Wizard Epic 1.5: Staff of Prismatic Power  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 16 02:36:09 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
If you have the Staff of the Four or have completed the pre-quest, find Talwyn Flamecaller, a High Elf, at location +2182, -1042, +332 in the Lavastorm Mountains.

Talwyn Flamecaller says "The fire of destruction burns within you, does it not? I can see that your affinity for destructive magic has served you well in your travels. It has served you so well that it has caught the eye of Solusek Ro. He has created and sent me here to discuss the matter of joining his legions. If you do, you will be granted power unheard of on mortal lands. Will you [agree]?"

You say, "agree"

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'You have completed the tests of your abilities, but your journey to joining Solusek's legion is far from complete. You must now assemble a wand to help further focus your energies. In the lands of Discord power surges and fades in an awesome display, the fluxing power flows thru all things in teh landscape. Go, investigate the lands of Discord; return to me with a fluxing rod, gem, rune, ore. With them you will be ready to take your first steps as a new soldier.'

You say, 'What fluxing rod?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'The rod that will be used to create the foundation for the staff can only be found in the place where magic tears and screams across the landscape. Only in the plane where discord reigns does the power exist to charge the rod properly. A race that has been recently discovered there has been seen carrying around rods of super charged discordant magic. We are unsure of their origin, but we believe the rods hold a great, yet unknown power worthy of use in this staff.'

A Fluxing Staff is dropped by the Girplan Guardian in Wall of Slaughter. It is a nasty raid encounter, so bring some friends. It can spawn a chest with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing gem?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'Fluxing gems have been found growing in the desert of Luclin. They form from the sand that has been blasted by magic. Sun Revenants have been known to collect them. Go to the plateau, and speak the word proclaim your desire to take their gems, this will draw out the elite revenants, one of them should be carrying the fluxing gem.'

Head to the Scarlet Desert and find the Elite Sun Revenant.

You say, 'I have come for your gem.'

A voice booms from the center of the cauldron. 'These gems are sacred, important to our survival, you shall not have them.'

Elite Sun Revenant spawns as a level 75 Wizard. He is KoS and is another raid encounter. Loot the Fluxing Gem from his corpse. He can also spawn a chest with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing rune?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'Fluxing runes are carried by the army of Terris Thule. These runes help her minions slip into their victim's dreams more easily. I believe you would be able to find one being carried by the lord of the hobgoblins.'

The Fluxing Rune is dropped by the Hobgoblin Horrorfiend in the back of the Plane of Nightmare caves (/loc?). He is a bit easier than the previous two encounters, but you will still need a few groups. Loot the rune from his corpse. A chest can spawn with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing ore?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'It shouldn't be too hard to find some fluxing ore in an area we have termed the Ruined City of Dranik. Look in areas where one might expect to find ore-veins. Look on the mountain sides, beneath cliffs, even among the loose pieces of rock in the area.'

A Fluxing Chunk of Ore can be found in the rat caves of the Ruined City of Dranik. Location is +1360, -337.

Return to Talwyn and hand him the Fluxing Gem, Staff, Ore, and Rune.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'You are indeed ready to join the ranks as a soldier of Solusek Ro. Every soldier in Solusek's league must wield a staff of power, which will focus your abilities in a way that you have never felt before! Fear will consume you as you feel your essence being ripped from your body. Do not give up, use the staff with faith and hope that you will be rewarded with the most powerful item you could ever imagine.'

Receive a Staff of Fluxing Power.

You say, 'Tell me about this powerful item.'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'To lay hands on this staff you will have to construct it of items of this world. Power is not given out freely, you must earn it. You will be pressed to the limits of your knowledge and abilities. To begin you will need to gather the fires of Solusek himself. These fires burn in the deepest part of the dungeons named after him. The pure flame burns near the runes. Bring it to me to examine when you get it.'

Go to the Cavern of Exile (aka Solusek C). You will have to complete a ring event ending in the death of the Pure Flame Elemental. Approximate location is 0, -200. You'll see a circular room with eight lava elementals, four lava vindicators, and four lava champions. Kill these. (We could use their exact in-game names and approximate levels.)

The room grows warmer as the lava pool begins to steam heavily.

The next wave consists of four Furious Magma Guardians. Kill them.

The lava starts to bubble and churn. Dark shapes move beneath the molten rock.

Two Inflamed Champions spawn. Kill these.

The pool of lava begins to boil furiously. Something large is growing within.

The Pure Flame Elemental spawns on the middle rock.

Pure Flame Elemental says, 'Why have you awakened me mortals?'

Kill the elemental and loot the Wisp of Pure Flame. Head back to Lavastorm and give it to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'You have obtained the pure flame? That was impressive how quickly you did it, the other wizards I am recruiting have not returned yet. Back to the recruitment, you will need pure ice. The ice is coldest in the wastes of Velious. Retrieve this pure ice and bring it back to me.'

The "pure ice" he speaks of is the Shard of Pure Ice. It is dropped in Siren's Grotto by Mistress of the Darkwater. Beware that sirens in this area chain aggro, so you will want to pacify them. The Mistress herself hits for about 500, and has an AE DoT which drops 100hp/tick and acts as a 15% slow. Loot the ice and return it to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'I can see the pure ice is in your possession. Take care while handling it because it is fragile. To infuse the staff with the powers you have attained you will need to retrieve a tapestry bag from the weavers in the Plane of Tranquility. Go talk to Kalym; he should be able to help you.'

Kalym Rasalan is in the Plane of Tranquility at location -304, -1162 (a house next to the Plane of Nightmare).

You say, 'Hail Kalym Rasalan'

Kalym Rasalan says, 'Hello _____, Talwyn told me of the coming of new recruits. I suppose he told you that you would need to use the magic in our woven tapestries to create a satchel to hold something very delicate? Well, you are lucky enough that I have this finished swatch of tapestry here that you can use. I am busy and can't tailor it for you though. You will need to tailor it yourself. If you take the tapestry, a backpack pattern, and a silk cord you should be able to tailor it with moderate effort.'

Receive a Silken Tapestry. You'll need to do a tailoring combine with a Silk Cord and Backpack Pattern. You must have a tailoring skill of 125 in order to attempt it. It is no-fail.

This combine results in a Silken Tapestry Satchel, an eight-slot container. Bring it back to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'So you got the tapestry satchel, did you? Good, you can begin to retrieve the final portions of the staff. I cannot tell you where exactly, but you will have to find four differently colored fragments. These fragments will circle your staff and feed it power. Think of them as the staff's own familiars. These crystal fragments only grow on the ground that has not seen footsteps for some time. The vibration in the ground is enough to destroy these delicate shards. When combined though, they will form a material harder than diamond. Once you have the four pieces, place them in your tapestry satchel along with the fluxing staff, a cohesion gem, and the two elements that you gathered previously, and then return with it to me'

You'll need to gather four Prismatic Crystals from various places:

1. Dulak - Ground spawn at -75, -877 (also drops from Treasure Sorter Neiben)
2. Timorous Deep - Ground spawn at +5613, -4228
3. Twilight Sea - Ground spawn at +4269, +1223
4. Veksar - Ground spawn can be found at the following locations.
+300, +350
-245.20, 537.26, -29.62
-14, 536 inside a little pool of water
-94, +402, -10 on the NW steps just outside of the pool

Then, head to the Plane of Innovation and kill trash mobs until you find a Cohesion Gem.

Now, combine the Cohesion Gem, four Prismatic Crystals, the Staff of Fluxing Power, the Shard of Pure Ice, and the Wisp of Pure Flame inside the satchel. This produces a Full Tapestry Satchel. Return this item to to receive your Epic 1.5.

As Talwyn removes the components from the tapestry satchel they begin to vibrate with power. They pulse quickly as they move towards each other, static flies in each direction as the pieces fuse into each other. In a final burst of magic the staff is complete. Talwyn looks it over with wise eyes before giving it to you. 'The staff of power is yours to wield. If you are up to the task I can set you on the final portions of what is needed to become a true avatar of Solusek.'

Receive Staff of Prismatic Power, the Wizard Epic 1.5.

Need logs of all dialogues (many of these are transcriptions).
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Girplan Guardian location
# May 15 2024 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
350, 950, give or take
Prismatic Crystal [Dulak's Harbor]
# Dec 18 2022 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
This is no longer a ground spawn (on Thornblade at least). Drops from Treasure Hunter Neiben.

He can spawn in 4 different buildings. I have included a write up on the mob page.

There are four area's in which you can find this PH. I have added red labels to the map, "TREASURE HOUSE".

P 1104.2349, 283.0840, 1.1582, 240, 0, 0, 2, TREASURE_HOUSE
P 916.6885, 101.9983, 1.1582, 240, 0, 0, 2, TREASURE_HOUSE
P 245.9288, 109.6780, 1.0020, 240, 0, 0, 2, TREASURE_HOUSE
P 1297.5076, -45.3971, 1.1582, 240, 0, 0, 2, TREASURE_HOUSE

To spawn him, kill everything inside of these 4 buildings including the singular mob right outside the entrance (if there is one).
Ring Event in Sol C
# Dec 17 2022 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
For Ring Event in Sol C, in game mob names and level.
A Furious Magma Guardian x 4 lvl 63
An Inflamed Champion x2 lvl 65
Pure Flame Elemental x1 lvl 66
Collecting items early
# Aug 15 2020 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
On Mangler server in Gates of Discord I was able to get 3 of the 4 prismatic crystals. Dulak drops from Treasure Sorter Neiben, and Twlight Sea and Veksar ground spawns were working. TD ground spawn still not working in Gates. Was also able to get the wisp of pure flame from solc early. Cohesion gem drops in innovation as soon as PoP opens. The rest is not doable until Omens actually launches.
Prismatics ground spawns have been removed from TLPs
# Jul 19 2019 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
2 posts
Just an FYI for anyone trying to get a head start on this, the ground spawns appear to have all been removed from TLPs prior to Omens. The one that drops from the named treasure sorter is still available so get that while you can.
fluxing chunk of lore
# Mar 26 2019 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Not sure if this was already somewhere in the comments - but the fluxing chunk of ore does spawn in multiple locations. It looks like a bag on the ground - just looted one from the top of the opening to the rat caves in Dranik Scar at 1164.24, -386.24, 180.43
Min Tailoring skill not 130
# Sep 23 2018 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
27 posts
Was able to make the tapestry @ 128 tailoring, which means just triving out Wu's Collars will suffice in case this helps anyone out on TLP's.
The Cavern of Exile Event
# Aug 12 2017 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
458 posts
At this point, the wizard is level 77. The pursuit of the epic had stopped for months because of fear of this event and lack of support. But the wizard is older now, and perhaps now is an appropriate time to continue. This is how it went. We are about to employ what we call our tag-team, that is clear the way with a powerful high level player and let the younger player (the wiz) follow behind in stages. Remembering that the way we got into the raid zone in the past was through Sol B, that is what we tried to do. The lead was our 105 enchanter gnome (chosen because of size). She cleared with the wiz following all the way to the zone. The enchanter got through without much trouble. The wiz, also a gnome, could not, despite wiggling, up, down, back and forth.

Seeing in these postings a suggestion of using a similar passage in Sol A, we tried that. Again, the enchanter cleared the way, and went through first, the passage directed her immediately into the target zone. As the wiz followed, she landed in Sol B (I think), turned around and went into target zone. SUCCESS! But, the two characters are not in the same location in The Cavern of Exile. Evac the wiz and the two are now together.

Piece by piece the two made their ways to the event area in the zone. The enchanter picked off two or three of what we thought were extraneous mobs in the area (clearing) saving the wiz from some of the gut work prior to the big event, or so we thought.

Then the wiz walked to the very center of the event area, expecting to have to kill some ten or more mobs all by herself in the "ring war". This did not happen. Immediately she confronted the final mob, The Pure Flame Elemental. Combat began with the wiz and her merc winning and looting the needed quest piece.
Veksar Piece
# Jul 01 2017 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Another location for the Veksar piece... -94, 402, -10 on the NW steps just outside of the pool.
Veksar Piece
# Jul 03 2017 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
Peralay wrote:
Another location for the Veksar piece... -94, 402, -10 on the NW steps just outside of the pool.

Added, thanks!
# Jan 26 2017 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Yes, the bag you create from with the recipe from the Erudite in PoTranq. You must turn it in empty prior to turning it in full.
# Jan 24 2017 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Heads up. Once you make the bag, be sure to turn the empty bag into Talwyn prior to combining all the items in it for the final turn in. You will need this character flag.

i skipped this and tried to turn in fully combined epic satchel in. i was blocked, but was able to return to PoTranq and get the recipe, make a new bag, turn in an empty one, then complete 1.5 with combined full satchel!
# Jan 25 2017 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
barrrd wrote:
Heads up. Once you make the bag, be sure to turn the empty bag into Talwyn prior to combining all the items in it for the final turn in. You will need this character flag.

i skipped this and tried to turn in fully combined epic satchel in. i was blocked, but was able to return to PoTranq and get the recipe, make a new bag, turn in an empty one, then complete 1.5 with combined full satchel!

Ok the empty bag you are talking about to turn in first is the Silken Tapestry Satchel correct?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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# Dec 18 2016 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Made it at 128 skill
# Dec 18 2016 at 7:42 PM Rating: Excellent
mackal wrote:
Made it at 128 skill

Made which item?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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So just to add on...
# Apr 03 2016 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
The Veksar spawn point MUST be fluid. I found it in the minipool south of the Feral Lord Gulak spawn:

-245.20, 537.26, -29.62
So just to add on...
# Jun 24 2016 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
darkehawke wrote:
The Veksar spawn point MUST be fluid. I found it in the minipool south of the Feral Lord Gulak spawn:

-245.20, 537.26, -29.62

Ishtass wrote:
Found it at -14, 536 inside a little pool of water

Thanks guys, added.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
Veksar alternate location
# Jan 26 2014 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Found it at -14, 536 inside a little pool of water
Veksar ground spawn
# Jan 17 2014 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
For all my fellow wizard brethren who have combed Veksar from one end to the other: I feel your pain. Having seen all the posts about all the places the ground spawn MIGHT be, I went from one end of the zone to the other, my eyes straining at every surface.
You know, it still might be able to spawn at any point in the zone. But the second time I visited Veksar, I did something crazy: I went to the coordinates listed in the quest description (+300/ +350) just to see what I would see.
It was right there.
Again, maybe it still spawns anywhere in the zone it wants to. Or maybe it's been fixed so that it only spawns in that one spot. I mean, it's a remarkable coincidence. So when you're at this stage in your epic, do yourself a huge favor. Just... go to +300 / +350 and look around a bit (it's not easy to spot). You just might save yourself hours of heartache.
Veksar ground spawn
# Jun 15 2016 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I found my Veksar piece at +250, +540.
Hobgoblin Horrorfiend Loc
# Mar 24 2013 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
4537.42 -769.99 -112.52

Go through the cave entrance in the water (due West) and go straight to first cave, he will be in the back. Easy kill
not quite right
# Jan 15 2013 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
SE: Pure flame had about 55k hps, i burped at him and he died. You would hope everything in SE is immune to fire, but not the case, I had no problem using ring of fire to burn away all the fire elementals etc, almost no resists. You just kill the critters near the loc mentioned to get him to spawn.

boss mobs: The Girplan was not even close to the nastiest, I droped him easier than a normal exp mob, its the sun revenant, if you cant do 750k in 3 min you and your merc will be oom. Lvl 90 wiz/75pal and 2 heal mercs, nor a 86 ranger/pal/mercs could kill, but 85 sk was able to solo because of lifetap procs (and max defensive aa) with one leachtouch at the end to heal.
95 Wizard
# Sep 04 2012 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
So what else should you accomplish if you've ignored your epics up to 95th level? Yep, this.
95th Wiz with J5 Healer.( Never below 50% hp ) ~ 4 hours.
54k hp, 50k mana, 3750AA
[ ] When first I hailed the elf, he answered back with the Pre 1.5 talk. Hand him your Staff of the Four (dont worry bout the augments, he's gonna give it back untouched with an "I don't need this" comment anyway.) Hail him again. Now you get the right dialogue. Ask him about all four items on his list.
[ ] Began with Girplan -> Toughest fight of the match, use Improved Twincast IV and one refresh of Crystalwing Rune. ~ 90 seconds.
[ ] On to Elite Sun Rev. -> You have to lev into the cauldron, and say the words, then abscond and run back to the plateau. He is not in the brick ruins with the other revenants. Twincast IV ~90 seconds
[ ] On to Hobgoblin. PIA: You have to kills all the trash on the way to him cuz they see thru invis and ivu. Flashpyre's almost enough all the time for them. He dropped in ~ 45 using Twincast IV and the big nukes.
[ ] Dranik ground spawn: Outside the rat cave you zone into, look in the claws of the dragon statue surrounding the opening. (There are a number of alternate locations, but that's where I found mine.)
[ ] Do your turn ins.
[ ] Sol C (or CE now) -> Load your colds, Magic and Fire is worthless here. If you can find your way to the double circle rooms in the center of the map and start max nuking from a distance, You may never even get hit until the final battle. The trash leading to the Fire Elemental all went down with one hit or an extra cold snap. The Boss was down on the first twincast Eth Cold. (double Crit).
[ ] Darkwater Mistress -> Serious PIA. Pathing (and just getting here) in this place is the worst I've ever encountered. Line of Sight between drydock and water is a constant problem. Remember fish and mermaids can't get onto land, but they will aggro and keep the aggro and pull adds if they can. I used the fire sword pet to track most of em down. Once in the drydock area, just blast the heck outta everything and work your way up the stairs. It seemed icy here, I was sliding in a lot of places, but even the crowds couldn't really touch me until DM aggro'd and showed up unannounced. She was down in two hits, no twincast.
[ ] Get your backpack. Show the Elf the backpack, Move on to the time sink.
[ ] Find the Ground Spawn Prismatic Crystal in Veksar - Could be anywhere, on rubble piles, in pools of shallow water. I used Zomm in each pool rather than shrinking. Found it almost immediately in one of the shallow broken pools. Dont waste your time on the puddles.
[ ] Find the Ground Spawn Prismatic Crystal in Timorous Deep - When was the last time you had to go here? HINT: South Ro to Translocator. Don't waste your time trying out any other options. GL Magus to S Ro, East to Water, Say travel to Timorus Deep. Look for a ground torch. It's probably in the fire.
[ ] Find the Ground Spawn Prismatic Crystal in Twilight Sea. Found it on top of a rock in the NE camp.
[ ] Find the Ground Spawn Prismatic Crystal in Dulak’s Harbor. No, its not a ground spwan. Kill all the treasure sorters til the named shows up and pop him. Drops everytime.
[ ] Kill Trash Mob’s In Plane of Innovation until you find a Cohesion Gem. Yeah, you've done this enough times, just do it again.

Put Staff, Co Gem, 4 Prismatic Crystals, Wisp of Flame, Shard of Ice in bag and combine.
Reward, your nice new staff and 5 aa points.
BTW: The clickie is a song buff and does not need to be equipped.

Congratulations. You now have a new 1hb weapon.

Edited, Sep 4th 2012 4:00pm by Sonavaa
Veksar ground spawn
# Jun 19 2012 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
I just completed my epic 1.5 for my 80 wizzy on Drinal. The Veksar Prismatic Crystal was in exactly NONE of the posted locations in this thread. I found it in the pool just as you exit the underwater tunnel that leads to the north section of the map. It's a little tiny rectangular pool and you have to jump over the small wall to get into it and then duck down to see the ground spawn.

Happy hunting!

Explosiv Arcanist
Wizard of 80 Winters
5 AAs for completion
# Feb 06 2012 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
Awarded 5 AAs on completion.
Cavern of Exile Ring Event: names and cons
# Feb 05 2012 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
Go to the Cavern of Exile (aka Solusek C). You will have to complete a ring event ending in the death of the Pure Flame Elemental. Approximate location is 0, -200. You'll see a circular room with eight lava elementals, four lava vindicators, and four lava champions. Kill these. (We could use their exact in-game names and approximate levels.)

The room grows warmer as the lava pool begins to steam heavily.

The next wave consists of four Furious Magma Guardians. Kill them.

The lava starts to bubble and churn. Dark shapes move beneath the molten rock.

Two Inflamed Champions spawn. Kill these.

The pool of lava begins to boil furiously. Something large is growing within.

The Pure Flame Elemental spawns on the middle rock.

Pure Flame Elemental says, 'Why have you awakened me mortals?'

Kill the elemental and loot the Wisp of Pure Flame. Head back to Lavastorm and give it to Talwyn.

I'm not sure if some of these mobs were perhaps collateral damage or if they were all part of the event, but this is what I saw and what it conned, with the exact names:

lava champion - green to 71.
lava construct - light blue to 71.
lava vindicator - light blue to 71.
Servant of Flame - light blue to 71.
a furious magma guardian - light blue to 71.
an inflamed champion - light blue to 71.
Pure Flame Elemental - dark blue to 71. Grey to 88.
Prismatic Crystals Loc
# Dec 24 2011 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
1. Dulak - Ground spawn at -75, -877 (also drops from Treasure Sorter Neiben got lucky with this guy he was up when i got there and dropped for me)
Copy and paste in dulak_2 map file
P 1196.6230, 237.5040, 11.7510, 127, 0, 0, 2, PH_Treasure_Sorter_Neiben

2. Timorous Deep - Ground spawn at +5613, -4228
Copy and paste in timorous_2 map file
P 4225.9346, -5611.9395, 11.7969, 240, 240, 0, 3, Prismatic_Crystal

3. Twilight Sea - Ground spawn at +4269, +1223
Copy and paste in twilight_2 map file
P -1420.5631, -4257.0723, 32.2509, 0, 0, 0, 2, Prismatic_Crystal

4. Veksar - Ground spawn at +300, +350
Copy and paste in veksar_2 map file
P -345.0000, 115.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, Prismatic_Crystal
P -338.0000, 158.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, Prismatic_Crystal
P -401.0000, 93.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, Prismatic_Crystal
ground spawns
# Apr 02 2016 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
484 posts
I did this recently with 4 wizards. Had no more then a 30 minute wait between the ground spawns.

I couldn't find the Dulak ground spawn and was forced to camp for the named mob which was obviously a pain to do 4 times over. 1 of the times he was the corner spawn in the building at -238 -1205. One of them he spawned at -150 -945. The third and fourth spawn point was in the same building as the first spawn. It spawned at -302.07, -1146.13, +4.75.

The timorous deep spawn was as posted by others inside a fire on the north easternmost island. The location posted in the guide.

I found the part in Twilight Sea in a tent in the north part of the zone. Same cave as others had posted. Positive 4255 Positive 1245. 3 of the 4 times it was in the same spot. The other time it was on top of the largest rock in the cave as others have posted.

The first Veksar ground spawn was found at the +300 +350 spawn point posted in the guide. The second time i went after the ground spawn it was found in the first pool after swimming through the tunnel at -20.93, +560.67, -30.25. The third and fourth time i went after the ground spawn it was found in the large pool at -113.31, +341.57, -14.04.

EDIT: This post was not meant as a reply to any post. It was meant to be its own post, which would have put it at the top but i obviously made a mistake and allakhazams doesn't let people delete their own posts.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2016 3:13pm by Rickymaru
1.5 on the Seventh Hammer
# Oct 20 2011 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
The 1.5 was kind of long, lots of steps but it was fairly easy. I did it in two (full) days.
For Girplan and the Sun Revnant; lvl 80 Wiz and lvl 90 SK no mercs. The SK has over 2k AAs.
For Hobgoblin; 80 WIZ, tank merc, 85 SK, and CLR merc. TOO easy. Just go to nightmare, enter the caves and go straight. They see reg invis but are all grey to 80.
The chunk of ore was where is was reported to be.
*note: make sure you say all of the lines to Flamecaller, I did it all at once for the first part.*
After I got the fluxing staff....
I went and got the wisp. LVL 80 WIZ (470 AAs), Tank Merc, 83 SHM (maybe 200 AAs), and Tank merc = overkill. highest the mobs got were LB to the 80.
Did the talking with Flamecaller and went after the Ice.
Mistress of Darkwater was near Western Wastes entrance, although that's not the way I went in. I got lost and 83 SHM with his tank merc solo'd her. She can See Invis and has a long aggro range. Fair warning.
The bag part was pretty self explanitory.
The cohesion gem was the 4th drop in POI (easy enough).
The Prismatic Crystals look like a pearl, a peridot, a bloodstone, and an orb although I don't remember which looked like which.
In Twilight (for those not keen on /loc): Go to underwater tunnel, follow river NW to tunnel behind waterfall, ground spawn was on top of the largest rock, just past the first tent on the right.
In Timorous: NE most island closest to Butcherblock, tent area E of mountain with Iksar statue on it, ground spawn was on a log in a burning fire pit.
In Veksar: It wasn't at the /loc listed but I did find it on the NW corner of a pool behind a revenant (/loc -95,408,-7)in Hiero 1 (so it said on my map) room.
In Dulak: I didn't find it at any of the listed groud spawn areas. SO I killed all the shady treasure sorters because allegedly they are the PH for Treasure Sorter Neiben. After about a half hour, the TS Neiben found me inside the building labeled Druid Quest Here (on my at least)at /loc -94,-933,4.
Veksar is evil....
# Aug 28 2011 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
Ran around for 5+ hours trying to find the ground spawn in Veksar. Called friend in and he found it in 15 minutes. I could not see it. Relogged, and there it was... So if you guys are having trouble finding the Veksar crystal, try relogging, you may be bugged. Might save you the 5 hours I wasted. =(

(I found mine inside Warlock area on pile of rubble - not at the location marked on map, it was in the SW part of the room. To the left of the stairs after you enter the room, I believe.)
Veksar is evil....
# Mar 27 2014 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I found mine in the Warlock area as well, after searching every other spawn point listed here, I saw the posts about the Warlock area and sure enough that's where the little bugger was.
Nightblade Xaxony Silentshadow the Dark Phantom
Blade Dancer Skyai Blue'Seas the Dreamer
Windcaller Myrahi Shadowstorm the Earthwarden
Arcanist Fyrebloom Shadowflame the Trickster
Priestess Idaari Shadowshifter the Adventurous
Knight Vylea Shadowlight of the Truthbringer
<Council of Dragons> of Fennin Ro (Cazic Thule}
Veksar is evil....
# Jul 29 2012 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I found it at the same place, behind the rubble pile in the warlock area. The Loc is 214,540,-26
Hope that helps
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