Khala Dun Recruit (Warrior #2)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Shadows of Luclin
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Jan 25 03:17:12 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
After completing the Citizenship quest with the Warrior guildmaster, he sends you to show Khala Dun Hebijeb your slate. Hebijeb is standing at the entrance to the Arena.

High Armsman Trukanah says, 'Congratulations _____! Welcome to your new life as an official citizen of Shar Vahl. This cloak symbollizes your commitment to serving this people through continuous self-improvement. For now, you must strengthen yourself until you become worthy to train in the way of the Khala Dun. Show your acrylia slate to Guard Hebijeb. He will direct you further. May the spirits of our ancestors be your guide.'

You say, 'Hail, Khala Dun Hebijeb'

Khala Dun Hebijeb says, 'Well met, friend. May I be of assistance?'

Hand him the Acrylia Slate of Shar Vahl.

Khala Dun Hebijeb says, 'I was told to expect you, _____. It is my duty to supervise this stage of your training, which will help strengthen you in preparation for your life of service to our people. There is much to do in very little time so let us begin. There are creatures that roam freely at the base of the rock on which we live. You are tasked with demonstrating a basic understanding of combat by defeating skeletons of grimlings and delivering to me four of their femurs.'

He sends you to collect four femurs from grimling skeletons in the pit.

Upon returning with 4 femurs, Khala Dun Hebijeb looks at you with an expression of approval, 'Your completion of the assigned task has been noted. Accept this weapon as a token of the Khala Dun's gratitude. You will find the Khala Dun to be very generous to its humble students, quick to reward obedience. I have been notified that one of our citizens needs some assistance, bring me proof that you have aided Dronqam Runghi.'

He hands you a Crude Bone Short Sword.

Dronqam Runghi is in the courtyard before the Palace, in the left corner when you enter (he's not in a building).

Saying to Dronqam, "I seek work" gets you this reply:

Dronqam Runghi says 'Excellent! I practice the art of alchemy and I am currently working on some new recipes. I require a few special ingredients. Fortunately they grow in the crater just outside our city walls. Bring me a redcapped mushroom, a pinch of scarlet moss and a bluecapped mushroom. I'll be most grateful.'

-Head to south gate and cross the bridge. On the opposite side of the bridge crawl down the wall into the pit below the bridge at loc -1175.20, 142.99, -187.62. Here you will find the ingredients. They pop in certain places on the ground in different intervals but I found most redcapped mushrooms to be near the bridge and most bluecapped mushrooms and pinch of scarlet mosses to be on the opposite side of the pit (run around until you find the north bridge).

--Redcapped Mushroom loc -738.71, -526.87, -361.62 and will be a red dot
--Bluecapped Mushroom loc 593.95, -735.14, -356.65 and will be a blue dot
--Pinch of Scarlet Moss loc 936.04, -86.53, -355.62 and will be a black dot

Dronqam Runghi says 'Wonderful! I have little to offer you for your trouble aside from my gratitude. Here is a pinch of acrylia dust. I know it's not much. If you have no need for it go to Mignah, he can always use all kinds of acrylia.

Taking the dust to Hebijib.

Khala Dun Hebijeb takes the acrylia dust and places it in a vial already half full of the metal, 'You are nearly finished with the task at hand, Chmyr. I now need you to begin your training in the art of blacksmithing, an essential aspect of the life of the Khala Dun. Combine this mold with three metal bits and a flask of water to fashion a buckler frame. When this is done bring it to me with the Crude Bone Short Sword and your initiate's cloak.

Trivial is 21. Success gets you a buckler frame which looks like a circlet.

Giving the buckler frame, initiate's cloak and Crude Bone Short Sword to Hebijeb gets you this reply.

Khala Dun Hebijeb says 'Your progress pleases our order young one, and I am proud to promote you to the rank of recruit within the Khala Dun. Wear this cloak with pride, Chmyr. I have completed your buckler as well as enhanced your sword. The blade will now be more effective when used against the skeletons from which it was constructed. Show the buckler to Armsman Khaigesh and he will instruct you further.'

Khala Dun Hebijeb shouts 'Fellow citizens of Shar Vahl, help me welcome Chmyr to the rank of recruit in the honorable Khala Dun. May his actions henceforth reflect the strict sense of loyalty to our king that defines our order. May he exhaust his every resource in glorious defense of our proud people!'

You get the Cloak of the Khala Dun Recruit and the Skeletonbane Short Sword.
Submitted by: Morchaint
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after report
# May 27 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
i have turned the report into kitty in gf and hs then gave back to gaurd have bought books and kit for makin weapons but how do i go about starting this part i have read all 3 books and they make no sense to me plz help
making the mold.
# May 12 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
I have made the metal bits (3) and combined them with 1 flask of water and the mold. Each time I did this it said I created a product with my items but a only got the mold back. What did I do wrong? I checked my inventory and found nothing but when I logged off and later back on I suddenly had a compass that I didn't have before. Can someone please help.
RE: making the mold.
# Jun 11 2002 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
74 posts
Sounds like you are failing the tradeskill check. The buckler is trivial at 21(?). If you raise your skill in Smithing your chance of success will dramatically increase. Try making metal bits til you recieve a message stating you can no longer advance your skill from making them, then try the buckler again.
Khala Duash
# May 10 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default

The quest instructions say:

Khala Dun Kuash says 'Now this is a nice dagger! Do you like it better than mine? .... Goes on to say "You need to take that cloak to Ahom Guzhin. He'll meet you in the moore."

What am I missing? Where is Khala Dun Kuash and Ahom Guzhim. Does this come later in quest
RE: Khala Duash
# May 10 2002 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Khala Dun is a guard at the bridge heading to hollowshade and Ahom Guzhim is the npc you show your journeyman's cloak to..he is in the cave that goes to grimling forest.
RE: Khala Duash
# May 10 2002 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Khala Dun is a guard at the bridge heading to holloshade and Ahom Guzhim is the npc you show your journeyman's cloak to..he is in the cave that goes to grimling forest.
Skeleton Bones
# May 08 2002 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
I see the grimling skeleton bones in the pit and I have tried everything but can't seem to be able to pick them up. I need 4 femurs to complete a quest. Can anyone help me?
RE: Skeleton Bones
# May 09 2002 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
you loot them off grimling skeletons
# Apr 27 2002 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
Have picked 3 stacks of mushrooms at the 4 sites listed in the various postings. all are of the ulf ype, nary a bluetoe. Am I looking at the right places?
grinning grimling
# Mar 25 2002 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
I've finished all the shoping list "bluetoe mushrooms, fatty owlbear meat, and rockhopper red ale" and am now real curious does anyone know if the grimlings in hollowshade moor down by the waterfront do they ever drop the grinning grimling or can it be found in shadow heaven or is it absolutly necissary to go all the way to katta to get the stuff??
Heads up.
# Mar 24 2002 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
Step 3 is too craft a buckler(mold given too you) no problem right? Well after finding the forge and makeing the metal bits I put the 3 bits the mold and water into the forge and.... lag. I hit close instead of combine. Open up the forge and lo and behold the mold is gone. So i petition. It being 3:30am i get a response within half an hour. The guide tells me start over. I have to start the WHOLE quest over.

It took me 4 hours to find

--Redcapped Mushroom loc -738.71, -526.87, -361.62 and will be a red dot
--Bluecapped Mushroom loc 593.95, -735.14, -356.65 and will be a blue dot
--Pinch of Scarlet Moss loc 936.04, -86.53, -355.62 and will be a black dot

Bye bye warrior.
RE: Heads up.
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
Don't feel alone because you're not I had the exact same problem. I still haven't been able to find the mushrooms and moss again. They should realy try and do omething about this.

RE: Heads up.
# Mar 27 2002 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
I gotta agree here, I'm still trying to find a Redcapped Mushroom, and I've been hunting in the Pit from when i started now level 8, Any clues as to where the Red Mushhy's hangout would appreciated
RE: Heads up.
# Apr 20 2002 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
The Red capped mushroom *where I found it* was located under the Shady Thickett Bridge just as you head down the side. its VERY easy to miss since it kinda blends in the with the ground.
# Mar 21 2002 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
Where is Friaz Ompir?
RE: Where...
# Mar 23 2002 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default
Friaz is in a building in the arena area. Upstairs of the building that has Armsman Khaigesh in it. The same building that has smithing molds. Soon as you get to top of stairs she is standing there.
Where is Dronqam Runghi?
# Mar 19 2002 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
I've searched ALL over the place and cannot for the life of me find this guy. I read he's outside of the palace in the courtyard but I've looked there many times and have not seen him. If he stays in one spot could someone PLEASE give me a loc? I would really apprectiate it...this is getting extremely frustrating and no one online seems to know or care where he is.

HELP!!! thanks :)
RE: Where is Dronqam Runghi?
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
For Dronqam, when you first walk into the courtyard from the arena area turn to your lrft walk to the front of the building. Do not go inside building just follow the contour of the building. There will be a little alcove, in the back of the alcove you will fine him in the corner. it really aint that hard.
# Mar 16 2002 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
I need to know something I have been working on getting my next stage of my Warrior Buckler quest. Well i just accidentily gave Noril Galoon my buckler before i have completed the Bolts part of my quest and also before i have gotten the horns for my shield. Now what i want to know is HAVE TOTALY JUST SCREWED MYSELF or will he remeeber that i have given him my buckler when i trun my Bolts ing and the horns in.

# Mar 16 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
Nah that is the way it is supposed to be done. Noril Keeps the shield till you complete Friaz's shopping list part. when you return to Noril with the bag of beetle horns he will give you back your shield.
The premise is that he is working on it. you have to get him the bolts then the bag of beetle horns while he is working on it. after you get these he will return it.
The Vah Shir Warrior Quest
# Mar 15 2002 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Vah Shir Warrior Quest
Guild Master
After completing your citizenship quest. the Guild Master tells you to find Guard Hebijeb (Note: He is labeled
Khala Dun Hebijeb. He can be found guarding the entrance to the arena.) and show him your acrylia slate.

Guard Hebijeb
Khala Dun Hebijeb says 'I was told to expect you, Grekas. It is my duty to supervise this stage of your training, which will help
strengthen you in preparation for your life of service to our people. There is much to do in very little time so let us begin.
There are creatures that roam freely at the base of the rock on which we live. You are tasked with demonstrating a basic understanding
of combat by defeating skeletons of grimlings and delivering to me four of their femurs.

Go to the pit surrounding the city and hunt Grimling Skeletons. Collect four femurs and return them to Guard Hebijeb. (Note: the grimling
skeletons seem to only spawn at certain times so it might take awhile to collect all the femurs you need.)

Khala Dun Hebijeb looks at you with an expression of approval, 'Your completion of the assigned task has been noted. Accept this weapon
as a token of the Khala Dun's gratitude. You will find the Khala Dun to be very generous to it's humble students, quick to reward obedience.
I have been notified that one of our citizens needs some assistance, bring me proof that you have aided Dronqam Runghi. '

Crude Bone Short Sword.
Lore Item
Slot: Primary Secondary
Skill 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 25
DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 8
WT: 6.5 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah

Dronqam Runghi
Dronqam Runghi says 'Good day friend! Im glad you've stopped by. I am in need of some assistance. Please direct anyone seeking work to me.

You say, 'I am looking for work'

Dronqam Runghi says 'Excellent! I practice the art of alchemy and I am currently working on some new recipes. I require a few special
ingredients. Fortunately they grow in the crater just outside our city walls. Bring me a redcapped mushroom, a pinch of scarlet moss
and a bluecapped mushroom. I'll be most grateful.

These can also be found in the pit. (Note: Soon as you go down to the pit walk around where the wall meets the ground and look for the ground
spawns. Did not take me to long to find them. the pinch of scarlet moss looks just like the chunk of mud ground spawn.)

Dronqam Runghi says 'Wonderful! I have little to offer you for your trouble aside from my gratitude. Here is a pinch of acrylia dust. I know
it's not much. If you have no need for it go to Mignah, he can always use all kinds of acrylia.

Take the dust and give it to Guard Hebijeb.

Guard Hebijeb again
Khala Dun Hebijeb takes the acrylia dust and places it in a vial already half full of the metal, 'You are nearly finished with the task at hand,
Grekas. I now need you to begin your training in the art of blacksmithing, an essential aspect of the life of the Khala Dun. Combine this
mold with three metal bits and a flask of water to fashion a buckler frame. When this is done bring it to me with the Crude Bone Short Sword
and your initiate's cloak.

Take the mold with the metal bits and a flask of water and put them all into the forge and combine them. you will get a buckler frame, looks
like a circlet when done. (Note: If your facing Guard Hebijeb turn to your left, go toward the buildings your facing go into the last one on
your right to buy small a piece of ore to make the metal bits with. Then go back to the first building in the row of buildings and go through
the door then turn right and go behind the stairs for a forge.)

Khala Dun Hebijeb says 'Your progress pleases our order young one, and I am proud to promote you to the rank of recruit within the Khala Dun.
Wear this cloak with pride, Grekas. I have completed your buckler as well as enhanced your sword. The blade will now be more effective when
used against the skeletons from which it was constructed. Show the buckler to Armsman Khaigesh and he will instruct you further.

Khala Dun Hebijeb shouts 'Fellow citizens of Shar Vahl, help me welcome Grekas to the rank of recruit in the honorable Khala Dun. May his
actions henceforth reflect the strict sense of loyalty to our king that defines our order. May he exhaust his every resource in glorious
defense of our proud people!

Cloak of the Khala Dun Recruit
Lore Item No Drop
Slot: Back
AC: 5
Skill Mod: Blacksmithing +1%
Str: +1 HP: +1
WT: 5.0 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah
Skeletonbane Short Sword
Magic Item Lore Item No Drop
Slot: Primary Secondary
Skill 1H Slashing ATK Delay: 25
DMG: 4 Dmg Bonus: 8
Bane DMG: Skeleton 2
WT: 5.0 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah
Buckler of the Recruit
Lore Item No Drop
Slot: Secondary
WT: 8.0 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah

Armsman Khaigesh
Armsman Khaigesh says 'I can see by your armaments, that Hebijeb has started you along the path of bravery. That's a very good foundation for
a young Khala Dun recruit to build upon. Bravery is an important trait, but you will need to learn discipline and patience. The blacksmithing
that we do as Khala Dun helps to reinforce and reflect upon those traits. Take this bag and I will help you with your next lesson. (Note:
Armsman Khaigesh can be found upstairs of the same building with the forge. Go upstairs and around the corner and through the door into the next

You say, 'What lesson?'

Armsman Khaigesh says 'A warrior must learn to be patient and pay attention to detail. Take the bag that I've just given you and fill it with
Acrylia flecked nuggets. When hunting the moor, we often found rocks and ore wedged in the shells of the beetles that roam there. Kill the
beetles that walk near the city's gates and pry their shells apart. You should be able to gather a decent amount of ore that way. Once you've
filled the bag that I've given you, return here with the bag and your Skeletonbane short sword and I'll teach you something new.'(Note: go to
Hollowshade Moor and kill rhinobeetles Outside the gate to get the Acrylia Flecked Nuggets. Also while your at it collect the Rough ore pieces,
you will need these later (8 or 10 of the rough ore pieces. I forget exactly how many is needed).

Armsman Khaigesh grins at you as he takes the items. 'You're scruffy and you smell, but you're a fast enough learner.' He says as he pulls a
leather strap out of his waistband and carefully wraps it around the hilt of your sword. He hands the sword back to you hilt first and says,
'Wrapping the hilt in that manners allows you to grip the sword better and hit harder. Take the sword and show it to Noril Galoon. He will
instruct you further.'

Leather Gripped Short Sword
Magic Item Lore Item No Drop
Slot: Primary Secondary
Skill: 1H Slashing ATK Delay: 25
DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 8
Bane Dmg: Skeleton 2
Dex: +1 Agi: +1
WT: 5.0 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah

Noril Galoon
Noril Galoon examines the hilt for a moment and hands the sword back to you. 'This looks like it will work fine.' He says. 'If you are up to
doing me a favor, I can teach you how to modify your shield as well. Take this bag and these files and come back to me when you have some spare
time and want to learn more about shields.'

You say, 'I have spare time.'

Noril Galoon says 'Shields and bucklers are very versatile. They can be used to deflect blows, knock your opponents off balance, and even offer
a secondary form of attack. If you want me to help you to modify your shield, I'll need you to gather some rough ore pieces. They can be taken
from the rhinobeetles that reside in the moor. Place them in a forge with a flask of water and your set of files to create bolts. Combine the
full bag of bolts and return the product and the buckler to me.' (Note: Noril Galoon can be found in the North side of town in the bridge area.
When you enter the gate area from the Arena area turn left and follow the wall till you get to the last building you will see stairs that go up.
Once up the steps you will see a guard to your right with another set of stairs that go up. Go up these steps then walk across to your right
to the walkway that leads to the next building. Noril will be standing next to the door once you cross the walkway.) (Note: Hope you collected
the rough ore pieces while you were after Acrylia flecked nuggets or your going back to kill more rhinobeetles. take 1 roug **** piece and a
flask of water put them into the forge and combine them to make a bolt.)

Noril Galoon says 'Thanks for the Bag of Bolts Grekas.'

Noril Galoon says 'Thank you for making those for me. I was almost out. I'll modify your buckler immediately after I finish what I am doing
here. Meanwhile, take this shopping list to Friaz. Do what you can to assist her. I need the bag of beetle horns she will give you if I am
to work on your shield today.' (Note: Noril gives you a shopping list. First take the list and give it to Friaz she will add items to the list.)

Friaz Ompir
(Note: I forgot to turn Log on for this part so I cant say what she tells you but she changes the shopping list to 2 Bluetoe Mushrooms,
1 Bottle of Grinning Grimling, 1 Bottle of Rockhopper Red Ale, and 4 Fatty Owlbear Meat. Bluetoe Mushrooms can be found in Paludal Caverns.
Enter Paludal Caverns from Hollowshade Moor (when you zone into Hollowshade Moor turn right and follow the wall till you see an outcropping
of rocks this is zone into PaludalCaverns) After you zone into Paludal Caverns go through the first room once you get to the tunnel again start
searching the white mushroom patches for the Bluetoe mushrooms which are ground spawns, there are four different patches I found the Bluetoe
Mushrooms in, wont take long. Fatty Owlbear meat is found on Owlbear cubs in Hollowshade Moor, looks like Owlbear guts. The Grinning Grimling
and Rockhopper Red Ale can be bought in Katta in the bank area at "Nectar of Unity Brewery and Tavern".)

Friaz Ompir says 'I thank you, Grekas. I should make Noril come get these horns himself, but I guess that I can understand what it feels like
to be too busy to get everything done. You've been a great help to me today. Give these horns to Noril and tell him that I thank him for your
assistance. Take care, young one.'

Take the bag of Beetle Horns and give them to Noril Galoon.

Noril Galoon again
(Note: once again I forgot to turn log on :( . Thankfully I wrote all the steps down :) )
When you give Noril the Bag of Beetlehorns he gives you back your shield upgraded and tells you to go back and see Armsman Khaigesh and give
him your buckler, cloak and sword.

Horn Covered Buckler
Lore Item No Drop
Slot: Secondary
Skill Piercing Atk Delay: 35
Dmg: 6 Dmg Bonus: 8 AC: 7
WT: 8.4 Size: Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah

Armsman Khaigesh again
Armsman Khaigesh says 'Excellent work! You're progressing nicely, young warrior. You are well suited to the path of the Khala Dun. Take this
new cloak and wear it proudly. You have earned the right to consider yourself an Apprentice of the Khala Dun. Please speak to Guard Kuash and
show him your new buckler.'

Armsman Khaigesh shouts 'Citizens and travelers, please welcome, Grekas to the rank of Apprentice to the noble Khala Dun! We should all serve our people in such an honorable fashion! '

Cloak of the Khala Dun Apprentice
Lore Item No Drop
AC: 6
Skill Mod: Blacksmithing +2%
Str: +2 Dex: +1 HP: +5
WT: 5.0 Size Medium
Class: War
Race: Vah

Guard Kuash
Khala Dun Kuash says 'You must think you're pretty tough wearin a buckler like that, eh? Well well... Perhaps you're looking to hunt some
bigger game, eh? Earn a little scruff on your ears like Kuash? I thought so. I know a good place for you to start... and it's part of your
civil duty. Our scouts have always had trouble with the wolves in the moor. I'm thinkin that you can start there. Maybe break in a few of
the younger wolves' paws, eh? I thought so. Put your buckler back on and take this bag. Fill it with wolf paws and bring it back to me.
Maybe then I'll give you a real challenge.' (Note: The Paws your after are called young wolf paws no drop items. Can be found on A Sonic
Wolfling and Sonic Wolfs).

(Note: Once again I forgot to turn log on.)
When you turn the bag back into Guard Kuash he hands you a Daily Status report and asks you to turn it into Bookkeeper Leana in the Grunt
Forest (Grimling Forest in the outpost) Bookkeeper Leana can be found in the first building of the outpost. She goes through a little speech
and asks you to take it to Guard Kliknaw. (Note: Guard Kliknaw can be found at the gate at the Hollowshade Moor Outpost). Now take the Report
back to Guard Kuash. When you turn the note back into Guard Kuash he gives you a Blade Mold, a Hilt, and a Claw Mold. These molds are used for
the creation of the Sonic Bane Weapon. I can go no further in this, as I do not have the pieces for the Sonic Bane Weapon from all the other
Classes. Once I get all the pieces needed I will add to this. If your a Vah Shir Shaman or Rogue on the Prexus Server and have your class specific
Sonic Bane Weapon piece and would like to trade for the Warriors blade please send a tell to Grekas. I can also work with you and the others I
have been working with to get their class specific piece.

Grekas Thunderpaw
Vah Shir Warrior
Protectors of the Balance
RE: The Vah Shir Warrior Quest
# May 09 2002 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
I just completed the warrior part of the quest. I made the dagger and did the next couple very easy quests..just running around to npcs in Shar Vahl. Now comes the fun. You have to collect the talon of a Owlbear Guardian, the fang of a Sonic Wolf Guardian and a grimling chieftain staff. I know the staff drops off more than one mob. I saw it drop off a spiritualist but had no idea what it was for so didn't loot it. So in your killings to get to this part I hope these also drop so it can make your next part easier to do.
RE: The Vah Shir Warrior Quest
# Jun 17 2002 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
I Finnished The quest to get my Vah shir Garrisons quest a short while ago, and heres what these things drop off...

Sonic wolf Guardian Talon: Sonic wolves and Sonic wolf Guardians

Owlbear Guardian Talon: Owlbear Razorbeaks and Owlbear Fleshrenders

Grimling Chieftan Staff: Grimling Chieftan and Grimling Spritualist

After getting those Put them in the bag that you were given along with your Journeymans Cloak and hit combine. Give the resulting item to the General and you will Recieve your <Your Sect here>
Garrison Cloak(<Your sect here> being khala Dun (Warrior), Khati Sha (Beastlord), Dar Khura (Shaman), Jharun (Bard), Or Taruun (Rogue)), and a Garrison Application form.
Go to the Grimling Forest and Hand Captain Darzinel the form. He will Give you a 4 slot container and a polished acrylia sphere. when you get at least 5 other people that are lvl35 or higher, hand Scout Husman The polished acrylia sphere to begin the first Raid.

NOTE: There is no way in hell (Even if you are lvl60) that you can solo this quest. The scouts will quickly be killed if you are alone, and you'll have to spend <=56 more pp to start it again. Make sure you have help, Especialy at least 2 healers (Vah shir Shaman Perferred)(expecting me to say cleric? ;))

He will have A sword and shield at this point. After a while he will start moving, then you and your party follow him to the first grimling camp. After a while he will stop and tell you to wait for the signal, then Charge In!

Note: For these Grimling Raids, you have to watch what your targeting before you hit attack, /pet attack or cast a spell, you might be targeting the Scout. He needs to live or your quest is over. And from what i see, if hes in hostilities with you, the waves will stop until you zone or log and return. Just dont go wolf, bear, or any other freeky form. (Ex: Wolf form). You should know Vah Shir dont like wolves ;)

You and your party have to wait there until the Grimling Officer spawns. He is a hard one to beat. After you and your party slay the officer and his crew, the one who bought handed the arylia sphere to Scout husman loots the corpse of its items. The items Needed from this officer are Captured Grimling Doccument I, and A Grimling officer Scalp. quickly give Scout Husman the grimling officer scalp to recieve the bronze medal of war (will be needed later for the post grimling raids quest). You and your party then leave the camp and the grimlings will retake it. Dont be saddened cause the grimlings got the camp back for all your hard work ;).

The other 3 are similar, but your party needs to be a higher lvl, say 37+ (10 people). However, you do not get a free acrylia sphere like you did in the first Raid. for the second raid you need to buy a Marble Acrylia sphere from a merchant at the Grimling Forsest outpost and Give it to Scout Durarin (or something like that, I'll go to the forst and check). He will lead you out to the second, and harder camp. Once again, repeat the steps (and notes) for the first quest. The items needed from the officer are Captured Grimling doccument II and a grimling officer scalp.

Raid 3 started with a Glowing Acrylia sphere, which is given to Scout Durrin (that once again may be wrong, but very close ;)). He leads you out to the very hard Grimling, cant at all be done without a healer. My friend who just finnished it told me that there will be multiple Manacrafters (The nukers of the grimling force, up to 250 damage nukes). So Have Friends 39+ (12 People) or 49+ (6 people), and prepare for some real action >:). you will need the Captured Grimling Doccument III and the grimling officer scalp. Give the Scalp to The scout and get the hecks outta there. Put each Doccument, I II and III into the Sack given to you by Captain Darzinel, Combine, and hand it to him. He will Give you a 2 slot container. Go to the merchant you bought all of your acrylia spheres from and put the 3 medals you recieved into it and hit combine, you will get a Medal of the hero or whatever that was called. Put it in the 2 slot container along with you <Your Sect Here> Garrison's Cloak and combine it. Give the resulting item to the Captain Standing next to Scout Darrin (close). he will Give you your <Your Sect here> Officers Cloak and a map. dont hand the map in until you are really ready. I have yet to complete this raid myself. im expecting you will need a minimum of 12 people lvl45 or higher, just to be on the safe side.

Right now ive completed to first raid, and in the procces of getting the second raid done. Me and my group did the first raid for 5 or mor people. It will take quite a while to get the raids done for everyone in your party that needs it, assuming you dont get a lucky first raid officer... that was nice ;). it took us 2 whole days to get it all done for everyone, but dont dispair at the time needed.

39 Vah Shir Khala Dun Garrison. Tigers Pride Of
Yet to become An Officer ;)
RE: The Vah Shir Warrior Quest
# Apr 20 2002 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for your INCREDIABLE post on the majority of this looooooong warrior step quest. Your post really helped me to get my items faster and with much less stress.
I would like to add some tips and suggestions should anyone need it.

--- Buckler Mold step ---
If you combine the items in the forge and fail, the buckler mold "IS" returned to you. Feel free to combine it even at the most basic of levels as it increases your chance of raising skill to say the least. Metal bit creation is long and tough, don't forget to dump LOTS of points into Smithing.
--- Acrylia flecked nuggets ---
This portion of the quest can be speed up if you have a Ranger or Druid with track. the Rhinobeetles seem to spawn in small groups of 3 just outside the Hollowshade Moor zone to Shir Vah. Having a separate character that can kill the beetles, Log off and log on your warrior is annoying but running around the zone for 3+ hours isn't fun either. Watch out for Gorehorn *made that mistake* and wandering Sonic wolves/Owlbears and Grimlings.. they are level 25-27 and are WAY underconned.
Note; when you give the bag of Acrylia flecked nuggets to Armsman Khaigesh, he will NOT say anything until you give him the sword. *I forgot to give him the sword but gave it to him later on to get the Exp and next portion of the quest* phew... I was lucky
--- Shopping list ---
Not as easy as it seems since "sometimes" the Hollowshade Moor is bugged with the sonic Wolves owning the zone if they win the war. If this happens, the Owlbear cubs won't spawn at all which means your SOL until the zone is reset.
Note, Owlbear cubs in Paludal Caverns will NOT drop the Fatty owlbear meat. I have killed at least 50 in there and nothing. *yelloweyes doesn't drop it either*
The Bluetoed mushrooms aren't as easy to find either but I have located 1 near the entrance of the zone to Shadoweavers thickett. NOTE its not the Dulfis mushroom at the Very entrance of the cave. thats for another quest I believe.
The Vah Shir Warrior quest can not be multiquested at any point so the major drawback is that its TIME CONSUMING. Thankfully, unlike the Shadoweaver Thicket Champion's Cloak quest, each step is a little more forgiving and lets you start back at the right spot *assuming you didn't royaly ***** up and give the wrong main item to the wrong NPC*. Thankfully I have guildmembers who are further along than I am that are also completing this quest and so I have help along the way. Take note its easier to start this quest later on past level 20 since obtaining the items will be easier.
RE: The Vah Shir Warrior Quest
# Jul 06 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I gave Armsman Khaigesh the bag full of nuggets and the sword, he ate both nuggets and sword with no result (but gave back the bag). I petitioned and the GM gave me back the sword (Skeletonbane short sword) saying this is NOT the sword Khaigesh needs. This is the sword he asks for and all I have! Does anyone know what he is supposed to take?

Edited, Sat Jul 6 18:56:20 2002
Ahom Ghuzin
# Mar 07 2002 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
now that ahom ghuzin is fixed. does anyone know what the grimling chieftan's staff is? a new drop or perhaps the staff of living sands?
RE: Ahom Ghuzin
# May 15 2002 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
The chieftain's staff is a rare drop off a spiritualist. I got mine off the one that stands outside the chieftains tent. Just stay way back and pull him to the wall.
Bolts? What bolts?
# Mar 04 2002 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
This is after you combine the Acrylia flecked nuggets and return to Armsman Khaigesh

Armsman Khaigesh grins at you as he takes the items. 'You're scruffy and you smell, but you're a fast enough learner.' He says as he pulls a leather strap out of his waistband and carefully wraps it around the hilt of your sword. He hands the sword back to you hilt first and says, 'Wrapping the hilt in that manners allows you to grip the sword better and hit harder. Take the sword and show it to Noril Galoon. He will instruct you further.

Noril Galoon is at p478, p232. You need to go upstairs and across a small bridge to find him.

Noril Galoon examines the hilt for a moment and hands the sword back to you. 'This looks like it will work fine.' He says. 'If you are up to doing me a favor, I can teach you how to modify your shield as well. Take this bag and these files and come back to me when you have some spare time and want to learn more about shields.

Ok this is where I&#8217;m stuck. What the heck do we do with the bag? An earlier post says to fill it with bolts? What Bolts? How are they made/acquired? Someone help!
RE: Bolts? What bolts?
# Mar 15 2002 at 3:22 AM Rating: Default
Take rough ore pieces from rhinobeetles in Hollowshade Moor. Combine one rough ore piece with a flask of water to make one bolt.
RE: Bolts? What bolts?
# Apr 04 2002 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
in addition to the rough ore piece and a flask of water, you need to combine the engraved files he gives you after you tell him you have time to learn....
RE: Bolts? What bolts?
# Mar 07 2002 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
Tell Noril Galoon you want to learn more about shields, and he'll gives you more detailed instruction on how to make the bolts. Good luck =)
acrylia dust
# Mar 03 2002 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
I collected the mushrooms and pinch of scarlet dust in the pit, got the acrylia dust in return, and handed it to Mignah, as is stated by the quest giver:
"If you have no need for it go to Mignah, he can always use all kinds of acrylia. "
He just took it, I got some exp and the quest ended. Is there a way for me to continue with the quest or must I start over again with the mushroom/moss thing?
Thank you,
Ciddan, 10th warrior
RE: acrylia dust
# Mar 06 2002 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
You were supposed to give it to Khala Dun Hebijeb (if you are a Warrior). A little confusing, I know.
# Feb 19 2002 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
I am trying to do my smithing for the buckler and I can not find the ingrediants anywhere. Where or how do I get the mettle bits?

RE: smithing
# Feb 23 2002 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
ok thanks guys. When i finished this quest, i was told to take my sword to Noril Galoon, is he in the city ?
RE: smithing
# Feb 21 2002 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
you can also buy the small pieces of ore and water to make the bits at the supply sgt. near the forge
RE: smithing
# Feb 20 2002 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
I believe metal bits are made by combining 2 ore and 1 water using the black smithing skill. Various ore can be bought in the building that is directly to the east of the armoury where Keighesh is.
RE: smithing
# May 10 2002 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
I made the metal bits by combining the ore and water, now I try to combine the mold with the three metal bits and the water and it says I cant combine these types of items in this type of container - Am I missing something?
# Feb 15 2002 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
Where does one find 2 bluetoed mushrooms??

Pantar the BigCat(tm)
RE: Mushrooms??
# Feb 15 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
The mushrooms are ground spawn in Paludal Caverns. They are blue dots in between the regular white mushrooms.

Now where is the Rockhopper Red Ale?
RE: Mushrooms??
# Feb 19 2002 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
I found Bluetoe Mushrooms at loc p1279 n646 which is just a little ways inside the Paludal Caverns zone as entered from Hollowshade Moor and reappear in the same spot about every 15 minutes or so, and I also found them at p314 n667. I got 1 Bottle of Grinning Grimling & 1 Bottle of Rockhopper Red Ale from a tavern in the city Katta Castellum using a high level character.
RE: Mushrooms??
# Jun 17 2002 at 7:26 PM Rating: Default
Hmm... i just ran to Katta Castellum at lvl 12.. wasnt that hard ;)
am i missing something
# Feb 13 2002 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
how do you get to this part of the quest.
Khala Dun Kuash says 'Now this is a nice dagger! Do you like it better than mine? I thought so. When I was looking in my storeroom for the dagger molds, I found this for you. Here take it and wear it with pride... you're now officially a Khala Dun Journeyman! Pretty exciting surprise, eh? I thought so! Now, you need to take that cloak to Ahom Guzhin. He'll meet you in the moor. He's always in the moor. Bye friend!

I turned in the paws to Kuash and he said to deliver a status report to book keeper Leaha in grunt forest is this the grimling forest and if so where is Leaha. And also I thought the sonic wolf quest had something to do with becoming a journeyman. so many questions I hope some Khala Dun can answer me.....
RE: am i missing something
# Feb 19 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
Take the "Daily Status Report" that Kuash gives you, and give it to Bookkeeper Leaha. She is in a fort that is just a little bit inside and to the right of the Grimling Forest as you zone in from the Moor. After that you take it to Guard Kliknaw who is at the outpost in the Moor, near the zone to Shar Vahl city. Then you give it back to Kuash, which will start you on the wolfbane part of the quest. Make sure you have several slots free!
# Feb 09 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
OK...i finally completed the shopping list, and got new buckler. Then gave Sword, Buckler, and Cloak toArmsman to get new cloak. Now i'm supposed to start my quest with Kuash...but I forgot to write down which item to give him to start it. Cloak, or buckler. I'm thinking cloak, since it is the item that shows where i am in the series, but...I do NOT want to have to do this all overagain ! LOL ! Can anyone who has done this give me the info I need so badly ? Thanks in advance ! 8)
RE: Kuash
# Aug 25 2002 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
ok what ever u dont give him the cloak he will eat it and u will have to start the whole quest over from beginning
RE: Kuash
# Jun 06 2002 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
hey i can't seem to find the Grinning Grimling anywhere you think you can tell me who you bought it from that would be very helpful and appreciated
RE: Kuash
# Feb 11 2002 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
Give Khala Dun Kuash the Horn Covered Buckler. He will give you a Worn Work Sack. Fill the sack with four Wolf Cub Paw(s), hit combine and return the resulting Sack of Paws to Kuash. I found three paws on the pups, and one on an adult sonic wolf, all between the two bridges in Hollowshade Moor.
RE: Kuash
# Feb 17 2002 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
I found four Sonic Wolf Paws on the pups and the wolflings, but they won't combine. Is there another type of paw called a Cub Paw that I am supposed to use?
RE: Kuash
# Feb 19 2002 at 6:01 PM Rating: Default
The Sonic Wolf Paw and the Wolf Cub Paw (no drop)are two different items.
RE: Kuash
# Feb 10 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
RE: Kuash
# Feb 10 2002 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
glad i'm not the only one ! stuck at the same place, found Kuash, and don't remember what to give him ! <sigh> Anybody...anybody...? <grin>
Shopping List
# Feb 09 2002 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
Well I finally made all the bolts and gave Noril the bag withthe buckler. He gave me the 1st shopping list and gave it to Friaz. She told me to take the new shopping list and the bag while she finds the beetle horns for Noril. Now here is my problem; silly me! I never read the original shopping list. Friaz said she added items to the list. So what was on the original list since I don't want to mess this up and remake this toon. Do I put all the items in the bag and give it back to her? She was pretty vague on what to do. Since I didn't read the original list do I need to give Noril something first or just fill Friaz list in the bag and will she return the bag filled with the beetle horns? Thanks for all the help all I worked on the smithing with toolboxes till i was trivial at 50 and the bolts were a snap only 2 failures.
RE: Shopping List
# Mar 25 2002 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
The bolts are trivial at 68 smithing, pretty lucky to have only 2 failures at 50. )
RE: Shopping List
# Feb 10 2002 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Jsut get what is on the shopping list you have now. The old one no longer matters.
Oh, and for any low-level warriors on the Luclin server, I have a stack of grinning grimling I am giving out one by one to anyone who needs it. I went to Katta to fetch it with my 44 ranger. :>

Merrow Vehement, Khala Dun of the Guardians of Knowledge, Luclin Server
Your shield is supposed to be gone.
# Feb 06 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
If you give Noril Galoon a bag of bolts (which you create and then combine in a Grime Covered Bag he gives you, using a Set of Engraved Files, which he also gives you) as well as your Buckler of the Recruit, he keeps the shield and gives you a grocery list which your supposed to give to Friaz Ompir. So there is more questing to be done before he'll give your shield back. A good many details that fit between the last two paragraphs was sent in an e-mail to Allakhazam, but they have yet to put it up.
Shield Replacement
# Feb 06 2002 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know how to get yourself another Shield of the Recruit? While completing the ore/file section, I went LD giving the shield to Noril Galoon and when I logged back on, it was gone from inventory. Petition didn't help at all. Any suggestions would be a big help.
RE: Shield Replacement
# Feb 06 2002 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
Since you probably still have your slate you can start by giving Khala Dun Hebijeb your slate. that would initiate the horrendous mushroom/moss quest but would put you back on track.

Scarlet Moss?
# Feb 05 2002 at 11:34 PM Rating: Default
OMFG! I've been running around the pit in circles for HOURS and I've found plenty "lumps of grey ore" and 0 "pinch of scarlet moss".

If the mud drops off beetles why the hell am I picking it up too? And if the red and blue mushrooms are ALWAYS red and blue mushrooms....


WTF? can I find it in Shadeweavers too?? Someone, please make it stop!

RE: Scarlet Moss?
# Feb 06 2002 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
FYI I woke up this morning and realized I had an alt that picked up a "pinch of scarlet moss". Since there's so much no drop quest stuff I've been holding on to it just in case. Logged my alt and sure enough had it... so I MQ'd it with the 2 mushrooms and ended up with the Acrylia Dust.

Rough Ore Pieces and Acrylia Flecked Nuggets
# Feb 05 2002 at 5:02 PM Rating: Default
Hunt rhinobeetles in Hollowshade Moor (pull singles to the hill near the outpost for saftey, or you'll regret it) for the Acrylia Flecked Nuggets. They also drop Rough Ore Pieces which you will also need later on in this quest to make bolts. I would say the beetles are between the levels 12 & 16 or so. They can backstab as well as bash.
Big gap.
# Feb 05 2002 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
There is a very large gap between the last two paragraphs that needs to be filled. I submitted some of it the other day (up to getting the Woven Grocery Bag as well as Friaz's New Shopping List, still working on getting items) but it's not up yet. For those looking for Noril Galoon, he is at p478 p232 on a rooftop. You need to go up the stairs on the outside of the building next door, and find a little walkway from one rooftop to the other. And Friaz Ompir is in the armoury which is where Armsman Khaigesh was, just in a different window upstairs.
Grinning Grimling?
# Feb 03 2002 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
Anyone know where to get 1 bottle of Grinning Grimling for the shopping list? I have all the other stuff :) Wizka
RE: Grinning Grimling?
# Feb 04 2002 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
You can get the bottle of Grinning Grimling in Katta. I just had a guild mate pick some up for me while he was there. Katta is the only place I know of that has it.
RE: Grinning Grimling?
# Feb 08 2002 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
has anyone found any bottles anywhere else!? i cant believe you have to go all the way to Kata for such a low level warrior quest :p
RE: Grinning Grimling?
# Mar 08 2002 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
My warrior found Rock Hopper Red Ale in the two watering holes in the ne and se corners of Shar Vahl. I am looking for Grinning Grimling.
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