Khati Sha Recruit (Beastlord #2)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Tradeskill
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    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    • All
    Entered: Thu Apr 25 22:38:41 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This is the Vah Shir Beastlord quest series. You must first do the citizenship quest.

    Part 1 - Handwraps

    Animist Poren needs to see your Acrylia Slate.

    Animist Poren says "I have much for you to do . There is a great need for capable Khati Sha in this new land. It is important that you progress speedily. We need to outfit you with the equipment that defines our chosen path. We'll start with your battleclaws, but be aware of the fact that it will take you some time.before you can use both sets in combat. Just keep them both with you while you learn.

    Animist Poren says "Take this stitching pack and combine two shadeling silks from the xakra worms. Combine two of the threads to make a bandage. Take this pattern and sew together three of the bandages. With considerable practice this will produce the handwraps that will be a foundation for your first sacred weapon. When you have created them retuen to me the scrap material.

    He then gives you a Khati Sha Handwrap Pattern and a Stitching Pack.

    To make the handwraps:

    (1) Combine two shadeling silks in the Stitching Pack to make a Shade Silk Thread. Silks are found on the Xakla Larvae in the pit (Shar Vahl) and on the Xakla Silkworms in Shadeweaver's Thicket.
    (2) Combine 2 Shade Silk Threads in the Stitching Pack to make a Shade Silk Bandage.
    (3) Combine 3 Shade Silk Bandages and the Khati Sha Handwrap Pattern to make Khati Sha Handwraps.

    Successfully making the Handwraps (which is possible with a Tailoring skill of 4 - though unlikely!) also generates a Silk Scrap. Return the scrap to Animist Poren for part 2 of the quest

    Part 2 - Claws

    Upon giving Animist Poren the Shade Silk Scraps:

    Animist Poren says, 'That took quite some time considering the simplicity of the task. Please _______, work on becoming more efficient. We have much to do and time is of the essence. In your stitching pack, combine the handwraps, two young hopperclaws and forged fasteners. Return to me with the resulting claws and your [initiate's cloak.]'

    You gain experience!

    You say, 'What initiate's cloak?'

    Animist Poren says, 'You should have received your initiate's cloak if you presented your acrylia slate and notarized application to Elder Animist Sahdi. You can give those two items to him if you have not already and receive your cloak.'

    You say, 'What are forged fasteners?'

    Animist Poren says, 'Perhaps one of our smiths can assist you with the forged fasteners. I'd check the armory.'

    Ask Kagazz about "Forged Fasteners". He is behind the armoury by the forge at (/loc 254, -182, -189).

    You say, 'Can you make forged fasteners?'

    Kagazz squints as he reads your lips, 'Fasteners you say? Show me your slate and I'll make you a deal.

    Give him your Acrylia Slate of Sharl Vahl. He returns it and says:

    Kagazz says, 'My wife is making some jewelry. Not the sparkly stuff, mind you. She is nearly blind so appearance means little to her. She is intent on making jewelry with a more, uhh, natural feel. Currently she's constructing a special scorpion leg necklace, and is in need of more scorpion legs. I can't leave the shop so I need your help. Fill this box with scorpion legs and I'll pay you with metal fasteners that any merchant will gladly buy.'

    Collect four NO TRADE "Scorpion Leg" or four "Scorpion Legs" (these latter are marked as QUEST ITEM and are stackable). Either will work but they cannot be mixed. Combine these in the box Kagazz gave you to receive Box of Scorpion Legs. Return this to him to receive one (1) Forged Fasteners. Also note that the fasteners are NO TRADE so any merchant will not, in fact, gladly buy them as he claimed.

    Upon Turn in:

    Kagazz says, 'Ahh, _______! I thank you, my wife will be most grateful. Here are the fasteners I promised you. You know ______, there was a time that young, would-be smiths would seek my approval so that they could study the ways of the forge under my tutelage. That was back when I was Master Smith, before I named Barkhem my successor.'
    You gain experience!


    1x Forged Fastners,
    2x Young Hopperclaw,
    1x Khati Sha Handwraps,
    In the Stitching Pack

    On successful combine, you receive Primary Silk Khati Sha Claw and Secondary Silk Khati Sha Claw. NOTE: the Handwraps are lost in the combine and are not returned in a later stage of the quest.

    Return both Silk Khati Sha Claws AND your Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl to Animist Poren. Animist Poren is at 275, 47, -258. Enter the castle (west central district), descend the stairs, and turn right. Walk through the arch and turn right again. Descend the stairs at the end of the hallway. Enter the door and take the door on your left. Animist Poren is in this room.

    Upon Turn In:

    Animist Poren says "Well, you're off to a slow start, but it is a start. You will do well to accomplish your tasks in a more timely fashion. You have chosen a path full of trials, . I say again, time is of the essence. Take my seal to Mahron Sood and prepare yourself for the upcoming challenges."

    You gain experience!

    You recieve: Reinforced Primary/Secondary Claws as well as the Cloak of The Khati Sha Recruit and the Seal of Animist Poren

    Animist Poren shouts " Friends, I have news to share! It has taken longer than it should, but at last has completed our initiatory tasks and will now be given the priveleges reserved for the Khati Sha recruits!. Soon we hope to have this citizen ready to aid in the exploring of this new land. Please give support in whatever ways you can and trouble this recruit as little as possible, for seems to be easily distracted."
    Send a Correction
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    He said nothing...
    # Sep 20 2002 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
    I'm a the part 2 of this quest. But when I talked to Animist Poren, he said nothing. I gave him the scraps but he didn't want them. Did I need to speak with him or should I go to speak with Kagazz ?
    Larvae? Don't Bother.
    # Sep 18 2002 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
    If you really want the silks for this quest, head to Shadeweaver's Thicket. The silkworms drop this stuff more frequently than the larvae. I have got like 2 stacks of the stuff sitting in the bank, waiting for the day I have the patience enough to do the tailoring to do this quest. Right now, I am a bit more concerned with leveling.
    RE: Larvae? Don't Bother.
    # Feb 06 2003 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    The lesser shades also drop shadeling silk
    I don't combine. ...
    # Sep 16 2002 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
    shadeweaver or shadeling ? In the first part we need to Combine 2 "shadeweaver silks" in the Stitching Pack to make a silk thread. But I can't find any Shadeweaver Silk. I found only Shadeling Silk and on XakRa Larvae or XakRa Silkworms.
    When I try to combine the Shadeling I got an error message like I cannot use the stitching Kit to combine those items.
    Did I make a mistake ? Where can I find the Shadeweaver Silk ?

    Gansh Bst/VaH Shir 6
    17/09/2002 : No,level 7 now....;o))

    Edited, Tue Sep 17 07:43:53 2002
    RE: I don't combine. ...
    # Nov 01 2002 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
    You need to combine 2 shadeling silks to make a shade silk thread, then combine 2 shade silk threads to make a silk bandage. When you start out, making the threads is no fail but making the silk bandages is not.

    I recomend collecting at least 4 stacks of shadeling silk, then combine them 2 at a time until you have at least 2 stacks of threads, then combine the threads 2 at a time untill you run out of threads. hopefully you'll have at least 1 stack of silk bandages (used in this quest, but also for the "bandaging" skill)

    doing it this way will give you the material you need for this quest as well as promote your tailoring skill (which you will also need for the quest since the combines for this quest are based on tailoring).

    Fanatical Banana
    Sadwen Eymbroak
    Rhodger Moore
    Kaftan <<surname pending>>

    Kane Bayle server
    best class - ALL ??
    # Aug 29 2002 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    if this Reinforced Khati Shaw Claw (Primary) can only be used by a Beastlord --- then why does it say best class: ALL ??

    Makes no sense to me and is too long and tedious to do for nothing!

    Suevahnir, Lvl 11 Vahshir warrior
    Luclin Defender
    RE: Where?
    # Aug 29 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
    NToV, Vulak
    What happened to the rest of this quest?
    # Aug 29 2002 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
    Does anyone know what happened to rest of this quest? Where is the quest info on how to make the claws magical?

    I know I have seen it listed here before...
    # Aug 22 2002 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
    Im reading about the beastlord epic. And I lost my cloak due to stupidity ( I thought I had to turn it in on the second turn in) Does anyone know if I am ok or am I scrwed?
    # Aug 20 2002 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
    ok I just started a Vah Shir Beastlord and am doing this quest I am on the last part with the hopper tails but other than what I have from the quest I have no armor at all and i am still level 7. When I hunt in Hollowshade Moors I get wasted but all the beetles that agro on me. Is it possible to collect the tails from hoppers on the other side of the city?

    Also I express some confusion as to the posts here as I have almost finished and have heard nothing about the Molars or owl bear paws mentioned on this board. Also I have 20 Tailoring(with some work) and I did have some failures but was able to do it.
    RE: confusion
    # Nov 01 2002 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
    The young rockhopper tails portion isn't the last step... but I'll address your questions

    by doing the Whiptail Poison Glands in the Shar Vahl "pit", you can eventually get a full suit of padded armor. You can also get better armor by doing a number of quests that start in Shadeweaver's Thicket, like Ghulam Armor

    Also, by doing these other quests along with your primary quest (Khati Sha), you will earn experience and levels... the beatles and rockhoppers in Hollowshade Moor are going to be a bit tough till you're level 10 or above since they have a rather large "agro range" and tend to double or even tripple up on you if you're not careful. I got my butt kicked in Hollowshade Moor (even with armor) 'till I reached level 15 and got my next pet and new spells... and even now at level 15 I'm careful.

    Fanatical Banana
    Sadwen Eymbroak
    Rhodger Moore
    Kaftan <<surname pending>>

    Kane Bayle server

    Epic Quest
    # Aug 17 2002 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
    Finally got my molars... Yes, over by the Grimling zone they drop more often than elsewhere.

    Bought the Tomes -- and discovered that to go any further with this weapon you need a member of each class to do THEIR quest, and combine them!

    Are they SERIOUS??

    - Puddetat
    Beastlord of the 18th Season
    Tailoring Skill
    # Aug 05 2002 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Allright it seems to me like my tailoring skill hasnt moved for 5 or 6 levels now ive been making new armor and stuff from shade silk and damaged rockhopper hides and stuff but my tailoring is still at 22 can someone give me some good "recipes" for armor that a lvl 11 beastlord can get please so i can get my skill up Thanks
    Is It Really Worth It?!
    # Jul 30 2002 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
    I have to ask... Does anyone know what the fruit of all this labor will be? and is it really worth it? Is it a character long epic or what?
    weapon assembly
    # Jul 27 2002 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default
    Does anyone know where I can find some fish oil soaked rags and the kelp salt or whatever it is for this part of the quest?
    RE: weapon assembly
    # Jan 13 2003 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
    Kelp Salt drops off those Moor Tortoises that populate the sand beaches in southwestern quarter of Hollowshade Moor. Careful--the tortoises will poison you. It is not a frequent drop. Maybe one in ten kills.

    I looted fish oil soaked rags from a grimling fisherman. The fisherman populate the beaches around the grimling villages in the southeastern quarter of the Hollowshade Moor zone.

    Got owlbear tendons from owlbear cubs near the Shar Vahl zone. Got sonic wolf tendons from sonic wolf pups in Hollowshade Moor near the Grimling Forest zone. Not frequent drops.

    Per instructions in the tome Wolf Bane Lore: Volume II, I put the following into a large sewing kit:

    stretching dowels
    owlbear tendons
    sonic wolf tendons
    fish oil soaked rags
    kelp salts

    Clicked combine, and with a tailoring skill of 31 the combine failed. Only got back the stretching dowels. *Sigh* guess I'll have to do some more tailoring.


    Edited, Tue Jan 14 00:31:49 2003
    RE: weapon assembly
    # Jan 15 2003 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
    With 4 attempts at the above combine, I successfully made 1 Toughened Sinew Lashings, with a tailoring skill of 31. Need to make more so I can trade them for the weapon parts that the other classes make, but it's hard to find certain drops when the wrong creatures have won the most recent Hollowshade war.
    # Jul 21 2002 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
    Hi BST's

    We all need to go to and start sending a e-mail under the contact us heading to tell them about the lack of Mollars and tendons dropping cause I talked to a GM and they said "Yes we are aware of this and there are no current plans for change." *insert shock here* Weeell wrong lets all drop them a e-mail and have them drop from the pups like the quest says.

    I have talked to many BST's and they have abandoned the quest alltogether because of this. Anyways my letter was just e-mailed to them and I urge you all to do the same, only in numbers will they hear us roar!
    RE: Mollars
    # Jul 23 2002 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    I was on last night and had no joy with molars until someone told me to hunt near the Grimling Forest zone (in the Moor).
    Still didn't drop for a while but 2 of us managed to get 2 molars each.
    There are a lot of wolves around there and not just the pups, so take a group.
    High level pseudo quest
    # Jul 15 2002 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
    For those of you having trouble finding certain mobs in Hollowshade (grimlings, owlbears, sonics), keep in mind there is a high-level event that occurs frequently in the Moor. All three of the above are at war with each other, whenever the "king" mob is killed from one of the factions, a random raid occurs between two of the factions. Normally, the raid is repulsed, but if the attackers are helped in killing the defenders, the raiding faction takes control of that area. When this happens, none of the defeated mobs will be available until the zone is reset or the raid is initiated again.

    So, if you are looking for owlbears and none are to be found, there are probably a couple of 53+ characters in the zone too. I'd put money down they are farming decent drops that occur after helping the raids to succeed.
    now what
    # Jul 09 2002 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
    ok..found the what? anyone know what comes next after you get the dowels..i had read it before..can't find it now.
    # Jul 09 2002 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
    Does anyone know whats going on in ShadeMoor with the owlbears? None to be had at this point in time.
    Sonic Wolfbane Claw Quest
    # Jun 27 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
    Alright, I have been trying to get owlbear cub paws forever it seems like now and have not been able to find any. I read somewhere that the only cubs you can get them off of are the cubs that used to be right next to the camp from the entrance to Shar Vah. I have been waiting for over 4 weeks now and they don't seem to ever show up anymore. They were there all of the time when I was lower lvl and couldn't do anything about them, but now that I have the lvl to kill them (I have been waiting for them since lvl 24, now lvl 30), they are never there. My question is this, is there a specific time that these cubs show up and does it have something to do with what is happening with the war. I really am stumped and would like to continue this quest sometime soon, but can't do it if I can't ever find these cubs. Any help would be appreciated.

    Kittyman, Vah Shir Beastlord
    Knights Prestige
    RE: Sonic Wolfbane Claw Quest
    # Jul 02 2002 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
    they were there about 2 days ago when I was exploring.. it was about midnight central standard time. hope that helps.
    # Jun 20 2002 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
    I a having trouble finding the sonic wolflings and pup in the moor. Is there a place that i would have a better chance of finding one?
    -Bestosentoa 17th season beastlord
    The rathe server
    RE: Molars
    # Jun 28 2002 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Wolflings and wolfs also drop the molars. So if you can kill them that will help speed up your chances, cause the pups are not abundant. but the post about crossing the bridge is absolutely right. I've been told that the grimmlings will appear and the wolves and owlbears will disappear for a while and vice versa. Sounds pretty true too. I was in Hollowshade for the rockhopper tail quest this morning and the grimmlings were all over the place. This afternoon I didn't see a single grimling but I saw tons of the Owlbears, and sonic wolves.

    28th Ring Beastlord
    RE: Molars
    # Jun 27 2002 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
    You can get the molars off of the sonic wolf pups. If you follow the road from the entrance to Shar Vahl, follow it and just keep going straight. It will turn to the left when you get to the water, go left. Follow it until next split, go straight here too across the bridge and just keep following the road until you get to the other bridge. Cross this bridge and this is where you find the sonic pups. There are not many of them around, compared to the wolflings and wolves, but they are mixed in. I had to kill only a few of them to get the molars, but a friend of mine had to kill several of them before he finally looted the two he needed. Good luck.

    Kittyman, Vah Shir Beastlord
    Knights Prestige
    sonic wolfbane claw stats
    # Jun 20 2002 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
    What are the stats on the sonic wolfbane claws?
    Rittuh Purrik
    # Jun 17 2002 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
    The text tells you Rittuh is in Dawnshroud Peaks when actually she is in Hollowshade Moor. You can find her inside the stockade fence on your left under the tent.
    sonic wolfbane claw stats
    # Jun 11 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
    What are the stats on the sonic wolfbane claws? I can't seem to find the stats anywhere.
    # Jun 10 2002 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
    everyone talks about Jhimis, but noone has mentioned where he is located, nor does Illia list it in the bestiary. Anyone have a clue ?
    RE: Jhimis
    # Aug 17 2002 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Jihimis is in the building next to the armory - downstairs from the sewing ladies. (He's a jeweler by trade, I believe).

    - Puddetat
    # May 28 2002 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
    When you combine the 3 bandages and the pattern it can come up "you made alternate product" this basically means you failed and you get to start over. It should give you back your pattern.

    Fasteners. Guide does not mention to combine the 4 scorp claws b4 returning the box to him. Maybe I shoulda known, but didn't I lost them and had to start over.

    4 claws - When I turned in my cloak and claws I recieved back the new cloak and 4 sets of claws. 2 recruit (pri and sec) and 2 silk. The two that get used for the next part of quest are the recruit claws.
    Hand wrap quest
    # May 22 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
    I am working on my lvl 5 Vah Shir BST first quest after citizenship. This morning I had attempted the first half of the handwrap quest; combined the silks, combined the threads, and then combined the pattern and the bandages. When I combined the pattern and the bandages, I got the message: 'You have fashioned the items together to create an alternate product!'. I was jazzed, until I looked - no alternate product, and no scraps (that I was supposed to turn in to Animist Poren -sp?). It looked like it worked, but there was nothing there. I even looked around on the ground thinking I 'dropped' the scraps. Nothing. The bandages were gone and the rest of my slots were empty.
    Did I miss something? The message said it worked; but .. nothing.
    Any feedback would be appreciated!
    RE: Hand wrap quest
    # Aug 05 2002 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    In my experience, the alternate product message means you failed but one or more of the items used in the recipe wasn't destroyed by the failure. For example, if you combine a rusty weapon and a whetstone but fail, you'll get the alternate product message and you don't lose the weapon.
    Recruit Claws
    # May 14 2002 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default

    Successful combine with a tailoring of 40, however at the cost of 4 attempts :(

    Rhinobeetles in the pit appear to be the placeholders for the young rockhoppers. I had the pit to myself one eve and was able to single out certain types in search of ph. One lap around the base singling out rhinobeetles; the next lap Im inundated with young rockhoppers! :)

    Level 19 Beastlord
    The Seventh Hammer
    RE: Recruit Claws
    # May 15 2002 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
    There seems to be a lot of questioning about what does what in the pit. I can tell you from my own personal experience (and about 20+ hours of hunting in the pit) that there is no "official" placeholder for the young hoppers. They seem to be on a random spawn cycle with the rest of the normal mobs (needle hoppers, beetles, and both scorpions) but they have a lower % chance of spawning. I've been the only one in the pit and hunted ONLY needle hoppers or scorpions or beetles and still managed to spawn a number of the young hoppers. Also, there does not seem to be a "level" cap to their spawning. Last night I was helping a friend with a new character gather whiptail glands for newbie armor and was trying to get the whiptail scorps to spawn. I left the young hoppers up but killed everything else just to seem how many I could get to spawn. I was the only one in the pit and hunting with a 30th level ranger. Before I left I ran the pit and counted how many hoppers were up and Murphy's law was DEFINATELY in action. Because I was NOT looking for them, there were no less than 30 young hoppers up at once. I sent out a shout about it and nearly got trampled by the group running to the pit. ;-)

    Edited, Wed May 15 12:08:23 2002
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