Plane of War Access #1: Field of Strife & The Mines  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 4 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Apr 2 10:18:21 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023


Access Quests: #1 - Field of Strife & Mines | #2a - Castle Rulnavis | #2b - Castle Tamrel | #3 - The Grandmaster's Tower
Castle Rulnavis Quests: #1 - Defending the Castle | #2 - A Colossal Task | #3 - Tactical Strike
Castle Tramrel Quests: #1 - The Tamrel Trials | #2 - A New Colonel In Town | Edmuund's Plight
Quests in the Mines: Katka's Cause | Deserving of Battle
Named Spawns & Locations: Hunter of the Plane of War
Castle Faction Quests: Castle Rulnavis | Castle Tamrel | Escape to Tamrel

This is a quest advanced via character flags. It is not a task.

This quest grants you access to the Field of Strife (the southern half of the open area in the zone) and the mines (entered through the lava tunnel in the basement of the Plane of Tactics).


  1. Make sure to be right on top of Etsinthinikonarifet in the Plane of War, then Hail and say "tithe".

  2. Say "Za ye na ekk" to Zayenaekk in the Plane of Justice.

  3. Say "Ets in thini konar ifet" to Zayenaekk in the Plane of Justice.

  4. Ensure your Ogre language skill level is at least 90.

  5. In Ogre, say "Speak to Zayenaekk" to Murdunk in the Korascian Warrens.

  6. >Pick up Murdunk's Massive Bastard Sword under Tantisala Jaggedtooth's spawn point in the Plane of Earth.

  7. Deliver the sword to Murdunk and receive Sphinx Chamber Key.

  8. Use the key to open up the chamber in the far southwestern part of Toskirakk's upper level.

  9. Say "I seek the blessing of your sister" to Zayenaekk in Toskirakk.

  10. Craft (or buy/trade for) a Stonewood Compound Bow.

  11. Loot a Zekarian Diamond from mobs in the first field in the Plane of War (rare drop from trash; 100% from mini nameds).

  12. In a Fletching Kit, combine the Stonewood Compound Bow with the Zekarian Diamond.

  13. Turn in the Zekarian Stonewood Compound Bow to Etsinthinikonarifet.

The Sphinx Tithe

  • Speak with the sphinx named Etsinthinikonarifet (click for map image), located in the Plane of War at the large gateway due south of the zone-in.

    You say, 'Hail, Etsinthinikonarifet.'

    Etsinthinikonarifet glares down at you askance, more preoccupied with her reflection on your presence than on acknowledging your greeting. She speaks, 'This one has crossed the Zekarian to greet Etsinthinikonarifet, sister of Zayenaekk, former servant of Murdunk, sentinel to the Field of Strife without [tithe]? Such misfortune that our gates now usher in such uncouth vagabonds.'

    You say, 'What tithe?'

    Etsinthinikonarifet says, 'This one speaks to Etsinthinikonarifet with an indubitable sedulousness antipodal to the irreverence she has suffered since the Tribunal's judgement. There is hope for this one to step onto the Field of Strife for a test of brawn, but first they must display cunning. This one should not return without proper tithe.'

  • You have received a character flag!

    Etsinthinikonarifet glares down at you askance, less amused by your return than your initial encounter. She speaks, 'This one speaks to Etsinthinikonarifet, sister of Zayenaekk, former servant of Murdunk, sentinel to the Field of Strife still without tithe?'

    A Visit to Prison

  • Head to the Plane of Justice and see the sphinx Zayenaekk (click for map image). Say to her, "Za`ye`na`ekk" and then "Ets`in`thini`konar`ifet".

    You say, 'Hail, Zayenaekk'

  • If you don't have the "tithe" flag in the previous step, you see this:

    Zayenaekk flaps her wings and raises her chain high and proud as she gazes down upon _____, 'You stand before Zayenaekk -- servant of Murdunk and prisoner now of the Tribunal. There is nothing more to this being than the formerly stated. Move along, mortal. This is not a realm for the free to wander.'

  • With the previous flag, you see:

    Zayenaekk flaps her wings and raises her chin high and proud as she gazes down upon _____, 'You stand before Zayenaekk -- servant of Murdunk and prisoner now of the Tribunal. Years it has been since these hall heralded in the free, yet none have approached this being bearing more than idle curiosity. Still though, the slothful ineptitude of your tongue betrays your purpose. Speak my name in proper tetrameter as you would to Sivrn.'

  • You say, 'Za ye na ekk'

    Zayenaekk nods approvingly, her sapphire eyes projecting the faintest modicum of respect, 'You address Zayenaekk with purpose and for that you have earned the right to ask a single question. What is it that you wish to know?'

  • You have received a character flag!

    You say, 'What tithe does Etsinthinikonarifet seek?'

    Zayenaekk glares at you, upset by your lackadaisical lack of pentameter.

  • She's mad that you are dumb. Speak her sister's name properly. With ` as spaces or actual spaces.

    You say, 'What tithe does Ets in thini konar ifet seek?"

    Zayenaekk says, 'You seek the blessing of Zayenaekk's sister. You have asked for something this being's imprisonment has robbed from it's memory.' The sphinx smiles, 'The irony may be lost on your kind, but you are owed an answer. It seems time has little hold on you. Seek audience with our master and address him in his native tongue as it seems to be more your speed.'

  • You have received a character flag!

    Traveling Through Time

  • Head to the Korascian Warrens and speak with Murdunk (click for map image). You must speak with the language "Ogre" (right-click chat window, select "Language", select "Ogre"). In order to see this language as an option, you must have a skill of at least "1" in the language.

  • NOTE: In order to get Murdunk to acknowledge you, you may need a skill of 100 in "Ogre". It's possible he could respond with a lower skill level, but a skill of 72 is known to fail.

  • Say to him "Speak to Zayenaekk" (in Ogre).

  • Without Ogre language on or of 90 skill, you see:

    Murdunk ignores you.

    You say, 'Hail Murdunk'

    Murdunk says, in Ogre, 'My time is valuable, _____, state your purpose or begone.'

    You say, 'I need to speak to Zayenaekk'

    Murdunk says, in Ogre, 'Such brazen insolence from a rankless, _____?' The warlord roars with laughter, 'Very well, Dark Elf. I will grant you audiance with my most trusted and sacred advisor if you return to me with my trusty bastard sword. Our damned enemies must have fed it to their pet after I dropped it in battle. I believe it's name is.... Tanti-something....'

  • You have received a character flag!

    Back to the Future

  • Head to the Plane of Earth to the spawn point of Tantisala Jaggedtooth (click for map image) where you'll see a giant sword in the ground.

  • NOTE: You'll probably want to have a top inventory slot available before clicking the sword as it's too big to fit most bags. Click it to obtain "Murdunk's Massive Bastard Sword".

  • If you try to pick it up without necessary flags, you see:

    As you reach down to lift the heavy iron sword your hand mysteriously passes right through the blade as if it were merely air.

  • With the proper flags, you see:

    You reach down and pick up the heavy iron sword.

    Far More Tarnished Than Thought

  • Head back to the Korascian Warrens and turn this item in to Murdunk:

    Murdunk grabs the blade tightly and holds it up in front of his face. He swings it violently to the side to flick away small bits of alligator excrement. He returns the blade to his sight and surveys it carefully, 'Strange, far more tarnished than I would have expected, almost as if it has been rusting for years.' He shrugs, 'Well, I did not expect you to return alive from this fool's errand but a deal's a deal. My advisor Zayenaekk remains protected in the southwestern most tunnel off of our capital. This key will provide you entrance to her chamber.'

  • You have received a character flag!

  • You receive a "Sphinx Chamber Key".

    A Hidden Sphinx

  • Head to Toskirakk and into the far southwestern part of the city's upper level (click for map image). At the end of the southwest tunnel is a locked gate. Use the key on this gate to open it:

    You place the key into an inconspicuously placed keyhole and enter the chamber.

  • Inside, to your left, is Zayenaekk (note that hailing her without necessary pre-flags results in a death touch - nice try):

    You say, 'Hail, Zayenaekk'

    Zayenaekk tilts her head and looks at you somewhat bewildered, 'A stranger approaches Zayenaekk and addresses her with due diligence. Of all this one has foreseen, this comes as a surprise. What is it that you seek, _____?'

    You say, 'I seek the blessing of your sister'

    Zayenaekk says, 'Then it is the marriage of cunning and brawn you must perform. A weapon of our enemy empowered with the essence of our realm. She will find this pleasing. Commit these notes to memory and present her with what you create.'

    With these words you find yourself banished from the Sphinx's chambers.

  • You have received a character flag!

  • You receive a book called "Zekarian Bow Schematic". Open it and click "Scribe" (this is optional, it is not required to scribe). The book reads:

    You must present Etsinthinikonarifet with the marriage of cunning and brawn. A weapon of our enemy empowered with the essence of our realm.

    No weapon better exemplifies the raw power that our foes possess than a compound bow shaped with the stonewood branches of their arboreans and tied with the steely fibers of the vegerogs.

    Once you have crafted or obtained one of these mighty bows, use your fletching skills to place in its sight a Zekarian Diamond. Present this offering to her and her blessings will be yours.

    Tribute Fodder, No Longer

  • Make (or otherwise obtain) a Stonewood Compound Bow (see this link for recipe and sub-combine details). Note: You must have a Fletching skill of at least 220 to attempt the combine. (The resulting bow is tradeable.)

    Stonewood Compound Bow (crafted via Fletching, 335 Trivial; minimum 220 skill required)

    - 2x Planar Steel Bow Cam (crafted via Tinkering, 282 Trivial)
    --- 1x Jar of Clockwork Grease (crafted via Tinkering, no-fail)
    ------ 2x Clockwork Grease (dropped by clockworks in Secrets of Faydwer zones)
    ------ 1x Small Grease Jar (crafted via Pottery Kiln, 17 Trivial)
    --------- 1x Quality Firing Sheet (from pottery vendors)
    --------- 1x Unfired Small Grease Jar (crafted via Pottery Wheel, 31 Trivial)
    ------------ 1x Block of Clay (from pottery vendors)
    ------------ 1x Small Grease Jar Sketch (from pottery vendors)
    ------------ 1x Water Flask (from general supply vendors)
    --- 1x Planar Steel Bolts (returned in the combine for "Planar Steel Gears")
    --- 1x Planar Steel Gears (crafted via Smithing, 102 Trivial)
    ------ 1x Brick of Immaculate Steel (dropped by elementals and stone creatures in the Plane of Earth)
    ------ 1x Cam Parts Mold (from smithing vendors)
    ------ 1x File (from smithing vendors)

    - 1x Planing Tool (from Fletching vendors)

    - 1x Stonewood Bow Staff (dropped by treants in the Plane of Earth)

    - 1x Vegerog Fiber String (crafted via Tailoring, 162 Trivial)
    --- 1x Clump of Wax (from Fletching vendors)
    --- 2x Vegerog Vine (dropped by vegerogs in the Plane of Earth)

    Venturing Into the Zekarian

  • In the Plane of War, kill mobs until you loot a "Zekarian Diamond". This drops very rarely from trash mobs in the zone-in field (the field's proper name is "The Zekarian"), but drops 100% from the mini-nameds in the area ("a diaku hopeful" can spawn "Diaku Redeemer"; Sheartooth goblins can spawn "Sheartooth Captain"; orcs can spawn "Garrak Tyrant", each of which drops the item every kill).

  • These mobs hit for a max ~16,000; single-target rampage; cast an AE aggro-increaser; and cast an AE nuke. They summon when below 97% health; are rootable and mezzable; and are not stunnable.

  • Some mob types in the area hit harder (up to ~22,000).

  • The mini-nameds are standard mob difficulty despite being red /cons.

  • Loot the Zekarian Diamond; then, using Fletching tradeskill, combine the Zekarian Diamond with the Stonewood Compound Bow.

  • This produces a "Zekarian Stonewood Compound Bow".

    Ready For Strife

    You say, 'Hail, Etsinthinikonarifet'

    Etsinthinikonarifet looks down upon you with renewed interest. She speaks, 'This one returns to Etsinthinikonarifet bearing proper tithes of war?'

  • Hand in the Zekarian Stonewood Compound Bow:

    Etsinthinikonarifet shouts 'Another has proved themselves worthy to enter the Field of Strife.'

    Etsinthinikonarifet smiles and says, 'Place your hand upon the door and take your place among the Warlord's chosen.'

  • You have received a character flag!

  • Rewards:
    - Experience (12 AAs at Level 100)
    - 850 platinum
    - Access to the Field of Strife and the Mines within the Plane of War

  • NOTE: You may need to zone one time before the zone recognizes your flag. If you get a warning about not meeting the requirements for the area, leave immediately or you may be death touched. This should fix itself upon zoning once.

  • NOTE: The Mines can be accessed via the statue NPCs along the far south boundaries of the Field of Strife or through the basement of the Plane of Tactics (click for map image of the Plane of Tactics; or see this map image for the Plane of War click locations). In the basement, swim into the lava tunnel until you zone over to the Plane of War. Upon zoning, you'll find yourself in the mines.

    What's Next

  • Next, you'll be looking to enter the Field of Strife and to gain access to the two castles.

  • See this quest entry for information about accessing Castle Rulnavis and this quest entry for information about accessing Castle Tamrel.

  • With completion of this first access task, you'll now be able to find four of the 11 nameds in the Plane of War. See this quest entry for an overview of named locations in this zone.
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
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    Ogre language skill needs to be 90
    # Apr 01 2024 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
    20 posts
    Ogre language skill needs to be 90
    Edit vendor
    # Jul 24 2022 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
    116 posts
    - 1x Vegerog Fiber String (crafted via Tailoring, 162 Trivial)
    --- 1x Clump of Wax (from Tailoring Flecthing vendors)
    --- 2x Vegerog Vine (dropped by vegerogs in the Plane of Earth)
    # Jan 29 2022 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    I have tried everything I can to get him t respond. My ogre is 100... I am stuck
    # Apr 03 2023 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
    159 posts
    You need to make sure the language of your Main Chat window is Ogre - regardless of which window you normally chat from.
    Mikaal Drazzminius
    Tier'Dal Necromancer
    Necrotalk Admin
    EQ Traders Super Moderator
    EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
    Rodcet Nife by Birth / Quellious by Merger / Povar by Re-Merger
    9 AAs at Level 115
    # Nov 07 2021 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
    171 posts
    Zayenaekk says something different
    # Jan 19 2021 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
    3,021 posts
    Interesting. Just for fun I'm try to do the PoWar flagging for my toons. Two of them have gotten to the PoJ step and successfully obtained the character flag from Zayenaekk.

    Sippin has not been able to get this flag. When he hails this NPC he gets back a statement not shown in the writeup above:

    Zayenaekk flaps her wings and raises her chin high and proud as she gazes down upon Sippin, You stand before Zayenaekk---servant of Murdunk and prisoner now of the Tribunal. It has been many years since our paths last crossed, Halfling, but there is nothing more to this being than the formerly stated. Move along, Sippin. This is not a realm for the free to wander.

    Note the difference. He implies he's encountered me before, unlike with my other two toons. Makes me wonder if I've done some of this progression before. But I am unable to click thru the door to the Field of Strife, the first locked door, so I didn't complete it.

    Also my faction with this NPC is scowling. My other two toons were just threatening. So makes me wonder if faction is an issue. I may have to work on raising it to threatening with Sippin and try again.

    I'm also going to try the next step and see if I can do that. It may just be that I stopped somewhere in the middle of the first quest and just need to find out where. But the above dialogue is new, so you may want to add it.

    Okay, when I hail Murdunk, he answers, "Ya got what ya asked for, Halfling. Leave me be, I've got a war to win."

    So I have a feeling I'm trying to repeat steps I already performed. Off to next step!

    Well, almost feel like saying "never mind!", sheepishly. Evidently I did perform these steps years ago, but because the stonewood bow was so hard to acquire back then, because some players were hogging all the tradeskill drops necessary to make them, I never got to that step. I just turned in the bow and completed the first flagging quest. At least I encountered some new quest dialogue which might be worth adding to the walkthru.

    Edited, Jan 19th 2021 7:40pm by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    # Aug 01 2020 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
    16 posts
    Make sure your right on top of Etsinthinikonarifet in the Plane of War or it will not respond.
    how it worked for me
    # Sep 28 2017 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
    59 posts
    you do not need the ' just a space will do it
    how it worked for me
    # Feb 12 2022 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
    30 posts
    You are correct.

    I just did this quest, and the (without spaces) instruction is incorrect.

    When I tried "Za`ye`na`ekk" and "Ets`in`thini`konar`ifet" (without spaces) as instructed and it did not work.

    You want to replace the apostrophes with spaces, like this...

    Say "Za ye na ekk."

    Say "Ets in thini konar ifet."

    Edited, Feb 12th 2022 3:49pm by MagusSareb
    Rath - Prexus
    (formerly Terris-Thule)
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Jul 01 2016 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    Make sure to put a space after the apostrophy after each syllable in the plane of justice's sphinx's name
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Jul 01 2016 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
    CoolBeans wrote:
    Make sure to put a space after the apostrophy after each syllable in the plane of justice's sphinx's name

    Ok, so instead of,

    Say to her, "Za`ye`na`ekk" and then "Ets`in`thini`konar`ifet".

    It would be,

    Say to her, "Za` ye` na` ekk" and then "Ets` in` thini` konar` ifet".

    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    first part of this task error in the name
    # Feb 12 2022 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
    30 posts

    I replaced the apostrophes with spaces and that worked.

    No need for apostrophes.
    Rath - Prexus
    (formerly Terris-Thule)
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Apr 06 2018 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    I did this on 7 toons. 6 of them didn't require the space. 1 required the space.
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Nov 01 2016 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
    30 posts
    I had to delete all those stupid spaces to get the NPCs to respond
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Jul 01 2016 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    That's exactly how it worked for me
    first part of this task error in the name
    # Jul 01 2016 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
    CoolBeans wrote:
    That's exactly how it worked for me

    Ok updated and formatted the quest so it's a little easier to read.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    powar flagging
    # Sep 20 2015 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
    Tried on main and other toon's plus other account's to get this character flag and NOT a single thing. i wasn't invised or anything. Any advice.
    Zekarian Stonewood Compound Bow
    # Apr 25 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    Is the final bow a no fail combine? Or do I need a hefty amount of fletching skill?
    Zekarian Stonewood Compound Bow
    # Apr 27 2014 at 12:08 AM Rating: Default
    563 posts
    # Apr 09 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
    156 posts
    Careful to be sure all the steps are completed before turning in your bow. Otherwise, it eats it... AND makes fun of you for it:

    Etsinthinikonarifet shouts '<name> should consider the loss of their pitiful trinket a minor amercement.'
    # Oct 07 2015 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
    28 posts
    **** that bird!
    # Apr 05 2014 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
    100 posts
    Roughly 130 spawns for 6, that is very luck I'm sure. 12-ish hours total, average of 2-3 camps.

    This isn't a complete list but here are some.

    P -623.6381, 300.6407, 8.2624, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -540, 453, 12, 0, 0, 0, TREE
    P -472, 1352, -41, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -376, 421, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -280, 561, 12, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -189.3975, 874.0894, 9.4517, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -141, 884, 30, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -75.7119, 254.7451, 38.9296, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P -10, 1260, 30, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 74.6562, 330.1729, 10.3034, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 197.7030, 215.0357, 9.7680, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 300, 143, 30, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 329.6269, -155.2343, 32.2624, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 445.8904, 1380.9655, -42.9091, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 678.7229, -119.3063, 32.4081, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 756.5544, 1396.4581, -45.0228, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    P 758.7602, -144.1749, 33.8469, 0, 0, 0, 3, TREE
    # Apr 05 2014 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
    100 posts
    Oh, most know what to do with that stuff but it's PoEartha_2.txt. Any PoEartha_ will work (1,2 or 3) if you have those layers enabled.

    Standard map file edit rules. Camp or zone, paste the text in your map file, uncamp or zone back in. Should show up (labels on, layer 2 visible).
    # Apr 22 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
    187 posts
    Endurain wrote:
    Oh, most know what to do with that stuff but it's PoEartha_2.txt. Any PoEartha_ will work (1,2 or 3) if you have those layers enabled.

    Standard map file edit rules. Camp or zone, paste the text in your map file, uncamp or zone back in. Should show up (labels on, layer 2 visible).

    Or edit the map file then do a /loadskin. Smiley: wink (you do not have to actually log out)
    you need a planar fletching kit
    # Apr 04 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
    654 posts
    Please note that all planar bows are made with the planar fletching kit so if yours is not combining it is because you need to go to POK and buy one. I need staffs for 4 toons still so if you are in Luclin, send a tell to Konch, Loati, Zappedeaux - whichever of those are on- and i will do your combines- including the tinkering and tailoring -- for a staff. Thanks.
    Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
    you need a planar fletching kit
    # Nov 10 2014 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
    514 posts
    Also, the Planar Steel Bolts/Gears are specifically made in a Tanaan Forge.
    Guild forges and the recently added floor forge beside Caden Zharik will not do.
    ~ Muse Temperance the Elf
    ~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
    ~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
    Bottleneck big time!
    # Apr 04 2014 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
    3,021 posts
    Stonewood Bow Staff is the bottleneck quest item here. Only drops from treants in PoEarth, which aren't that common to begin with, and because of the demand for this item they're being perma-camped at least on my server either by those doing the access quest or by pharmers selling these for $300k+ in the Bazaar. Not the wisest tactic to lock advancement access to a new zone behind a hard-to-acquire TRADEABLE drop. Plus the treant spawn rate can't be increased since PoEarth mobs are area-specific and no amount of clearing will increase the treant population. At least they should have upped the staff's drop rate or make it "no drop" or at least lore---or make every mob potentially respawn as a treant.

    Certainly a real boon to any bow-makers who had the staff stored in their TS inventory prior to this zone going live!

    Edited, Apr 6th 2014 7:04am by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Bottleneck big time!
    # Apr 06 2014 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
    35 posts
    Total understatment and yes PoE is a peracamped mess and greedy people are capitalizing big time. Its very frustrating and really puts a damper on wanting to play eq. I hope the powers that be can fix this soon. Do not bother doing the quest yet and save yourself some stress. bow staff are selling for .5 to one million plat each in bazzar
    Bottleneck big time!
    # Apr 05 2014 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
    211 posts
    They were the hardest to farm and paid less tribute than the PoW bows; consequently, only collectors had them. Pretty much everyone has to start from scratch. Some tinkerers had or have a backlog of bow cams for them, but those are only useful if you have a staff.
    Info and dialogues
    # Apr 02 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
    171 posts
    Dialogue with links to things hinted at that lead to later discoveries as well as additional info.

    This ENTIRE quest, as well as all quests in this zone, just like original Planes of Power zones, are based upon invisible character flags and NONE of this quest can be skipped at ALL.

    You say, 'Hail, Etsinthinikonarifet.'

    Etsinthinikonarifet glares down at you askance, more preoccupied with her reflection on your presence than on acknowledging your greeting. She speaks, 'This one has crossed the Zekarian to greet Etsinthinikonarifet, sister of Zayenaekk, former servant of Murdunk, sentinel to the Field of Strife without [tithe]? Such misfortune that our gates now usher in such uncouth vagabonds.'

    You say, 'what tithe?'

    Etsinthinikonarifet says, 'This one speaks to Etsinthinikonarifet with an indubitable sedulousness antipodal to the irreverence she has suffered since the Tribunal's judgement. There is hope for this one to step onto the Field of Strife for a test of brawn, but first they must display cunning. This one should not return without proper tithe.'

    You have received a character flag!

    Head to the Plane of Justice. Zayenaekk is a sphinx located in this zone. While previously an attackable and killable mob, she is no longer able to be aggroed or killed after the patch that added Plane of War. She is still the same level, and is still on the Creatures of Justice faction and will con to you whatever faction level you have with that faction (should be ready to attack). Regardless of this faction she will NOT attack and the faction does not affect this quest or it's dialogue/progression. Iyalinaoukh, in the same room, is still aggroable. Though this should be a one-hit kill at level 95-100

    You say, 'Hail, Zayenaekk.'

    Old dialogue, as seen without flag from first hail in Plane of War:

    Zayenaekk flaps her wings and raises her chain high and proud as she gazes down upon Rainbowdash, 'You stand before Zayenaekk -- servant of Murdunk and prisoner now of the Tribunal. There is nothing more to this being than the formerly stated. Move along, mortal. This is not a realm for the free to wander.'

    New dialogue, as seen with flag from Plane of War:

    Zayenaekk flaps her wings and raises her chin high and proud as she gazes down upon Rainbowdash, 'You stand before Zayenaekk -- servant of Murdunk and prisoner now of the Tribunal. Years it has been since these hall heralded in the free, yet none have approached this being bearing more than idle curiosity. Still though, the slothful ineptitude of your tongue betrays your purpose. Speak my name in proper tetrameter as you would to Sivrn.'

    As I linked above, this is a throwback to the Buried Sea quest line for the Efreeti Death Visage. Specifically quest #2. Follow the method in that task to speak her name:

    You say, 'za`ye`na`ekk'

    Zayenaekk nods approvingly, her sapphire eyes projecting the faintest modicum of respect, 'You address Zayenaekk with purpose and for that you have earned the right to ask a single question. What is it that you wish to know?'

    You have received a character flag!

    Your goal is to discover the tithe needed to appease her sister:

    You say, 'What tithe does Etsinthinikonarifet seek?'

    Zayenaekk glares at you, upset by your lackadaisical lack of pentameter.

    She's mad that you are dumb. Speak her sister's name properly.

    You say, 'What tithe does Ets`in`thini`konar`ifet seek?"

    Zayenaekk says, 'You seek the blessing of Zayenaekk's sister. You have asked for something this being's imprisonment has robbed from it's memory.' The sphinx smiles, 'The irony may be lost on your kind, but you are owed an answer. It seems time has little hold on you. Seek audiance with our master and address him in his native tongue as it seems to be more your speed.'

    You have received a character flag!

    The part about 'time having no hold on you' is a reference to the entire Seeds of Destruction expansion, in which you travel through time to various points...including during Rallos' invasion of Earth where Murdunk was still alive. Prior to Zayenaekk's imprisonment by the Tribunal. Head through The Void to Toskirakk and then Korascian Warrens where you will find Murdunk. Murdunk, like Zayenaekk, was previously attackable and killable. He is now no longer so as of the Plane of War patch and cannot be aggroed. You will need at least 90 skill in the Ogre language to speak to him: There is a mob spawn right next to him, that may sometimes spawn as the named Slaukk the Messcook. You will have to kill this but it should be no trouble at this level.

    Without Ogre language on or of 90 skill:

    You say, 'Hail Murdunk'

    Murdunk ignores you.

    Make sure you change the Main chat window (the one that is opened when making characters. If you don't remember which window this is, change any window and manually type out "/say Hail, Murdunk". Automatic chats like social macros or hails from the H button use language filters set on the primary chat window. Using any other chat window for the language requires you to manually type the hail not hit H.

    You say, 'Hail Murdunk'

    Murdunk says, in Ogre, 'My time is valuable, Dark Elf, state your purpose or begone.'

    You need to speak to pre-imprisonment Zayenaekk. Keep language on:

    You say, 'I need to speak to Zayenaekk'

    Murdunk says, in Ogre, 'Such brazen insolence from a rankless, Dark Elf?' The warlord roars with laughter, 'Very well, Dark Elf. I will grant you audiance with my most trusted and sacred advisor if you return to me with my trusty ******* sword. Our damned enemies must have fed it to their pet after I dropped it in battle. I believe it's name is.... Tanti-something....'

    You have received a character flag!

    The enemy of the Zek army, at this time (and presumably ever after, due to their defeat) is the inhabitants of the Plane of Earth...Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands. The 'pet' referenced is Tantisala Jaggedtooth. The giant alligator raid mob that drops the key to gain access to the tunnels leading to Plane of Earth B where the Rathe council resides during Planes of Power. Luckily you do not need to kill him to get the sword. Behind where he spawns (whether he is up or not) is a giant rusty sword laying on it's side on the ground by the locked door which he drops the key for. Clicking this sword will put the needed sword on your cursor. The sword is an object, not a real ground spawn, and thus will not disappear when picked up and multiple people can do this at once. You can NOT pick up the sword if you have not spoken to Murdunk:

    Attempting to pick up the sword without flags:

    As you reach down to lift the heavy iron sword your hand mysteriously passes right through the blade as if it were merely air.

    Picking up the sword with flags:

    You reach down and pick up the heavy iron sword.

    This places the sword on your cursor. The sword is too big to fit in even the biggest bags in-game and must be put in an open inventory slot or held on your cursor. Take it back to Murdunk in Korascian Warrens:

    Murdunk grabs the blade tightly and holds it up in front of his face. He swings it violently to the side to flick away small bits of alligator excrement. He returns the blade to his sight and surveys it carefully, 'Strange, far more tarnished than I would have expected, almost as if it has been rusting for years.' He shrugs, 'Well, I did not expect you to return alive from this fool's errand but a deal's a deal. My advisor Zayenaekk remains protected in the southwestern most tunnel off of our capital. This key will provide you entrance to her chamber.'

    You have received a character flag!

    You get a key on your cursor. Take this to the locked door in the southwestern most chamber in Toskirakk as he states. It is on the second floor. Click the door with the key in your inventory.

    You place the key into an inconspicuously placed keyhole and enter the chamber.

    Hail Zayenaekk to your left after entering. While you can be cothed behind the door without flags, attempting to hail her without them results in a deathtouch:

    You say, 'Hail, Zayenaekk'

    Zayenaekk tilts her head and looks at you somewhat bewildered, 'A stranger approaches Zayenaekk and addresses her with due diligence. Of all this one has forseen, this comes as a surprise. What is it that you seek, Dark Elf?'

    As stated by Zayenaekk back in Plane of Justice, she says exactly what you seek:

    You say, 'I seek the blessing of your sister.'

    Zayenaekk says, 'Then it is the marriage of cunning and brawn you must perform. A weapon of our enemy empowered with the essence of our realm. She will find this pleasing. Commit these notes to memory and present her with what you create.'

    With these words you find yourself banished from the Sphinx's chambers.

    You have received a character flag!

    You are ported just outside the door of the room (just outside aggro range of the two guards) and the key in your inventory disappears. you have a book on your cursor. It reads:

    You must present Etsinthinikonarifet with the marriage of cunning and brawn. A weapon of our enemy empowered with the essence of our realm.

    No better weapon exemplifies the raw power that our foes possess than a compound bow shaped with the stonewood branches of their arboreans and tied with the steely fibers of their vegerogs.

    Once you have crafted or obtained one of these mighty bows, use your fletching skills to place in it's sight a Zekarian Diamond. Present this offering to her and her blessing will be yours.

    The book has a "Scribe" button. you must scribe the book or you will NOT be able to do the combine with the bow and the diamond. Craft or buy a Stonewood Compound Bow and combine it with a Zekarian Diamond. The Diamond drops off any mob in the first area, knowns as the Zekarian or the Field of Blood, of Plane of War. Mini-named (Such as the Diaku Redeemer or any of the other mini named. Every race has one) will drop it 100%. Trash will drop it VERY rarely. Do not count on trash drops. Farm to spawn a named and if a trash mob drops it in the meantime all the better. The combine is 15 trivial and appears to be no fail. Hand the bow into Etsinthinikonarifet for the flag.

    You receive a /key flag:

    Plane of War -- You may enter the Field of Strife.

    Some info about the area you are accessing. Attempting to enter this, or ANY area that requires flags, without the flag (be it from a coth, or illusion door bugging) will result in a timer that counts down to a deathtouch. The deathtouch can't be negated with invulnerability and, in fact, doesn't actually deal damage. It just outright kills you. Attempting to loot items off corpses in areas you are not flagged for will result in this message:

    You are unable to loot this item until you gain access to where it's possessor resides.
    You are not allowed to loot the item: ______________
    You may not loot that item from this corpse.

    You are then booted off the corpse, the item remains on the corpse, and you are promptly deathtouched.

    Have fun!!

    Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 1:44pm by MikuRBD
    Info and dialogues
    # Oct 30 2019 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
    23 posts
    I can confirm you do NOT need to scribe the book to combine the diamond with the Stonewood bow. Just did the combine last night and had no issues making the Zekarian Stonewood Compound bow. I don't know if they removed the requirement of scribing the book you get or not, but I do know, I had not even hailed the sphinx in Toskirakk when I did the combine. Not sure if scribing other bow books had any effect or not.
    Ogre skill of 90 required
    # Apr 02 2014 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
    100 posts
    Dragging eight toons through this. Two had no Ogre language skills. Carefully worked them up. 89 doesn't work, 90 does.
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