Ivy Etched Leggings  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
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Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Mar 20 14:34:10 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
In the north central part of Kithicor Forest, find Leaf Falldim (location +1393, +2279).

At the completion of the Ivy Etched Gauntlets quest, Leaf makes reference to a subsequent quest that gives the Ivy Etched Leggings.

You say, 'Tell me about the ivy etched leggings...'

Leaf Falldim says 'I will make you an offer. If you be a ranger, as they are made for only a ranger, you must venture to Faydwer. There you shall seek out Lieutenant Leafstalker of the Kelethin army. He sent a message of his retrieval of the Quiver of Kithicor. Tell him you want it and return it to me. Oh... and one more [small item].'

You say, 'What small item?'

Leaf Falldim says 'Along with the quiver you shall journey to Erudin and purchase a Star of Odus gem to add to the quiver. Consider the coins you shall spend an offering to the woods.'

Travel to the city of Kelethin within Greater Faydark. Lieutenant Leafstalker is a wood elf guard that roams the platforms of Kelethin near the ranger guild hall.

You say, 'Hail, Lieutenant Leafstalker'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Hail!! Respect all laws in Kelethin and her territory and you shall live a fruitful life.'

You say, 'I want the quiver of Kithicor'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Ummm.. I have some bad news. I did find it, but a band of brownie outcasts came in the night, took [all of the arrows] from the quiver and ran back to the forest they came from. As if that were not enough, while I was hot on their little heels, the thief [Wiltin Windwalker] came into Kelethin and took the quiver itself. Whew!! What a day!'

You say, 'What of all the arrows?'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'All of the arrows are gone. You must get the arrows of recognition, acknowledgment, defiance, gallantry, bravery and fortitude. Get them from the brownie outcasts and combine them in the quiver.'

You say, 'Who is Wiltin Windwalker?'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Wiltin Windwalker!! Traitor he is! He left Kelethin to join the Pirates of Gunthak. I heard news that the Royal Navy of Ak'Anon sank the pirate ship he was on in the Ocean of Tears. What I don't get is where those little gnomes moor their ships. They have no harbor!! But that is another story.'

Head to Lesser Faydark. Brownie outcasts (the exact name is a brownie outcast) are random spawns around the Pixie Tower (location +1340, +2840). The place holders are pixie tricksters and pixie pranksters. Killing these in the area near the Pixie Tower will cause brownie outcasts to spawn.

Keep killing brownie outcasts until you have at least one, each, of:

Arrow of Acknowledgment
Arrow of Bravery
Arrow of Defiance
Arrow of Fortitude
Arrow of Gallantry
Arrow of Recognition

Each of these arrows is NO TRADE. However, they are not LORE and are stackable to 100 per stack just like all other arrows.

Note: The pixie merchants located inside the tower on the upper floor are not on Pixie faction. So, killing the tricksters and pranksters will not affect your ability to buy and sell from the pixie merchants in the tower.

After collecting at least one of each of the six arrows, head to Seafury Island in the Ocean of Tears to find Wiltin Windwalker (location +2022, -3615). His placeholder is 'a buccaneer'.

Wiltin Windwalker says 'Dead men tell no tales!!'

You have slain Wiltin Windwalker!
Wiltin Windwalker's corpse says 'You have run me through! Beware the Pirates of Gunthak.. They will avenge me. . . Unngh!!'
Your faction standing with Pirates Of Gunthak got worse (-1)
Your faction standing with Inhabitants of Firiona Vie got better. (1)

Loot the "Quiver of Kithicor - open".

The 'Quiver of Kithicor - open' is a 6-slot container. Place one, each, of the six arrows looted previously from the brownie outcasts into this quiver and click Combine. You will now have a 'Quiver of Kithicor - full' which is not a container.

Head to the continent of Odus. Enter Erudin Palace and find the merchant, Anite Gemcutter (location +784, +599, -13). Buy one Star of Odus from her.

Head back to Kithicor forest and return to Leaf Falldim. Give him the Star of Odus and the closed Quiver of Kithicor.

Leaf Falldim says 'Wonderful!! I see he did find it. How lucky we are that he did all the hard work. My thanks to you are embodied in these ivy etched leggings. Now you may [earn the ivy etched boots] to go along with them.'

Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids has been adjusted by -1.
You gain experience!

Receive Ivy Etched Leggings.
Submitted by: Tsunamineko; updated by Ryllian
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# Nov 15 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
On Druzzil Ro there is still Pixies en masse to trigger the outcast brownies. I did this as late as last night, I need the brownie parts for winter chocolate.

So no frightlings here just pixies, pixies and more pixies.

# Oct 31 2001 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
when i talk to leaf he doesnt say anything about the leggings only the guantlets an the lt doesnt say anything
# Oct 30 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
What does talking to Lt. leafstalker do? I talked or hailed him and got no response. I have camped "a buccaneer" now for 16 real time hours - leting him despawn and respwwn, killing him and waiting for the spawn and always a buccaneer spawns! I have the arrows, the star of odus and no patience left. this quest is for the extremely lucky or those with the patience of jobe. I don't think i will ever get the STUPID ivy legs.
Am I doing something wrong?
# Oct 25 2001 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Ok i have followed everbodys post and frankly after camping this guy for about 12hrs total. i have not seen him spawn. i did the hail thing, god its nice to have 2 comps with 2 accounts so that was not so bad. sat and killed the buc a few times but still i get nothing.
i really hate to go and buy the things cause i really love doing quest. but if anyone has any idea what i might be doing wrong send me a tell, im on the Tribunal server.
i know there are better leggings out there, in fact i am wearing rygor but its just the thought of having a complete ranger only armour that intrigues me.
Evidence for Wiltin Triggered Spawn
# Oct 24 2001 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Showed up at about 6am - Bucc up
Bucc Despawn at 8am
Bucc Spawn at 9am

rolled up a wood elf
hailed Lt. Leafstalker, asked about Quiver of Kithicor and Wiltin Windstalker

Came back,
Killed Bucc about 12 midnight

Wiltin Windwalker spawn about 12 midnight the next day

Just another data point for you questers. It's worth a try at least, and if you're not on SZ or FV it's even easier since you only need one acct.

RE: Evidence for Wiltin Triggered Spawn
# Jan 09 2002 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
Want to Re-emphasize: YOU HAVE TO ASK HIM ABOUT QUIVER OF KITHICOR. He won't say anything when you first hail him.
Quiver of Kithicor
# Oct 15 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
167 posts
I finally decided to get off my butt and finish this quest. I had the arrows banked for quite a few months. It took three hours for Wiltin Windwalker (the one you are after) to spawn. Not too bad considering all I've heard of the waiting.

Anyway, the buccaneer place holder despawns approx every 72 minutes. Either he or Wiltin Windwalker will respawn in approx four minutes. If the buccaneer spawns, you have 72 minutes to wait. I spent it nailing seafury cyclops' and then licking my wounds.

Stay on the hill located at the southwest corner. If you wait there, the clops do not bother you. It is a nice safe place to mem, forage, fletch, do bills, etc. You may also nail the NPC's (forgot all their names - one is Captain Sureshot - a hobbit tank) for faction (Fironia Vie +, Pirates of Gunthank -). Captain Sureshot drops a bracer of Erollisi. A nice item to give away to newbies or keep for your twink :)
Ivy Legs
# Sep 03 2001 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
I'm a lvl 18 almost 19 ranger just starting the quest with my friend( a 35 druid) and we have all the arrows except one. But what i hate is that you have to buy the Star Of Odus. One more thing is the quiver weight reduction because i might want to use it?
RE: Ivy Legs
# Oct 15 2001 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
167 posts
Goodness no. Since you are almost 19 (prolly more now since you posted this a month ago), the ivy legs are what you are after. Especially if you can get them with your druid help as backup. Wiltin would eat you at level 19, oy!

No reason to camp ol'Wiltin Windwalker just to let the quiver dangle from your back. Use it for the ivy legs!
Spawn changed?
# Aug 28 2001 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
this quest seems to have changed - i just did it and there is no buccaneer now......

here is what i did:

first take the boat from FP to BB - after the first stop, sister isle, keep hitting loc and get off the boat at approximatly whatever and neg 5500 - swim to the island - (get off the boat on the same side as sister island.....)

when u hit the shore - camo straight away - there are a few seafuries around and a named hill giant called gornit....

head for 790 neg 5250 - you can see a small camp - now the guides say there is a buccaneer place holder - not know i think.... there is a sea captain and a couple of other npcs there - i left the one with the pet alone, and killed the npc with the sword and buckler - ? dixl? then i killed the captain - within an hour wiltin popped - right by the tent....

he conned blue to me but was as normal an under con... but he died - now - before u loot the quiver - make sure you have a spare inventory slot - otherwise you cannot loot it....

other things to be aware of - a fair few peeps take on gornit - and they seem to prefer kiting him - if he sees u - he will slap u - so i waited in camo...... also - if peeps are camping gornit they are going to be quite high - so may be worthwhile having them as back up if the needs arise - so be polite :)

Co Leader
Coalition of Power
RE: Spawn changed?
# Aug 29 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
At risk of being excommunicated by my guild leader (/grin) I used the info from Al's post to help find the pirate camp, and promptly watched the buccaneer placeholder at the camp spawn and despawn through several cycles (more detailed info posted under Wiltin).

So... I think you were just lucky Al! Took me about 4 hours before Wiltin spawned and dropped the Quiver... and yes, I tried the have a friend hail Lt. Leafstalker in GFay routine -- didn't help.
Location of Star of Odus
# Aug 15 2001 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
The Star of Odus is sold in the "Vials of Vitality" shop in the Erudin Palace.
Not a hard quest
# Aug 15 2001 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
The method of triggering Wiltin's spawn does work, I used it myself. Took me a couple hours (cause of the spawn time).
The arrows were the hard part for me, because of that one rare arrow. Me and a 35 druid (i am a 39 ranger) took the outcasts with no problems. I got the first 5 arrows in under an hour, the last one took me about 5 hours. Did all this in one day =)

-Aluvin Elvenblade
39th Season Ranger
Tribunal server
Ivy Armor
# Aug 06 2001 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I believe all of the Ivy Armor can be multi-quested. One char starts the conversation and gives what he/she has (nodrop or other), the other char gives what he/she has, and TADA receive reward. I have done this with Bracers, sleeves and tunic. I do not believe the leggings will be any different.
Hope this inspires someone to assist a ranger friend!

Diadriel Lothelorien, 35th Circle Ranger of Tunare, Terris-Thule
RE: Ivy Armor
# Aug 23 2001 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
Not the leggins. cause u have to combine the arrows in the quiver. But u can multiquest with star and full quiver.

But still one person has to do the arrows and the quiver
Where is star of Odus?
# Jul 27 2001 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
I know its in Erudin, but I've not found it yet, could someone tell me which vendor, and/or where to find that vendor?
RE: Where is star of Odus?
# Jul 28 2001 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
Go into the gem shop in erudin, downstairs, and go into the back room, behind the first "sales assistant". There should be 2 people in the back room, from memory, 1 will sell you things (including a star of odus) the other won't sell anything.
# Jul 26 2001 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
was waitin for someone to say how to trigger the legs quest thanks geeze
Wiltin spawning
# Jul 24 2001 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
I will be trying this again soon, but before I waste a long time "hoping" Wiltin turns up, can anyone suggest

1. what is to be said to Lt.Leafstalker? is it just the following? -
"What Quiver of Kithicor?" then ask: "Who is Wiltin Windwalker?"
and also

2. when should this be asked? before 8am(gametime)?

This is assuming that I have my ranger camped in oot & am using another character to speak to the Lt.Leafstalker..
Any advice on this would be much appreciated, thanks.
RE: Wiltin spawning
# Aug 08 2001 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
I finished this part last night. Here's what happened.

I got to the Seafury Isle just after 8AM and the buccaneer wasn't up. I thought he might have already despawned, so I tried the "trigger", by logging on to a character I created and talking to Leafstalker (and those are the questions I asked).

At 10AM, Wilton never showed up.

I talked to a couple higher level players who were camping Gornit and they had killed the buccaneer when he spawned. They also said that they had killed both the buccaneer AND Wilton in previous days multiple times.

The next game day came and the buccaneer didn't spawn at all, but Wilton DID spawn...not sure of the exact time that he spawned though. I got my quiver....now I have to go to Erudin to get the Star

Not sure what exactly this means, but that is what happened.

Sulamwen Arrowblast
31st lvl Ranger - Honor Knights
the brownies
# Jul 23 2001 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
I am curently on the legging quest. This i have noticed . In Lfay you have 4 posible spawns , tricksters, pranksters , joungulars , and outcasts. Being a mindfull ranger I avoided killing joungulars, but the more that were up the longer it took for the outcast to spawn. Finally with 6 joungulars up there were no more outcast spawns , i stayed there for an hour killing the tricksters and pranksters for nothin. so i surmize that joungulars are place holders for the outcasts , 6 arrows 6 spawns. for every joungular up is one less chance for an outcast to spawn ,when 6 are up either camp for another day or find someone to kill the joungulars for you. Thats my two cents . P.S. Im lv 39 and outcasts bring me to 100hps before I wack em . Keep cancel magic memed , too cancel out their DS and buffs , dont bother canceling their DOTs , hit them fast and hit them hard,and always keep yourself buffed . Safe Journeys .
Wiltin Length
# Jul 12 2001 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
My post is in reguards to the length in which Wiltin stays up.

I was thinking about starting this quest but wanted to wait until after I had reach 30 (28 now) but I came here and did the reseach needed. When I got home from work my two roomies (who both play high lelve druids) happend to be in OOT camping Gornits. I told them about the quest and about Wiltin and they stated that he was their the entire day! My roomies don't work spent pretty much the whole day there and said that he was there the whole time.

Unfortuantly...he did despawn by this time but the point is apprently he does stay up for a least several hours.

Side note...I finally got my ranger over there from LOIO and some schumk killed the buc right when I zoned in. DOH!
Read the directions below!
# Jul 10 2001 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
The trigger works. Tested it again and Wiltin always spawns the next day at 10:00 AM after you talk to Lt Leafstalker and follow the quest dialogue. DO NOT KILL the bucaneer and don't sit there and wait forever for him to spawn. For the lucky ones who sat there and he spawned Thank a nameless individual that followed the quest dialogue for you back in Kelethin!

This quest has baffled rangers for a long long time. Follow the directions and you won't have any horror stories of camping him for 24+ hours and no spawn.

Anexander Arrowstorm
50th Season Ranger of Quellious
wiltin, waiting & gm's...
# Jul 10 2001 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, Wiltin does exist, I was beginning to doubt it :)

I found the easiest way to get at him was to camp my Ranger in OOT and play another character solo for a while, just checking back every now & then for him, eventually he was there one time & I got the quiver and was ready to get my nice new leggings!!
Directions Do Work!
# Jul 05 2001 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I have followed the instructions below and I have gotten Wiltin to spawn twice. After camping him MANY hours it was nice to finally kill him )

Hail Lt Leafstalker, ask: "What Quiver of Kithicor?" then ask: "Who is Wiltin Windwalker?"

To make it easy I camped my ranger in OOT, logged another character in (my WE Druid) and asked Lt Leafstalker the questions.

The first time i did it Wiltin spawned. Tried it the next day (EQ day) and it did not work. Came back the next real life day and was able to trigger him again. So there may be another factor in his spawn time. BUT THE DIRECTIONS DO WORK! I have camped this guy since I was level 30 off and on and no spawn. I followed the directions below and got him to spawn twice ) I can finally get ridd of those 6 arrows in my bank )WooHoo!

Anexander Arrowstorm
49th Season Ranger of Quellious
# Jun 27 2001 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
what a quest...sheesh
Wiltin Spawn
# Jun 25 2001 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
In regards to the post about triggering Wiltin to spawn, I have tried this 10 different times and it has not worked yet. I have tried clearing the camp of capt. shurstoat and drix right after the despawn, I have tried different things. Is there something that you left out...you say stare at the buccanneer...do you mean this litturally. Do I have to have someone else ask about Wiltin...I have done it myself and then made it back over to the island intime for despawn and respawn. Any help would be appreciated. I am going on 20 hours of trying to get this quiver, the longest I camped for one time is 10 hours.

Thanks for any information
Moncreathe Vordance
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 24 2001 at 4:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Jun 07 2001 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
I posted this info on the Wiltin page, but i'll repost here as well:

Ok, here is how Wiltin Windwalker works. I just did this as of June 6, 2001. He is NOT random, he is triggered. (read that sentence again).

Here is what you have to do:
1. ensure that the "a buccaneer" is spawned.
2. Go to Kelethin, hail Lt. Leafstalker, and ask him about Wiltin Windwalker.
3. Return to OOT and stare at the "a buccaneer".
4. At 8am (game time) he will despawn.
5. Just after 10am Wiltin will spawn.
6. Kill Wiltin, loot the quiver, continue about your adventure.

I sat on this guy for 8 hours and never saw him once. Then i had a friend hail the Lt. and ask about Wiltin and sure enough, he popped the next morninig. To test, i waited for another day and the buccaneer spawned again. I again had my friend hail the Lt. and ask about Wiltin...just like i thought, he popped the next morning.

Bottom line: this is NOT a long and tedious camp. Wiltin is NOT random, you trigger him, he'll pop, drop the quiver, and you are done with that part.

RE: Wiltin
# Jul 04 2001 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
Nice idea, but it doesn't work..

I've done this several times, following your instructions, but Wiltin never spawned. Think you may have been lucky just the one time. Everytime "a bucaneer" despawns he is replaced with "a bucaneer" again at around 10am(gametime).

A guildmate simply sat & watched "a bucaneer" and eventually Wiltin did spawn, so it isn't broken or anything, but I'm afraid your instructions are incorrect.
Despawn/Spawn times
# Jun 04 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
While conducting my camp for Wiltin I noticed that the buccaneer will despawn every morning at 8am EQ time, and respawn at 10am...didn't make a difference if you killed him or not, the respawn time was the same.
Brownie Outcasts
# Jun 03 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
not sure how it is with current Storylines on other servers but Lfay nowadays doen't have the pixies tricksters to kill to get the outcasts to spawn it's Frightlings now. Got 3 of 6 Arrows in 5 minutes.

-Zintharz Groverunner
Wood Elf Ranger of Illuminatus
Karana Server
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