Javelins are a better testament of the skill of an individual than a bow and arrow. One must not only be able to hold a steady hand, but take more action when one is sending the javelin off. It is not a simple release of a string, but a fluid motion,
that uses one's whole body as an aiming device.
To make a javelin, one must first have the fundamentals.
There are four basic shafts. For all of these you will need your fletching tools.
War Javelin shafts are simply taking an elm bow staff and working it in your kit. You will find that you get a few useful bundles of shafts from a single bow staff. Longflight javelin shafts are also made with a single elm bow staff, but you will need to use your planing tool to smooth them out to
an even finer finish. Runic War Javelin Shafts are made the same way, but you actually waste some material by etching it with the groves that give it the runic look that it inspires its name from. The groves actually make the shaft more effective. The waste of material means that you will need to use two elm
bow shafts to make the same amount of shafts. Like the regular longflight javelin shafts, runic longflight javelin shafts simply need extra work with the planing tool to be sure that all surfaces have been worked to a fine smoothness.
The javelin heads are all
made in a forge. You will want a file and smithy hammer handy.
War javelin heads are simply a small brick of ore, and you will use a smithy hammer to shape it. Longflight javelin heads, like the shafts, will need more precision so simply use a file to help you
shape it instead of the smithy hammer. Steel javelin heads can be made in the same shape using the same tools, but of course need a small brick of high quality steel instead of a simpler ore, and you will find that you need a vial of viscous mana to get the steel to the proper malleability to
shape it.
Once you have your base, then you can make your javelins. There are eight javelins that you can make with these. You always match longflight shafts with longflight heads, and war shafts with war heads, but you can mix the various heads and shafts for
different qualities of javelins. If you want to make them in your forge, you will need a file to help finalize the fit of the shaft to the head. If you want to make them using the fletching kit, you will find that you need a planing tool to finalize the fit of the shaft to the
You will find that Runic Steel javelins will have an extremely finicky fit, and about half of your product will be wasted, giving you an overall yield of about half of what the others give you.