, we may be able to accomplish this. First, you will need to find his pendant. Look for it in the City of Mist. Next, you will need to recover Lhranc's corroded bracer from Charasis. Lastly, you will need to find Lhranc's ring from the undead in the Kithicor Woods. Once you have all these items, return them to me.'

The items Gilina speaks of are:

Lhranc's Corroded Bracer - dropped from golems in the Charasis (Howling Stones)
Lhranc's Pendant - dropped by Lord Ghiosk and black reavers in the City of Mist
Lhranc's Ring - dropped by a various undead in Kithicor Forest, including a "revenging knight," "rotting knight," and "zombie advisor"

Gilina Yilzior takes the items from you and holds them before you in her hands. She mutters an incantation and the items meld into one. 'This item will be used to help anchor Lhranc to this plane of existence. The anchor will not be enough however. In an area in the Realm of Discord known as Anguish, you will need to find a globe of discordant energy. This will be used to infuse the earthly anchor with the power of discord. When you have these two items, hand them to my contact, Filligno the Slayer. He has tracked down Lhranc in Dranik, the Ruined City in the Realm of Discord. He will need your help to get Lhranc's attention however.'

You receive Lhranc's Earthly Anchor.

Gather a few friends and complete the six Muramite Proving Grounds raid trials. This will give you access to the Citadel of Anguish, inside which you must kill Warden Hanvar to spawn an Orb of Discordant Energy, Overlord Mata Muram, Arch Magus Vangl, or complete the Keldovan the Harrier ring event to spawn Jelvan`s Keepsake. Loot a Globe of Discordant Energy from one of these.

Head to the Ruined City of Dranik, where you can find Filligno the Slayer at Loc 2425, 995.

You say, 'Hail, Filligno the Slayer'

Filligno the Slayer says 'What do you want?'

Hand him Lhranc's Earthly Anchor and the Globe of Discordant Energy.

Filligno the Slayer says 'Yes, yes, Gilina said you would be coming. I can help you in your battle against Lhranc! I have a personal vendetta against Lhranc. He killed my twin brother, Gilligno. This is going to be a tough battle. Lhranc has been reincarnated as a powerful general of the Mata Muram army. Are you [ready] for me to attempt the summoning of Lhranc?'

You say, 'I am ready.'

Filligno the Slayer throws Lhranc's earthly anchor and the globe of discordant energy above his head. To your amazement, they begin to hover. 'Oh mighty, Lhranc! We have slain your minions and have the blade that you seek! If you want it, come get it!' Filligno looks your way. 'What? You wanted a more elaborate incantion? It really doesn't take much to anger him. Trust me.' A moment later the ground begins to shake and a mighty voice booms out, 'Fools, I have followed the steps of this pathetic weakling who believes themselves to be a shadowknight. Now your lives will end and I will retrieve the blade destined to be mine! All of Norrath will fall before the might of the Mata Muram! Attack! Leave none standing!' Filligno begins to cower in fear. 'The blade isn't mine! Don't kill me! Please!'

Several of "a Minion of Lhranc" spawn and must be killed. Kill these until the real Lhranc spawns:

Lhranc says 'You are powerful indeed, but I am the first of the shadowknights! The first to walk in shadow and command the dead! Now you shall witness true power!'

Kill him (fight information?).

Filligno the Slayer says 'You have done it! That wasn't so bad, eh? Oh, I wasn't really scared. He just startled me for a moment. You now have in your grasp the very essence of the power that shadowknight's possess! Hand it to me along with Innoruuk's Voice and I can reward you!'

Loot the Essence of the Shadowknight, after which "a chest" can spawn with one item of additional loot. Turn the essence along with your Innoruuk's Voice in to Filligno:

Filligno the Slayer takes the essence and begins to study it most carefully. After what seems like an eternity, Filligno throws the globe onto the floor. It cracks open, letting loose a stream of ghastly spirits. Filligno dives for cover. As the cackling spirits dissipate, a powerful looking sword floats in mid-air before you. 'Take it! The blade is yours! A gift from Innoruuk, for the most powerful of shadowknights!

Receive Innoruuk's Dark Blessing and 10 aaxp.
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Wrong Info on Kilidna
# Jan 03 2022 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Kilidna info is defintely wrong. Based on the info here, I figured I could go solo him and get ready for my orb drop tomorrow.

"He hits for 1215, harmtouches, and has an AE."

[29:00] Kilidna hits for 3035
[29:00] Kilidna bashes for 376
[29:02] Kilidna hits for 2626
[29:03] Kilidna hits for 1398
[29:03] Kilidna hits for 3649

He does indeed HT for about 500 damage, and was casting Ignite Blood. Also casted "Defiled Insanity" which is -300 mana per tick with a -200 MR check.

So yah, bring some friends.
only need ONE ORB? kill Ture, kill Hanvar, loot orb - done.
# Aug 30 2021 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
If you only need ONE ORB and ...

If you're a high level doing the epic or helping someone, this is the easiest path:

kill Ture, kill Hanvar, loot orb - done.

If you need more than one, you'll have to kill the bosses in order. That is covered by others elsewhere.
Youtube Walkthrough
# Jul 12 2021 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
1,252 posts

pretty good walkthrough video.

Edited, Jul 12th 2021 9:00pm by Kajolus
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
Happy I did this
# Feb 23 2021 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
This was actually a lot of fun. Sure there's running, but you really get to see a lot of zones you might not otherwise.
It felt like cheating to do this at level 110, but still fun. At 110 you can solo even the raid mobs, but you'd better have some DPS if you want to kill the raid mobs fast.

I will say that I had no idea that the Orb in Anguish isn't a thing that drops... it's an actual mob. I didn't know that and almost gave up until a guildie told me. (Shout out Twotoneska on BB! DR forever.)

Also, don't zone out of Anguish until you try and get the Duskbringer's Plate Chestguard of the Hateful. It has the same effect as the Epic, just not as powerful. Kind of a backup clicky.


# Nov 26 2020 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
Will the effects of the Epic 2 Stack with effects of Anguish bp?
Lhranc's Bracer is tradeable on FV server
# Mar 02 2020 at 5:20 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Lhranc's Bracer is tradeable on FV server. It took me about 12 hours of killing golems.

Went back and to do it again and I got 3 on the first kill because the boss was up.

Edited, Mar 31st 2020 8:16pm by Vedarian
Lhranc's Pendant - dropped by Lord Ghiosk and black reavers
# Feb 29 2020 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Camped them today. Lord Ghiosk and black reavers respawn after 1.5 hours. No pendant yet after two spawns.

Also, if you don't have the elevator key but have a pet, go stand on the elevator and you can "/tar a_black" and send your pet to attack then call it back to pull black reavers down to you. Sometimes you get a named also.

After camping Zhiosk for hours multiple black reavers spawned instead of the usual one. I ended up getting 3 pendants!

On FV server these are tradeable.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2020 6:19am by Vedarian

Edited, Mar 2nd 2020 6:19am by Vedarian
Lhranc's Pendant - dropped by Lord Ghiosk and black reavers
# Feb 23 2021 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Lhranc's pendant was super easy on Bristlebane. I didn't even have to find the named. Just kill a black reaver in the entry and boom! Then I went to try and find the Lord Ghiosk... killed something else.. and boom. Another pendant.

Weird though... I wanted to see this guy... so I found the elevator... but couldn't see a switch.
Kildna is tough!
# Feb 28 2020 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Wow, Kildna is tough! Bring friends if you're doing at 70.

Found at N central part of zone. Look on Brewall's or Good's maps.

Edited, Feb 28th 2020 11:46pm by Vedarian
quest start
# Nov 13 2018 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
Currently sitting at lv 67 and cannot get the opening dialog to start from quest giver.

At least 68+ to get quest,, if not higher.
quest start
# Nov 17 2018 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
tried at lv 70, still got "huh?" dialogue. (equipped with epic 1.5)

Was able to force dialog by giving the head, and continued with turning in the 3 pieces.
quest start
# Nov 22 2018 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
baketomato, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Currently sitting at lv 67 and cannot get the opening dialog to start from quest giver.

At least 68+ to get quest,, if not higher.

baketomato, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
tried at lv 70, still got "huh?" dialogue. (equipped with epic 1.5)

Was able to force dialog by giving the head, and continued with turning in the 3 pieces.

So Gilina Yilzior wouldn't respond to any dialogue from you?

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# Jun 14 2018 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Be warned that getting the bracer to drop will be your biggest damned nightmare ..try to kill the golems to the east ...given the work scheaduale i have i spent 3-4 hours at howling stones for a WEEK before it dropped ...good luck not pulling your hair out
Kilidna PB AE
# Feb 28 2017 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
7 posts
Kilidna does indeed do an AE called Plasma Decay
Kilidna PB AE
# Mar 02 2017 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Bestrex wrote:
Kilidna does indeed do an AE called Plasma Decay

Thanks, added.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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SK Epic 2.0 Not Starting
# Jan 14 2017 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Haven't played in a year and can't kill Kilidan in COM. What gives? Tried talking to the quest NPC Gilina Yilzior in POK, she just says, "Huh?". I was able to attack Kilidan a year or so ago but I can't now. This is really annoying.
SK 2.0 epic checklist
# Nov 02 2016 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
1. [ ] Hail Gilina Yilzior in PoK (-665, +1025). Say “What Vision?”
2. [ ] Kill Kilidna and loot Kilidna's head in the City of Mist (+255, -160).
3. [ ] Return Kilidna's Head to Gilina Yilzior. Say, 'What powerful beings?' Say, 'We do have quite the dilemma'
4. [ ] Obtain Lhranc's Corroded Bracer (dropped from golems in Charasis)
5. [ ] Obtain Lhranc's Pendant (dropped by black reavers in the City of Mist)
6. [ ] Obtain Lhranc's Ring dropped by various undead in Kithicor Forest)
7. [ ] Turn items in to Gilina Yilzior and get earthly anchor.
8a. [ ] Get gimped into Anguish
OR 8b. [ ] Complete the six Muramite Proving Grounds raid trials.
[ ] The Mastery of Adaptation (Projection of Realms)
[ ] The Mastery of Corruption (Projection of Power)
[ ] The Mastery of Endurance (Projection of Body)
[ ] The Mastery of Foresight (Projection of Tactics)
[ ] The Mastery of Hate (Projection of Mind)
[ ] The Mastery of Specialization (Projection of Arcana)
9. [ ] Obtain 7 Dragorn Signets
[ ] Two-Toned Signet - Dranik's Hollows
[ ] Tarnished Signet - Wall of Slaughter
[ ] Weather-Worn Signet - Ruined City of Dranik
[ ] Glimmering Signet - Muramite Proving Grounds
[ ] Crystal-Gemmed Signet: Riftseekers' Sanctum
[ ] Dust-Marred Signet - Catacombs of Dranik
[ ] Discolored Signet: Sewers of Dranik
10. [ ] Kill Hanvar, Jevlan, Arch Magus Vangl, or Overlord Mata Muram and loot globe.
11. [ ] Give Filligno the Slayer in the Ruined City of Dranik the orb and anchor, then hail him and say, “I am Ready.” Kill Minion of Lhranc until the real Lhranc spawns. Kill Lhranc.
12. [ ] Loot the Essence of the Shadowknight. Turn this along with your Innoruuk's Voice in to Filligno:
13. [ ] Receive Innoruuk's Dark Blessing.
need help
# Apr 22 2015 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
ok can anybody please tell me how i get to the east part of howling stones to kill the golems there is like a stair way to the east that i keep falling threw please help need to know that part.
need help
# Mar 31 2020 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Instead of going east, first go south then east then north. Use a map like Brewall's to show you which rugs are traps.

The levitation trick didn't work for me.
need help
# Jun 04 2015 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I use Levitation, run to west stairs, kill the 2 golems, climb up on the fire pot and run straight across to thr East ramp. If you fall thru , run down and port back up to the top and di it again. Eventually you wil make it acrosss to the east door.

Make sure you have a Tallow Marked Candle on you to open the door.

Hope this helps you out
need help
# Jul 31 2021 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
202 posts
The levitation trick works as long as you don't have too much lag. My main system lags a little since I normally run two accounts on it, so I found the only way to make it work is to run up the North or South stairs, kill the golems there, climb on top of the fire pot, aim myself at the East doorway, look straight up and hit Auto-Run. Looking up reduced the lag to the point that I could make it across, and it's a shorter distance from North or South than West.

I hope that helps :)
need help
# May 11 2015 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
The original design was that you have to collect parts for the to get a Key to work on the doors.
the way in was you had to go to one zone 1st then collect a no rent key for the next wing of the zone. if you collected all the keys they can be made into a single key.

This dungeon is meant to be done in a linear fashion, your forward progress controlled by the need for no rent keys to move on to further parts of the dungeon. However, rogues are able to bypass these requirements by picking any lock in the dungeon, and are highly prized here for this ability. The keys can be obtained from either monsters or found lying on the ground in various places. You must travel from North Wing, to West Wing, to South Wing, to East Wing if you are using the keys.

need help
# Apr 25 2015 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
Byronboles82, you have to fight your way through the south section. it connects to the east side
Fight smarter not harder.
need help
# Apr 22 2015 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
ok can anybody please tell me how i get to the east part of howling stones to kill the golems there is like a stair way to the east that i keep falling threw please help need to know that part.
# Nov 22 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
You can find the Golems anywhere in the East Wing of Howling Stones will drop the bracer
Got the bracer, level 69, 2014/6/25(Wed)
# Jun 25 2014 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Got the bracer dropped from a golem at side-H room, 2014/6/25(Wed)
The rarity is not rare, it's Ultra Rare.
After 2 days killing, I can't remember how many golems I've killed or how many rounds I've cleaned at east wing.
All I know is when I aiirved at Howling Stones (Charasis), I was level 69 + 10%
And when I left, I was level 69 + 95%, almost 70 (mobs are still green at 69)

My comment:
1. Start epic 1.5 or 2.0 as early as possible if you want it, 65 might be the most appropriate level
Since you can still get xp while farming these quest drops. (leveling while you are doing epic)
Or when the mobs go grey, it'll be as boring as hell.

BTW, the 2.0 can also start from below 70 (I guess it's 65 or even no level requirement)
However, epic 2.0 itself need level 70 to equip though

2. Ready as many bag/inventory slots as possible when you are going to farming this bracer, it's gonna be a long camp with lots of loot.

Edited, Jun 25th 2014 6:15am by Gary168

Edited, Jun 25th 2014 6:17am by Gary168

Edited, Jun 25th 2014 6:19am by Gary168

Edited, Jun 25th 2014 6:22am by Gary168
# Mar 21 2014 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
This bracer still drop in Hollowing Stones? off of the Golems. I have been clearing the whole East wing for 2 days now and nothing
# Apr 10 2014 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Juudge wrote:
This bracer still drop in Hollowing Stones? off of the Golems. I have been clearing the whole East wing for 2 days now and nothing

It drops but yea its a pain in the butt.
Got the bracer
# Mar 15 2014 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Got the bracer after about 10 clears of the golems.
Got the bracer after 10 clears of golems.
# Mar 15 2014 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Drop rates
# Aug 05 2013 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
Well, this was my second 2.0 epic for another SK and while the first one I did was about 7 months ago took days(4days combined)...I don't know if I got lucky or what...
Lhranc's Pendant dropped on the first Black Reaver inside the door of the Castle
Bracer was the second Golem I killed in Howling Stones..
Lhranc's Ring about 15 minutes to in Kithicor Forest maybe 7 or 8 mobs

All and all I feel really lucky...or maybe the drop tables changed since the 2.0 epic is old and outdated...except for swarming :)
Lhranc's Pendant
# Feb 08 2013 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
So i spent the last week or so killing the Reavers and Ghiosk in CoM every 2 hours on the dot. Have yet to see the pendant drop. So i decided to do the chain spawn trick on the reavers.

I just got done doing the chain spawn trick. Spent 2 hours killing non stop reaver spawns. I killed 3,000+ in 2 hours in a non stop chain spawn. Not a single one dropped the pendant.

Has this drop been removed from the loot table off of the Reavers? Or am i just that incredibly unlucky?
Lhranc's Pendant
# Jul 21 2013 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Youve just been that unlucky, friend got one last week
Lhranc's Pendant
# Jun 10 2013 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
I don't know whether I was insanely lucky or not,, but I got one after the first set of kills.
Are you killing the Black Reaver on the throne just inside the first locked door to the Temple that has two rows of Golems protecting him? I took my 87 Rogue (to open the door) and his merc tank. Took only a couple of seconds to dispatch the entire lot. The 87 Merc tank killed them almost faster than I could switch targets. I had my healer merc on passive, to prevent him from picking up heal aggro to early.
I think a couple of 70's could handle this easily, especially with the Certitude, etc.
Sorry for the double post. I got called away during my first edit and clicked post before I meant to.
Good luck guys.
Lhranc's Pendant
# Jun 10 2013 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
I don't know whether I was insanely lucky or got one after the first set of kills. Are you killing the Black Reaver on the throne just inside the first locked door to the Temple that has two rows of Golems protecting him? I took my 87 Rogue (to open the door) and his merc tank. Took only a couple of seconds to dispatch the entire lot. The 87 Merc tank killed them almost faster than I could switch targets. I had my healer merc on passive, to prevent him from picking up heal aggro to early. I think a couple of 70's could handle this easily, especially with the Certitude, etc.
Lhranc's Pendant
# Feb 09 2013 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Got one off Ghiosk same day I completed 1.0 the 1 Lhranc spawn after the servers reset last month.

Edited, Feb 9th 2013 3:47pm by FaTaLLoGiK
Lhranc's Pendant
# Feb 09 2013 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Just got 2 to drop about 20 minutes ago from "a dark reaver" So it hasn't been removed from the loot table. However, in 3 days, around 25,000 killed doing the chain spawn trick...that is just astronomically rare. Oh well....on to Howling Stones...oh joy
Easy "SOLO" for 90 sk 3500 AAs 60khps, 6kac
# Jan 04 2013 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Just got done soloing the final event for my epic 2.0. Since noone else below said one way or another whether it was "soloable" I decided to solo it with merc on passive the entire time (still kept it out just in case) and I never went below 98% health. So if you're 90+ for sure he is an EASY solo. I never used a single disc, or even the epic 1.5 click during the fight. Never used a single casted lifetap, and purely relied on my lifetap procs. Stats when fighting him was 60k hps, 6k ac, 3500 AAs.

Easily the biggest pain for the 2.0 is the bracer from HS (not difficulty, just time). Took me 3 days killing the east end of golems about 8 hours a day every time they spawned. >.<
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