Merchant Model CGXV  


Level: 40
Expansion: Depths of Darkhollow
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-03 01:23:29

Goods sold (64):
icon 2 Knot Measuring String 1sp
icon 3 Knot Measuring String 1sp
icon 4 Knot Measuring String 1sp
icon 5 Knot Measuring String 1sp
icon 6 Knot Measuring String 1sp
icon Arrow 8cp
icon Arrow Shaft Mold 1sp
icon Arrow Vane Stamp 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Ashwood Bowstave 15pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Bowyers Guide 1gp 4cp
icon Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts 7sp 8cp
icon Bundled Ceramic Arrow Shafts 1pp 1gp 5sp 4cp
icon Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts 2pp 8gp 3sp 4cp
icon Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts 5cp
icon Cam Parts Mold 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Clump of Wax 5pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Coarse Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Darkwood Bowstave 226pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Elm Bowstave 2pp 1gp 1sp
icon Exceptional Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Exquisite Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Extravagant Recurve Bow Diagrams 10pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Fantastic Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Field Point Arrowheads 5cp
icon Fine Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Fletching 1gp 4cp
icon Fletching Kit 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Flight Arrow 2gp 9cp
icon Food and Drink of Darkhollow 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Hemp Twine 1sp
icon Hickory Bowstave 2gp 1sp 1cp
icon Hooked Arrowheads 3gp 1sp 5cp
icon Hunting Bow 2gp 5sp 1cp
icon Large Groove Nocks 5cp
icon Large Nock File 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Letter to My Friends 1cp
icon Linen String 2sp
icon Longbow 3pp 6gp 7sp 4cp
icon Lost Adventurer's Fletching Sketches 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Medium Groove Nocks 1sp 5cp
icon Oak Bowstave 69pp 2gp 9sp 9cp
icon Planing Tool 10pp 7gp 9cp
icon Putting the Environment to Work 1cp
icon Quiver 1pp 5gp 7sp 4cp
icon Recurve Bow Diagram 0 Money
icon Rough Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Set of Bone Arrow Vanes 1pp 3gp 6sp 4cp
icon Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes 3pp 3gp 7sp
icon Set of Wooden Arrow Vanes 6gp 8sp 2cp
icon Several Parabolic Cut Fletchings 2sp 6cp
icon Several Round Cut Fletchings 5cp
icon Several Shield Cut Fletchings 1gp 8sp 8cp
icon Shadewood Bowstave 359pp 9sp 9cp
icon Sheaf Arrow 2gp 6sp 2cp
icon Short Bow 3pp 7gp 7sp 9cp
icon Silk String 5sp 2cp
icon Silver Tipped Arrowheads 3pp 9gp 8sp 9cp
icon Simple Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Small Groove Nocks 4sp 1cp
icon Standard Bow Cam 37pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Superior Sandpaper 0 Money
icon Tailoring Quivers 2gp 6sp 2cp
icon The Essential Javelin 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Whittling Blade 2pp 1gp 1sp

Known Habitats:
  Corathus Creep

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Items NOT Sold on this Merchant
# Jan 05 2011 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,467 posts
The following item is not available on Merchant Model CGXV:

Updated Complete List of Items on Merchant
# Jan 05 2011 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,467 posts
Includes 14 new items:

[Wed Jan 05 09:29:56 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per 2 Knot Measuring String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:29:57 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per 3 Knot Measuring String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:29:57 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per 4 Knot Measuring String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:29:58 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per 5 Knot Measuring String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:29:59 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per 6 Knot Measuring String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:00 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 8 copper per Arrow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:01 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver for the Arrow Shaft Mold.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:02 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Arrow Vane Stamp.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:03 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 15 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Ashwood Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:04 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper for the Bowyers Guide.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:04 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 7 silver 8 copper per Bundled Bone Arrow Shafts.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:06 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 1 gold 5 silver 4 copper per Bundled Ceramic Arrow Shafts.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:06 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 8 gold 3 silver 4 copper per Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:07 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 copper per Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:09 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper per Cam Parts Mold.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:09 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Clump of Wax.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:10 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Coarse Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:11 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 226 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Darkwood Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:12 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 1 gold 1 silver for the Elm Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:12 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Exceptional Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:14 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Exquisite Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:14 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 10 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Extravagant Recurve Bow Diagrams.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:15 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Fantastic Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:16 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 copper per Field Point Arrowheads.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:17 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Fine Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:17 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper for the Fletching.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:18 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Fletching Kit.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:19 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 9 copper per Flight Arrow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:20 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Food and Drink of Darkhollow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:21 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per Hemp Twine.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:27 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 1 silver 1 copper for the Hickory Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:28 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 3 gold 1 silver 5 copper per Hooked Arrowheads.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:29 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 5 silver 1 copper for the Hunting Bow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:29 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 copper per Large Groove Nocks.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:30 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper per Large Nock File.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:31 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 copper for the Letter to My Friends.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:32 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 silver per Linen String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:32 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 4 copper for the Longbow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:33 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Lost Adventurer's Fletching Sketches.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:34 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver 5 copper per Medium Groove Nocks.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:35 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 69 platinum 2 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Oak Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:36 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 10 platinum 7 gold 9 copper for the Planing Tool.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:36 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 copper for the Putting the Environment to Work.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:38 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 4 copper for the Quiver.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:39 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Recurve Bow Diagram.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:39 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Rough Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:40 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 3 gold 6 silver 4 copper per Set of Bone Arrow Vanes.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:41 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 3 gold 7 silver per Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:42 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 6 gold 8 silver 2 copper per Set of Wooden Arrow Vanes.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:42 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 silver 6 copper per Several Parabolic Cut Fletchings.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:43 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 copper per Several Round Cut Fletchings.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:44 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 8 silver 8 copper per Several Shield Cut Fletchings.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:45 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 359 platinum 9 silver 9 copper for the Shadewood Bow Staff.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:46 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 6 silver 2 copper per Sheaf Arrow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:47 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 7 gold 7 silver 9 copper for the Short Bow.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:48 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 5 silver 2 copper per Silk String.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:48 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 9 gold 8 silver 9 copper per Silver Tipped Arrowheads.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:49 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Simple Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:50 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 4 silver 1 copper per Small Groove Nocks.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:54 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 37 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Standard Bow Cam.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:55 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 0 money per Superior Sandpaper.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:56 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 6 silver 2 copper for the Tailoring Quivers.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:57 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the The Essential Javelin.'
[Wed Jan 05 09:30:57 2011] Merchant Model CGXV tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 1 gold 1 silver for the Whittling Blade.'
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