Taruun Recruit (Rogue #2)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Shadows of Luclin
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed May 15 22:35:37 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You must first do the citizenship quest before doing this.

After getting your Acrylia Slate of Shar Vahl and Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl, you are told to look for Harbin Gernawl. He is found to the right of the Registrar's office.

You say, 'Hail, Harbin Gernawl'

Harbin Gernawl says 'Hello ______, it is my pleasure to meet you.

Hand Harbin your acrylia slate. He hands it back.

Harbin Gernawl says 'Ahh, ______, I was told you'd be coming. I am Harbin, and I will oversee the next bit of your progress in the Taruun. You have bravely chosen a path that will put your every skill to the test. May your abilities be honed in the service of the noble Vah Shir. To begin, bring me the soft chitin of three of the Rhinobeetles that dwell in the crater surrounding our city.'

Go down to the pit and kill everything you see, and loot the Soft Rhinobeetle Chitin off the beetles. Hand three to Harbin unstacked.

Harbin Gernawl takes the chitin and deftly fashions a buckler as he speaks, 'Your progress will be reported, ______. For your effort thus far I present you with this buckler. It will help to protect you until you become adept enough to wield a weapon in each of your hands. Meanwhile, it is time for you to practice the skill that Shar Vahl relies on to feed it's people. Following this recipe, deliver four boiled rockhopper eggs to Sergeant Tylah in Hollowshade moor. Return to me with the acrylia he will pay you.'

Reward is Buckler of the Beetle.

Now you must go back down to the pit and kill young rockhoppers for their eggs. They are rare drops so be prepared to wait a while to get 4, although I suggest grabbing 6 in case of failures. The recipe for Boiled Rockhopper Egg is 1 Spices, 1 Water Flask, and 1 Rockhopper Egg in an oven or spit. The trivial is between 46 and 64, but at 64 I still failed on one in five. Go to the Vah Shir outpost in Hollowshade Moor and talk to Sergeant Tylah.

You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Tylah'

Sergeant Tylah says 'Good day to you ______, would you happen to have any boiled rockhopper eggs for sale? I'm so very hungry and they're my favorite food.'

Give him the four Boiled Rockhopper Eggs unstacked.

Sergeant Tylah devours all four of the eggs in the blink of an eye, 'Delicious! May the spirits bless you Shizukana! Here are a few acrylia flakes for your trouble. I'll be happy to pay for more should you find yourself with any extra!'

Take the Acrylia Flakes back to Harbin Gernawl.

Harbin Gernawl says 'Your progress will be rewarded, ______. Soon all will recognize you as a recruit of the cunning Taruun! Speak with Merchant Rytan. When he is through with you return to me with his seal, your buckler, your initiate's cloak and this seal.'

You receive an Initiate Seal of the Taruun.

Merchant Rytan is outside the shop with fletching supplies in the South sector.

You say, 'Hail, Rytan'

Rytan says 'Hello ______, I trust all is well with you today. Come in and have a look around, just let me know if you see anything you like. By the way, I am in need of the assistance of an official Shar Vahl citizen. If you know of any please send them my way.'

You say, 'I am a citizen.'

Rytan says 'Wonderful! Please, show me your acrylia slate and I'll disclose my errand.'

Give him your acrylia slate. He gives it back.

Rytan says 'Here's my dilemma, I am low on darts to sell and I need to replenish my supply. I simply cannot break away from the store so I require your help. Fill this bag with xakra teeth and return the sealed bag to me. With those teeth I can make six darts and I'll give you three.'

You receive Rytan's Bag, a LORE 6-slot size SMALL container. Head back down to the pit and collect 6 Xakra teeth off the Xakra worms. (I would suggest you collect everything you need at once. I wish I had.) Combine them in the bag to craft Rytan's Sealed Bag. Give this to Rytan.

Rytan says 'Here are the three darts I promised you and a seal of mine. I need more darts desperately, so show me your acrylia slate to take another bag and fill it as you are able. Collect four of my seals and show them to me. I will reward you by revealing my method of dart construction.'

You receive three Xakra Tooth Darts and a Seal of Rytan. Go back to Harbin and hand in the Initiate Seal of the Taruun, the Seal of Rytan, the Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl, and your Buckler of the Beetle.

Harbin Gernawl says 'Your hard work is pleasing to the Taruun, ______, which now accepts you as an official recruit. Wear this cloak with pride. Your buckler has been treated with a special epoxy and should protect you more effectively now. Show the buckler to Taruun Joharr and he will continue to guide you on your sacred path. I sense a strong spirit in you, young one. May it guide you to greatness!'

You receive a Hardened Buckler of the Beetle and Cloak of the Taruun Recruit.

Harbin Gernawl shouts 'Citizens of glorious Shar Vahl, lend me your ears. On this day your fellow citizen, ______, has become an official recruit of the Taruun. He has pledged an oath to hone his skills to perfection that he may better serve us all. Please join me now in celebrating his commitment to the mighty Vah Shir!'
Submitted by: Shizukana
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# Oct 28 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
756 posts
There are several items that you can collect while doing these quests. I
Have put together these listings in the hope it will save you a little time
going back and forth to areas or zones.

The items I have marked Tradeskill are the basic irwms required. To account
for combine failures, you will likely require many more than just the basic
number. The final four items are needed to create items for trade with the
other Vah Shir classes. You will need at least 5 of each. One for yourself
and four to create the items you will need to trade for the other class items
you require.


Rogue Items

3 Soft Rhinobeetle Chitins Rhinobeetles Pit
4 Rockhopper Eggs Young Rockhoppers Pit (Tradeskill)
6 Xakra Teeth Xakra Larvae Pit

6 Fatty Owlbear Meat Owlbear Cubs Hollowshade

6 Shak Dratha Skull Raiders, Senthiens Shadeweaver's

2 Wetfang Steaks a Large Wetfang Paludal (Tradeskill)

6 Sonic Wolf Tongues Sonic Wolves Hollowshade

Digested Salass Moss Owlbears Hollowshade
Sonic Wolf Blood Sonic Wolves Hollowshade
Poison Dart Felt Grimling Spiritists Hollowshade
Tortoise Saliva Moor Tortoises Hollowshade
Obsolete Quest
# Dec 31 2010 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
Truthfully, I do not believe this quest is available anymore. When you create a Vah Shir character, you are sent with a guild summon to be given to someone in Gloomingdeep Mines. After you follow the trail of requests, you end up doing quests for crescent reach that do not result in an application of citizenship. An application of citizenship is never received. I went to Registrar Bindarah and gave her an acrylia slate that I had picked up from Mignah Charu and all she did was take it. Nothing else happened. I wouldnt waist your time on this quest regardless of race or class.
Obsolete Quest
# May 11 2013 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
bohunkas1 wrote:
Truthfully, I do not believe this quest is available anymore. When you create a Vah Shir character, you are sent with a guild summon to be given to someone in Gloomingdeep Mines. After you follow the trail of requests, you end up doing quests for crescent reach that do not result in an application of citizenship. An application of citizenship is never received. I went to Registrar Bindarah and gave her an acrylia slate that I had picked up from Mignah Charu and all she did was take it. Nothing else happened. I wouldnt waist your time on this quest regardless of race or class.

This quest is not obsolete. It still works as intended, I just took my dwarf rogue alt along with a throw away vah shir on my second account to multi quest the citizenship quest. I'm not sure why you wouldn't have received the Application for Citizenship. He has completed it and is ready to do work on the sonic wolf bane quest line. He's working on this quest line so he can craft his sonic wolf bane for my beastlord who is my main that wants to finish her quest line and get her sonic wolf bane claws just because she can.

For any newly created Vah shir that wants to do this, when creating your toon, set your starting city to Shar Vahl, not crescent reach. This way you will log into shar vahl, once you camp out you can enter tutorial (glooming deep to level up to 10) get nice lower level gear then use Ability: Origin to port back to shar vahl and start your Citizenship quest.

Edited, May 11th 2013 12:15pm by zjsmetana

Edited, May 11th 2013 12:16pm by zjsmetana
EQ- Flur Ogre Beastlord of Quellious
Obsolete Quest
# Jun 26 2011 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
I just made a baby Vah Shir for the express purpose of doing these quests. As far as I know, no one's guild summons is to be given to anyone in Gloomingdeep, but rather to the guild master in their home city. With the tutorial as the default birthplace, and Crescent Reach as the default home city, one must check to see what the settings are before creating the character. I set my home city to Shar Val, so I wouldn't need to MQ the slate quest, and turned off the tutorial so I'd be born in my home guild hall (although one can reach their home city from the tutorial - just takes some zoning and running). I did the Citizen #1 quest, and got my slate and my cloak. I checked my logs and did not see any mention of Harbin. Maybe this was because I was level 2? However, when I gave him my slate he gave me this quest, and I am already the proud owner of my new buckler, at level 4. I'm off to make some pickled eggs now.
Creature Respawn cycle
# Nov 25 2006 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
With too much time on my hands, the pit's cycle goes like this:
Grimling Runt------------Young Rock Hopper
Whiptail Scorpion-------Needle Claw Hopper
Scorpion------------------Grimling Skeleton
Decaying Skeleton------Decaying Skeleton
Xakra Larva--------------Rhinobeetle Hatchling
Rhinobeetle Hatching--Young Rock Hopper AND/OR Grimling Runt
Grimling Skeleton-------?
Young Rock Hopper-----?

Hope this Helps

Edited, Nov 26th 2006 1:50am by Darksilvertip

Edited, Nov 26th 2006 1:51am by Darksilvertip

Edited, Nov 26th 2006 1:52am by Darksilvertip
Hopper eggs
# Aug 31 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
Do these eggs have a shelf life to them because I took over an hour to get only 3 and when I camped for the night I noticed them missing!!!!
What gives!!!
I'm not a rooky with the game so I didn't drop them by accident,they just weren't there.

Hopper eggs
# Mar 15 2020 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
You probably ate them! If you don't put them way below any other food in your bags, and maybe eat lots of roots or Rations, they will disappear.
Rockhopper Eggs
# Jul 22 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
I managed to get 10 rockhopper eggs in about an hour. The eggs will drop anywhere in the pit all you have to do is kill everything in sight. The trick is to leave the corpses where they are. If a rockhopper spawns and it does not have what you need do NOT look anything off of it! If you do the new young rockhopper spawns will only have the items you looted! I repeat, do NOT loot anything you do not need and kill everything in sight. Leave the corpses. If you loot the corpses only those creatures will spawn again.

Just thought I'd do my part to help out.

11 Vah Shir Rogue
after the tooth
# Jun 19 2003 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Xakra Darts

Starts in: Shar Vahl
Who: Rytan, (-400, 400)
Min Level: 1

Rytan says 'Hello Immerlieb, I trust all is well with you today. Come in and have a look around, just let me know if you see anything you like. By the way, I am in need of the assistance of an official Shar Vahl citizen. If you know of any please send them my way.

Rytan says 'Here's my dilemma, I am low on darts to sell and I need to replenish my supply. I simply cannot break away from the store so I require your help. Fill this bag with xakra teeth and return the sealed bag to me. With those teeth I can make six darts and I'll give you three.

Rytan says 'Here are the three darts I promised you and a seal of mine. I need more darts desperately, so show me your acrylia slate to take another bag and fill it as you are able. Collect four of my seals and show them to me. I will reward you by revealing my method of dart construction.

You gain experience!!

Rytan says 'I thank you for your continued assistance, Immerlieb. Here is a fletching tool that will enable you to fashion xakra tooth darts. You will first need to acquire a grimling skeletal femur and place it in a fletching kit with the tool. This will result in three bone shafts. Place a bone shaft, a xakra tooth and this tool in the fletching kit to make a dart. When your fletching skill no longer increases by making these darts you may give me your crafting tool and I will help you to upgrade it.

You gain experience!!

Rytan says 'I assume you are ready to make more challenging darts. Very well, attach this shaft to your crafting tool in a fletching kit and you will be able to make grimling fang darts. Keep in mind that once this is done you will lose the ability to craft xakra tooth darts. When the grimling fang darts become trivial you may wish to upgrade your tool again by giving me the grimling dart crafting tool.

You say, 'what grimling fang darts'

Rytan says 'A grimling fang combined with a bone shard will make a dart slightly better than the xakra tooth dart, which will also sell for slightly more.

6 Xakra Tooth's (Xakra larva, Lvl 2-3) => 3 Xakra Tooth Darts + Seal of Rytan

4 Seal of Rytan => Xakra Dart Crafting Tool

3 Grimling Bone Shards (Fletching Skill 43-46): Dart Crafting Tool + Grimling Fermur

Xakra Tooth Dart [5:26, 75 yd] (Fletching Skill 43-46): Dart Crafting Tool + Bone Shard + Xakra Tooth

Grimling fang dart [?] (Fletching Skill 70+?): Grimling dart crafting tool + Bone Shard + Grimling Fang

(Other darts available up to skill 120, eqtrader.com)
for compare: Shuriken, 4:29, 16cp, 60yd, wt. 0.5
# Jun 08 2003 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
MQ???? What in the world in MQ?
RE: MQ'ing???
# Jul 07 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
Medium Quality comes to mind.
RE: MQ'ing???
# Nov 08 2004 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
Or multi-questing??
Loc of Elam Arruk
# May 31 2003 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
He is down under the palace where the Rogue trainer is at location 230, -325.
Done up to the Taruun Garrison cloak
# May 20 2003 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all just my 2 cents, been working on this quest since I made my vah shir when luclin came out, my rogue is now 55 and I have done everything up to the raids in grimling forest so here is the run down really quick cause to me this quest is worth it. ok after you get all the tongues needed you get a acrylia mortar and pestle, used in creating the poison for the sonic wolf bane weapon, the weapon sucks but the cloaks are worth it. (4/21 bane damg sonic wolf 3) So anyway after you scrounge up all 5 ingredients for the dagger and make it turn it in to elder Turnq with the apprentice cloak to get the journeyman's cloak sorry dont have the stats on it, then run to the grimling forrest zoneline and give cloak to Ahom, he gives it back with a note to take to one of the librarians near the palace in Shar Vhal. Once that is turned in you get an earing that has a clickable buff for owlbear screech immunity unlimited charges and another note to take to a general in the north side slums of the city, 3rd floor of the east most building( I think he is easy to find just lok in the north side slums) anyway after turning in the note he gives you a 4 slot box to fill with a grimling chieftan staff, owlbear guardian talon and sonic wolf guardian fang, all of which are no drop and are random rare drops off the grimlings owlbears and wolves. So after the hours of camping the those dorks and collecting everything you need combine the 3 items and your journeymans cloak in the box combine it and give it back to the general in the city, and you get Taruun Garrison Cloak AC:9 STR:4 Dex:6 Sta:4 Agi:2 HP: +30 skill mod baking +3% so thats the quick rundown took me a long time though so if anyone on Innoruuk server needs the rogue part send me a tell and I will hook ya up

Rhideon Silentpaw
55 Taruun Blackguard
banking and stuff
# Mar 06 2003 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Ok, first I would like to know a pretty good way to level my baking skill without going bankrupt too often. Second, I would like to know if anyone has found all the sonic wolf tongues and continued with this quest?

Furdemon Kitty rogue Kane Bayle server
RE: banking and stuff
# May 20 2003 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
easiest way is go to ec buy a bunch of batwings then head to the docks in freeport and buy fresh fish combine a batwing and a fresh fish for a decent quick way to get skill up to 130ish

Rhideon Silentpaw
55 Taruun Blackguard

p.s. thats what I did anyway not sure f the trivial has changed
RE: baking and stuff
# May 13 2003 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Baking is a pretty easy skill to level up until you approach the 200 mark. Go to www.eqtraders.com. It's got some great information on tradeskills.
Which cloak
# Dec 03 2002 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
Which cloak do you turn in to get Cloak of the Taruun Apprentice, do your turn in your recruit cloak, or the newbie quest cloak you get for doing the citizen quest as I got that one back when I tunred in the items for the Recruit cloak.
RE: Which cloak
# Feb 12 2003 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
You only need to turn in Rucruit cloak. It shouldn't of givin you the other newby cloak back.
# Oct 21 2002 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
I am on the Karana server and only need the rogue part to make my sonic weapons. I have been trying for over a month to get this part. I already have 2 of the 3 items for the next part of quest. Send me a tell will travel to you, if Wesarn isn't on try Wesern, Wesirn, Wesorn, or Wesurn. yeah, I know. No imagination 8)

44 Beastlord
Pride of Vah Shir
Karana Server
Loc of Fharra Cawfeet
# Sep 14 2002 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
She's sitting on the floor at 452 343. The supply Sergeant Ker'far is near the door.
ACK...more problems
# Jul 17 2002 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
Just great...im about to turn in it all for the cloak of the recruit and you are supposed to turn in your initiate cloak, yet mine poofed when i started the whole thing with Harbin Gernawl. Did this happen to anybody else...should i just turn it in....or wait for the GMs.
RE: ACK...more problems
# Jul 29 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
Just so you know, you were NOT supposed to give Harbin your cloak to start, just the slate. You will either need to petition the GMs for a new cloak or MQ to get a new one.
Dart Recpie
# Jul 15 2002 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
Does anybody know what the dart recipie is...my friend turned in his 4 and got nothing, if anybody knows what you need to make these darts please post.

Huntsman of the Taruun
RE: Dart Recpie
# Jul 16 2002 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
Unfortunately, you need a no - drop "Xakra Dart Crafting Tool" that ryltan gives you when you turn in the seals. Use it to break down grimling skeletal femurs into dart shafts, combine these 1:1 with Xakra teeth and the crafting tool (reusable of course).
RE: Dart Recpie
# Jul 16 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
d'oh, seems like a lot of work for the darts though...getting femurs (rare) and teeth (rare) with half the other newbies working to get those same components for their own quests. O well...guess its time to start buying shurikens.
If anybody on the luclin server wants to kill kitties that drop the seals...send me a tell.

Huntsman of the Taruun
Thousand Suns
Sonic Wolf Bane Poision
# Jul 10 2002 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
If anyone is looking to trade Sonic Wolf Bane Poision for Toughened Sinew Lashing Please give Ransih a tell I am on the Terris-Thure Server. I will come to you.

40 Level
Baking up easy-cash too!
# Jun 29 2002 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
ok, heres the trick to fast baking, with earning a 400% profit as an iksar SK with amiable faction in SH, and 35 CHA(forgot to take my mask off he he) Anyhoo, about the baking. everyone is right bout the first part. go to shammie guild, buy batwings, make crunchies till trivial. next, either go to freeport,(ugh) or fish up a LOT(like 10-20 STACKS) of fresh fish. make fish fillets(NOT fish rolls) till trivial, about 82 or 84 or such. finally, the profitable part. head to the SH zone, and go where the entrance to the Nexus is, near the soulbinder. look for a gnome(or was it halfling) female NPC selling various meats. buy BEAR meat and get a nearby smith to make a filleting knife, then make filleted bear till trivial(154 whoopee, even yer wolf bane weps are triv by then!) finally note one thing when selling back yer filleted bear. one meat makes 4 fillets(or was it 2, think it was 4), one meat costs, with 35 CHA and amiable faction, 1s 2c. one fillet, yes ONE fillet, sells back for 1s 4c. each meat makes 4. ONE fillet akes profit, and you get a whopping 4! MWA HA HA HA! PROFIT ON BAKING! YAY!
an end
# Jun 10 2002 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
is there an end to this quest? like a point where its either completly broken or it just stops?
Miscellaneous comments
# May 22 2002 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
As a level 19 rogue, here are my comments so far (currently collecting sonic wolf tongues):

1) Young Rockhopper Eggs: Finding the young rockhoppers is the trick. Stay under or near the south bridge, killing all scorpions in sight to spawn the rockhoppers. The young rockhoppers tend to come and go in waves, so it's feast or famine. As other classes will also be hunting young rockhoppers for other drops, ooc that you're looking to loot their eggs. Before combining the eggs, get baking up as high as you can afford. This is most easily done by buying owlbear meat at the outpost in Hollowshade (a fairly quick and safe trip for even the low levels), and spices and jugs of sauce from the supply master at building #2 (see Allakhazam map). The oven to combine these 3 items is also located in building #2. All the ingredients are fairly cheap, even for a true newbie. Make no mistake, getting the eggs will take some time, but if you don't have the patience, being a rogue may not be best suited for you. Group with other newbies to kill time and have some fun while doing this part.

2) Fatty Owlbear Meat: Fairly common drop off owlbear cubs near the outpost. Looks identical to owlbear guts. A ton of these probable rot every day. The safest place to pull is to the backside of the outpost. Pull too close to the front, and there's a chance the guards will come join in the action.

3) Wetfang steaks: You thought the young rockhopper eggs were tough. Hunt wetfangs in the main pool in paludal caverns. The steaks dropped for me about one out of every 10-15 wetfangs. Finding the wetfangs can be difficult. I had a tracker help me on this part, but for those without that luxury, start swimming. Shammies need eyes off the wetfangs, so you may be able to hook up with one to speed up this part of the quest. I looted 4 steaks, but only needed 2 as I succeeded on the first try (baking around 23 I believe). Alternatively, you can keep checking the first pool of water when zoning in from Shadeweaver Thicket for wetfangs. Occasionally I would spot one there, but I can't vouch as to whether they drop the steaks or not.

4) Sonic wolf tongues: After many hours killing wolves near the outpost and the owlbear cave, I've concluded they do not drop in that part of the zone. To get the tongues, kill the wolves near the grimling forest zone. I had four drop within two and a half hours. During that time, numerous other quest items for other classes also dropped that I never saw near the outpost (jawbone for bard, brains for shammmy, etc.). Also, about 4 sonic wolf bloods dropped during that time (needed to make rogue component of sonic weapon). Be forewarned, all wolves are slightly higher in level (2-3+ levels higher?) near the grimling zone than those near the outpost. There is a banker and vendor nearby in the grimling forest zone.

Edited, Wed May 22 13:15:05 2002
RE: Miscellaneous comments
# Mar 02 2003 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Two more cents here :)

Please DON'T group in the Pit. You will seriously regret it later. The Pit will prepare you well for the nearby zones as you progress from noob to low-level, but if you group you will progress too fast in your levels relative to your skills! This will not hurt you until you have to face serious battle opponents, and by then it will be very frustrating to rectify the situation.

Janarji BST
Jeranji BRD
Gunnji RGE
Lunnji SHM
Zennji WAR
Luclin server
RE: Miscellaneous comments
# Feb 26 2003 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
With all due respect, much confusion reigns among true newbies about the south and north bridge. The south bridge is near Registrar Bindarah and the north bridge is near Mignah (your slate). The south bridge is appropriate for lvls 1-3, and the north bridge is appropriate for lvls 4-8 (you can also start in the Thicket at around lvl 5 if you are careful). Scorpion shells for the first part of this quest drops evenly by both bridges in the Pit, although there are more scorpions near the north side. Eggs drop only by the north bridge. Soo ... obviously the Taruun epic is the slowest starting quest that exists in Shar Vahl. Be patient ... the shells drop off both whiptales and scorpions, but the eggs drop off of young rockhoppers and NOT off needle claws. (Which means you can probably finish the first part by the south [easy] bridge but will have to move to the north bridge to finish the Pit part.) Remember to look ahead and save any No Drop parts you will need later :)
Finally ... rule #1 of the Pit is KILL EVERYTHING!! The overriding programming of the Pit appears to be skills, skills, skills! Fight and what you seek will spawn. Be too selective and it can take a loooong time ... :)

Thanks for reading.

Janarji BST
Jeranji BRD
Gunnji RGE
Lunnji SHM
Zennji WAR
Luclin server
RE: Miscellaneous comments
# Jan 05 2003 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
As a Shaman, I found the easiest wetfang to hunt was by the paludal entrance near the thicket. The 'fang "swims" through the stone and ends up either down the nearby tunnel (90% of the time) or it ends up near the ceiling (the remainder of the time). Look carefully, and you'll see it. I'm guessing the pathing is buggy or something, but hunt it all you like, it doesn't fight back out of the water!

P.S. LOOT IT QUICK! For some reason, it "floats" upward into the ceiling pretty often and becomes unreachable. It usually re-spawns in 5-8 minutes. Happy Hunting!
RE: Miscellaneous comments
# Jul 13 2002 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
I would love to take advantage of the information you gave about where to obtain the sonic wolf tongues...but I can find Elam Arruk to get the bag to put them in. Can anyone tell me where to find him?
Rodcet NIFE Rogue Part to trade!
# May 08 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
I want to trade the Rogue Part on Rodcet Nife for any of the other classes... If you can help me pls send Jennsen a tell in game! Thanks
# May 07 2002 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I don't know how the quest will be completed now but I found the outpost is now in the hands of Grimlins. They are red to a lvl 22.
Xakra teeth
# May 04 2002 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
ive only made 1 boiled rockhopper egg and i got pissed because i failed on 3 so im collecting Xakra teeth now so i wont have to do it later =)

xkyran lvl 5 rogue
rathearian lvl 33 warrior

Spicy Fish Stew
# Apr 13 2002 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
This was trivial at Baking 107.
Warrior Part Trade
# Mar 31 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Greetings Rogues of Xev. I have the warrior piece of quest to trade with you for your rogue part.

Send tell to Ahroun or Rocheforth
Thx in Advance
starting this
# Mar 25 2002 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
I went to harbin and hailed him, he responded, then what do I do? doesn't say here, tried giving him acrylia slate, he wouldnt take it.
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