Alternate Access: Plane of Tactics  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
Faction Required:
Askr the Lost (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Planes of Power
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Jan 8 17:36:02 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Wembly the Forlorn is a rather crazy gnome (how can you tell?) who may be found at the back of the cave near the zone-in to the Plane of Storms.

    You say, 'Hail, Wembly the Forlorn'

    Wembly the Forlorn grumbles under his breath, 'Yes, yes, I see you there. No need for you to shout I can see you just fine! Now, what was I saying? Yes that's right... let me know when you are [done].'

    You say, 'I am done.'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'Yes done! Weren't you paying attention? Once you've gathered all the pieces of the [key] bring it to me and I'll put them back together for you.'

    You say, 'What key?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'THE Key, you really are as thick skulled as you look. You [agree to help] me and you aren't even paying attention.'

    You say, 'I agree to help.'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'You agree to help? Great! I haven't even told you what I needed yet, or why. It is very noble of you to offer me your assistance. I've been trapped here for a little too long, I washed up on the shore still [tied to the mast] of my ship. Wonder that I even survived the storm.'

    You say, 'Why were you tied to the mast?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'The Diaku Raiders, filthy sort if you ask me. I was out on a shipping run, when Diaku attacked, they pillaged all of my goods, then tied me to the mast and left me floating a sea. Then the storm came and ate my ship, and I woke up here, I swear that I saw some [Diaku] washed up on the shore with me.'

    You say, 'What Diaku?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'The Diaku that attacked me! Pay attention for Karana's sake! You appear to be the fighting sort. You can help me kill the Diaku at their source in [Drunder].'

    You say, 'What is Drunder?'

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'Drunder! The Fortress of Zek, the Zeks don't trust any one mortal to have free access to the fortress. The Diaku come and go in fours, and four parts are needed for entry. Of course they won't part with them easily. If you find four, and bring me four, I can make the four into one, and with one, you can get into Drunder without three more. Then, with your one, you can kill all of them. I would do it myself, but with my bad knee and all. . .'

  • Kill Diaku Raiders in the desert and obtain four "Quarter[s] of a Diaku Emblem" and bring them back to him.

    Rock storms that roam in the western desert area are placeholders for the Diaku Raiders.

    Completed Diaku Emblem has been added to your key ring.
    The /key text is: With your talisman, you may enter into Drunder as you were Diaku.
    Your group has had keys added to their keyrings!

    Wembly the Forlorn says 'What's this? Four pieces of a Diaku Emblem? Why ever would you give these to me? Well I think I can get them to fit back together. You know, while you have this, I would be quite happy if you would avenge the loss of my dear ship and kill every Diaku you find? Yes that would be very good indeed. Here is your key, and a key for all your companions as well.'

    Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Storm Guardians has been adjusted by 5.
    You gain party experience!!

    You may now zone into Drunder, the Fortress of Zek (a.k.a. the Plane of Tactics) for experience only.
  • Rewards:
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    access to drunder
    # May 28 2003 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
    is this assist wembly quest an alternate way to gain the access to drunder and does it give you full access / flag for drunder or must the manaetic behemoth in PoI still be killed for full access / flagging to drunder
    RE: access to drunder
    # May 31 2003 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
    you will get full access to drunder, but to kill rallos zek you will still need to kill behemoth and the other flag bosses.
    Hegegroll 65 Cleric
    # May 24 2003 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
    What the heck is the placeholder for these mobs/
    RE: Placeholders
    # Jun 09 2003 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
    50 posts
    Storms are the PHs. Just kill all the storms you find in the desert and they'll start spawning.
    5 hours worth of boredom
    # May 05 2003 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Did this with a group of mage 2 wars, chanter, and druid,and shammy, took 5 hours to get 3 medallions, one of the warriors had one piece, upon trying again we cannot get the 4th piece to drop. anyone know if the fourth piece is rarer and does it drop south by the giant tents? (demadin of povar)
    RE: 5 hours worth of boredom
    # May 05 2003 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default

    5 Hours here too flood.

    We were missing the last piece (top left corner) but it didn't drop as frequent as the other 3.
    RE: 5 hours worth of boredom
    # May 17 2003 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
    1,312 posts
    Top left seems to be the rare piece; everyone gets it last.
    RE: 5 hours worth of boredom
    # May 31 2003 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
    we got the rare top left piece tonight after a few days of trying, so heres the info: it dropped of a Shadowknight diaku (harmtouched), it was wearing plate armour instead of the chain armour the others wore. u can find it slightly south of the pond in desert, near the giant fort, i could spot it from our camp at the east wall north of the tunnel entrance to desert. hope that helps, though no info on PHs!
    Hegegroll 65 cleric mithaniel marr
    # May 04 2003 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
    Can the medals be Multi Quested?
    RE: MQ?
    # May 17 2003 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
    1,312 posts
    Yes, this quest can be MQ. You'd have to cast identify on every emblem to make sure you have four different sections.
    # Apr 23 2003 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
    Wembley is on perma kill atm, so are all the other new alterantive methods of advance meant. Seems the quest is busted and a GM told us he couldn't help with a quest, even though we had all the parts and faction. Hopefully he will be fixed in a patch.

    Aammer Headshark
    High priest of Brell
    # Apr 23 2003 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
    Wembley is on perma kill atm, so are all the other new alterantive methods of advance meant. Seems the quest is busted and a GM told us he couldn't help with a quest, even though we had all the parts and faction. Hopefully he will be fixed in a patch.

    Aammer Headshark
    High priest of Brell
    Flags one group
    # Apr 14 2003 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
    I finished this quest last night. I was picked to loot them first, because after fighting in BoT for quite awhile, my faction with Askr and friends is very high. We found three spawns of the raiders. One is in the north corner of the desert, then two more along the wall, heading towards the giant tents. Kill them and their place holders and soon you will get all 4 quarters. Be careful of the new agro though. Our FD puller still had some agro sometimes and we would get adds for the next 5 to 10 minutes.
    RE: Flags one group
    # Apr 20 2003 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
    When you turned in your tailsman did wembly despawn afterwards ?
    If so would you by chance know the respawn time = )
    RE: Flags one group
    # Apr 22 2003 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
    A group of friends spent a day in Desert and got enough medalians for all of us, we figured we would split up and get 36 people flagged, problem is, now we can't ever find Wembly up. So I'm guessing AanaBB, that your guess is right and Wembly does despawn now once you turn in the medalians.

    Weird that Sony says, "OK this quest takes too long, lets flag more people in the quest... Oh, but lets make the NPC you need to do the turn-in with 10x's more rare."

    I would really love to be a fly on the wall in SoE now a days, I probably would of died laughing while LoY was in development.
    Bits are Lore
    # Mar 09 2003 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
    It's called "Quarter of a Diaku Emblem". The bits are lore, so if you have one quarter already, you can't loot another. For guild groups we used the method of "Those with three loot first". If they couldn't loot (cause they're lore), the those with two would attempt to loot and so on down the line.

    quest item
    # Feb 05 2003 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Can anyone confirm the name of the 4 items needed? Was wondering if they are all called "symbol of the diaku"? If they arent then pls post what the name is. I keep seeing people call them medallions or talismans but i never see anything called a medallion or talisman drop off the raiders.
    RE: quest item
    # Feb 22 2003 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
    42 posts
    Alrighty. I did some serious research on this because I also wanted to know the answer to your question. Apparently when Identified the medallions that drop from the Diaku raiders give you a quarter. I.e. Bottom left, Top right, etc... This is how you can tell you've got the 4 (yes they all need to be different... obviously) pieces of medallion. I cast identify on my "Symbol of the Diaku" and got Item Lore: Symbol of the Diaku. It would be my assumption that this is not the item used in this quest and you need to keep looking for pieces of medallions. Good Luck and I hope this helps.
    RE: quest item
    # Mar 11 2003 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
    Medallions that drop from named giants are used for the BoT key (identfy as north, south etc). These Diaku symbols are different.
    RE: quest item
    # Apr 15 2003 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
    I would presume that like most items of same name that aren't used in quests being NODROP are quest type and dropable are not. Is this correct?

    Edited, Tue Apr 15 12:08:32 2003
    Diaku Raider
    # Feb 04 2003 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
    i have done the quest, but its not worth really. for wembly you will need high indifferent before he gives you the quest. Wembly is on same faction as Askir there , so kill a lot of giants to gain faction with him.
    the drop rate of them is like 1 out of 7 with 4 different kinds of diaku raiders, 1 is the chain ( 3 different kind of classes , there for 3 different quarters ) and other is a plate wearer thats the SK 1 who drops the 4th type of quarters.

    have fun )
    Diff medals?
    # Jan 27 2003 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Do you need 4 DIFFERENT medalions. Or can you just get any 4? like the BoT key quest requires 2 different ones... But if i just get 4 medalions of a Daiku Raider, thats good enough?
    RE: Diff medals?
    # Jun 28 2003 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
    You need 4 different ones as they are all LORE.
    Trying this
    # Jan 08 2003 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
    Pretty rare, exp in storms desert alot and I've only seen 5 and they didn't always drop medallions.I got 3 medallions from 5 kills. Pretty easy to kill, but all the dubious mobs in desert will assist him even though he is kos so watch out.
    RE: Trying this
    # Mar 02 2003 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
    179 posts
    Tried killing some the other day, they can be single pulled with Wake of Tranquility and other high level lull spells. This keeps the surrounding mobs from assisting the Daiku. Of the 5 or so we killed only got one medalion piece so it looks like the drop rate is pretty random.

    There is also some more quest information listed in the beastiary under Wembly the Forlorn.
    Artulyn Starsummoner 120 Grand Summoner of Omani Winter on Bertoxxulous

    For the Light of a Candle to be Seen, It must be taken to a Dark Place -- UKLG
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