Arcane Scientist Cap  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Era:Planes of Power
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri May 10 17:04:22 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is for good aligned casters.

You say, 'Hail, Shana Liskia'

Liskia says 'Hail and well met Isola. I am Shana Liskia, Enchantress of Freeport. I have studied my art for years here in our wonderful academy. I am also delighted to meet and teach those that come here to gain knowledge. My specialty however lies in Beguiling so I like to train young enchanters. Are you an enchanter?'

You say, 'I am an enchanter'

Shana Liskia says 'Wonderful! Let me be the first to tell you that your training here will be top notch and you will learn all that is to be known about being an enchanter should you put forth the willingness to learn. I will walk you through your early training and assist you in your hunting and gathering skills. I have created a [special sewing kit] that I present to all of the new initiates.'

You say, 'What special sewing kit'

Shana Liskia says 'This kit that I speak of is one that is able to magically infuse different components into materials used for creating Arcane Scientists Armor. The components that you use will be collected from numerous different areas and shops in Freeport. You will use these materials along with patterns that I will present you with to create your armor. Once you are [ready to begin] I will present you with your Enchanted Sewing Kit.'

You say, 'I am ready to begin'

Shana Liskia says 'Very well. Here you are Isola, in this box you will combine specific component recipes as I mentioned before. When you are ready to attempt a specific piece you must tell me what piece you [want] to craft. For example if you had intent on crafting a cap you would say, �I want to craft a cap�. I can offer you the recipes for Arcane Scientists [Caps], [Bracers], [Sleeves], [Sandals], [Trousers], [Gloves] and [Robes]. I must also suggest that you attempt your robe last due to the difficult nature of collecting the correct components.'

You say, 'I want to craft the cap'

Shana Liskia says 'A cap will keep you safe from any attackers as well as the elements. To create your cap material you will need to combine 2 Woven Spider Silks, 1 Snake Fang, 1 Chunk of Meat and a Cloth Cap in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a loom along with this mold to fashion your very own Arcane Scientists Cap.'
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# May 21 2002 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
Try a lg spider or spiderling for the leg. The sleeve didn't work so I killed another spider swapped the leg out and it worked. I used I was already wearing (check to be sure you can wear it) I bought the urt. hair at the Inn outside of newbie south gate area (n Ro).
I have collected the woven silk from large and giant spiders travel between hu 3 and hut 9 in ec. I am level 15 wiz lg spiders drop with one sometimes two bolts. Check the inns a lot I bought 6 total from the inns 5.5gp each not bad. Also I did the bracers (2)and sleeves. In the kit on the last bracer I mixed the order of the items to see if it would work...It DID! I also used the small sewing kit to combine the scroll instruction and the mtl created by the kit. Nivag
# May 21 2002 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
Try a lg spider or spiderling for the leg. The sleeve didn't work so I killed another spider swapped the leg out and it worked. I used I was already wearing (check to be sure you can wear it) I bought the urt. hair at the Inn outside of newbie south gate area (n Ro).
I have collected the woven silk from large and giant spiders travel between hu 3 and hut 9 in ec. I am level 15 wiz lg spiders drop with one sometimes two bolts. Check the inns a lot I bought 6 total from the inns 5.5gp each not bad. Also I did the bracers (2)and sleeves. In the kit on the last bracer I mixed the order of the items to see if it would work...It DID! I also used the small sewing kit to combine the scroll instruction and the mtl created by the kit. Nivag
silk and mixing
# May 21 2002 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
Try a lg spider or spiderling for the leg. The sleeve didn't work so I killed another spider swapped the leg out and it worked. I used I was already wearing (check to be sure you can wear it) I bought the urt. hair at the Inn outside of newbie south gate area (n Ro).
I have collected the woven silk from large and giant spiders travel between hu 3 and hut 9 in ec. I am level 15 wiz lg spiders drop with one sometimes two bolts. Check the inns a lot I bought 6 total from the inns 5.5gp each not bad. Also I did the bracers (2)and sleeves. In the kit on the last bracer I mixed the order of the items to see if it would work...It DID! I also used the small sewing kit to combine the scroll instruction and the mtl created by the kit. Nivag
silk and mixing
# May 21 2002 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
Try a lg spider or spiderling for the leg. The sleeve didn't work so I killed another spider swapped the leg out and it worked. I used I was already wearing (check to be sure you can wear it) I bought the urt. hair at the Inn outside of newbie south gate area (n Ro).
I have collected the woven silk from large and giant spiders travel between hu 3 and hut 9 in ec. I am level 15 wiz lg spiders drop with one sometimes two bolts. Check the inns a lot I bought 6 total from the inns 5.5gp each not bad. Also I did the bracers (2)and sleeves. In the kit on the last bracer I mixed the order of the items to see if it would work...It DID! I also used the small sewing kit to combine the scroll instruction and the mtl created by the kit. Nivag
Chunk of Meat
# May 20 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
Didn't work for me either. I bet the prob is that the Chunk of Meat is specific to the mob they had intended. I think if you identify the meat it'll identify as Chunk of meat from black bear or something like that (never tried). May be wrong but some people have completed the cap so it may just depend on what mob you get the meat from. Will try indentify and see if Chunk of meat is a unique item.

# May 18 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
I'm kinda new but what is woven spider silk, is it different from regular spider silk and if so do I need to make it or does it drop from somethig
RE: Woven
# May 19 2002 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
It's different from spider silk, looks like a cloth belt in your inventory, is stackable, and drops randomly (relatively frequently) off most of the spiders in East Commons and North Ro.
Fixed on Test Fri, May 17
# May 18 2002 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
Hey all,

I just wanted to say that I petitioned on Test last night, and the server was brought down for about 30 minutes. When it came back up, the cap worked. AC3 or so (1 less than raw silk cap), but INT +1 and HP +5. Not great, but... how often do enchanters get to wear helmets? :)
RE: Fixed on Test Fri, May 17
# May 31 2002 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
Hi, I am a wizard level 6, i have tried to get the cap but to no avail, can you tell me what server, EXECTLY what materials and where you got them, what items did you put in the special kit and what goes into the loom, what order the items in the special kit were it, stacked or no stacked, and where you found the loom. Please respond, i am so confused. thanks, Arcrond the grey.
What's the point of the box
# May 17 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
I don't know if I'm reading this or what so maybe you people can help me out. If we are supposed to gather the materials for the items then take the stuff to a loom to combine what's the point of the box that they give you? Also is all the newbie armor quests broke I can't get the Monk or caster quests to work.
Any information you all can give me is appreciated.
RE: What's the point of the box
# May 17 2002 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
When you do any of the Arcane Scientist quests, Shana gives you two things: the Enchanted Sewing Kit and a pattern that is specific to the quest you're doing.

1 - Gather all the components she asked for that specific quest
2 - Combine these components in the Enchanted Sewing Kit (DON'T put the pattern in the kit).
3 - Once combined you get a pelt-shaped item. Put that item in a loom (or a regular Sewing Kit, either small or large will work) along with the pattern, and then combine.

That completes the quest and you get the resulting armor for that quest.
# May 15 2002 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
Sorry about earlier post being wrong encountered similar problems on other formula and worked them out. This one is broke. Sorry.
RE: Stomo
# May 16 2002 at 10:02 PM Rating: Default
No worries. I know that solutions like that do exist and are sometimes necessary in trade skill-type things. I wonder if they'll even bother fixing it...
# May 15 2002 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
The gloves work just fine. Haven't tried robe yet and the cap did not work for me either. Made bracer, gloves, sandals, sleeves but no cap.
Bug reported
# May 14 2002 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I reported that there might be a bug to the GM on the Nameless. I also sent a petition and got a response. They are not sure what is going on. My suggestion: send bug reports and petitions. The other quests are working fine. However, I don't know about the gloves or robe quests however. Keep the Flame.
It ain't workin.
# May 13 2002 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
I tried this one and kept getting the message that they couldn't be combined in this container type. I tried stacking items, still didn't work. I tried it a dozen times with different combinations of placement of materials.

There are three possibilities that I can deduce from here. One, The pattern must be included in the initial combination. Two, the items must be placed in the kit and combined one at a time( i.e. 2 woven spider silks, combine, product + snake fang, combine, product + chunk of meat, combine, product + cloth cap, combine) unlikely because the container is ten-slot. Or three, that it just isn't working. Would anybody who knows the answer to this dilemma please post.
RE: It ain't workin.
# May 14 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Not working.
# May 12 2002 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
It will work first do not stack the items... if it calls for three woven spider silks put three in 1 at a time (not stacked). Put the items in the exact order called for top left to right. Make sure the cloth item is suitable for your race and class. It will work.
RE: Stomo
# May 13 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
Remember, it is WOVEN silks, not the regular stuff..
RE: Stomo
# May 14 2002 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
That was useless. I doubt you've done this yourself. Again, I'd like proof but since you haven't made the cap, I doubt that will be possible. The recipe is broken. Some believe that the problem spawns from the cloth cap itself. Someone on the monk cap thread said you need to petition to get a real one. Seems like a pile of garbage to me... Hey, just like Stomo's post.
RE: Stomo
# May 13 2002 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
Actually... I just tried your way of doing this and I'm dissapointed to say that it didn't work. If it did work for you, I'd like some sort of proof. The best possible proof being telling me your server and a time and place to meet so I can come and inspect you wearing your cap. Ah well... now I have to live without the robe AND the helmet... I sure hope Verant fixes the cap soon... though I doubt they will.
quest broken already?
# May 10 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
I have tried this and it won't let me combine these items (and yes they are correct according to this description). Any others tried yet?

abumnky (mith marr)
Update/RE: quest broken already?
# May 11 2002 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
Got the bracers made...two of them. It worked no problem. No idea what's wrong with the others...I tried both the cap materials and the sleeve materials and no go. The bracers are the only ones that need only one woven silk...maybe there's something wrong with that part?

Got to kill more spiders and get some more woven silks to try again...maybe you have to do the bracers first and then try the rest??

RE: Update/RE: quest broken already?
# May 12 2002 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I did the sleeve and it worked. Well at first I had a Large cloth sleeve and it didn't accept it, but after changing it for a (medium) Cloth Sleeve I was able to complete it and successfully combine the result with the mold in my Sewing Kit.
RE: quest broken already?
# May 11 2002 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
I also tried. Just now...spent tons of time picking up the ingredients (have many for more than one of the armor pieces) but to no avail. When I put the ingredients in that she said to use, I get "cannot combine these ingredients in this type of container" also won't combine in the loom!
I'm fairly annoyed at this point.

Beating my head against the wall....
Ahriadne, Mage of Erolisi Marr
Sol Ro server
RE: quest broken already?
# May 10 2002 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
Tried and failed. Tried numerous other possibilities including more chunks of meat or more snake fangs or more woven silks. I even tried with a giant snake fang instead or a regular one. I have yet to try with a small cloth cap instead of medium but posts on other sites have said that did not work either. Perhaps a large cloth cap? Crazy but I might try it...
RE: quest broken already?
# May 11 2002 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
I too had tried the large snake fang. The descrition was vague so I tried to combine part of the recipe (IE. without the cap, or without the pattern.) No luck either way. Don't worry about trying with the small cloth cap. I tried to no avail. : (

I have since realized the patterns are not used in the initial combine. Tried to place the items in the exact order that was described and still got a dnc. I'm of the belief this is just broken. I will wait til the next patch to waste any more time on this quest.

Edited, Mon May 13 20:25:37 2002
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