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Food and Drink of Darkhollow  

WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM

Item Lore:A recipe book
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:1 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Gorthag [Township Rebellion]
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 07:08:48
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Expansion: Depths of Darkhollow Depths of Darkhollow

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Item Lore: A recipe book
Book Text:

Food and drink of

Many of the products you
will find in the Darkhollow
work to make the most
delightful recipes. In the
spirit of sharing, I will
document here some of the
great recipes I have
created. Let's start with

For a scrumptious albino
crawfish pie get two
freshly caught albino
crawfish and fresh
vegetables, and put that in
your normal pie crust of
milk, flour, sugar, and two
prepared egg batters.

Albino crawfish also make a
great salad. Simply put

two albino crawfish in a
fresh bed of lettuce and
vegetables, spice it with
mossmatt spice and top it
with a palecap.

Shiliskin sculpin stew is a
hearty stew made with
cavern sculpin, vegetables,
water, mossmatt spice,
spire mushroom, and water
in your trusty cooking pot.

You make mossmatt spice by
baking two mossmatt with
ground pepper, rock salt,
and fish fungus. I know
the fish fungus sounds
unusual, but you will be
amazed at the flavor you

There are many succulent
mushrooms here in

Darkhollow. One of the
great mushroom pies you can
make is with spire
mushroom, spore orchid, and
palecap in your normal pie
crust mentioned above.

The mushrooms also make a
great salad I like to call
cavediver salad. Simply
take spire mushroom, spore
orchid, palecap, trollhair
moss on a bed of lettuce
and vegetables, topped with
a dash of mossmatt spice.

The cave catfish make a
good spiced filet and
sandwich. Mosspiced
catfish is cave catfish,
wisp moss and mossmatt
spice. A cave catfish
sandwich is made of cave
catfish, two trollhair moss

and mossmatt spice on

While ohabah truffles are
scrumptious you can make
exquisite truffles with
dark chocolate creme,
frosting and an exquisite

And while the sporali may
not be very willing to give
them up, if you manage to
find a sporali cap, it
makes a great sandwich.
Take a sporali cap, top it
with brown gravy and put it
on bread.

Individually the meat of
the various snakes you will
find down here is not very
good, but if you mix them
together with a Rujarkian

potato and bake it in the
basic pie crust, you get a
rather tasty pie!

While the bats can be a bit
stringy, they do make a
nice kabob. Simply take
their meat, and skewer it
along with vegetables, top
it with a jug of sauces,
and bake it slowly. It is
a taste treat you would not


I also found that Basilisk
meat can be dried,
barbequed, battered and
buttered. Then it can be
used in many appropriate
recipes that use this meat
such as pies, omelets and

One can also make some
drinks from what is found
here, including some very
exotic ones.

Mossmatt mead is two
mossmatt, with hops, malt
and yeast in a cask. Be
sure to allow it to ferment

The tiny blind cave fish
you find down here actually
make a rather good pale
ale. Though it does have a
bit of a fishy taste, many
people like it anyway.
Take five tiny blind cave
fish, add water and barley
malt into a cask, and let
it ferment.

The fish fungus works to
make an interesting wine,

with a bold flavor of,
well, fish. Take two fish
fungus, water and wine
yeast and add it to a
bottle. Be sure to cork

One of the most interesting
drinks is grave ale. For
that you will collect
desiccated zombie dust,
Darkhollow skeleton dust.
Mix this well in water, add
barley, malt, and put it
all in a cask. This drink
will make you wonder if you
are dead already.

Now this I have never
understood, but some beings
down here like the
Darkhollow Constitutional.
This mix of Darkhollow
spider and basilisk venom,

Darkhollow bat saliva,
fermented yarrow, and soda
water is put in a bottle.
A tight seal is needed, so
use a corking device when
you add the cork.

I also hear that
alchemists are able to
distill seven pieces of
deep orc meat in celestial
solvent, then take that and
mix it with wormwood for
an odd effect, but I have
never seen it myself. I
tried this and it tasted
awful, but maybe alchemists
do something different with

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