Parts for Bellfast (non-research)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Tradeskill
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Depths of Darkhollow
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 15 06:42:18 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Bellfast may be found at -740, +250.

You say, 'Hail, Bellfast?'

Bellfast says 'Hello there. It's good to see faces from the aboveworld. Most of the time all I get to see are metallic faces, not that I mind that much. The benefit of mechanical bodies is that we don't really age. Why, I reckon that I'm gettin' near to three hundred years now. Of course, there are drawbacks too. Parts wear out. When they all wear out, then I guess we've reached old age. I'm always looking for parts, so if you happen to come across any parts that one of them nasty Creep Reapers might not need any longer, why I'd be grateful if you could bring them to me. If I can use them I'll gladly pay you for them. I'm not wealthy, but I'll pay a fair price if I can. I am also looking for some [scraps of paper] if you can find them.'

If you don't have some Mechanoinstruction Scraps (looted from creep reapers in your inventory, you'll see this:

You say, 'What scraps of paper?'

Bellfast says 'Well, there are these pages that I need. . . I'm not sure how to describe them, but I'll know one when I see it! If you find one, come back and tell me that you have one of the [scraps of paper] and then we can talk.'

If you do have Mechanoinstruction Scraps, you'll see this instead:

Bellfast says 'Oh! I see you have part of a mechanoinstruction! I need a few of those to make myself work better. If you can get me some of the complete [mechanoinstructions] I will give you a manual that will tell you how to make them. If you help me with this, I may have more you can [help me with].'

You say, 'What mechanoinstructions?'

Bellfast says 'A Mechanoinstruction is a small piece of parchment with holes in it in a certain pattern. These holes tell the machinery what it should do. We happen to have a few of them inside of us to help the various parts of us work.'

You say, 'What can I help you with?'

You have been assigned the task 'Parts for Bellfast'.

Bellfast says 'Go see Merchant Model CGXIV near the bankers and ask him about my [pinion gears] and he will give you a bundle that I need, and bring them back to me.'

Bellfast does not respond to "What pinion gears?" here.

Corathus Creep: Find Merchant Model CGXIV

Task stage description if any needed.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

Your Location is -367.73, 195.36, -9.54

Corathus Creep: Speak with Merchant Model CGXIV

Since you have found a part of a mechanoinstruction, I need you to get more of the pieces and then bring them back to me. These instructions will make me feel younger.

Go see Merchant Model CGXIV near the bankers and ask him about my pinion gears. He will give you a bundle that I need, just bring them back to me.

Speak with him. Hailing him is sufficient.

You say, 'Hail, Merchant Model CGXIV'

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

You receive a Pinion Gear Bundle. Bring this back to Bellfast.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps
Corathus Creep: Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps

You must loot ten different Mechanoinstruction Scraps. When identified, each has different lore, which put together, spell out "Mechanotablet configuration advisorybook." Once you have looted the tenth piece:

--You have looted a Mechanoinstruction Scraps.--
Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.
You have collected all of the mechanoinstructions, I have assigned you a new task.
You have been assigned the task 'More Parts for Bellfast'.
Submitted by: Fleven
  • Unlock next task in series
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more dialogues
# May 29 2011 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
2,308 posts
Corathus Creep: Find Merchant Model CGXIV

Task stage description if any needed.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

Since you have found a part of a mechanoinstruction, I need you to get more of the pieces and then bring them back to me. These instructions will make me feel younger.

You receive a Pinion Gear Bundle. Bring this back to Bellfast.

Dialogue if any needed here.

No dialogues. Just quest update.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.
Different or broken ..?
# Aug 21 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
Well I just hailed Belfast, went through the dialog but he gave me a slightly different task.
The first task was to go buy a spell research kit from the merchant model cgxiv. Nothing about a pinion at all. So, I went to the merchant and hailed him first but nothing. Then I went ahead and bought the spell research kit as the task told me to do so, but once i did this it wouldnt update. Not sure whats going on but I'm puzzled.
If anyone has an answer I would greatly appreciate it.
Different or broken ..?
# Sep 16 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
Thank you.. the proximity thing worked.. I went back and tried it again and was about to give it up. Haha, I took 2 steps back and it updated and all went well afterwards
Different or broken ..?
# Aug 30 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Try spam hailing him. After I did this I got the update. Also you may try standing right next to him as proximity may be involved also.
parts for bellfast ( research )
# May 05 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
this quest is for the pure caster ( researchers ) while its alot alike the non research version it is different. what you do is loot a scrap and then talk to bellfast and since you have 1 ( any of the 10 ) scraps on you then he will grant the 1st mission in the series. you dont need faction to do this but will gain it as you kill creap reapers. when you get the mission he will tell you to go to "merchant modle CGXIV" and when you get to that NPC you get a task update ( you need to buy the research book from the merchant ) when you complete that then you back to bellfast and hail and you get another task update. then you get 3 seperate " create 1 tattered mechanoinstrution using tradeskills " you can use the identify spell to see what letters are on that " scrap " to make 1 of the 3 words needed and then using the research box you combine the scraps to make 1 of the 3 words ( trivi is 15 ) mechanotablet configuration advisorybook and you get updates per combine which you can hand in or wait and do all 3 at the same time and once thats done you get more stages opened up to continue the quest. those are loot 5 clockwork pinion gear and loot 2 clockwork gear. once those are looted you can then hand those in to get updates. then you get the final part of the quest unlocked to complete the quest. once thats done you will auto recieve the next quest which is " mor parts for bellfast "

Edited, May 5th 2007 6:29pm by zzill
The Bundle
# Nov 17 2006 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
What do you do if you hail the vendor CGXIV and he doesn't give you a bundle? Cann't get him to give it to me fer nuttin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Bundle
# Jul 18 2007 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Hail the other vendor. The directions are wrong.
# Jul 23 2006 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Go check the vendors 1st. I got 7/10 of these things on the vendor. It took only 2 clears to get the 3 I was missing.
- Vu~
Haven's Edge
# Apr 30 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
OMG !! this is like trying to read sand scrit !! 2 different quest paths being commented on in 1 forum by 15 different people equals ZERO comprehension.

anyone finished?
# Feb 16 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
RE: anyone finished?
# Feb 16 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
The reward is the next task in the series.
RE: anyone finished?
# May 09 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
That's nice, but is there an end to the tasks?
If so, is there a reward when the tasks end?
If so, what is the name of the last task?
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
RE: anyone finished?
# Oct 30 2006 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
When you complete the second part of the quest, More Parts for Belfast, you get a book used in some tinkering combines. You will have a couple choices about other book to get after that with further questing but really the only one you need is the Scrindites Scribblings book. The Scribblings are used with pottery and smithing to make the hole punch needed for a high level tinkering combine needed for high level research combines that are then used for making the Bazu, Last Blood, Chronal, and Discordant Seals. I have seen the hole punch mold alone going for 3k on Quellious server. The tinkering combine needed for the research combine I have seen selling for 125k. Unlike the AAAA this container is not consumed on use.

Lizath 70 Beastlord, Quellious
# Dec 16 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
105 posts
e.....e and URT are by far the hardest to get.
RE: bah
# Dec 16 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
74 posts
Out of 231 kills so far of creep reapers I have not gotten URT or EE yet. Someone on my server said they drop off of other metal NPC's in the zone but I cannot confirm this atm.
RE: bah
# Dec 16 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
They do. I've been hitting the PH for hte evolving pants guy since it's nearby and gotten some scraps from them as well. This is a faction hit, however.
walkthrough including Research version
# Dec 05 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Research Version Combines

Pieces are:
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. . . . . . . y . o . .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. . . . . . u r . t . . .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. . . f i . . . . . i o .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. . c . a . . . . b . . .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. . n . . . . . a . . . .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. d . i . o r . . b . . k)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (. e . . . . . . . . . e .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (M . . h . n o t a . i . t)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (a . v . s . . . . . . o .)
Mechanoinstruction Scraps (c o . . . g . . . . . . n)

Research version requires you to combine 3/4/3 items to create 3 words in your research kit purchased in an earlier step.

Combines are:
1. Mechanotablet – m . . h . n o t a . I . t / . e . . . . . . . . e . / . . c . a . . . . b . . .
2. Configuration – c o . . . g . . . . . . n / . . n . . . . . a . . . . / . . . f I . . . . . i o . / . . . . . . u r . t . . . .
3. Advisorybook – a . v . s . . . . . . o . / . d . i . o r . . b . . k / . . . . . . . y . o . .
more info
# Dec 01 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Task: 'Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album'.
Loot 20 Drachnid hair
Loot 5 Drachnid carapace
Deliver 20 Drachnid Hair to Bellfast
Deliver 5 Drachnid carapace to Bellfast
then you get
Loot 15 Dreadspire Gargoyle Dust
Loot 3 Dreadspire Gargoyle Granite
Deliver 15 Dreadspire Gargoyle Dust
Deliver 3 Dreadspire Gargoyle Granite
Finished and get your Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album
The 4 tasks
# Nov 30 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
70 posts
This is for the "non-research part"

Your task 'More Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.
You have been given: Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual

---snip lore text---

You say, 'Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album'
You have been assigned the task 'Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album'.
# Loot 20 Drachnid hair
# Loot 5 Drachnid carapace
- return them to Bellfast

You say, 'Poxysmit's precipitous parts'
You have been assigned the task 'Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts'.
# Loot 20 Shadowmane hair
# Loot 5 Shadowmane pelt
- return to Bellfast

You say, 'Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles'
You say, 'What methodical thinker?'
You have been assigned the task 'Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles'.
# Loot 20 Ragepaw hair
# loot 5 Ragepaw pelt
- return to Bellfast

You say, 'Epicthieck's edification edition'
You have been assigned the task 'Epicthieck's Edification Ed.'.
# loot 5 witheran pearl
# loot 5 sporali webbing
# loot 2 green snake shedding
# loot 2 stone snake shedding
# loot 2 sand snake shedding
# loot 2 serpent shedding
# loot 5 Splorgath flotation sack(s)
# loot 5 necrotic Shillskin tentacle bundle
- return to Bellfast

This is not limited to any specific zone, just says "ALL".

Best advice would be to grab these quests prior to getting the other arcs, since you encounter the mobs that drop these items in the instances.
- two flies and all that.

After you have looted said items under each task, there are more to task, but, alas, I haven't made it this far yet.

Edited, Wed Nov 30 17:41:45 2005
Not separate version for INT caster
# Nov 27 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
It isn't the class that determines which version of the quest you get. It is your research skill. A necro, enchanter and I (wizard) were hunting here last night. Enchanter had a research skill of 21 and had the "melee" version. Necro has 120 research skill and got the combine version.
Text for the melee version of the quest
# Nov 20 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
This is the non-INT caster version of the quest. INT casters get a different version that doesn't require as much looting.

Find Bellfast in the southeast portion of Corathus Creep.

You say, 'Hail, Bellfast'
Bellfast says 'Hello there. It's good to see faces from the aboveworld. Most of the time all I get to see are metallic faces, not that I mind that much. The benefit of mechanical bodies is that we don't really age. Why, I reckon that I'm gettin' near to three hundred years now. Of course, there are drawbacks too. Parts wear out. When they all wear out, then I guess we've reached old age. I'm always looking for parts, so if you happen to come across any parts that one of them nasty Creep Reapers might not need any longer, why I'd be grateful if you could bring them to me. If I can use them I'll gladly pay you for them. I'm not wealthy, but I'll pay a fair price if I can. I am also looking for some [scraps of paper] if you can find them.'
You say, 'what scraps of paper?'

If you do not have a mechanoinstruction scrap on you, he says:


Go get any mechanoinstruction scrap, and repeat the last line to him.

Bellfast says 'Oh! I see you have part of a mechanoinstruction! I need a few of those to make myself work better. If you can get me some of the complete [mechanoinstructions] I will give you a manual that will tell you how to make them. If you help me with this, I may have more you can [help me with].'
You say, 'what mechanoinstructions?'
Bellfast says 'A Mechanoinstruction is a small piece of parchment with holes in it in a certain pattern. These holes tell the machinery what it should do. We happen to have a few of them inside of us to help the various parts of us work.'
You say, 'What can I help you with?'
You have been assigned the task 'Parts for Bellfast'.
Bellfast says 'Go see Merchant Model CGXIV near the bankers and ask him about my [pinion gears] and he will give you a bundle that I need, and bring them back to me.'

Find the merchant (your task will update when you get close enough) and hail him (it will update again). He will give you a bundle of parts.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.
You say, 'Hail, Merchant Model CGXIV'
Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

Return the bundle of parts to Belfast.

Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.

The task will now ask you to collect 10 different mechanoinstruction scraps, which drop from Creep Reapers in the zone.

Once you have collected all ten, your task will complete and you will automatically be assigned the new task, More Parts for Belfast.

--You have looted a Mechanoinstruction Scraps.--
Your task 'Parts for Bellfast' has been updated.
You have collected all of the mechanoinstructions, I have assigned you a new task
You have been assigned the task 'More Parts for Bellfast'.

As the first step, you have to hand in ten different mechanoinstructions to Belfast -- these are the ones you've been collecting. If you sold them as you went along like me, you can usually buy all ten scraps from vendors near the bank, as farmers tend to sell them there.

Once you have handed in all ten scraps, Bellfast asks you to collect five Clockwork Pinion Gears and two Clockwork Gears, also from the Creep Reapers. Once you have collected them, the task will update, asking you to return them to Bellfast. Do so and you see:

Since you don't know much about research, I will just take the pages back from you and tell you how to make something [more important]!
You have been given: Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual

The reward for this quest is Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual. Once you complete this task, you can also request additional tasks from Bellfast.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 03:04:24 2005
Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
Luclin (Veeshan) Server
Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr
Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All)
Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
RE: Text for the melee version of the quest
# Nov 20 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
I updated my previous post to show what happens when you complete the quest.

The "more important" prompt allows you to get four new tasks:

You say, 'what is more important?'

Bellfast says 'Great! You have been much help to me. I am feeling younger already! Long ago when we came down here there were four [brothers] who were geniuses at making the wonderful devices that us gnomes make.'

You say, 'what brothers?'

Bellfast says 'Together they had made a device that can alter certain very rare stones and with some mechanoinstructions, some lubricating goo, and a base seal, one could make a wondrous seal that one could attach to the armor especially made for their [culture].'

You say, 'What about the culture?'

Bellfast says 'If you want to help me further, I have four books that explain about the device, [Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album], [Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts], [Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles], and [Epicthieck's Edification Edition]. Each one describes each person's part in the machine.'

You say, 'Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album'

You have been assigned the task 'Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album'.

Bellfast says 'Ambleshift was the one who put it all together. While the other three try to claim credit, if it was not for Ambleshift, none of it would actually have come together. His book describes the final assembly of the device, and some parts of it that he himself made. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of the album.'

You say, 'Poxysmit's precipitous parts'

You have been assigned the task 'Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts'.

Bellfast says 'Poxysmit was the blacksmith of the group. His manual explains how to make the casing for the device itself, and the gearboxes that go inside. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of the parts book.'

You say, 'Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles'

Bellfast says 'Scrindite was the [methodical thinker] of the group. He was a genius at making mechanoinstructions that we cannot even understand to this day. We often have some mechanotablets of his making inside of us, making us work, and we just hope that they never fail because we no longer know how to make them.'

You say, 'What methodical thinker?'

You have been assigned the task 'Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles'.

Bellfast says 'His manual explains how to make the parts of the device that read the instructions for the machine. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of his scribbles.'

You say, 'Epicthieck's edification edition'

You have been assigned the task 'Epicthieck's Edification Ed.'.

Bellfast says 'Epicthieck was the Jack of all trades of the group. He made all the parts that used other skills, and even the Lubricating Goo that the machine needs to use in order to not damage the stone while it makes the seal. His manual explains the miscellaneous other parts that are needed to make the machine. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of his edition.'

Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
Luclin (Veeshan) Server
Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr
Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All)
Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
Resist click item quests
# Nov 17 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
It turns out you don't have to do this quest in order to access his missions for the resist click item. You just need faction and his message to you slightly changes to include the option for his quests.
High Amiably
# Nov 15 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
Ok a little bit of info.

Casters and Melees get 2 different tasks.

Casters get the Parts for Bellfast:

Collect 10 scraps
Combine them in a bought research kit from Model CGXIV

You have to combine them in 3 sets 3/3/4 each of the sets spell out the word A mechanoinstruction book

Then loot 5 Clockwork Pinion gears and 2 Clockwork gears from creep reeepers

Hand it all in to Bellfast

The melees get the Parts for Bellfast where they have to loot 10 scraps and hand them in to bellfast. after that they get a new task : More parts for Belfast : collect 5 Clockwork pinion gears and hand them in to bellfast.

After that you get 3 more tasks for Tradeskill..

There is another part tho.

If you get high Amiable after finishing the "Parts for Bellfast" task , you open up 5 missions you have to complete. This is a part of the Storyteller arcs in Undershore. (for the 50 to all stats clicky mask )
High Amiably
# Nov 15 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
Ok a little bit of info.

Casters and Melees get 2 different tasks.

Casters get the Parts for Bellfast:

Collect 10 scraps
Combine them in a bought research kit from Model CGXIV

You have to combine them in 3 sets 3/3/4 each of the sets spell out the word A mechanoinstruction book

Then loot 5 Clockwork Pinion gears and 2 Clockwork gears from creep reeepers

Hand it all in to Bellfast

The melees get the Parts for Bellfast where they have to loot 10 scraps and hand them in to bellfast. after that they get a new task : More parts for Belfast : collect 5 Clockwork pinion gears and hand them in to bellfast.

After that you get 3 more tasks for Tradeskill..

There is another part tho.

If you get high Amiable after finishing the "Parts for Bellfast" task , you open up 5 missions you have to complete. This is a part of the Storyteller arcs in Undershore. (for the 50 to all stats clicky mask )
Belfast /loc
# Oct 26 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Belfast /loc 741.50, 250.18, -45.51 South of Banker's.
RE: Belfast /loc
# Nov 03 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
CORRECTION! THe Location is
/loc -741.50, 250.18, -45.51
Finished the Bellfast quest, and...
# Oct 08 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Merchant CGXIV is indeed a buggy little guy. I and 2 friends were doing this, and 2 of us had trouble. Maybe it is a proximity thing, I don't know. My friend attacked the merchant, and that got it to work. I had to buy the thing twice and then re-open the merchant window, but again, it may have just been a matter of getting close enough.

The reward for this is still unknown after you do it, because it is just the first in a series of 5 missions. Doing this mission gets you a book with recipes inside, mostly tinkering. It also allows you to get the other 4 missions. The 4 missions have, as rewards, the other 4 books. What you're ultimatedly trying to make appears to be some sort of mechanical computer called a Mechanoinstruction Hole Poker or something like that.

I presume that once one has all 5 books and a bunch of components, one can make something.

Could this be the 300/300/300 aug quest?

Edited, Sat Oct 8 17:54:50 2005
Task wont update
# Oct 02 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
found that every mechanical creature drops mechanoinstruction scraps, but the creep reapers seem to have them more frequently.

I'm having a problem however where as a caster I am instructed to find merchant CGXIV and buy a spell research kit from him, as a task goal. When I purchase the kit it does not update my task so I do not have the first page of the notebook. Anyone know what I should do?

RE: Task wont update
# Oct 03 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
You have to stand pretty much on top of the merchant and then it will update when you buy the kit.
# Sep 26 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
what u combine in ? sorry for dumb question
Next Task
# Sep 23 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
You deliver to Bellfast:5 clockwork pinion gears, and 2 clockwork gears.
You get Next Task.

・Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album
Bellfast says 'Ambleshift was the one who put it all together. While the other three try to claim credit, if it was not for Ambleshift, none of it would actually have come together. His book describes the final assembly of the device, and some parts of it that he himself made. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of the album.'

・Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts>Blacksmith
Bellfast says 'Poxysmit was the blacksmith of the group. His manual explains how to make the casing for the device itself, and the gearboxes that go inside. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of the parts book.'

・Epicthieck's Edification Ed.
Bellfast says 'Epicthieck was the Jack of all trades of the group. He made all the parts that used other skills, and even the Lubricating Goo that the machine needs to use in order to not damage the stone while it makes the seal. His manual explains the miscellaneous other parts that are needed to make the machine. If you could get me some items, I would be willing to give you a copy of his edition.'

・scrindite's senescent scribbles>Tinker
Bellfast says 'Scrindite was the [methodical thinker] of the group. He was a genius at making mechanoinstructions that we cannot even understand to this day. We often have some mechanotablets of his making inside of us, making us work, and we just hope that they never fail because we no longer know how to make them.'
More tasks
# Sep 23 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
When you complete this task he automatically assigns you a new task More part for Belfast. You have to loot 5 clockwork pinion gears, and 2 clockwork gears. They are extremely rare drops off creep reapers.
RE: More tasks
# Oct 12 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Kill the spiders around the creaper camp, they drop up to 3 gears at a time.
finishing the quest
# Sep 22 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
ok after you get the 10 scrapes( you do not need to loot to get credit for the mission the credit comes from the combines do not do combines till you have the quest) combine and make the 3 pages bring them back to him he then tells you to get 2 clockwork gears and 5 clock work gnome pinions you must loot these to get credit and at this point. although the creep reapers drop the gears and that clockwork gear not clockwork gnome gear, the pinions i found on the spider looking clockworks just above the creeps called 'am octo-mech patrol gave bad faction for the rescue mission but improved creepers. turn these in now and get 5th page combine all 5 pages and make the recipe book. i would recommend writing down what is in the book because you will lose the book later. ok and stay away from the creeper toilers they level 68 high regen quading for 800 or so with 5 dots 2 pets and chain nuking regen was so high that was only at 89% after ten mins.

at this point belfast will give you 4 other missions all trade skill types for different kinds of trade skillers.

i have to amend this, as my 70 chanter all trade skills over 250 except for research which is 228 i had to get the reseach container and do combines and not loot scrapes but do the combines. when i did this with my level 61 ranger with a 212 smithing the quest was a little different and instead of buying a research kit from the merchant i had to talk to him about pinion gears and then loot the 10 scrapes. I have heard people not able to get the quest at level 62 i got it at 61 so i am assuming you need over 200 trade skills or have made cultural armor which i have made master's armor.

Edited, Thu Sep 22 13:29:55 2005
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