Alternate Access: Plane of Tactics  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
Faction Required:
Askr the Lost (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Planes of Power
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Jan 8 17:36:02 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Wembly the Forlorn is a rather crazy gnome (how can you tell?) who may be found at the back of the cave near the zone-in to the Plane of Storms.

    You say, 'Hail, Wembly the Forlorn'

    Wembly the Forlorn grumbles under his breath, 'Yes, yes, I see you there. No need for you to shout I can see you just fine! Now, what was I saying? Yes that's right... let me know when you are [done].'

    You say, 'I am done.'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'Yes done! Weren't you paying attention? Once you've gathered all the pieces of the [key] bring it to me and I'll put them back together for you.'

    You say, 'What key?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'THE Key, you really are as thick skulled as you look. You [agree to help] me and you aren't even paying attention.'

    You say, 'I agree to help.'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'You agree to help? Great! I haven't even told you what I needed yet, or why. It is very noble of you to offer me your assistance. I've been trapped here for a little too long, I washed up on the shore still [tied to the mast] of my ship. Wonder that I even survived the storm.'

    You say, 'Why were you tied to the mast?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'The Diaku Raiders, filthy sort if you ask me. I was out on a shipping run, when Diaku attacked, they pillaged all of my goods, then tied me to the mast and left me floating a sea. Then the storm came and ate my ship, and I woke up here, I swear that I saw some [Diaku] washed up on the shore with me.'

    You say, 'What Diaku?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'The Diaku that attacked me! Pay attention for Karana's sake! You appear to be the fighting sort. You can help me kill the Diaku at their source in [Drunder].'

    You say, 'What is Drunder?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'Drunder! The Fortress of Zek, the Zeks don't trust any one mortal to have free access to the fortress. The Diaku come and go in fours, and four parts are needed for entry. Of course they won't part with them easily. If you find four, and bring me four, I can make the four into one, and with one, you can get into Drunder without three more. Then, with your one, you can kill all of them. I would do it myself, but with my bad knee and all. . .'

  • Kill Diaku Raiders in the desert and obtain four "Quarter[s] of a Diaku Emblem" and bring them back to him.

    Rock storms that roam in the western desert area are placeholders for the Diaku Raiders.

    Completed Diaku Emblem has been added to your key ring.
    The /key text is: With your talisman, you may enter into Drunder as you were Diaku.
    Your group has had keys added to their keyrings!

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'What's this? Four pieces of a Diaku Emblem? Why ever would you give these to me? Well I think I can get them to fit back together. You know, while you have this, I would be quite happy if you would avenge the loss of my dear ship and kill every Diaku you find? Yes that would be very good indeed. Here is your key, and a key for all your companions as well.'

    Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Storm Guardians has been adjusted by 5.
    You gain party experience!!

    You may now zone into Drunder, the Fortress of Zek (a.k.a. the Plane of Tactics) for experience only.
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
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    Cast Collaboration
    # Jan 12 2023 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
    30 posts
    I just tried to cast Collaboration on Wembley out of curiosity. It took me from indifferent to Amiable and i was able to turn in without doing any faction work at all. (This was on Yelinak server)

    Edited, Jan 12th 2023 11:44am by Waleldar
    # Mar 21 2020 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    This quest cannot be done at "Indifferent". You need at least Amiably or higher to complete it.
    need amiable with askr
    # May 06 2019 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    Group of low levels did this quest at 55+ and had to get faction up to amiable in order to do hand in. He did not eat the items at indifferent (on coirnav)
    rock storm placeholders for Diaku
    # Feb 27 2017 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,312 posts
    As mentioned before, the placeholders are the rock storms which roam in the western desert area of Plane of Storms. There are 13 placeholders and the respawn time is 16 minutes.

    a Diaku Raider
    a rock storm
    a violent sand storm
    a whirling rock storm

    Diaku Raiders drop an emblem piece about half the time.

    Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Storm Guardians has been adjusted by 5.
    rock storm placeholders for Diaku
    # Mar 02 2017 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
    nytmare wrote:
    As mentioned before, the placeholders are the rock storms which roam in the western desert area of Plane of Storms. There are 13 placeholders and the respawn time is 16 minutes.

    a Diaku Raider
    a rock storm
    a violent sand storm
    a whirling rock storm

    Diaku Raiders drop an emblem piece about half the time.

    Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Storm Guardians has been adjusted by 5.

    Thanks, added sand storms as related creatures, added respawn timers to them and placed all those sand storms as ph's to the diaku raider. Added faction to quest as well.

    Edited, Mar 2nd 2017 4:01pm by Gidono
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    # Jan 07 2016 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
    509 posts
    The /key text is: With your talisman, you may enter into Drunder as you were Diaku.
    # Jan 12 2016 at 6:09 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Sythik wrote:
    The /key text is: With your talisman, you may enter into Drunder as you were Diaku.

    Updated, thanks.

    By the way, ... as the subject line actually makes the post hard to see in the "update me please" queue for the admn to see.

    It's really helpful actually to have the subject line match directly with whatever it is updating, so in this case "Plane of Tactics Key text" would have been really good.
    # Mar 24 2008 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
    Just did it for my shammy alt. Duoed (mage + shammy lvl 70, combine server) mobs. took 4 hours to get all 4 emblems. I've form a group of non-flagged ppl from guild and got the group flagged.

    I got the AA as well by saying tell stories to the guy in PoK.
    # Dec 03 2007 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
    I finished the quest today, faction with Askr was Indifferent on the person doing turnin, one person in group had amiable faction and it all worked good

    Edited, Dec 3rd 2007 6:33am by Bananacrammer
    # Jul 29 2007 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
    90 posts
    Just finished this quest a couple days ago seeing how I am a mage and need to get into PoTactics for my epic 1.5... Plan was to do this quest first so I could get into Tactics and hail the guy in the NW corner so I could complete the mini quest needed to spawn the elemental essence of fire. Then once mini quest was complete was going to either get 85% in with guild so I could loot the epic piece, or get a pick up raid together and do MB in Inovation for my full access. However upon completeing this alternate access quest, I proceded to Tactics and found not only myself, but everyone in group able to loot... 4 of the ones in group were mine and my wife's characters who had just completed the alternate access quest, the 5th was mother in law who is fully flagged. We proceeded all the way to the NW corner and couldn't find the guy I needed (didn't realize he was hiding behind rocks) so we decided to try and take Tagrin himself... Didn't go so well, couldn't get him slowed and then his adds started popping and all went on cleric, long story short shammy died, cleric died, warrior died, necro FD'd mage gated. While waiting for necro to lose agro read some posts and found where the guy was hideing, proceeded back with mage and was able to invis all the way to him and get the note without ever getting agro. We looted 3 ethereal parch's and 2 spectral parch's just clearing from zone in up to the NW corner where Tagrin is. But so everyone knows, THIS QUEST GIVES YOU FULL ACCESS not JUST exp like it's listed at end of quest write up... Good luck for all you mages out there working on your 1.5 :)
    # Jul 31 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
    1,087 posts
    The wording is off. It's not like the anguish and demi zones meanings.
    "Exp access" meant it will let you zone in and do anything anyone else can do, but, it does not count as progression towards the elemental flags.
    Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
    Dark Elf Shadow Knight
    Drinal (Tarew)
    Retired after 500 days /played
    Retired again
    Faction, geez
    # Mar 12 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
    Yah how useful is Askr faction these days? People hardly want to go to Tactics anyway. I tried this with a group who was all indifferent and got the message about prove your loyalty. Can't MQ it either.
    Fight smarter not harder.
    aa point
    # Mar 01 2007 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
    just completed this quest and got the aa as well =0)
    How many giants????
    # Aug 17 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
    135 posts
    anyone have an idea of how many giants you would have to kill in storms to get the faction from ind to amiable?
    # Sep 29 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
    48 posts
    Please be aware that you MUST have good faction with Wembly to make a successful turnin. If you dont get the dialog, you Do Not have good enough faction. I spent many days there multi-boxing to get the 4 pieces for a turnin so I could get one of my chararters flagged for PoTac. The character that did the turnin had indiff faction and I just handed Wembly the 4 quarters. I got a generic "kiss off" message and he kept all the quarters!

    Just spent another week farming the Raiders for another set of quarters, these were collected by a character with Ally faction, but who has already done this quest and is flagged. NOW I'm worried that I'll be rejected again because the turnin Character is already flagged.

    Anyone know if a previously flagged character can do the turnin and be successful with all others in his group getting a flag?

    Anyone know if I can get another AA for the turning if previously flagged?

    Edited, Wed Sep 29 13:33:49 2004
    # Jan 28 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
    I was able to get the key for my group with kindly faction.
    # Aug 20 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
    "Do you have to be PoJ flagged in order to do the turn in? " if there was a flag for PoJ i sure would love to see that quest, yes im a smart ***

    Lazorath Soulblayde
    65 Shadow Knight
    Mith Marr
    # Jun 03 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
    144 posts
    I would surmise what he means by that is having completed the PoJ Trial flagging. and, in short, no you dont need to have PoJ trials done, unless you are below lvl 55, then quite obviously yes, to get into PoStorms you'd need to
    # Jun 03 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
    3,705 posts
    Alternately, 5 people who DO have PoJ trials done, can 85% in any 46+ character into PoStorms.

    If you are not familiar with what I mean, any group/raid can bring in unflagged people to a zone, as long as 85% of the total number are flagged.

    BTW, this does not mean any 5 people who can enter PoStorms. If you are getting in based on level, rather than flag, you cannot 85% in other people.

    Edited, Fri Jun 3 16:43:12 2005
    Turn In
    # Jul 31 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
    Do you have to be PoJ flagged in order to do the turn in? Someone told me you had to be flagged, but I haven't read that anywhere. Can anyone clarify this for me?
    RE: Turn In
    # Aug 07 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
    I can confirm that you do NOT have to be PoJ flagged for this. Did the turn in today and I am not PoJ flagged. FYI, the person who does the turn in needs good faction with Wembly (np if youve spent any time killin in BoT) and only the person who does the turn in will get Completed Diaku Emblem, but all in the group will have the "key" on their /keyring. It automatically soulbinds. Only the person (or persons if u MQ it) need faction, the rest in the group don't.
    Hope that helps.
    #REDACTED, Posted: Jul 31 2004 at 8:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do you have to be PoJ flagged in order to do the turn in? Someone told me you had to be flagged, but I haven't read that anywhere. Can anyone clarify this for me?
    possible theory
    # Jul 07 2004 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
    1,352 posts
    when camping these to flag my alt wiz, I noticed some things. I did not stay to test my theory further because I disliked the camp, But I thought someone might find this information helpful or useful.

    4 pieces of the talisman,
    4 diaku classes- each drops different section (I didn't record which diaku dropped which piece, sorry)

    they come as warrior(wears chain), rog(wears chain), shaman(only one to cast), or SK(only one to wear plate)

    what I noticed killing the rocks PHers was that It seemed the different classes would Pop different diakus.

    The rock classes were
    Rock Storm(Wizard)- seemed to pop the Shaman/SK
    A violent sandstorm(rogue)- Probably pops rog/warr, I killed more of the whirling which worked for me
    A whirling sandstorm(warrior)- popped the rog/warr diaku for me

    So just remember which diaku classes you looted your first 2 or 3 sections from and try to kill the right Rocks to get the Leftover diakus you need to pop.
    Not A Flag
    # Jun 15 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Over the last 3 days we have spent a good 6 hours camping these mobs. The trick as posted is to get the mobs out of the walls in order to get a proper respawning going.

    Now, again, The person doing the turn in needs to be Amiable. I was indifferent as was the cleric and we had no problems and are now KEYED!!!


    For those thinking this is a fast way to get to elemental it is not. This is access to the plane only.
    Indifferent Faction
    # May 23 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Can anyone confirm that indifferent faction is high enough? At indifferent I get the same text that I get at amiable. (Using enchanter collaboration) As long as I get the quest text, I should also receive the flag correct?
    MQing Wembly
    # May 09 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
    Okay Folks--
    Here is the real scoop. You *can* MQ the Diaku Emblems even if one of the members of the group is indifferent. We had a group member that Wembly would *not* talk to, and when she said /say What Drunder, Wembly told her she could not clean his boots, basically. We had three people holding the four emblems and turned them in. The three people who did the turn in all had amiable faction. Everyone in the group got the flag -- we all ran to Tactics and all got in, including the indifferent person. My guess is that if it failed in the past, one of the people doing the turn-in was not high enough faction -- or SOE changed the quest. We did this yesterday (May 8, 2004). Good luck!
    Stuck Storms
    # Apr 29 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
    Did the hunt for the Diaku last night and found a way to get the storms un-stuck. The lovely wolf form and a crazy enough ranger to do it. All you need to do is put a ranger or druid in wolf form and cirle the peak where the storms are stuck. It will aggro everything in the peak. Just make sure you have sow mem'ed because you don't want to aggro everything to the zone out.
    # Apr 21 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
    Well another verify indifferent isnt enough, I had 2 pieces girl had other 2 I turned mine in and no problem(ally), she turned hers in and got I dont need want blah blah and dude ate hers.

    Well GM refunded her items, havent got response on mine anyone know if the guy keeps what you turned in logged even if you camp? I now have bottom left and just need bottom right if he keeps my turn ins logged or Gm refunds
    RE: Ack
    # Apr 21 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
    Tried turning in next 2 of emblems same day, got eaten. Now time to wait on the petition system to not work.
    # Apr 11 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
    19 posts
    has anyone MQ'd this?
    4 drops
    # Mar 23 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
    Started and completed this quest in one night over approximately 3 hours.

    Our guild brought 2 groups to the zone to do this quest. One group setup in the northern corner of the desert section in PoS while the other setup in the southern corner. Both groups had a ranger pulling and tracking for Diaku Raiders.

    As far as I can tell, there was no particular section to the medallion anymore. I attempted to identify one of the Quarters of a Diaku Medallion but Identify complained about needing a target for the spell. So unless, by some miracle, our groups got four different parts from the Diaku Raiders, there is no need to worry about which 'corner' you have anymore. Just get the 4 pieces and turn them in to Wembly by 'Exit Tree' and you and your group will be flagged for Plane of Tactics.

    Good Journey

    RE: 4 drops
    # Apr 20 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
    83 posts
    I recall the use of identify puzzled me aswell once, but I found out eventually eventhough it's rarely used. To use it, the target of the identify spell must have the to-be-identified item on his/her cursor. In other words, you forgot to target yourself when trying to identify the pieces. If someone else is holding the piece on cursor, target him/her with Identify. Identifying the pieces is only really an issue if you're going to MQ this though, if you have 4 pieces you know you got the right ones since each piece is LORE.
    RE: 4 drops
    # Apr 01 2004 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default
    You do need four different corners...and you did have a miracle...and it is a miracle you leveled to 65 without realizing that to effectively use identify you must have said item on your cursor...moron.

    /flame on

    you need four different corners, and can MQ this to flag a full group for tactics.
    RE: 4 drops
    # Apr 07 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
    Um, I did have the item on my cursor and as far as the miracle goes, lucky us then. Instead of flaming, post something useful, you non-nipple nursed, zit-scarred, immature punk.

    Edited, Wed Apr 7 11:00:04 2004
    RE: 4 drops
    # Dec 05 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Having the item on the cursor is not enough.
    You also need to target yourself.
    It's how identify works.
    # Feb 27 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
    Just did this quest the other night. You DO NOT need amiable faction for this quest. You do however need good enough faction for Wembly to talk to you. To find out if your faction is good enough ask him: "What Drunder?" if he responds, your good to go. I did the quest at high indifferent with most of the grp members at indifferent. So, just go around killing giants for a few nights in PoS and you'll be fine. Just make sure you can run through the dialogue with him. Oh and if your MQ'in it make sure anyone who has a piece can talk to him as well. Good luck.

    Edited, Fri Feb 27 11:24:38 2004
    can't get that last piece...
    # Feb 17 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
    We were killing these little bastards all night and could only get 3 parts. I was telling the group about the stuck ones (ph'ers) but we didn't see them on track, prolly cause we were looking for raiders and not the rock things, huh?
    Is there a secret to it or is this just a really long boring 3-dayer camp? We need top right btw. Apparantly the rare one changes? Maybe it cycles.
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