Wizard Epic 1.5: Staff of Prismatic Power  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
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Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 16 02:36:09 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
If you have the Staff of the Four or have completed the pre-quest, find Talwyn Flamecaller, a High Elf, at location +2182, -1042, +332 in the Lavastorm Mountains.

Talwyn Flamecaller says "The fire of destruction burns within you, does it not? I can see that your affinity for destructive magic has served you well in your travels. It has served you so well that it has caught the eye of Solusek Ro. He has created and sent me here to discuss the matter of joining his legions. If you do, you will be granted power unheard of on mortal lands. Will you [agree]?"

You say, "agree"

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'You have completed the tests of your abilities, but your journey to joining Solusek's legion is far from complete. You must now assemble a wand to help further focus your energies. In the lands of Discord power surges and fades in an awesome display, the fluxing power flows thru all things in teh landscape. Go, investigate the lands of Discord; return to me with a fluxing rod, gem, rune, ore. With them you will be ready to take your first steps as a new soldier.'

You say, 'What fluxing rod?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'The rod that will be used to create the foundation for the staff can only be found in the place where magic tears and screams across the landscape. Only in the plane where discord reigns does the power exist to charge the rod properly. A race that has been recently discovered there has been seen carrying around rods of super charged discordant magic. We are unsure of their origin, but we believe the rods hold a great, yet unknown power worthy of use in this staff.'

A Fluxing Staff is dropped by the Girplan Guardian in Wall of Slaughter. It is a nasty raid encounter, so bring some friends. It can spawn a chest with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing gem?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'Fluxing gems have been found growing in the desert of Luclin. They form from the sand that has been blasted by magic. Sun Revenants have been known to collect them. Go to the plateau, and speak the word proclaim your desire to take their gems, this will draw out the elite revenants, one of them should be carrying the fluxing gem.'

Head to the Scarlet Desert and find the Elite Sun Revenant.

You say, 'I have come for your gem.'

A voice booms from the center of the cauldron. 'These gems are sacred, important to our survival, you shall not have them.'

Elite Sun Revenant spawns as a level 75 Wizard. He is KoS and is another raid encounter. Loot the Fluxing Gem from his corpse. He can also spawn a chest with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing rune?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'Fluxing runes are carried by the army of Terris Thule. These runes help her minions slip into their victim's dreams more easily. I believe you would be able to find one being carried by the lord of the hobgoblins.'

The Fluxing Rune is dropped by the Hobgoblin Horrorfiend in the back of the Plane of Nightmare caves (/loc?). He is a bit easier than the previous two encounters, but you will still need a few groups. Loot the rune from his corpse. A chest can spawn with additional loot.

You say, 'What fluxing ore?'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'It shouldn't be too hard to find some fluxing ore in an area we have termed the Ruined City of Dranik. Look in areas where one might expect to find ore-veins. Look on the mountain sides, beneath cliffs, even among the loose pieces of rock in the area.'

A Fluxing Chunk of Ore can be found in the rat caves of the Ruined City of Dranik. Location is +1360, -337.

Return to Talwyn and hand him the Fluxing Gem, Staff, Ore, and Rune.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'You are indeed ready to join the ranks as a soldier of Solusek Ro. Every soldier in Solusek's league must wield a staff of power, which will focus your abilities in a way that you have never felt before! Fear will consume you as you feel your essence being ripped from your body. Do not give up, use the staff with faith and hope that you will be rewarded with the most powerful item you could ever imagine.'

Receive a Staff of Fluxing Power.

You say, 'Tell me about this powerful item.'

Talwyn Flamecaller says 'To lay hands on this staff you will have to construct it of items of this world. Power is not given out freely, you must earn it. You will be pressed to the limits of your knowledge and abilities. To begin you will need to gather the fires of Solusek himself. These fires burn in the deepest part of the dungeons named after him. The pure flame burns near the runes. Bring it to me to examine when you get it.'

Go to the Cavern of Exile (aka Solusek C). You will have to complete a ring event ending in the death of the Pure Flame Elemental. Approximate location is 0, -200. You'll see a circular room with eight lava elementals, four lava vindicators, and four lava champions. Kill these. (We could use their exact in-game names and approximate levels.)

The room grows warmer as the lava pool begins to steam heavily.

The next wave consists of four Furious Magma Guardians. Kill them.

The lava starts to bubble and churn. Dark shapes move beneath the molten rock.

Two Inflamed Champions spawn. Kill these.

The pool of lava begins to boil furiously. Something large is growing within.

The Pure Flame Elemental spawns on the middle rock.

Pure Flame Elemental says, 'Why have you awakened me mortals?'

Kill the elemental and loot the Wisp of Pure Flame. Head back to Lavastorm and give it to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'You have obtained the pure flame? That was impressive how quickly you did it, the other wizards I am recruiting have not returned yet. Back to the recruitment, you will need pure ice. The ice is coldest in the wastes of Velious. Retrieve this pure ice and bring it back to me.'

The "pure ice" he speaks of is the Shard of Pure Ice. It is dropped in Siren's Grotto by Mistress of the Darkwater. Beware that sirens in this area chain aggro, so you will want to pacify them. The Mistress herself hits for about 500, and has an AE DoT which drops 100hp/tick and acts as a 15% slow. Loot the ice and return it to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'I can see the pure ice is in your possession. Take care while handling it because it is fragile. To infuse the staff with the powers you have attained you will need to retrieve a tapestry bag from the weavers in the Plane of Tranquility. Go talk to Kalym; he should be able to help you.'

Kalym Rasalan is in the Plane of Tranquility at location -304, -1162 (a house next to the Plane of Nightmare).

You say, 'Hail Kalym Rasalan'

Kalym Rasalan says, 'Hello _____, Talwyn told me of the coming of new recruits. I suppose he told you that you would need to use the magic in our woven tapestries to create a satchel to hold something very delicate? Well, you are lucky enough that I have this finished swatch of tapestry here that you can use. I am busy and can't tailor it for you though. You will need to tailor it yourself. If you take the tapestry, a backpack pattern, and a silk cord you should be able to tailor it with moderate effort.'

Receive a Silken Tapestry. You'll need to do a tailoring combine with a Silk Cord and Backpack Pattern. You must have a tailoring skill of 125 in order to attempt it. It is no-fail.

This combine results in a Silken Tapestry Satchel, an eight-slot container. Bring it back to Talwyn.

Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'So you got the tapestry satchel, did you? Good, you can begin to retrieve the final portions of the staff. I cannot tell you where exactly, but you will have to find four differently colored fragments. These fragments will circle your staff and feed it power. Think of them as the staff's own familiars. These crystal fragments only grow on the ground that has not seen footsteps for some time. The vibration in the ground is enough to destroy these delicate shards. When combined though, they will form a material harder than diamond. Once you have the four pieces, place them in your tapestry satchel along with the fluxing staff, a cohesion gem, and the two elements that you gathered previously, and then return with it to me'

You'll need to gather four Prismatic Crystals from various places:

1. Dulak - Ground spawn at -75, -877 (also drops from Treasure Sorter Neiben)
2. Timorous Deep - Ground spawn at +5613, -4228
3. Twilight Sea - Ground spawn at +4269, +1223
4. Veksar - Ground spawn can be found at the following locations.
+300, +350
-245.20, 537.26, -29.62
-14, 536 inside a little pool of water
-94, +402, -10 on the NW steps just outside of the pool

Then, head to the Plane of Innovation and kill trash mobs until you find a Cohesion Gem.

Now, combine the Cohesion Gem, four Prismatic Crystals, the Staff of Fluxing Power, the Shard of Pure Ice, and the Wisp of Pure Flame inside the satchel. This produces a Full Tapestry Satchel. Return this item to to receive your Epic 1.5.

As Talwyn removes the components from the tapestry satchel they begin to vibrate with power. They pulse quickly as they move towards each other, static flies in each direction as the pieces fuse into each other. In a final burst of magic the staff is complete. Talwyn looks it over with wise eyes before giving it to you. 'The staff of power is yours to wield. If you are up to the task I can set you on the final portions of what is needed to become a true avatar of Solusek.'

Receive Staff of Prismatic Power, the Wizard Epic 1.5.

Need logs of all dialogues (many of these are transcriptions).
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Lava Ring Event
# Apr 07 2011 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
First Wave = a lava constructs x 6 LB/Green at 72...
Second Wave = a furious magma guardian x 4 LB at 72...
Third Wave = an inflamed champion x 2 LB at 72
Fourth Wave = Pure Flame Elemental

All wave easily completed by 72 Rng, 72 Dru (War merc), 67 Wiz (Clr merc)
wont accept my hand in
# Dec 25 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
im at the final hand in and he keeps giving me the dialogue

"alwyn Flamecaller says, 'I can see the pure ice is in your possession. Take care while handling it because it is fragile. To infuse the staff with the powers you have attained you will need to retrieve a tapestry bag from the weavers in the Plane of Tranquility. Go talk to Kalym; he should be able to help you.'"

anytime i try to hand him the completed satchel he just says he doesnt need this item.
wont accept my hand in
# Dec 27 2009 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I have the same problem :S Getting tired of all the bugs
wont accept my hand in
# Jan 26 2010 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
not bugged ... doing it wrong ((I did same thing))

Need to take an EMPTY bag to Talwyn and hand that to him, he will then give you next dialogue. Then give him the FULL bag and he give you your staff.

If you are like me you will have to create a 2nd bag for the first hand in.

Hope this helps !!!!

Edited, Jan 27th 2010 1:18pm by kinjor
First encounter.
# Jul 29 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
You say, 'Hail, Talwyn Flamecaller'
Talwyn Flamecaller says, 'The fire of destruction burns within you, does it not? I can see that your affinity for destructive magic has served you well in your travels. It has served you so well that it has caught the eye of Solusek Ro. He has created and sent me here to discuss the matter of joining his legions. If you do, you will be granted power unheard of on mortal lands. What say you?'
dulak prismatic crystal
# Jun 15 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
just to bump the info, the prismatic crystal drops from the named treasure sorter and is not a ground spawn as listed in the quest write up. I cleared all the treasure sorters 4 or 5 times one night with no spawn, then he was up the next day when I popped in to check on him.

Dropped it first time and notice that it has a different icon than the others, looks like a pearl which threw me off thinking that he hadn't actually dropped it.

veksar spawn found at another location: p250,p540
timorous deep spawn: p5612,n4232

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 12:12am by tasty
# Sep 30 2008 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Here is what you need to know to 1 group this easy or with 3 easy ! pull him to the tunnel at the grey get the healers outside cave then its cake ! Elite Sun Revenant that is yes we were all 80 over 2600 aa and solteris /above
Veksar Crystal
# May 27 2008 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Found Prismatic Crystal in Veksar in the early hours of May 28th for my wizard on 7th Hammer/Lanys. The given location of -115 +345 was quite close; in the northwest corner of the shallow water pool.

All but the Gunthak drop are a confirmed ground spawn.

Edited, May 28th 2008 2:09am by Shadowhawke
Sol C - The Room
# Aug 16 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
I did Sol C today, and the room was more or less as described, near 0,-200 and vaguely roundish. Look for bridges over lava.

It had Lava Constructs though, not Lava Elementals. Don't know if they were non-consequential. We just killed everything in the room and around the room so we got lots of elementals outside it.

75 warrior, 75 mage, both with 1.5s and me, 72 wiz with 1.0 took it without too much problem. Only one scary moment from lack of a healer because the warrior was being a bit too optimistic in his abilities.
The elusive Sol C
# Aug 05 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Sol C was extremely dfficult to find for me - but here's the trick to getting there. If your maps are up-to-date, its marked as CE (for Caverns of Exile), and is on the east end of the map in Sol B. When you zone into Sol C, you need to swim UNDER the lava or else you'll end up zoning into Sol A. If your head is popping out of the lava or you're levitating above it, yr gonna end up Sol A.

Once yr in Sol C, the ring event there is soloable by a 75 wizard. I was able to solo it without any trouble with 12k hps / 12k mana. They're lava elementals, so obviously you can't use fire. I just toggled Cold Snap and Cloudburst Strike and was able to solo all of the mobs in the event. I saved Volitile Mana Blaze till the Pure Flame Elemental spawned, then just mana burned him and nuked once, then looted the wisp. For those without mana burn, the Pure Flame Elemental has about 50k hps.

I would recommend you park yourself on the right or left side of the room, not the middle; so you'll only aggro a couple at time. You'll have about a minute to med up between each wave of mobs, but unlike other ring events, the amount of mobs that spawn goes down, not up. If you're parked on one of the sides, you'll be out of aggro range of the main elemental, and will be able to med up for a mana burn once he spawns.
Spawning ESR in SD
# Jul 25 2007 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
To spawn the Elite Sun Revenant, make sure you're hailed Talwyn and say "What fluxing gem". Head over to Scarlet Desert and clear the temple-looking building with the cup in it. Lev *into* the cup and say "I have come for your gems." You will get the cup spam and then get out of the cup. He will wander over and stand at the cup within a minute or two. Kill him and loot your piece.
Spawning ESR in SD
# Jun 17 2008 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
u dont have to levi into pot i said texted standing beside pot and got himn to spawn
veksar prismatic crystal
# Jun 04 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
4. Veksar - Ground spawn at +300, +350

did not find the veksar crystal at that loc.. found it in the pool in the room before where the golems are, at the same palce as Ethnepen found it in post below . I will post the 3 Locations so far that i see posted here:

In game Locs (veksar)
-93.72, +401.01

-158 +338

-115 +345

Map labels (veksar) (paste into veksar_1.txt and save)
P -401.0000, 93.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, WIZ_EPIC

P -338.0000, 158.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, WIZ_EPIC

P -345.0000, 115.0000, -310.0000, 0, 0, 0, 3, WIZ_EPIC

Edited, Jun 4th 2007 7:32pm by DukeLatan
More of an error than anything else
# Mar 08 2007 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
If you hail Kalym Rasalan, make the satchel and combine it BEFORE handing it empty to Talwyn, he won't accept it; however, doing so will force you to make another bag to show to Talwyn. You get to keep this bag however.

Large, 8-slot, 1.5stone, 70% redux bag isn't too bad for a secondary reward.
# Mar 05 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Found Veksar Crystal tonight on Cazic Server at -93.72, +401.01, -9.97 - on stairsteps in the water - thanks to who posted the use DUCK to see under the water - saved my **** from hours of frustration! :)

Edited, Mar 6th 2007 9:59am by Sigiwizzy
veks crystal for wiz 1.5
# Feb 07 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
found veks crystal at n158 p338 n12 in a pool, you have to duck to see the bag, once i figured that out it was a breeze.
veks crystal for wiz 1.5
# Feb 11 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
757 posts
I've been looking for this for 7 days now with no luck. I've ran through the entire zone, checked every spot there was water and nothing. I've checked this Hiero1 pool for hours with nothing. I'm shrunk to max and never see it. Is the drop a bag or a glowing object? Do you have to kill the mobs in the room to get it to pop? I've also been crazy enough to check a previous posters locations (the one with 50 locations listed). Found no crystal at any of them. Please Help ! :)
Veksar groundspawn
# Feb 01 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Correct location for the Veksar Prismatic Crystal is -115 +345
edit to reward
# Jan 24 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
i got 5aa's for finishing this quest
Fluxing Staff of Power
# Jan 04 2007 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, you can turn in the other fluxing peices as you get them. I did the same thing on the first fluxing piece and he said he would hold onto it for me. I ended up turning them in one at a time and on the last one, got the Staff of Fluxing Power.
hand in for Fluxing Staff of Power
# Dec 22 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
I handed in my Fluxing staff earlier and he'd said he'd hold onto it until I get the rest. Will I still be able to hand in the next three pieces and get the staff or will I need to get the first staff again. I hope the npc didnt eat it /=
can you hand in the pieces separately? or did I mess up?
# Dec 17 2006 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
ugliest thing ive ever seen in my life
# Nov 06 2006 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
# Feb 01 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Excellent walkthrough. Thanks a ton for your time.
A fluxing chunk of ore
# Oct 23 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
The location on the ore in RCoD is listed in correct here unless it was moved, however I found it at +1030 -400 (z)+128 i wish the " Z " axis was listed more on allas posting. where it is though is you zone into RCoD from the rat cave in bloodfields and exit the cave and theres a stone pillar outside the opening and its on the top of that pillar
# Oct 16 2006 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
First time poster here....Um i noticed on some of the other epic pages the player receives 5 AAs is that also the case here....and btw this epic is a PITA althought it works for me since raiding although it takes more people and effort is alot nicer on you then soloing/farming pieces all over the continent IMO anyway
Twilight Sea
# Oct 04 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Is anyone else having problems getting through the underwater tunnel in Twilight Sea? I'm getting an invisible barrier of sorts. Still no fix as of the 10/04/2006 patch.
Twilight Sea
# Oct 07 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Concerning the Twilight Sea, it is a bug in the game and it has been reported and is on their petition board...

hopefully they'll fix it soon. but then again, it's SoE...
Twilight Sea
# Oct 04 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot complete Epic1.5 for the same reason, too.
Twilight Sea
# Oct 28 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
Twilight sea is no fixed as of 10/25/06 patch
# Jun 15 2006 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
I know epics 1.0 can be multiquested. Can the nodrop parts of the 1.5 and 2.0 be as well? Someone on Druzzil Ro said yes, another said no, and no one else answered. Any confirmation one way or another on this?
# Nov 03 2006 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
I suppose, if you have another wizzy, at the same stages of the epic, they could MQ it.. but otherwise No.. since it Will NOT allow you to loot the epic drops ( fluxing staff, fluxing gem, fluxing rune ) from the corpse unless you are a wizzy .. And even then, only the first hand in would be MQ able, since the rest of the epic is an 8 piece combine in a bag, and you cant MQ combines.
A little bit more information on this page...
# Apr 23 2006 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, someone in my guild could not find anything on the Girplan Guardian when he posted on my guilds website reguarding his epic 1.5. So, I decided to go on a little search for info and after about a half hour of searching I finaly found it and a little bit better of a walkthrough then most others.
Note: I could not seem to locate this page while at Graffe.com it's self but found it on google.


Enjoy young wizards.
Wizzy Epic 2.0
# Oct 04 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
I was gonna pass on my epic cuz I have seen DON armour that is better than the 1.0 staff...but I found the 2.0 staff and I WANT IT!!!!! OMG...the stats on that almost make me cry...lololol.

Maelin Starpyre
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