it has to do with the 2.5 augmentation I guess if you wanna call it 2.5 anyways hope that helpsand one more thing whoever stated that if you have an SKS should just delete it because this is a depressing weapon are you stupid even if it is outdated right clicks go a long ways you must be in amateur. And on top of that any sk that is spent the time in developing a character just like any other charactergoing to end up with excellent results and to be honest with you anybody that knows how to play in SK hands down out tank out tuant and I'm a damn near out DPS most of the DPS SK's or not something to be taken lightly because if they've got AAA and good gear and it's out there just like this for every other class they are unstoppableI have a hard time seeing me picking any other tank besides.and not to mention their multi facets capable of doing more than one thing like staring at 1 they're phenomenal a crowd control you name it if you know how to play one you wouldnt be be your mouth. but that's okay be bias because I'll be the first one to laugh the day your land there and one saves you lol