Vah Shir Citizenship (#1)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:15 minutes
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Starting
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Dec 7 18:12:19 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Start by giving your Guild Summons to your guildmaster. You will receive an Application for Citizenship. For example:

    Master Taruun Rakutah says, 'Good ________, I am pleased to see you. You have come of age and it is time for you to register for citizenship. Your invitation indicates that the Taruun, hunters and providers of Shar Vahl, have noticed you and consider your potential to be worthy of our training. First, take this application to Registrar Bindarah and return to me with proof of citizenship.'

    Master Taruun Rakutah says, 'I know that you may be nervous right now... after all, this should be a very exciting first step for you. If you happen to get lost while looking for the registrar, just ask one of the other citizens or guards for directions. They will most likely know where to find the place or person that you are looking for.'

    You gain experience!

    Find Registrar Bindarah near the south gate and bridge at -390, +140. Give her the Application for Citizenship.

    Registrar Bindarah says 'Young ______, I will be happy to process your registration for you. While I etch your name on our people's book of records I will require you to run a couple of errands. Take this certificate to the tax collector and obtain his seal. While you're out doing that, have Mignah create your personal Acrylia slate for you. Bring both the seal and the slate to me as soon as you can.'

    You gain experience!!

    You receive a Certificate of Taxability in exchange. Find Tax Collector Khugra in the bank at -290, -455, -187 and give him the certificate.

    Tax Collector Khugra places his seal on the certificate before returning it to you. 'Ahh, a new taxpayer, wonderful! You must always remember that it is a distinct privilege to contribute to the upkeep of our noble society and not merely a duty or a burden. I look forward to collecting your honorable taxes in the future. May the spirits prosper you, ______.'

    You receive a Stamped Certificate of Taxability. Now find Mignah Cahru in the tavern near the north gate at +485, -285.

    You say, 'What about an acrylia slate?'

    Mignah Cahru pulls a smoldering piece of forged acrylia from a nearby oven and, before you can react, presses your hand into the still soft metal. 'This may hurt a bit, but it'll heal.' He then etches your name and the date into the slate and plunges it into a bucket of water before placing it into your stinging palm.

    You receive an Acrylia Slate. Head back to Registrar Bindarah and give her the stamped certificate and acrylia slate.

    Registrar Bindarah says 'This item, by itself, means nothing to me.'

    Registrar Bindarah says 'Ahh, there you are. I was about to send someone looking for you. Everything seems to be in order here, only one task remains. You must gain audience with the king and swear fealty to his highness by handing him this document. Return to me when this is done.'

    She will keep the acrylia slate for now, but you will get it back later. You receive a Note to King Raja, which reads:

    Oh great king, I hereby voluntarily pledge my life to serving the realm and preserving the noble Vah Shir. I am henceforth yours to command.

    Take it to King Raja Kerrath in the throne room of the palace, at 0, +565, -160.

    King Raja Kerrath says 'Your humility and willingness to serve shall not be wasted. There is much to be done, ______, and our people thank you in advance for your selfless service.'

    You receive a Note from King Raja, which reads:

    I, your beloved king, find the bearer of this note to be worthy of citizenship of Shar Vahl. May he serve the noble Vah Shir well.

    Return to Registrar Bindarah and give her the letter.

    Registrar Bindarah says 'Well done, ______, I am honored to be the first to welcome you to citizenship of Shar Vahl! May you serve our society as well as it serves you. Return to your guildmaster and present both the slate and the application to him. The acrylia slate shall henceforth serve as proof of your citizenship.'

    Registrar Bindarah says 'Oh, by the way, be careful with this as it will be important for recording your service to our society. If you should somehow lose it, ask me about your slate and I will issue you a new one.'

    Your faction standing with Citizens of Shar Vahl got better. +400
    You gain experience!!

    You receive an Acrylia Slate of Shar Vahl, along with a Notarized Application. NOTE: This slate is your unique identification for subsequent Vah Shir quests, so don't destroy it. Bring the application back to your guildmaster. Here's the dialogue for the Beastlord guildmaster:

    Elder Animist Sahdi says 'Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Khati Sha, lords of the beasts. Accept this cloak, young initiate. It is a symbol of your loyalty to our noble people. May it serve you as you serve us all. Present your acrylia slate to Animist Poren and he will give you instruction. May the spirits of the beasts guide you and keep you safe.'

    You receive the Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl.
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    Trade skills
    # Mar 02 2021 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
    193 posts
    I know this can be multi quested still. I just did this with my barbarian warrior. My question is if a human monk can multi quest it to get the acrylia slate so he can do the trade skills quest. I think you can but wonder if you have to hand in the slate and note to a guild master after turning in the note to the king in order for your slate to work for the trade skills quest? Obviously there are no monk guild masters for the Vah Shir so could I just do it with the guild master of the original Vah Shir character?

    Edit: Yes this can be done by classes that are not native to Vah Shir. Thus my human monk has his acrylia slate now and cloak after turning in the note to the beast lord guild master.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2021 12:43pm by Arog
    Toon in home city
    # Feb 02 2020 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    I have discovered that if you are free to play you cannot do any of the armor newbie quest which is race specific. The same goes for the armor newbie quest in PoK.
    The guild notes you get when creating your new toon is specific. I tried several times and since Crescent Reach is its own separate it is not allowed for race specific armor quest.
    I realize that there is better armor in Glooming Deep and there are lost of quest in Crescent; ; but the tutorial and Crescent can get boring after awhile and something I do enjoy the challenge of the newbie quest in my home city.
    Toon in home city
    # Mar 06 2020 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
    64 posts
    You can do the quests as long as you have a premium account on which to create Vah Shir of the specific class. You can multiquest one of the steps and get the correct slate on a f2p account character.
    # Mar 12 2019 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    When talking to Registrar Bindarah, if you ask, as a new character without a slate (starting from Crescent Reach, because Silver), if you ask "I need an Acrylia Slate of Shar Vahl" She responds with "You need to prove your dedication to our cause before I can discus such matters with you." Does anyone know what faction she is on? Guardians or Citizens (of Shar Vahl)?

    Starting as a Beastlord Vah Shir in the Mines of Gloomingdeep with starting city of Crescent Reach, I had 1000 pts for Guardians of Shar Vahl and 751 pts for Citizens of Shar Vahl (warmly to both). 100pts for Guardians and 349pts to Citizens to get each to Ally. I'm wondering if there could be a way to raid both (besides The Button Girl 50 times) to raise both or either and try as an outsider to get the quest?

    Also, can't believe they haven't done something about this in 17 years. Yeesh.
    (Edited for some spelling)

    Edited, Mar 12th 2019 2:44pm by Divero
    # Sep 05 2019 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
    My memory is faulty. I thought the guild note was trade able. I recall some guild notes were for some classes and races but I think something else has been changed to prevent this. I know I made a newbie Vah Shir in the past to help someone but something has definitely changed.

    Figured it out. The slate for the multi quest was the Acrylia Slate that you could get from Mignah Cahru. It seems that you need to be more than indifferent now to get the Acrylia Slate.

    Can still be done. Just confirmed a few minutes ago with my Vah Shir Beastlord with Crescent Reach as the starting city. Just follow the steps. Need a newbie toon with all access and Shar Vahl as home city to get the proper starting guild note to get the application. The acrylia slate is the mid step you need as a Crescent Reach orphan.

    Edited, Sep 5th 2019 5:19am by Severrian

    Edited, Sep 5th 2019 8:55am by Severrian

    Edited, Sep 7th 2019 6:28am by Severrian
    From Warrior Guildmaster
    # Feb 02 2018 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
    GBATE!! Never saw it coming
    9,970 posts
    Upon turn-in of application and acrylia plate:

    "Congratulations, <yourname>! Welcome to your new life as an official citizen of Shar Vahl. This cloak symbolizes your commitment to serving this people through continuous self-improvement. For now, you must strengthen yourself until you become worthy to train in the way of the Khala Dun. Show your acrylia slate to Guard Hebijeb. He will direct you further. May the spirits of our ancestors be your guide."
    remorajunbao wrote:
    One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

    From Warrior Guildmaster
    # Feb 03 2018 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
    Friar Bijou wrote:
    Upon turn-in of application and acrylia plate:

    "Congratulations, <yourname>! Welcome to your new life as an official citizen of Shar Vahl. This cloak symbolizes your commitment to serving this people through continuous self-improvement. For now, you must strengthen yourself until you become worthy to train in the way of the Khala Dun. Show your acrylia slate to Guard Hebijeb. He will direct you further. May the spirits of our ancestors be your guide."

    Is the name of the Warrior Guildmaster Elder Veteran Muhrak?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    start city =(
    # Nov 11 2017 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
    244 posts
    wanting to max out my TS, I wanted to do the MQ on my reg wood elf toon. I created a zerker kitty, Bah start city cresent reach. So thinking that they made zerkers after luclin came out I deleted and created a Bard kitty, Bah start city cresent reach. Both of my accounts are gold, BTW I tried /setstartcity and it wouldn't let me change, I guess it is /petition time
    Mulila Forestwarden
    110th season RANGER

    aaror-95th lvl cleric
    tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
    kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
    darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
    and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
    Torvonnilous forever =)

    "never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
    start city =(
    # Jan 24 2018 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    I think it is wrong that you create something other then a Drakin and DB makes it you have to start in Crescent that it blocks all newbie quest. Cannot even grab the newbie armor quest in PoK. Even if you con "I love you man" you still will not get a quest in your race home city.
    start city =(
    # Jan 24 2018 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,738 posts
    nerina819 wrote:
    I think it is wrong that you create something other then a Drakin and DB makes it you have to start in Crescent that it blocks all newbie quest. Cannot even grab the newbie armor quest in PoK. Even if you con "I love you man" you still will not get a quest in your race home city.

    It should work if you have an paid subscription. But, yes, they did lock it out of Free to Play accounts. Many of the FTP restrictions have been lifted over time, though, so if enough people question this decision, it's not unthinkable that they might change their minds.
    start city =(
    # Nov 15 2017 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
    laxcat wrote:
    wanting to max out my TS, I wanted to do the MQ on my reg wood elf toon. I created a zerker kitty, Bah start city cresent reach. So thinking that they made zerkers after luclin came out I deleted and created a Bard kitty, Bah start city cresent reach. Both of my accounts are gold, BTW I tried /setstartcity and it wouldn't let me change, I guess it is /petition time

    On the character creation screen you can choose what city you want your character to start in. Usually by playing with the deity you can choose your city.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    start city =(
    # Nov 15 2017 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
    244 posts

    On the character creation screen you can choose what city you want your character to start in. Usually by playing with the deity you can choose your city.

    Thanks I missed that, probly cause I haven't really created a toon in so many years.

    Mulila Forestwarden
    110th season RANGER

    aaror-95th lvl cleric
    tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
    kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
    darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
    and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
    Torvonnilous forever =)

    "never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
    Phinney Server
    # Oct 02 2016 at 4:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    GBATE!! Never saw it coming
    9,970 posts
    Ran through the whole #1 and the only faction hit was:

    +400 Citizens of Shar Val (when I gave the King's Note to Registrar Bindarah).

    Edited, Oct 2nd 2016 4:17am by Bijou
    remorajunbao wrote:
    One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

    Phinney Server
    # Oct 02 2016 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Friar Bijou wrote:
    Ran through the whole #1 and the only faction hit was:

    +400 Citizens of Shar Val (when I gave the King's Note to Registrar Bindarah).

    Edited, Oct 2nd 2016 4:17am by Bijou

    Updated, thanks.
    no guild note to turn in
    # Jun 01 2016 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
    Does anyone know of a means to get a new guild note to turn in to the Guild Master? I am starting up a Beast Lord, but was from the Gloom not the starting city. The Crescent guild note did not work. Any help would be appreciated. Trying to work the old school stuff.

    * I have seen in the new player channel that the F2P folks wont get these most likely because they can not start in their starting city

    Thanks Nikua

    Edited, Jun 1st 2016 6:15pm by Nikua13

    Edited, Jun 1st 2016 6:30pm by Nikua13
    factions for this quest
    # Jan 24 2016 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
    207 posts
    Registrar Bindarah says 'Oh, by the way, be careful with this as it will be important for recording your service to our society. If you should somehow lose it, ask me about your slate and I will issue you a new one.'

    Your faction standing with Citizens of Shar Vahl got better.
    You gain experience!!

    Your faction standing with Citizens of Sharvahl has been adjusted by 400.
    easy FIND npcs
    # Nov 02 2015 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
    101 posts
    here are the most updated npcs you can search for with the FIND function to get to the quest givers

    search for: General Supplies Jihli Mahej to get to Registrar Bindarah. she is in the room to the right of the room Jihli is in.
    Melee Augments Gemcrafter Solus to get to Mignah Cahru.
    Banker Naudi or Kjarl to get to Tax Collector Khugra
    Soulbinder Ghula to get to King Raja

    today i did the multi-quest in order to get citizenship with my new troll. confirmed still able to be done.
    easy FIND npcs
    # Nov 05 2015 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    SCindyee wrote:
    here are the most updated npcs you can search for with the FIND function to get to the quest givers

    search for: General Supplies Jihli Mahej to get to Registrar Bindarah. she is in the room to the right of the room Jihli is in.
    Melee Augments Gemcrafter Solus to get to Mignah Cahru.
    Banker Naudi or Kjarl to get to Tax Collector Khugra
    Soulbinder Ghula to get to King Raja

    today i did the multi-quest in order to get citizenship with my new troll. confirmed still able to be done.

    MikuRBD wrote:
    I love you.

    FYI. This CAN be done by NON Vah Shir. If you're a weirdo like me who likes raising factions or roleplaying. I just did it on my Dark Elf mage :3 I used a Vah Shir illusion potion. I don't know if that was necessary but I did anyway.

    Just have the fresh toon hand in the note to guild leader, then the next note to Registrar, then the tax slip to Tax Collector, then the new tax slip to Registrar. Then have your non-gold kitty (or non-kitty) say "what about an acrylia slate" to Mignah, then go back and hand it to Registrar and continue the quest from there.

    The Citizen's faction hit is 400 points by the way (Positive hit obviously). "Your faction standing with Citizens of Sharvahl has been adjusted by 400."

    Edited, Oct 13th 2014 8:41am by MikuRBD

    Updated, and thanks for the insightful posts.

    I did the Citizenship quest with my Iksar Beastlord a few years back, always have hoped they would extend it into higher/newer content.
    Still MQ'able
    # Oct 17 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
    47 posts
    Since nobody has commented on this quest in a long time, i would like to let everyone know that it is still MQ'able as of Oct 16 2013.
    Most Silver accounts will be forced to start in Crecent reach, you will need to MQ if you want to get a slate for a vah shir. The Vah shir newbie Must start in shar vahl, this will require a gold account.

    Use a newbie vah shir, hand note to guildmaster, take it to registrar bindarah. Take her note to the taxation guy in the bank. You get a certified taxation slip.
    Use the character you want to receive the slate to get a slate , just say "what about an acrylia slate?".
    Hand in the taxation slip with the newbie char, then the slate with the character. You will receive a note to give to the king, and can continue the quest from there.

    Edited, Oct 17th 2013 1:19pm by AtnaEverywhere
    Still MQ'able
    # Oct 13 2014 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
    171 posts
    I love you.

    FYI. This CAN be done by NON Vah Shir. If you're a weirdo like me who likes raising factions or roleplaying. I just did it on my Dark Elf mage :3 I used a Vah Shir illusion potion. I don't know if that was necessary but I did anyway.

    Just have the fresh toon hand in the note to guild leader, then the next note to Registrar, then the tax slip to Tax Collector, then the new tax slip to Registrar. Then have your non-gold kitty (or non-kitty) say "what about an acrylia slate" to Mignah, then go back and hand it to Registrar and continue the quest from there.

    The Citizen's faction hit is 400 points by the way (Positive hit obviously). "Your faction standing with Citizens of Sharvahl has been adjusted by 400."

    Edited, Oct 13th 2014 8:41am by MikuRBD
    Citizen Of Shar Vahl. Could I deo this quest.?
    # Feb 25 2011 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
    I received my application for citizenship ages ago.
    Turned it in, somewhere, probably in Free Port City, and continued to play EQ.

    So, my question is, does anyone know whether I could do this quest without the original application?

    Shar Vahl seems a very cool City... So...

    Any ideas?


    Edited, Feb 26th 2011 8:26pm by karmalight

    Edited, Feb 27th 2011 3:56pm by karmalight
    guild summons
    # Jul 03 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
    where do u get your guild summons? I am a barbarian beastlord.
    guild summons
    # Jul 04 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
    642 posts
    cutierighthere wrote:
    where do u get your guild summons? I am a barbarian beastlord.

    you've answered your own question--you're a BARBARIAN. this only applies to Vah Shir. it is possible to MQ it, if you read about, you can figure that out.
    guild summons
    # Jul 04 2009 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
    according to this site. it is for all class and all race.
    Name of Scroll
    # Nov 03 2008 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
    Dar Khura Guild Summons - This is for an Sharman (Cat)
    # Oct 18 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
    I am a new berzerker and i gave my acrylia slate back to guildmaster after completing the quest and she sais this item has no value to me alone, and then kept the slate.. so i am assuming i need to give her something else but i do not know what. can anyone help?
    Non Shar Vahl getting cloak
    # Aug 28 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    I'm a Drakkin Bard- was able to ask for slate, then turned in slate at registrar and she gave me note to king and followed rest of quest and got my cloak and acrylia slate of Shar Vahl- only problem is that all the applicable races are on cloak except Drakkin :/
    Non Shar Vahl getting cloak
    # Aug 28 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Abyrith wrote:
    I'm a Drakkin Bard- was able to ask for slate, then turned in slate at registrar and she gave me note to king and followed rest of quest and got my cloak and acrylia slate of Shar Vahl- only problem is that all the applicable races are on cloak except Drakkin :/

    /bug it?
    2 things
    # Jun 13 2007 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
    First, this can be a little tricky for new players, so to find Mignah Charu, i usually do a find path to the merchant near the bridge, or Melek (i think).
    Second, you can have anyone get an acrylia slate, my iksar did.
    Citizenship changing
    # May 06 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
    Is it possible to start the Shar Vahl citizenship quest by giving our original newbie scrolls to our class' Gm on Shar Vahl? If not, is there any other way to start it? (aside... what if we destroyed it to make room for stuff a long time ago?)
    # Feb 24 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
    I have a small problem, I just found Mignah and she does not give me any options for the slate. She just says that I have to find them, what the heck?? Nedd help thanks.
    Location of King Raja Kerrath
    # Sep 03 2006 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
    Location of King Raja Kerrath is -0.87,566.53,-160.62
    Location of King Raja Kerrath
    # Sep 03 2006 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
    After talking with Mignah Cahru, only the acrylia slate is received. The Acrylia Slate of Shar Vahl is received only after returning from the King with his letter.

    After bringing back application to Guildmaster Grawleh...he says

    As high spiritist of the Vah Shir, allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Dar Khura. Wear this cloak with pride, young initiate. It shall grow with you as you overcome trials in service of our noble people. Present your acrylia slate to spiritist Fehril and he will guide you through your early training. May the strongest of our ancestral spirits be your inspiration.

    You gain experience
    findable locations
    # Jun 01 2006 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
    the registrar can be found by using find to get to task master Taruun Galorg ( the registar is behind a door that is 2 doors to the left when facing the task master );

    to find mignah cahru, do a find on melek haluur, mignah is upstairs from this merchant;

    to find the king, all you have to do is to do a find on teh soulbinder, who is like 50 feet from the king.

    I hope this helps folks...
    tax collector location
    # Dec 30 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Location of "Tax Collector Khugra" is -289.21, -456.37, -187.62... inside the bank.
    Help plz
    # Apr 28 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Nevermind figured it out lolz....

    Edited, Thu Apr 28 21:30:55 2005
    can a barbarian become a citizen?
    # Feb 07 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
    i'm trying to do the beastlord quests and i have a barbarian. how do i do this? i have the slate, but when i try to give it to the guildmaster, it doesn't apparently i need to have the tax part of it, but what do i do since i don't have the newb scroll? anyone else done this since everything became no-drop?
    can i start the var shir quuest over i messed up big time
    # Dec 22 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
    please help me i need to know can i start the var shir citizens quest over from the beginning i messed up please help
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